/* * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2020 DigitalConfections * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ /* * Microfox Arduino nano version. Converted from PIC C November 2019 * Jerry Boyd WB8WFK * This controller will replace the Albuquerque VHF and HF microfox pic based controller * * */ #include "defs.h" #include "linkbus.h" #include "morse.h" #include #if COMPILE_FOR_ATMELSTUDIO7 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "delay.h" #include "ardooweeno.h" #endif /* COMPILE_FOR_ATMELSTUDIO7 */ #define MAX_PATTERN_TEXT_LENGTH 20 #define TEMP_STRING_LENGTH (MAX_PATTERN_TEXT_LENGTH + 10) volatile int32_t g_seconds_since_sync = 0; /* Total elapsed time counter */ volatile FoxType g_fox = BEACON; /* Sets Fox number not set by ISR. Set in startup and checked in main. */ volatile int g_active = 0; /* Disable active. set and clear in ISR. Checked in main. */ volatile int g_on_the_air = 0; /* Controls transmitter Morse activity */ volatile int g_code_throttle = 0; /* Adjusts Morse code speed */ const char g_morsePatterns[][6] = { "MO ", "MOE ", "MOI ", "MOS ", "MOH ", "MO5 ", "", "5", "S", "ME", "MI", "MS", "MH", "M5", "OE", "OI", "OS", "OH", "O5" }; volatile BOOL g_callsign_sent = FALSE; volatile BOOL g_blinky_time = FALSE; volatile int g_on_air_interval = 0; volatile int g_fox_seconds_into_interval = 0; volatile int g_fox_counter = 1; volatile int g_number_of_foxes = 0; volatile BOOL g_fox_transition = FALSE; volatile int g_fox_id_offset = 0; volatile int g_id_interval = 0; volatile BOOL g_time_to_ID = FALSE; volatile int g_startclock_interval = 60; volatile int g_fox_tone_offset = 1; volatile BOOL g_audio_tone_state = FALSE; volatile uint8_t g_lastSeconds = 0x00; volatile int16_t g_sync_pin_timer = 0; volatile BOOL g_sync_pin_stable = FALSE; volatile BOOL g_sync_enabled = TRUE; #if !COMPILE_FOR_ATMELSTUDIO7 FoxType operator++ (volatile FoxType &orig, int) { orig = static_cast < FoxType > (orig + 1); /* static_cast required because enum + int -> int */ if(orig > INVALID_FOX) { orig = INVALID_FOX; } return( orig); } FoxType operator += (volatile FoxType &a, int b) { a = static_cast < FoxType > (a + b); /* static_cast required because enum + int -> int */ return( a); } #endif /* COMPILE_FOR_ATMELSTUDIO7 */ /*********************************************************************** * Global Variables & String Constants * * Identify each global with a "g_" prefix * Whenever possible limit globals' scope to this file using "static" * Use "volatile" for globals shared between ISRs and foreground ************************************************************************/ static uint8_t EEMEM ee_interface_eeprom_initialization_flag = EEPROM_UNINITIALIZED; static char EEMEM ee_stationID_text[MAX_PATTERN_TEXT_LENGTH + 1]; static char EEMEM ee_pattern_text[MAX_PATTERN_TEXT_LENGTH + 1]; static uint8_t EEMEM ee_pattern_codespeed; static uint8_t EEMEM ee_id_codespeed; static uint16_t EEMEM ee_ID_time; static uint16_t EEMEM ee_clock_calibration; static uint8_t EEMEM ee_override_DIP_switches; static uint8_t EEMEM ee_enable_LEDs; static int16_t EEMEM ee_temp_calibration; static uint8_t EEMEM ee_enable_start_timer; static uint8_t EEMEM ee_enable_transmitter; static char g_messages_text[2][MAX_PATTERN_TEXT_LENGTH + 1] = { "\0", "\0" }; static volatile uint8_t g_id_codespeed = EEPROM_ID_CODE_SPEED_DEFAULT; static volatile uint8_t g_pattern_codespeed = EEPROM_PATTERN_CODE_SPEED_DEFAULT; static volatile uint16_t g_time_needed_for_ID = 0; static volatile int16_t g_ID_period_seconds = EEPROM_ID_TIME_INTERVAL_DEFAULT; /* amount of time between ID/callsign transmissions */ static volatile uint16_t g_clock_calibration = EEPROM_CLOCK_CALIBRATION_DEFAULT; static volatile int16_t g_temp_calibration = EEPROM_TEMP_CALIBRATION_DEFAULT; static volatile uint8_t g_override_DIP_switches = EEPROM_OVERRIDE_DIP_SW_DEFAULT; static volatile uint8_t g_enable_LEDs; static volatile uint8_t g_enable_start_timer; static volatile uint8_t g_enable_transmitter; static char g_tempStr[TEMP_STRING_LENGTH] = { '\0' }; static volatile uint8_t g_LEDs_Timed_Out = FALSE; /* * Function Prototypes */ void handleLinkBusMsgs(void); BOOL initializeEEPROMVars(void); void saveAllEEPROM(void); float getTemp(void); uint16_t readADC(); void setUpTemp(void); void sendMorseTone(BOOL onOff); void playStartingTone(uint8_t toneFreq); void wdt_set(WDReset resetType); void doSynchronization(void); void setupForFox(void); void