Allow asking multiple questions at once

Mohammed Anas 2021-07-05 13:12:54 +00:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic 23f6e1084b
commit d8a0a74d47
Nie znaleziono w bazie danych klucza dla tego podpisu
ID klucza GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
1 zmienionych plików z 1 dodań i 2 usunięć

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@ -15,9 +15,8 @@ assignees: ''
- [x] I checked, but didn't find any duplicates (open OR closed) of this issue in the repo. <!-- Seriously, check. O_O (If there's already an issue but you'd like to see if something changed, just make a comment on the issue instead of opening a new one.) -->
- [ ] I have read the contribution guidelines given at
- [ ] This issue contains only one question. I will open one issue for every question I want to ask.
#### What's your question?
#### What's your question(s)?
#### Additional context