# nucleo32-l432kc-tnc-firmware Source code for breadboard TNC based on STM32L432KC Nucleo32 dev board ---- ## Important Note If you regenerate the STM32 code, please note that the LL ADC driver in the 1.12.0 version of the HAL driver is buggy. Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l4xx_ll_adc.h This file has been modified to address the defect. If it is replaced by STM32CubeMX, please ensure that the defect has been fixed. Details of the defect are available [on the ST community site](https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X00009bLP0eSAG/adc-init-bug-with-optimization-o1-stm32l4 ADC init bug with optimization >= -O1). ---- We use Eclipse CDT with the GNU MCU Eclipse plugin to build this project.