softwareReset(void); #if COMPILE_FOR_ATMELSTUDIO7 void loop(void); int main(void) #else void setup() #endif /* COMPILE_FOR_ATMELSTUDIO7 */ { while(initializeEEPROMVars()) { ; /* Initialize variables stored in EEPROM */ } setUpTemp(); cli(); /*stop interrupts for setup */ /* set pins as outputs */ pinMode(PIN_LED, OUTPUT); /* The amber LED: This led blinks when off cycle and blinks with code when on cycle. */ digitalWrite(PIN_LED, OFF); pinMode(PIN_MORSE_KEY, OUTPUT); /* This pin is used to control the KEY line to the transmitter only active on cycle. */ digitalWrite(PIN_MORSE_KEY, OFF); pinMode(PIN_AUDIO_OUT, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(PIN_AUDIO_OUT, OFF); pinMode(PIN_SYNC, INPUT_PULLUP); /* Sync button */ pinMode(PIN_DIP_0, INPUT_PULLUP); /* DIP switch LSB */ pinMode(PIN_DIP_1, INPUT_PULLUP); /* DIP switch middle bit */ pinMode(PIN_DIP_2, INPUT_PULLUP); /* DIP switch MSB */ digitalWrite(PIN_LED, OFF); /* Turn off led sync switch is now open */ /* Set unused pins as outputs pulled high */ pinMode(PIN_UNUSED_7, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(PIN_UNUSED_8, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(PIN_UNUSED_10, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(PIN_UNUSED_12, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A0, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A1, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A2, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(A3, INPUT_PULLUP); #if !CAL_SIGNAL_ON_PD3 pinMode(PIN_CAL_OUT, INPUT_PULLUP); #endif /* set timer1 interrupt at 1Hz */ TCCR1A = 0; /* set entire TCCR1A register to 0 */ TCCR1B = 0; /* same for TCCR1B */ TCNT1 = 0; /*initialize counter value to 0 */ /* Set compare match register for 1hz increments ************************************************************ ** USE THIS TO CALIBRATE FOR BOARD PROCESSOR CLOCK ERROR ************************************************************/ /* first testing found bad drift relative to a gps stable clock (iphone timer) is was 10 seconds in about 50 minutes * Today I measured the Arduino nano 16 Mhz clock and it was 16.050 MHz. Yes 50 Khz high!! * OCR1A = 15624;// = (16*10^6) / (1*1024) - 1 (must be <65536) //was 15624 for 16.000 MHz on center frequency clock * OCR1A = 15672;// = (16.043*10^6) / (1*1024) - 1 (must be <65536) //15672 computed for + 16.050 MHz off frequency clock board 4 * OCR1A = 15661;// = (16.0386*10^6) / (1*1024) - 1 (must be <65536) //15661 computed for + 16.0386 MHz off frequency clock board 3 */ /* OCR1A = 15629;/ * = (16.006*10^6) / (1*1024) - 1 (must be <65536) //15629 computed for + 16.006 MHz off frequency clock board 3 * / */ OCR1A = g_clock_calibration; /* turn on CTC mode */ TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12); /* Set CS11 bit for 1024 prescaler */ TCCR1B |= (1 << CS12) | (1 << CS10); /* enable timer compare interrupt */ TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A); /** * TIMER2 is for periodic interrupts to drive Morse code generation */ /* Reset control registers */ TCCR2A = 0; TCCR2B = 0; TCCR2A |= (1 << WGM21); /* set Clear Timer on Compare Match (CTC) mode with OCR2A setting the top */ #if CAL_SIGNAL_ON_PD3 pinMode(PIN_CAL_OUT, OUTPUT); /* 601Hz Calibration Signal */ TCCR2A |= (1 << COM2A0); /* Toggle OC2A (PB3) on compare match */ #endif /* CAL_SIGNAL_ON_PD3 */ TCCR2B |= (1 << CS22) | (1 << CS21) | (1 << CS20); /* 1024 Prescaler */ OCR2A = 0x0C; /* set frequency to ~300 Hz (0x0c) */ OCR2B = 0x00; /* Use system clock for Timer/Counter2 */ ASSR &= ~(1 << AS2); /* Reset Timer/Counter2 Interrupt Mask Register */ TIMSK2 = 0; TIMSK2 |= (1 << OCIE2B); /* Output Compare Match B Interrupt Enable */ /* Timer 0 is for audio Start tone generation and control * Note: Do not use millis() or DELAY() after TIMER0 has been reconfigured here! */ TCCR0A = 0x00; TCCR0A |= (1 << WGM01); /* Set CTC mode */ TCCR0B = 0x00; TCCR0B |= (1 << CS02); /* Prescale 256 */ OCR0A = DEFAULT_TONE_FREQUENCY; TIMSK0 = 0x00; TIMSK0 |= (1 << OCIE0A); /* Sync button pin change interrupt */ PCMSK2 = 0x00; PCMSK2 = (1 << PCINT19); /* Enable PCINT19 */ PCICR = 0x00; PCICR = (1 << PCIE2); /* Enable pin change interrupt 2 */ sei(); /* Enable interrupts */ linkbus_init(BAUD); /* Start the Link Bus serial comms */ setupForFox(); lb_send_string((char*)"\n\nStored Data:\n", TRUE); sprintf(g_tempStr, " ID: %s\n", g_messages_text[STATION_ID]); lb_send_string(g_tempStr, TRUE); sprintf(g_tempStr, " CAL: %u\n", g_clock_calibration); lb_send_string(g_tempStr, TRUE); sprintf(g_tempStr, " DIP: %u\n", g_override_DIP_switches); lb_send_string(g_tempStr, TRUE); sprintf(g_tempStr, " LED: %s\n", g_enable_LEDs ? "ON" : "OFF"); lb_send_string(g_tempStr, TRUE); sprintf(g_tempStr, " STA: %s\n", g_enable_start_timer ? "ON" : "OFF"); lb_send_string(g_tempStr, TRUE); sprintf(g_tempStr, " TXE: %s\n", g_enable_transmitter ? "ON" : "OFF"); lb_send_string(g_tempStr, TRUE); lb_send_NewPrompt(); #if !HARDWARE_EXTERNAL_DIP_PULLUPS_INSTALLED /* Disable pull-ups to save power */ pinMode(PIN_DIP_0, INPUT); /* fox switch LSB */ pinMode(PIN_DIP_1, INPUT); /* fox switch middle bit */ pinMode(PIN_DIP_2, INPUT); /* fox switch MSB */ pinMode(PIN_DIP_0, OUTPUT); pinMode(PIN_DIP_1, OUTPUT); pinMode(PIN_DIP_2, OUTPUT); #endif /* HARDWARE_EXTERNAL_DIP_PULLUPS_INSTALLED */ #if COMPILE_FOR_ATMELSTUDIO7 while(1) { loop(); } #endif /* COMPILE_FOR_ATMELSTUDIO7 */ }/*end setup */ /*********************************************************************** * Pin Change Interrupt 2 ISR * * Handles SYNC pin operation * ************************************************************************/ ISR(PCINT2_vect) { BOOL pinVal = digitalRead(3); if(pinVal) /* Sync is high */ { if(g_sync_pin_stable) { doSynchronization(); } } g_sync_pin_timer = 0; } /*********************************************************************** * USART Rx Interrupt ISR * * This ISR is responsible for reading characters from the USART * receive buffer to implement the Linkbus. * * Message format: * $id,f1,f2... fn; * where * id = Linkbus MessageID * fn = variable length fields * ; = end of message flag * ************************************************************************/ ISR(USART_RX_vect) { static char textBuff[LINKBUS_MAX_COMMANDLINE_LENGTH]; static LinkbusRxBuffer* buff = NULL; static uint8_t charIndex = 0; static uint8_t field_index = 0; static uint8_t field_len = 0; static int msg_ID = 0; static BOOL receiving_msg = FALSE; uint8_t rx_char; rx_char = UDR0; if(!buff) { buff = nextEmptyRxBuffer(); } if(buff) { static uint8_t ignoreCount = 0; rx_char = toupper(rx_char); if(ignoreCount) { rx_char = '\0'; ignoreCount--; } else if(rx_char == 0x1B) /* Ignore ESC sequences */ { rx_char = '\0'; if(charIndex < LINKBUS_MAX_MSG_FIELD_LENGTH) { rx_char = textBuff[charIndex]; } ignoreCount = 2; /* throw out the next two characters */ } else if(rx_char == 0x0D) /* Handle carriage return */ { if(receiving_msg) { if(charIndex > 0) { buff->type = LINKBUS_MSG_QUERY; buff->id = (LBMessageID)msg_ID; if(field_index > 0) /* terminate the last field */ { buff->fields[field_index - 1][field_len] = 0; } textBuff[charIndex] = '\0'; /* terminate last-message buffer */ } lb_send_NewLine(); } else { buff->id = INVALID_MESSAGE; /* print help message */ } charIndex = 0; field_len = 0; msg_ID = MESSAGE_EMPTY; field_index = 0; buff = NULL; receiving_msg = FALSE; } else if(rx_char) { textBuff[charIndex] = rx_char; /* hold the characters for re-use */ if(charIndex) { if(rx_char == 0x7F) /* Handle backspace */ { charIndex--; if(field_index == 0) { msg_ID -= textBuff[charIndex]; msg_ID /= 10; } else if(field_len) { field_len--; buff->fields[field_index - 1][field_len] = '\0'; } else if(textBuff[charIndex] == ' ') { field_index--; field_len = strlen(buff->fields[field_index]); } else { buff->fields[field_index][0] = '\0'; field_index--; } textBuff[charIndex] = '\0'; /* replace deleted char with null */ if(charIndex == 0) { receiving_msg = FALSE; } } else { if(rx_char == ' ') { if((textBuff[charIndex - 1] == ' ') || ((field_index + 1) >= LINKBUS_MAX_MSG_NUMBER_OF_FIELDS)) { rx_char = '\0'; } else { if(field_index > 0) { buff->fields[field_index - 1][field_len] = '\0'; } field_index++; field_len = 0; charIndex = MIN(charIndex + 1, (LINKBUS_MAX_COMMANDLINE_LENGTH - 1)); } } else if(field_len < LINKBUS_MAX_MSG_FIELD_LENGTH) { if(field_index == 0) /* message ID received */ { msg_ID = msg_ID * 10 + rx_char; field_len++; } else { buff->fields[field_index - 1][field_len++] = rx_char; buff->fields[field_index - 1][field_len] = '\0'; } charIndex = MIN(charIndex + 1, (LINKBUS_MAX_COMMANDLINE_LENGTH - 1)); } else { rx_char = '\0'; } } } else { if(rx_char == 0x7F) /* Handle Backspace */ { if(msg_ID <= 0) { rx_char = '\0'; } msg_ID = 0; } else if(rx_char == ' ') /* Handle Space */ { rx_char = '\0'; } else /* start of new message */ { uint8_t i; field_index = 0; msg_ID = rx_char; /* Empty the field buffers */ for(i = 0; i < LINKBUS_MAX_MSG_NUMBER_OF_FIELDS; i++) { buff->fields[i][0] = '\0'; } receiving_msg = TRUE; charIndex++; } } if(rx_char) { lb_echo_char(rx_char); } } } } /* End of UART Rx ISR */ /*********************************************************************** * USART Tx UDRE ISR * * This ISR is responsible for filling the USART transmit buffer. It * implements the transmit function of the Linkbus. * ************************************************************************/ ISR(USART_UDRE_vect) { static LinkbusTxBuffer* buff = 0; static uint8_t charIndex = 0; if(!buff) { buff = nextFullTxBuffer(); } if((*buff)[charIndex]) { /* Put data into buffer, sends the data */ UDR0 = (*buff)[charIndex++]; } else { charIndex = 0; (*buff)[0] = '\0'; buff = nextFullTxBuffer(); if(!buff) { linkbus_end_tx(); } } } /* End of UART Tx ISR */ /*********************************************************************** * Timer/Counter2 Compare Match B ISR * * Handles periodic tasks not requiring precise timing. ************************************************************************/ ISR( TIMER2_COMPB_vect ) { static uint16_t codeInc = 0; static int blink_counter = 100; static int blink_count_direction = -1; static uint8_t hold_last10sec = 0; static int starting_blip = 0; static int starting_boop = 0; static BOOL playMorse = TRUE; BOOL repeat = TRUE, finished = FALSE; if(g_sync_enabled) { if(digitalRead(PIN_SYNC) == LOW) { if(g_sync_pin_timer < TIMER2_SECONDS_3) { g_sync_pin_timer++; } if(g_sync_pin_timer > TIMER2_SECONDS_1) { g_sync_pin_stable = TRUE; digitalWrite(PIN_LED, HIGH); } } } if(blink_counter < -BLINK_LONG) { blink_count_direction = 1; } if(blink_counter > BLINK_SHORT) { blink_count_direction = -1; } blink_counter += blink_count_direction; if(blink_counter < 0) { g_blinky_time = TRUE; } else { g_blinky_time = FALSE; } if(g_enable_start_timer) { if(hold_last10sec != g_lastSeconds) { hold_last10sec = g_lastSeconds; if(hold_last10sec > 0) { playMorse = FALSE; starting_blip = BLINK_SHORT; } else if(hold_last10sec == 0) { starting_blip = 0; starting_boop = TIMER2_SECONDS_2; } } if(starting_blip) { starting_blip--; if(starting_blip) { if(g_lastSeconds > 5) { playStartingTone(TONE_500Hz); } else { playStartingTone(TONE_600Hz); } } else { playStartingTone(0); } } else if(starting_boop) { starting_boop--; if(!starting_boop) { playStartingTone(0); playMorse = TRUE; } else { playStartingTone(TONE_400Hz); } } } static BOOL key = OFF; if(g_on_the_air > 0) { if(codeInc) { codeInc--; if(!codeInc) { key = makeMorse(NULL, &repeat, &finished); if(!repeat && finished) /* ID has completed, so resume pattern */ { /* g_code_throttle = THROTTLE_VAL_FROM_WPM(g_pattern_codespeed); * repeat = TRUE; * makeMorse(g_messages_text[PATTERN_TEXT], &repeat, NULL); * key = makeMorse(NULL, &repeat, &finished); */ key = OFF; g_callsign_sent = TRUE; if(playMorse) { sendMorseTone(OFF); } } if(key) { if(!g_LEDs_Timed_Out) { digitalWrite(PIN_LED, HIGH); /* LED */ } if(g_enable_transmitter) { digitalWrite(PIN_MORSE_KEY, HIGH); /* TX key line */ } } if(playMorse) { sendMorseTone(key); } } } else { if(!g_LEDs_Timed_Out && !g_sync_pin_stable) { digitalWrite(PIN_LED, key); /* LED */ } if(g_enable_transmitter) { digitalWrite(PIN_MORSE_KEY, key); /* TX key line */ } codeInc = g_code_throttle; if(playMorse) { sendMorseTone(key); } } } else if(!g_on_the_air) { if(key) { key = OFF; if(!g_sync_pin_stable) { digitalWrite(PIN_LED, OFF); /* LED Off */ } digitalWrite(PIN_MORSE_KEY, OFF); /* TX key line */ } if(playMorse) { sendMorseTone(OFF); } } } /* End of Timer 2 ISR */ /*********************************************************************** * Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A ISR * * Handles once-per-second tasks ************************************************************************/ /* * here is our main ISR for the ARDF 1-second timer * modified from ISR example for microfox by Jerry Boyd WB8WFK * this runs once a second and generates the cycle and sets control flags for the main controller. */ ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) /*timer1 interrupt 1Hz */ { static int id_countdown = 0; if(g_seconds_since_sync == 0) /* sync just occurred */ { id_countdown = g_id_interval; g_fox_counter = 1; g_lastSeconds = 0; } g_seconds_since_sync++; /* Total elapsed time counter */ g_fox_seconds_into_interval++; if(id_countdown) { id_countdown--; } if(g_number_of_foxes && ((g_seconds_since_sync % g_on_air_interval) == 0)) { g_fox_counter++; if(g_fox_counter > g_number_of_foxes) { g_fox_counter = 1; if(g_sync_enabled) { PCMSK2 &= ~(1 << PCINT19); /* Disable PCINT19 */ PCICR &= ~(1 << PCIE2); /* Disable pin change interrupt 2 */ pinMode(PIN_SYNC, INPUT); pinMode(PIN_SYNC, OUTPUT); /* Set sync pin as output low */ g_sync_enabled = FALSE; } g_LEDs_Timed_Out = TRUE; digitalWrite(PIN_LED, OFF); } g_fox_transition = TRUE; g_fox_seconds_into_interval = 0; if(!id_countdown) { id_countdown = g_id_interval; g_time_to_ID = TRUE; } } if(g_enable_start_timer && ((g_seconds_since_sync + 11) % g_startclock_interval <= 10)) { g_lastSeconds = (uint8_t)((g_seconds_since_sync + 11) % g_startclock_interval); } else { g_lastSeconds = 0; } } /* end of Timer1 ISR */ /* This interrupt generates an audio tone on the audio out pin. */ SIGNAL(TIMER0_COMPA_vect) { static BOOL toggle = 0; toggle = !toggle; if(g_audio_tone_state) { if(toggle) { digitalWrite(PIN_AUDIO_OUT,ON); } else { digitalWrite(PIN_AUDIO_OUT,OFF); } } else { digitalWrite(PIN_AUDIO_OUT,OFF); } } /* * * Here is the main loop for the Microfox Transmitter * * */ void loop() { static int time_for_id = 99; static BOOL id_set = TRUE; static BOOL proceed = FALSE; /************************************** * The watchdog must be petted periodically to keep it from barking **************************************/ cli(); wdt_reset(); /* HW watchdog */ sei(); handleLinkBusMsgs(); if(!g_on_the_air || proceed) { proceed = FALSE; /* Choose the appropriate Morse pattern to be sent */ if(g_fox == FOX_DEMO) { strcpy(g_messages_text[PATTERN_TEXT],g_morsePatterns[g_fox_counter]); } else if(g_fox == SPRINT_DEMO) { strcpy(g_messages_text[PATTERN_TEXT],g_morsePatterns[g_fox_counter + 8]); } else { strcpy(g_messages_text[PATTERN_TEXT],g_morsePatterns[g_fox]); } /* At the appropriate time set the pattern to be sent and start transmissions */ if((g_fox == FOX_DEMO) || (g_fox == SPRINT_DEMO) || (g_fox == BEACON) || (g_fox == FOXORING) || (g_fox == SPECTATOR) || (g_fox == (g_fox_counter + g_fox_id_offset))) { BOOL repeat = TRUE; g_code_throttle = THROTTLE_VAL_FROM_WPM(g_pattern_codespeed); makeMorse(g_messages_text[PATTERN_TEXT],&repeat,NULL); if(g_time_to_ID || (g_id_interval <= g_on_air_interval)) { time_for_id = g_on_air_interval - (500 + timeRequiredToSendStrAtWPM(g_messages_text[STATION_ID],g_id_codespeed)) / 1000; g_time_to_ID = FALSE; } else { time_for_id = g_on_air_interval + 99; /* prevent sending ID */ } id_set = FALSE; g_on_the_air = TRUE; g_callsign_sent = FALSE; g_fox_transition = FALSE; g_fox_tone_offset = g_fox_counter; } else { if(!g_LEDs_Timed_Out) /* below will flash LED when off cycle for a heartbeat indicator */ { if(g_blinky_time) { if(!g_sync_pin_stable) { digitalWrite(PIN_LED,OFF); } } else { digitalWrite(PIN_LED,ON); } } } } else { if(!id_set && (g_fox_seconds_into_interval == time_for_id)) /* Send the call sign at the right time */ { g_code_throttle = THROTTLE_VAL_FROM_WPM(g_id_codespeed); BOOL repeat = FALSE; makeMorse(g_messages_text[STATION_ID],&repeat,NULL); id_set = TRUE; g_callsign_sent = FALSE; } else if((g_fox >= SPRINT_S1) && (g_fox <= SPRINT_DEMO)) { if(g_fox_transition) { g_fox_transition = FALSE; g_on_the_air = FALSE; proceed = TRUE; } } if((g_fox == FOX_DEMO) || (g_fox == SPRINT_DEMO)) { if((g_callsign_sent) && g_fox_transition) /* Ensure we've begun the next minute before proceeding */ { proceed = TRUE; } } else if((g_fox == BEACON) || (g_fox == FOXORING) || (g_fox == SPECTATOR)) /* Proceed as soon as the callsign has been sent */ { if(g_callsign_sent) { proceed = TRUE; } } else if((g_fox >= SPRINT_S1) && (g_fox <= SPRINT_F5) && g_callsign_sent) { g_on_the_air = FALSE; } else if((g_fox != g_fox_counter) && g_callsign_sent) /* Turn off transmissions during minutes when this fox should be silent */ { g_on_the_air = FALSE; } } } /* End of main loop() */ void sendMorseTone(BOOL onOff) { if(!g_lastSeconds) { OCR0A = DEFAULT_TONE_FREQUENCY - g_fox_tone_offset; g_audio_tone_state = onOff; } else { OCR0A = DEFAULT_TONE_FREQUENCY; g_audio_tone_state = OFF; } } void playStartingTone(uint8_t toneFreq) { if(toneFreq > 0) { OCR0A = toneFreq; g_audio_tone_state = ON; } else { OCR0A = DEFAULT_TONE_FREQUENCY; g_audio_tone_state = OFF; } } /* The compiler does not seem to optimize large switch statements correctly */ void __attribute__((optimize("O0"))) handleLinkBusMsgs() { LinkbusRxBuffer* lb_buff; BOOL send_ack = TRUE; while((lb_buff = nextFullRxBuffer())) { LBMessageID msg_id = lb_buff->id; switch(msg_id) { case MESSAGE_RESET: { softwareReset(); } break; case MESSAGE_OVERRIDE_DIP: { FoxType holdFox = (FoxType)g_override_DIP_switches; int c = (int)(lb_buff->fields[FIELD1][0]); if(c) { if(c == 'B') { c = BEACON; } else if(c == 'D') { char t = lb_buff->fields[FIELD2][0]; if(t == 'S') { c = SPRINT_DEMO; } else { c = FOX_DEMO; } } else if(c == 'F') { c = FOXORING; } else if(c == 'C') { char t = lb_buff->fields[FIELD2][0]; lb_buff->fields[FIELD2][1] = '\0'; if(t == 'B') { t = '0'; } if(isdigit(t)) { c = CLAMP(BEACON,atoi(lb_buff->fields[FIELD2]),FOX_5); } } else if(c == 'S') { int x = 0; char t = lb_buff->fields[FIELD2][0]; char u = lb_buff->fields[FIELD2][1]; lb_buff->fields[FIELD2][2] = '\0'; if(t == 'B') { x = BEACON; } else if(t == 'F') { if((u > '0') && (u < '6')) { x = SPRINT_F1 + (u - '1'); } } else if(t == 'S') { if((u > '0') && (u < '6')) { x = SPRINT_S1 + (u - '1'); } else { x = SPECTATOR; } } else if(u == 'F') { if((t > '0') && (t < '6')) { x = SPRINT_F1 + (t - '1'); } } else if(u == 'S') { if((t > '0') && (t < '6')) { x = SPRINT_S1 + (t - '1'); } } if(x != BEACON) { c = CLAMP(SPECTATOR,x,SPRINT_F5); } } else if(c == 'N') { char t = lb_buff->fields[FIELD2][0]; if(t == '2') { c = NO_CODE_START_TONES_2M; } else if(t == '5') { c = NO_CODE_START_TONES_5M; } else { c = BEACON; } } else { c = atoi(lb_buff->fields[FIELD1]); } if((c >= BEACON) && (c < INVALID_FOX)) { g_override_DIP_switches = c; g_fox = (FoxType)c; saveAllEEPROM(); if(holdFox != g_fox) { doSynchronization(); } } } sprintf(g_tempStr,"DIP=%u\n",g_override_DIP_switches); lb_send_string(g_tempStr,FALSE); } break; case MESSAGE_LEDS: { if(lb_buff->fields[FIELD1][0]) { if((lb_buff->fields[FIELD1][1] == 'F') || (lb_buff->fields[FIELD1][0] == '0')) { g_enable_LEDs = FALSE; } else { g_enable_LEDs = TRUE; } saveAllEEPROM(); g_LEDs_Timed_Out = !g_enable_LEDs; } sprintf(g_tempStr,"LED:%s\n",g_enable_LEDs ? "ON" : "OFF"); lb_send_string(g_tempStr,FALSE); } break; case MESSAGE_STARTTONES_ENABLE: { if(lb_buff->fields[FIELD1][0]) { if((lb_buff->fields[FIELD1][1] == 'F') || (lb_buff->fields[FIELD1][0] == '0')) { g_enable_start_timer = FALSE; } else { g_enable_start_timer = TRUE; } saveAllEEPROM(); } sprintf(g_tempStr,"STA:%s\n",g_enable_start_timer ? "ON" : "OFF"); lb_send_string(g_tempStr,FALSE); } break; case MESSAGE_TRANSMITTER_ENABLE: { if(lb_buff->fields[FIELD1][0]) { if((lb_buff->fields[FIELD1][1] == 'F') || (lb_buff->fields[FIELD1][0] == '0')) { cli(); g_enable_transmitter = FALSE; digitalWrite(PIN_MORSE_KEY, OFF); sei(); } else { g_enable_transmitter = TRUE; } saveAllEEPROM(); } sprintf(g_tempStr,"TXE:%s\n",g_enable_transmitter ? "ON" : "OFF"); lb_send_string(g_tempStr,FALSE); } break; case MESSAGE_GO: { doSynchronization(); lb_send_string((char*)"Re-sync successful!\n",FALSE); } break; case MESSAGE_FACTORY_RESET: { uint8_t flag = EEPROM_INITIALIZED_FLAG + 1; eeprom_write_byte(&ee_interface_eeprom_initialization_flag,flag); g_clock_calibration = 0xFFFF; eeprom_update_word(&ee_clock_calibration,g_clock_calibration); for(uint8_t i = 0; i < strlen(g_messages_text[STATION_ID]); i++) { eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)&ee_stationID_text,0xFF); } softwareReset(); } break; case MESSAGE_CLOCK_CAL: { if(lb_buff->fields[FIELD1][0]) { uint16_t c = (uint16_t)atoi(lb_buff->fields[FIELD1]); if(c > 100) { g_clock_calibration = c; OCR1A = g_clock_calibration; eeprom_update_word(&ee_clock_calibration,g_clock_calibration); } } sprintf(g_tempStr,"Cal=%u\n",g_clock_calibration); lb_send_string(g_tempStr,FALSE); } break; case MESSAGE_SET_STATION_ID: { if(lb_buff->fields[FIELD1][0]) { strcpy(g_tempStr," "); /* Space before ID gets sent */ strcat(g_tempStr,lb_buff->fields[FIELD1]); if(lb_buff->fields[FIELD2][0]) { strcat(g_tempStr," "); strcat(g_tempStr,lb_buff->fields[FIELD2]); } if(strlen(g_tempStr) <= MAX_PATTERN_TEXT_LENGTH) { uint8_t i; strcpy(g_messages_text[STATION_ID],g_tempStr); for(i = 0; i < strlen(g_messages_text[STATION_ID]); i++) { eeprom_update_byte((uint8_t*)&ee_stationID_text[i],(uint8_t)g_messages_text[STATION_ID][i]); } eeprom_update_byte((uint8_t*)&ee_stationID_text[i],0); } } if(g_messages_text[STATION_ID][0]) { g_time_needed_for_ID = (500 + timeRequiredToSendStrAtWPM(g_messages_text[STATION_ID],g_id_codespeed)) / 1000; } sprintf(g_tempStr,"ID:%s\n",g_messages_text[STATION_ID]); lb_send_string(g_tempStr,TRUE); } break; case