/* Node-OpenDroneMap Node.js App and REST API to access OpenDroneMap. Copyright (C) 2016 Node-OpenDroneMap Contributors This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ "use strict"; const config = require('../config'); const async = require('async'); const assert = require('assert'); const logger = require('./logger'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const rmdir = require('rimraf'); const odmRunner = require('./odmRunner'); const processRunner = require('./processRunner'); const Directories = require('./Directories'); const kill = require('tree-kill'); const S3 = require('./S3'); const request = require('request'); const utils = require('./utils'); const archiver = require('archiver'); const statusCodes = require('./statusCodes'); module.exports = class Task{ constructor(uuid, name, options = [], webhook = null, skipPostProcessing = false, outputs = [], dateCreated = new Date().getTime(), done = () => {}){ assert(uuid !== undefined, "uuid must be set"); assert(done !== undefined, "ready must be set"); this.uuid = uuid; this.name = name !== "" ? name : "Task of " + (new Date()).toISOString(); this.dateCreated = isNaN(parseInt(dateCreated)) ? new Date().getTime() : parseInt(dateCreated); this.dateStarted = 0; this.processingTime = -1; this.setStatus(statusCodes.QUEUED); this.options = options; this.gcpFiles = []; this.output = []; this.runningProcesses = []; this.webhook = webhook; this.skipPostProcessing = skipPostProcessing; this.outputs = utils.parseUnsafePathsList(outputs); this.progress = 0; async.series([ // Read images info cb => { fs.readdir(this.getImagesFolderPath(), (err, files) => { if (err) cb(err); else{ this.images = files; logger.debug(`Found ${this.images.length} images for ${this.uuid}`); cb(null); } }); }, // Find GCP (if any) cb => { fs.readdir(this.getGcpFolderPath(), (err, files) => { if (err) cb(err); else{ files.forEach(file => { if (/\.txt$/gi.test(file)){ this.gcpFiles.push(file); } }); logger.debug(`Found ${this.gcpFiles.length} GCP files (${this.gcpFiles.join(" ")}) for ${this.uuid}`); cb(null); } }); } ], err => { done(err, this); }); } static CreateFromSerialized(taskJson, done){ new Task(taskJson.uuid, taskJson.name, taskJson.options, taskJson.webhook, taskJson.skipPostProcessing, taskJson.outputs, taskJson.dateCreated, (err, task) => { if (err) done(err); else{ // Override default values with those // provided in the taskJson for (let k in taskJson){ task[k] = taskJson[k]; } // Tasks that were running should be put back to QUEUED state if (task.status.code === statusCodes.RUNNING){ task.status.code = statusCodes.QUEUED; } done(null, task); } }); } // Get path where images are stored for this task // (relative to nodejs process CWD) getImagesFolderPath(){ return path.join(this.getProjectFolderPath(), "images"); } // Get path where GCP file(s) are stored // (relative to nodejs process CWD) getGcpFolderPath(){ return path.join(this.getProjectFolderPath(), "gcp"); } // Get path of project (where all images and assets folder are contained) // (relative to nodejs process CWD) getProjectFolderPath(){ return path.join(Directories.data, this.uuid); } // Get the path of the archive where all assets // outputted by this task are stored. getAssetsArchivePath(filename){ if (filename == 'all.zip'){ // OK, do nothing }else if (filename == 'orthophoto.tif'){ if (config.test){ if (config.testSkipOrthophotos) return false; else filename = path.join('..', '..', 'processing_results', 'odm_orthophoto', `odm_${filename}`); }else{ filename = path.join('odm_orthophoto', `odm_${filename}`); } }else{ return false; // Invalid } return path.join(this.getProjectFolderPath(), filename); } // Deletes files and folders related to this task cleanup(cb){ rmdir(this.getProjectFolderPath(), cb); } setStatus(code, extra){ this.status = { code: code }; for (let k in extra){ this.status[k] = extra[k]; } } updateProgress(globalProgress){ globalProgress = Math.min(100, Math.max(0, globalProgress)); // Progress updates are asynchronous (via UDP) // so things could be out of order. We ignore all progress // updates that are lower than what we might have previously received. if (globalProgress >= this.progress){ this.progress = globalProgress; } } updateProcessingTime(resetTime){ this.processingTime = resetTime ? -1 : new Date().getTime() - this.dateCreated; } startTrackingProcessingTime(){ this.updateProcessingTime(); if (!this._updateProcessingTimeInterval){ this._updateProcessingTimeInterval = setInterval(() => { this.updateProcessingTime(); }, 1000); } } stopTrackingProcessingTime(resetTime){ this.updateProcessingTime(resetTime); if (this._updateProcessingTimeInterval){ clearInterval(this._updateProcessingTimeInterval); this._updateProcessingTimeInterval = null; } } getStatus(){ return this.status.code; } isCanceled(){ return this.status.code === statusCodes.CANCELED; } isRunning(){ return this.status.code === statusCodes.RUNNING; } // Cancels the current task (unless it's already canceled) cancel(cb){ if (this.status.code !