Fix alignment file search

pull/191/head v2.2.1
Piero Toffanin 2023-01-13 10:52:57 -05:00
rodzic 5d6c1e787b
commit fc5c87e9c8
7 zmienionych plików z 12 dodań i 11 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ REST API to access ODM
=== Version information
_Version_ : 2.1.4
_Version_ : 2.2.1
=== Contact information
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ _optional_|Token required for authentication (when authentication is required).|
|*FormData*|*dateCreated* +
_optional_|An optional timestamp overriding the default creation date of the task.|integer|
|*FormData*|*images* +
_optional_|Images to process, plus optional files such as a GEO file (geo.txt), image groups file (image_groups.txt), GCP file (*.txt) or seed file ( If included, the GCP file should have .txt extension. If included, the seed archive pre-polulates the task directory with its contents.|file|
_optional_|Images to process, plus optional files such as a GEO file (geo.txt), image groups file (image_groups.txt), GCP file (*.txt), seed file ( or alignment files (align.las, align.laz, align.tif). If included, the GCP file should have .txt extension. If included, the seed archive pre-polulates the task directory with its contents.|file|
|*FormData*|*name* +
_optional_|An optional name to be associated with the task|string|
|*FormData*|*options* +
@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ _required_|UUID of the task|string|
|*Query*|*token* +
_optional_|Token required for authentication (when authentication is required).|string|
|*FormData*|*images* +
_required_|Images to process, plus optional files such as a GEO file (geo.txt), image groups file (image_groups.txt), GCP file (*.txt) or seed file ( If included, the GCP file should have .txt extension. If included, the seed archive pre-polulates the task directory with its contents.|file|
_required_|Images to process, plus optional files such as a GEO file (geo.txt), image groups file (image_groups.txt), GCP file (*.txt), seed file ( or alignment files (align.las, align.laz, align.tif). If included, the GCP file should have .txt extension. If included, the seed archive pre-polulates the task directory with its contents.|file|

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

Wyświetl plik

@ -142,7 +142,7 @@'/task/new/init', authCheck, taskNew.assignUUID, formDataParser, taskNe
* -
* name: images
* in: formData
* description: Images to process, plus optional files such as a GEO file (geo.txt), image groups file (image_groups.txt), GCP file (*.txt) or seed file ( If included, the GCP file should have .txt extension. If included, the seed archive pre-polulates the task directory with its contents.
* description: Images to process, plus optional files such as a GEO file (geo.txt), image groups file (image_groups.txt), GCP file (*.txt), seed file ( or alignment files (align.las, align.laz, align.tif). If included, the GCP file should have .txt extension. If included, the seed archive pre-polulates the task directory with its contents.
* required: true
* type: file
* -
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@'/task/new/commit/:uuid', authCheck, taskNew.getUUID, taskNew.handleCom
* -
* name: images
* in: formData
* description: Images to process, plus optional files such as a GEO file (geo.txt), image groups file (image_groups.txt), GCP file (*.txt) or seed file ( If included, the GCP file should have .txt extension. If included, the seed archive pre-polulates the task directory with its contents.
* description: Images to process, plus optional files such as a GEO file (geo.txt), image groups file (image_groups.txt), GCP file (*.txt), seed file ( or alignment files (align.las, align.laz, align.tif). If included, the GCP file should have .txt extension. If included, the seed archive pre-polulates the task directory with its contents.
* required: false
* type: file
* -

Wyświetl plik

@ -89,9 +89,10 @@ module.exports = class Task{
}else if (/\.txt$/gi.test(file)){
}else if (/^align.(tif|laz|las)$/.test(file)){
}else if (/^align\.(tif|laz|las)$/gi.test(file)){
logger.debug(`Found ${this.gcpFiles.length} GCP files (${this.gcpFiles.join(" ")}) for ${this.uuid}`);
logger.debug(`Found ${this.geoFiles.length} GEO files (${this.geoFiles.join(" ")}) for ${this.uuid}`);

Wyświetl plik

@ -363,13 +363,13 @@ module.exports = {
cb => {
// Find any *.txt (GCP) file and move it to the data/<uuid>/gcp directory
// Find any *.txt (GCP) file or alignment file and move it to the data/<uuid>/gcp directory
// also remove any lingering
fs.readdir(destImagesPath, (err, entries) => {
if (err) cb(err);
else {
async.eachSeries(entries, (entry, cb) => {
if (/\.txt$/gi.test(entry)) {
if (/\.txt$/gi.test(entry) || /^align\.(las|laz|tif)$/gi.test(entry)) {
mv(path.join(destImagesPath, entry), path.join(destGcpPath, entry), cb);
}else if (/\.zip$/gi.test(entry)){
fs.unlink(path.join(destImagesPath, entry), cb);

Wyświetl plik

@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ $(function() {
url : "/task/new/upload/",
parallelUploads: 8, // max parallel connections
uploadMultiple: false,
acceptedFiles: "image/*,text/*,application/*",
acceptedFiles: "image/*,text/*,application/*,.las,.laz",
autoProcessQueue: false,
createImageThumbnails: false,
previewTemplate: '<div style="display:none"></div>',

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long