MESSAGE_CODE_SPEED: { uint8_t speed = g_pattern_codespeed; if(lb_buff->fields[FIELD1][0] == 'I') { if(lb_buff->fields[FIELD2][0]) { speed = atol(lb_buff->fields[FIELD2]); g_id_codespeed = CLAMP(MIN_CODE_SPEED_WPM,speed,MAX_CODE_SPEED_WPM); if(g_messages_text[STATION_ID][0]) { g_time_needed_for_ID = (500 + timeRequiredToSendStrAtWPM(g_messages_text[STATION_ID],g_id_codespeed)) / 1000; } saveAllEEPROM(); } } /* * else if(lb_buff->fields[FIELD1][0] == 'P') * { * if(lb_buff->fields[FIELD2][0]) * { * speed = atol(lb_buff->fields[FIELD2]); * g_pattern_codespeed = CLAMP(MIN_CODE_SPEED_WPM, speed, MAX_CODE_SPEED_WPM); * g_code_throttle = THROTTLE_VAL_FROM_WPM(g_pattern_codespeed); * * saveAllEEPROM(); * } * } */ sprintf(g_tempStr,"ID: %d wpm\n",g_id_codespeed); lb_send_string(g_tempStr,FALSE); /* * sprintf(g_tempStr, "Pat: %d wpm\n", g_pattern_codespeed); * lb_send_string(g_tempStr, FALSE); */ } break; case MESSAGE_VERSION: { sprintf(g_tempStr,"SW Ver:%s\n",SW_REVISION); lb_send_string(g_tempStr,FALSE); } break; case MESSAGE_TEMP: { if(lb_buff->fields[FIELD1][0] == 'C') { if(lb_buff->fields[FIELD2][0]) { int16_t v = atoi(lb_buff->fields[FIELD2]); if((v > -2000) && (v < 2000)) { g_temp_calibration = v; saveAllEEPROM(); } } sprintf(g_tempStr,"T Cal= %d\n",g_temp_calibration); lb_send_string(g_tempStr,FALSE); } float temp = 10. * getTemp(); sprintf(g_tempStr,"Temp: %d.%dC\n",(int)temp / 10,abs((int)temp % 10)); lb_send_string(g_tempStr,FALSE); } break; default: { lb_send_Help(); } break; } lb_buff->id = (LBMessageID)MESSAGE_EMPTY; if(send_ack) { lb_send_NewPrompt(); } } } /* * Set non-volatile variables to their values stored in EEPROM */ BOOL initializeEEPROMVars() { BOOL flagNotSet = FALSE; uint8_t i; if(eeprom_read_byte(&ee_interface_eeprom_initialization_flag) == EEPROM_INITIALIZED_FLAG) { g_pattern_codespeed = CLAMP(MIN_CODE_SPEED_WPM,eeprom_read_byte(&ee_pattern_codespeed),MAX_CODE_SPEED_WPM); g_id_codespeed = CLAMP(MIN_CODE_SPEED_WPM,eeprom_read_byte(&ee_id_codespeed),MAX_CODE_SPEED_WPM); g_ID_period_seconds = eeprom_read_word(&ee_ID_time); g_clock_calibration = eeprom_read_word(&ee_clock_calibration); g_temp_calibration = (int16_t)eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)&ee_temp_calibration); g_override_DIP_switches = eeprom_read_byte(&ee_override_DIP_switches); g_enable_LEDs = eeprom_read_byte(&ee_enable_LEDs); g_enable_start_timer = eeprom_read_byte(&ee_enable_start_timer); g_enable_transmitter = eeprom_read_byte(&ee_enable_transmitter); for(i = 0; i < 20; i++) { g_messages_text[STATION_ID][i] = (char)eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)(&ee_stationID_text[i])); if(!g_messages_text[STATION_ID][i]) { break; } } for(i = 0; i < 20; i++) { g_messages_text[PATTERN_TEXT][i] = (char)eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)(&ee_pattern_text[i])); if(!g_messages_text[PATTERN_TEXT][i]) { break; } } } else { flagNotSet = TRUE; g_id_codespeed = EEPROM_ID_CODE_SPEED_DEFAULT; g_pattern_codespeed = EEPROM_PATTERN_CODE_SPEED_DEFAULT; g_ID_period_seconds = EEPROM_ID_TIME_INTERVAL_DEFAULT; g_clock_calibration = EEPROM_CLOCK_CALIBRATION_DEFAULT; g_temp_calibration = EEPROM_TEMP_CALIBRATION_DEFAULT; g_override_DIP_switches = EEPROM_OVERRIDE_DIP_SW_DEFAULT; g_enable_LEDs = EEPROM_ENABLE_LEDS_DEFAULT; g_enable_start_timer = EEPROM_ENABLE_STARTTIMER_DEFAULT; g_enable_transmitter = EEPROM_ENABLE_TRANSMITTER_DEFAULT; strncpy(g_messages_text[STATION_ID],EEPROM_STATION_ID_DEFAULT,MAX_PATTERN_TEXT_LENGTH); strncpy(g_messages_text[PATTERN_TEXT],EEPROM_PATTERN_TEXT_DEFAULT,MAX_PATTERN_TEXT_LENGTH); saveAllEEPROM(); eeprom_write_byte(&ee_interface_eeprom_initialization_flag,EEPROM_INITIALIZED_FLAG); } return(flagNotSet); } /* * Save all changed non-volatile values to EEPROM */ void saveAllEEPROM() { uint8_t i; BOOL initialize = TRUE; eeprom_update_byte(&ee_id_codespeed,g_id_codespeed); eeprom_update_byte(&ee_pattern_codespeed,g_pattern_codespeed); eeprom_update_word(&ee_ID_time,g_ID_period_seconds); uint16_t x = eeprom_read_word(&ee_clock_calibration); if(x == 0xFFFF) /* Never overwrite a valid calibration value */ { eeprom_update_word(&ee_clock_calibration,g_clock_calibration); } eeprom_update_word((uint16_t*)&ee_temp_calibration,(uint16_t)g_temp_calibration); eeprom_update_byte(&ee_override_DIP_switches,g_override_DIP_switches); eeprom_update_byte(&ee_enable_LEDs,g_enable_LEDs); eeprom_update_byte(&ee_enable_start_timer,g_enable_start_timer); eeprom_update_byte(&ee_enable_transmitter,g_enable_transmitter); for(i = 0; i < strlen(g_messages_text[STATION_ID]); i++) { if(eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)&ee_stationID_text) != 0xFF) { initialize = FALSE; break; } } if(initialize) { for(i = 0; i < strlen(g_messages_text[STATION_ID]); i++) { eeprom_update_byte((uint8_t*)&ee_stationID_text[i],(uint8_t)g_messages_text[STATION_ID][i]); } eeprom_update_byte((uint8_t*)&ee_stationID_text[i],0); } for(i = 0; i < strlen(g_messages_text[PATTERN_TEXT]); i++) { eeprom_update_byte((uint8_t*)&ee_pattern_text[i],(uint8_t)g_messages_text[PATTERN_TEXT][i]); } eeprom_update_byte((uint8_t*)&ee_pattern_text[i],0); } /* * Set up registers for measuring processor temperature */ void setUpTemp(void) { /* The internal temperature has to be used * with the internal reference of 1.1V. * Channel 8 can not be selected with * the analogRead function yet. */ /* Set the internal reference and mux. */ ADMUX = ((1 << REFS1) | (1 << REFS0) | (1 << MUX3)); /* Slow the ADC clock down to 125 KHz * by dividing by 128. Assumes that the * standard Arduino 16 MHz clock is in use. */ ADCSRA = (1 << ADPS2) | (1 << ADPS1) | (1 << ADPS0); ADCSRA |= (1 << ADEN); /* enable the ADC */ _delay_ms(200); /* wait for voltages to become stable. */ ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC); /* Start the ADC */ readADC(); } /* * Read the temperature ADC value */ uint16_t readADC() { /* Make sure the most recent ADC read is complete. */ while((ADCSRA & (1 << ADSC))) { ; /* Just wait for ADC to finish. */ } uint16_t result = ADCW; /* Initiate another reading. */ ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC); return( result); } /* * Returns the most recent temperature reading */ float getTemp(void) { float offset = CLAMP(-200.,(float)g_temp_calibration / 10.,200.); /* The offset (first term) was determined empirically */ readADC(); /* throw away first reading */ return(offset + (readADC() - 324.31) / 1.22); } void doSynchronization() { setupForFox(); cli(); /* Sync button pin change interrupt */ PCMSK2 = 0x00; PCMSK2 = (1 << PCINT19); /* Enable PCINT19 */ PCICR = 0x00; PCICR = (1 << PCIE2); /* Enable pin change interrupt 2 */ pinMode(PIN_SYNC,INPUT_PULLUP); g_sync_enabled = TRUE; TCNT1 = 0; /* Initialize 1-second counter value to 0 */ g_seconds_since_sync = 0; g_fox_seconds_into_interval = 0; g_sync_pin_stable = FALSE; digitalWrite(PIN_LED,LOW); g_on_the_air = FALSE; g_fox_counter = 1; /* Don't count on the 1-sec timer setting this in time */ sei(); } void setupForFox() { cli(); g_seconds_since_sync = 0; /* Total elapsed time counter */ g_on_the_air = FALSE; /* Controls transmitter Morse activity */ g_code_throttle = 0; /* Adjusts Morse code speed */ g_callsign_sent = FALSE; g_on_air_interval = 0; g_fox_seconds_into_interval = 0; g_number_of_foxes = 0; g_fox_transition = FALSE; g_fox_id_offset = 0; g_id_interval = 0; g_time_to_ID = FALSE; g_audio_tone_state = OFF; sei(); while(initializeEEPROMVars()) { ; /* Initialize variables stored in EEPROM */ } g_LEDs_Timed_Out = !g_enable_LEDs; if(g_override_DIP_switches) { g_fox = CLAMP(BEACON,(FoxType)g_override_DIP_switches,INVALID_FOX); if(g_fox == INVALID_FOX) { g_fox = BEACON; } } else /* Read DIP Switches */ { if(digitalRead(PIN_DIP_0) == LOW) /*Lsb */ { g_fox++; } if(digitalRead(PIN_DIP_1) == LOW) /* middle bit */ { g_fox += 2; } if(digitalRead(PIN_DIP_2) == LOW) /* MSB */ { g_fox += 4; } } switch(g_fox) { case NO_CODE_START_TONES_2M: { g_startclock_interval = 120; g_enable_start_timer = TRUE; } break; case NO_CODE_START_TONES_5M: { g_startclock_interval = 300; g_enable_start_timer = TRUE; } break; case FOX_1: case FOX_2: case FOX_3: case FOX_4: case FOX_5: case FOX_DEMO: { g_on_air_interval = 60; g_number_of_foxes = 5; g_fox_id_offset = 0; g_pattern_codespeed = 8; g_id_interval = 60; g_startclock_interval = 300; } break; case SPRINT_S1: case SPRINT_F5: case SPRINT_DEMO: { g_on_air_interval = 12; g_number_of_foxes = 5; g_pattern_codespeed = ((g_fox == SPRINT_DEMO) || (g_fox <= SPRINT_S5)) ? 10 : 15; g_fox_id_offset = g_fox <= SPRINT_S5 ? SPRINT_S1 - 1 : SPRINT_F1 - 1; g_id_interval = 600; g_startclock_interval = 120; } break; /* case BEACON: */ /* case SPECTATOR: */ default: { g_on_air_interval = 600; g_number_of_foxes = 1; g_pattern_codespeed = 8; g_id_interval = 600; g_startclock_interval = (g_fox == SPECTATOR) ? 120 : 300; } break; } } void softwareReset() { cli(); wdt_enable(WDTO_15MS); while(1) { ; } }