== statusCodes.CANCELED){ let wasRunning = this.status.code === statusCodes.RUNNING; this.setStatus(statusCodes.CANCELED); if (wasRunning){ this.runningProcesses.forEach(proc => { // TODO: this does NOT guarantee that // the process will immediately terminate. // For eaxmple in the case of the ODM process, the process will continue running for a while // This might need to be fixed on ODM's end. // During testing, proc is undefined if (proc) kill(proc.pid); }); this.runningProcesses = []; } this.stopTrackingProcessingTime(true); cb(null); }else{ cb(new Error("Task already cancelled")); } } // Starts processing the task with OpenDroneMap // This will spawn a new process. start(done){ const finished = err => { this.updateProgress(100); this.stopTrackingProcessingTime(); done(err); }; const postProcess = () => { const createZipArchive = (outputFilename, files) => { return (done) => { this.output.push(`Compressing ${outputFilename}\n`); const zipFile = path.resolve(this.getAssetsArchivePath(outputFilename)); const sourcePath = !config.test ? this.getProjectFolderPath() : path.join("tests", "processing_results"); const pathsToArchive = []; files.forEach(f => { if (fs.existsSync(path.join(sourcePath, f))){ pathsToArchive.push(f); } }); processRunner.sevenZip({ destination: zipFile, pathsToArchive, cwd: sourcePath }, (err, code, _) => { if (err){ logger.error(`Could not archive .zip file: ${err.message}`); done(err); }else{ if (code === 0){ this.updateProgress(97); done(); }else done(new Error(`Could not archive .zip file, 7z exited with code ${code}`)); } }); }; }; const createZipArchiveLegacy = (outputFilename, files) => { return (done) => { this.output.push(`Compressing ${outputFilename}\n`); let output = fs.createWriteStream(this.getAssetsArchivePath(outputFilename)); let archive = archiver.create('zip', { zlib: { level: 1 } // Sets the compression level (1 = best speed since most assets are already compressed) }); archive.on('finish', () => { this.updateProgress(97); // TODO: is this being fired twice? done(); }); archive.on('error', err => { logger.error(`Could not archive .zip file: ${err.message}`); done(err); }); archive.pipe(output); let globs = []; const sourcePath = !config.test ? this.getProjectFolderPath() : path.join("tests", "processing_results"); // Process files and directories first files.forEach(file => { let filePath = path.join(sourcePath, file); // Skip non-existing items if (!fs.existsSync(filePath)) return; let isGlob = /\*/.test(file), isDirectory = !isGlob && fs.lstatSync(filePath).isDirectory(); if (isDirectory){ archive.directory(filePath, file); }else if (isGlob){ globs.push(filePath); }else{ archive.file(filePath, {name: file}); } }); // Check for globs if (globs.length !== 0){ let pending = globs.length; globs.forEach(pattern => { glob(pattern, (err, files) => { if (err) done(err); else{ files.forEach(file => { if (fs.lstatSync(file).isFile()){ archive.file(file, {name: path.basename(file)}); }else{ logger.debug(`Could not add ${file} from glob`); } }); if (--pending === 0){ archive.finalize(); } } }); }); }else{ archive.finalize(); } }; }; const runPostProcessingScript = () => { return (done) => { this.runningProcesses.push( processRunner.runPostProcessingScript({ projectFolderPath: this.getProjectFolderPath() }, (err, code, _) => { if (err) done(err); else{ if (code === 0){ this.updateProgress(93); done(); }else done(new Error(`Process exited with code ${code}`)); } }, output => { this.output.push(output); }) ); }; }; // All paths are relative to the project directory (./data//) let allPaths = ['odm_orthophoto/odm_orthophoto.tif', 'odm_orthophoto/odm_orthophoto.png', 'odm_orthophoto/odm_orthophoto.mbtiles', 'odm_georeferencing', 'odm_texturing', 'odm_dem/dsm.tif', 'odm_dem/dtm.tif', 'dsm_tiles', 'dtm_tiles', 'orthophoto_tiles', 'potree_pointcloud', 'entwine_pointcloud', 'images.json', 'cameras.json', 'odm_report']; // Did the user request different outputs than the default? if (this.outputs.length > 0) allPaths = this.outputs; let tasks = []; if (config.test){ if (config.testSkipOrthophotos){ logger.info("Test mode will skip orthophoto generation"); // Exclude these folders from the all.zip archive ['odm_orthophoto/odm_orthophoto.tif', 'odm_orthophoto/odm_orthophoto.mbtiles', 'orthophoto_tiles'].forEach(dir => { allPaths.splice(allPaths.indexOf(dir), 1); }); } if (config.testSkipDems){ logger.info("Test mode will skip DEMs generation"); // Exclude these folders from the all.zip archive ['odm_dem/dsm.tif', 'odm_dem/dtm.tif', 'dsm_tiles', 'dtm_tiles'].forEach(p => { allPaths.splice(allPaths.indexOf(p), 1); }); } if (config.testSeconds){ logger.info(`Test mode will sleep for ${config.testSeconds} seconds before finishing processing`); tasks.push(done => setTimeout(done, config.testSeconds * 1000)); } if (config.testFailTasks){ logger.info("Test mode will fail the task"); tasks.push(done => done(new Error("Test fail"))); } } if (!this.skipPostProcessing) tasks.push(runPostProcessingScript()); const archiveFunc = config.has7z ? createZipArchive : createZipArchiveLegacy; tasks.push(archiveFunc('all.zip', allPaths)); // Upload to S3 all paths + all.zip file (if config says so) if (S3.enabled()){ tasks.push((done) => { let s3Paths; if (config.test){ s3Paths = ['all.zip']; // During testing only upload all.zip }else if (config.s3UploadEverything){ s3Paths = ['all.zip'].concat(allPaths); }else{ s3Paths = ['all.zip', 'odm_orthophoto/odm_orthophoto.tif']; } S3.uploadPaths(this.getProjectFolderPath(), config.s3Bucket, this.uuid, s3Paths, err => { if (!err) this.output.push("Done uploading to S3!"); done(err); }, output => this.output.push(output)); }); } async.series(tasks, (err) => { if (!err){ this.setStatus(statusCodes.COMPLETED); finished(); }else{ this.setStatus(statusCodes.FAILED); finished(err); } }); }; if (this.status.code === statusCodes.QUEUED){ this.startTrackingProcessingTime(); this.dateStarted = new Date().getTime(); this.setStatus(statusCodes.RUNNING); let runnerOptions = this.options.reduce((result, opt) => { result[opt.name] = opt.value; return result; }, {}); runnerOptions["project-path"] = fs.realpathSync(Directories.data); if (this.gcpFiles.length > 0){ runnerOptions.gcp = fs.realpathSync(path.join(this.getGcpFolderPath(), this.gcpFiles[0])); } this.runningProcesses.push(odmRunner.run(runnerOptions, this.uuid, (err, code, signal) => { if (err){ this.setStatus(statusCodes.FAILED, {errorMessage: `Could not start process (${err.message})`}); finished(err); }else{ // Don't evaluate if we caused the process to exit via SIGINT? if (this.status.code !== statusCodes.CANCELED){ if (code === 0){ postProcess(); }else{ this.setStatus(statusCodes.FAILED, {errorMessage: `Process exited with code ${code}`}); finished(); } }else{ finished(); } } }, output => { // Replace console colors output = output.replace(/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m/g, ""); // Split lines and trim output.trim().split('\n').forEach(line => { this.output.push(line.trim()); }); }) ); return true; }else{ return false; } } // Re-executes the task (by setting it's state back to QUEUED) // Only tasks that have been canceled, completed or have failed can be restarted. restart(options, cb){ if ([statusCodes.CANCELED, statusCodes.FAILED, statusCodes.COMPLETED].indexOf(this.status.code) !== -1){ this.setStatus(statusCodes.QUEUED); this.dateCreated = new Date().getTime(); this.dateStarted = 0; this.output = []; this.progress = 0; this.stopTrackingProcessingTime(true); if (options !== undefined) this.options = options; cb(null); }else{ cb(new Error("Task cannot be restarted")); } } // Returns the description of the task. getInfo(){ return { uuid: this.uuid, name: this.name, dateCreated: this.dateCreated, processingTime: this.processingTime, status: this.status, options: this.options, imagesCount: this.images.length, progress: this.progress }; } // Returns the output of the OpenDroneMap process // Optionally starting from a certain line number getOutput(startFromLine = 0){ return this.output.slice(startFromLine, this.output.length); } // Reads the contents of the tasks's // images.json and returns its JSON representation readImagesDatabase(callback){ const imagesDbPath = !config.test ? path.join(this.getProjectFolderPath(), 'images.json') : path.join('tests', 'processing_results', 'images.json'); fs.readFile(imagesDbPath, 'utf8', (err, data) => { if (err) callback(err); else{ try{ const json = JSON.parse(data); callback(null, json); }catch(e){ callback(e); } } }); } callWebhooks(){ // Hooks can be passed via command line // or for each individual task const hooks = [this.webhook, config.webhook]; this.readImagesDatabase((err, images) => { if (err) logger.warn(err); // Continue with callback if (!images) images = []; let json = this.getInfo(); json.images = images; hooks.forEach(hook => { if (hook && hook.length > 3){ const notifyCallback = (attempt) => { if (attempt > 5){ logger.warn(`Webhook invokation failed, will not retry: ${hook}`); return; } request.post(hook, { json }, (error, response) => { if (error || response.statusCode != 200){ logger.warn(`Webhook invokation failed, will retry in a bit: ${hook}`); setTimeout(() => { notifyCallback(attempt + 1); }, attempt * 5000); }else{ logger.debug(`Webhook invoked: ${hook}`); } }); }; notifyCallback(0); } }); }); } // Returns the data necessary to serialize this // task to restore it later. serialize(){ return { uuid: this.uuid, name: this.name, dateCreated: this.dateCreated, dateStarted: this.dateStarted, status: this.status, options: this.options, webhook: this.webhook, skipPostProcessing: !!this.skipPostProcessing, outputs: this.outputs || [] }; } };