The Nucleo TNC is a breadboard implementation of the Mobilinkd TNC3 using a STM32L432KC Nucleo32 board. This TNC faithfully implements the audio section and EEPROM storage of the TNC3. It omits the battery charging and Bluetooth components of the TNC3.
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Rob Riggs b8e080538e Update documentation and make one small part change to improve 9600 baud and M17 decode performance. 2021-01-03 16:36:26 -06:00
Build Update documentation and make one small part change to improve 9600 baud and M17 decode performance. 2021-01-03 16:36:26 -06:00
Drivers Add M17 support. Refactor code so it is much closer to TNC3 codebase. 2021-01-02 21:59:59 -06:00
Inc Add M17 support. Refactor code so it is much closer to TNC3 codebase. 2021-01-02 21:59:59 -06:00
KiCAD Update documentation and make one small part change to improve 9600 baud and M17 decode performance. 2021-01-03 16:36:26 -06:00
Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source Initial STM32CubeMX code generation. 2018-07-29 12:40:09 -05:00
Src More TNC3 codebase alignment. 2021-01-03 15:55:15 -06:00
TNC More TNC3 codebase alignment. 2021-01-03 15:55:15 -06:00
newlib Add TNC code, openocd configs, etc. 2018-07-29 21:34:53 -05:00
startup Add support for using SRAM2 separate from SRAM1. 2018-07-29 12:43:52 -05:00
.cproject More TNC3 codebase alignment. 2021-01-03 15:55:15 -06:00
.gitignore Add TNC code, openocd configs, etc. 2018-07-29 21:34:53 -05:00
.mxproject Add M17 support. Refactor code so it is much closer to TNC3 codebase. 2021-01-02 21:59:59 -06:00
.project More TNC3 codebase alignment. 2021-01-03 15:55:15 -06:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2018-07-29 12:30:28 -05:00
Nucleo_L432KC_TNC.ioc More TNC3 codebase alignment. 2021-01-03 15:55:15 -06:00 Update documentation and make one small part change to improve 9600 baud and M17 decode performance. 2021-01-03 16:36:26 -06:00
STM32L432KC_FLASH.ld More TNC3 codebase alignment. 2021-01-03 15:55:15 -06:00
stlink-tnc5.cfg Add TNC code, openocd configs, etc. 2018-07-29 21:34:53 -05:00
stm32l4x.cfg Add TNC code, openocd configs, etc. 2018-07-29 21:34:53 -05:00

NucleoTNC Firmware

Source code for STM32L432KC Nucleo32-based TNC (PCB & breadboard version).


Use Eclipse with CDT and the GNU MCU Eclipse plugins.

If you are porting this to another build platform, you will need to build the firmware using the same compiler and linker options. As with most firmware projects, there is a linker script with defines the memory layout for for the Flash and SRAM.

Below are example compilation and linking lines for reference:

arm-none-eabi-g++ -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -O2 -fmessage-length=0 -fsigned-char -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-inline-functions -fsingle-precision-constant -fstack-usage -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -Wall -Wextra -Wlogical-op -Wfloat-equal -g -D__FPU_PRESENT=1 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DARM_MATH_CM4 -DSTM32L432xx -D__weak=__attribute__((weak)) -DNUCLEOTNC=1 -I../Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I/home/rob/workspace/Nucleo_L432KC_TNC/Inc -I/home/rob/workspace/Nucleo_L432KC_TNC/Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I/home/rob/workspace/Nucleo_L432KC_TNC/Drivers/CMSIS/Include -I/home/rob/workspace/Nucleo_L432KC_TNC/Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L4xx/Include -I/home/rob/workspace/Nucleo_L432KC_TNC/Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/include -I/home/rob/workspace/Nucleo_L432KC_TNC/Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/CMSIS_RTOS -I/home/rob/workspace/Nucleo_L432KC_TNC/Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F -I/home/rob/workspace/Nucleo_L432KC_TNC/TNC -I/usr/arm-none-eabi/include -std=gnu++1z -fabi-version=9 -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -fno-use-cxa-atexit -fno-threadsafe-statics -Wno-register -c -o TNC/HdlcFrame.o ../TNC/HdlcFrame.cpp 
arm-none-eabi-g++ -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -O2 -fmessage-length=0 -fsigned-char -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-inline-functions -fsingle-precision-constant -fstack-usage -fstrict-aliasing -ffast-math -Wall -Wextra -Wlogical-op -Wfloat-equal -g -T /home/rob/workspace/Nucleo_L432KC_TNC/STM32L432KC_FLASH.ld -Xlinker --gc-sections -Wl,-Map, --specs=nano.specs -o firmware.elf Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_adc.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_adc_ex.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_cortex.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_crc.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_crc_ex.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_dac.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_dac_ex.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_dma.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_dma_ex.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_flash.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_flash_ex.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_gpio.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_i2c.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_i2c_ex.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_opamp.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_opamp_ex.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_pwr.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_pwr_ex.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_rcc.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_rcc_ex.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_rng.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_rtc.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_rtc_ex.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_tim.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_tim_ex.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_uart.o Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_uart_ex.o Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/CMSIS_RTOS/cmsis_os.o Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/croutine.o Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/event_groups.o Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/list.o Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F/port.o Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/portable/MemMang/heap_4.o Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/queue.o Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/tasks.o Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/timers.o Src/arm_fir_f32.o Src/arm_fir_fast_q15.o Src/arm_fir_init_f32.o Src/arm_fir_init_q15.o Src/arm_fir_interpolate_init_q15.o Src/arm_fir_interpolate_q15.o Src/arm_offset_q15.o Src/arm_q15_to_float.o Src/freertos.o Src/main.o Src/stm32l4xx_hal_msp.o Src/stm32l4xx_hal_timebase_TIM.o Src/stm32l4xx_it.o Src/system_stm32l4xx.o TNC/AFSKModulator.o TNC/AFSKTestTone.o TNC/Afsk1200Demodulator.o TNC/AfskDemodulator.o TNC/AudioInput.o TNC/AudioLevel.o TNC/DCD.o TNC/Demodulator.o TNC/FilterCoefficients.o TNC/Fsk9600Demodulator.o TNC/Fsk9600Modulator.o TNC/Goertzel.o TNC/Golay24.o TNC/HdlcDecoder.o TNC/HdlcFrame.o TNC/IOEventTask.o TNC/Kiss.o TNC/KissHardware.o TNC/KissTask.o TNC/LEDIndicator.o TNC/Log.o TNC/M17.o TNC/M17Demodulator.o TNC/M17Encoder.o TNC/M17Modulator.o TNC/ModulatorTask.o TNC/NullPort.o TNC/PortInterface.o TNC/SerialPort.o newlib/_exit.o newlib/_sbrk.o newlib/_syscalls.o startup/startup_stm32l432xx.o 

All of the macros defined on the compiler line are important in order to properly build the firmware.


Logging is enabled in debug builds and is output via ITM (SWO). The firmware is distributed with an openocd stlink config file that enables ITM output to a named pipe -- swv. You must create this pipe in the top level directory.

To read from this pipe, open a terminal and run:

while true; do tr -d '\01' < swv; done

If you change the MCU's core clock, you need to adjust the timing in the stlink-tnc3.cfg config file.

The TNC3 runs at 48MHz on startup. It may switch to 80MHz for modulation types (9600, M17) which require more speed. This makes using SWO challenging as it cannot handle changes in core speeds.

Installing firmware

Firmware can be installed via the on-board ST/LINK port or via USB DFU.


  1. Download the STM32CubeProgrammer. This programmer will work on Linux, OS X, and Windows.

  2. Download the ELF file from the release (or that you have built from source).

  3. Plug the TNC into a USB port and turn the TNC on. You should see a USB serial port enumerated.

  4. Put the TNC into DFU mode by pressing the DFU button on the side. The TNC will only enter DFU mode when plugged into a USB port.

TNC3 Diagram

There is no visible indication on the TNC that it is in DFU mode

  1. You should see the serial port device go away and a new DFU device appear.

  2. Run the STM32CubeProgrammer from the command-line. (Replace "firmware.elf" with the appropriate firmware filename.)

    ./STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=USB1 -d firmware.elf -v -g 0x8000000

  3. When that is complete, the DFU device will disappear and the serial port device will re-appear.

Important Note

If you regenerate the STM32 code, please note that the LL ADC driver in the 1.12.0 version of the HAL driver is buggy.


This file has been modified to address the defect. If it is replaced by STM32CubeMX, please ensure that the defect has been fixed.

Details of the defect are available [on the ST community site]( ADC init bug with optimization >= -O1).

TNC Build Instructions

Please go here: TNC Build Instructions