package; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import com.jakewharton.threetenabp.AndroidThreeTen; import org.greenrobot.eventbus.EventBus; import org.greenrobot.eventbus.Subscribe; import org.greenrobot.eventbus.ThreadMode; import org.tinylog.Logger; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class Main extends Application { private static String TAG = Main.class.getSimpleName(); private File directory; private File directoryForLogs; private Context ctx; private ConfigurationFile confFile; public FileNames getFileNames() { return fileNames; } private FileNames fileNames; private FavouritiesFile favouritiesFile; public List getListOfAllStations() { return listOfAllStations; } private List listOfAllStations; public List getFavs() { return favs; } private List favs; /** * This download summary for all stations stored on favourites list and stores results * in 'HashMap stationSystemNameToSummary' */ private FavouritesStationSummaryUpdater favsSummaryUpdater = null; /** * This map stores summary for all favourites station */ private HashMap hashmapStationSystemNameToSummary = null; public File getDirectory() { return directory; } public File getDirectoryForLogs() { return directoryForLogs; } public ConfigurationFile getConfFile() { return confFile; } public HashMap getHashmapStationSystemNameToSummary() { return hashmapStationSystemNameToSummary; } @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); ctx = this.getApplicationContext(); confFile = new ConfigurationFile(ctx); directory = getApplicationContext().getDir("files", Context.MODE_PRIVATE); directoryForLogs = new File(directory.getAbsolutePath() + "/logs/"); System.setProperty("", directoryForLogs.getAbsolutePath());"Application starting..."); // StrictMode.VmPolicy.Builder b = new StrictMode.VmPolicy.Builder(); // if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) { // StrictMode.VmPolicy policy = b.detectAll().detectNonSdkApiUsage().penaltyListener((Runnable r) ->, (Violation v) -> { // v.printStackTrace(); // Logger.warn("[StrictMode.VmPolicy][penaltyListener][Violation][v.getLocalizedMessage() = " + v.getLocalizedMessage() + "]"); // }).build(); // StrictMode.setVmPolicy(policy); // } AndroidThreeTen.init(this); EventBus.getDefault().register(this); ConfigurationFile confFile = new ConfigurationFile(ctx); confFile.restoreFromFile(); hashmapStationSystemNameToSummary = new HashMap<>(); fileNames = new FileNames(ctx); favouritiesFile = new FavouritiesFile(fileNames); // Download all stations from API in background via JobIntentService. Results are send //back with Broadcast receiver. startGetAllStationsService(); // recreate list of favorites recreateListOfFavs(); favsSummaryUpdater = new FavouritesStationSummaryUpdater(hashmapStationSystemNameToSummary); favsSummaryUpdater.start(100); // if (AppConfiguration.locale != null && !AppConfiguration.locale.equals("default") ) { // Logger.debug("[Main][onCreate][AppConfiguration.locale = " + AppConfiguration.locale + "]"); // Locale locale = new Locale(AppConfiguration.locale); // Locale.setDefault(locale); // Resources resources = this.getResources(); // Configuration config = resources.getConfiguration(); // config.setLocale(locale); // Logger.debug("[Main][onCreate][locale = " + locale.toLanguageTag() + "]"); // resources.updateConfiguration(config, resources.getDisplayMetrics()); // } } @Override public void onTerminate() { super.onTerminate(); EventBus.getDefault().unregister(this); } private void recreateListOfFavs() { if(listOfAllStations == null) {"[recreateListOfFavs]listOfAllStations=null]"); return; } // check if this is a first call after application start if (favs == null) { favs = favouritiesFile.loadFavourites(); } // if favs is still null it means that favourites file doesn't even exists // so and user hasn't added any station to it yet if (favs == null) { favs = new ArrayList<>(); } else { // update values for the fav list with listOfAllStations //for (WeatherStation f : favs) { for (int i = 0; i < favs.size(); i++) { // WeatherStation fromFavs = favs.get(i); // find an index of updated station int idx = listOfAllStations.indexOf(fromFavs); // get the station WeatherStation fromAllStations = listOfAllStations.get(idx); // update all parameters fromFavs.setAvailableParameters(fromAllStations.getAvailableParameters()); fromFavs.setMoreInfo(fromAllStations.getMoreInfo()); fromFavs.setImageAlign(fromAllStations.getImageAlign()); fromFavs.setImageUrl(fromAllStations.getImageUrl()); fromFavs.setSponsorUrl(fromAllStations.getSponsorUrl()); fromFavs.setMoreInfo(fromAllStations.getMoreInfo()); fromFavs.setLon(fromAllStations.getLon()); fromFavs.setLat(fromAllStations.getLat()); fromFavs.setDisplayedName(fromAllStations.getDisplayedName()); fromFavs.setDisplayedLocation(fromAllStations.getDisplayedLocation()); fromFavs.setTimezone(fromAllStations.getTimezone()); fromFavs.setCallsignSsid(fromAllStations.getCallsignSsid()); fromFavs.setStationNameTextColor(fromAllStations.getStationNameTextColor()); // there is no need to delete and put object on the list once again // as a list does not make a copy of the object. It (ArrayList) keeps // only a reference to an object hashmapStationSystemNameToSummary.put(fromAllStations.getSystemName(), null); } } } @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN) public void weatherStationListHandler(WeatherStationListEvent serviceEvent) {"[Main][weatherStationListHandler][serviceEvent = " + serviceEvent + "]"); switch (serviceEvent.getEventReason()) { case ADD: // check of list consist this station if (favs.contains(serviceEvent.getStation())) { return; } // add favourites to list favs.add(serviceEvent.getStation()); try { // save the list into JSON file favouritiesFile.persistFavourities(favs); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } break; case DELETE: favs.remove(serviceEvent.getStation()); try { // save the list into JSON file favouritiesFile.persistFavourities(favs); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } break; } // recreate parceable object and pass it everywhere recreateListOfFavs(); favsSummaryUpdater.updateImmediately(); } @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.BACKGROUND) public void allStationsEventHandler(@NonNull AllStationsReceivedEvent event) { this.listOfAllStations = event.getStations(); recreateListOfFavs(); } public boolean listOfAllStationsReady() { return listOfAllStations != null && listOfAllStations.size() > 0; } public boolean listOfFavsReady() { /* && favs.size() > 0*/ return favs != null; } public boolean checkIsOnFavsList(String _system_name) { boolean out = false; for (WeatherStation wx : favs) { if (wx.getSystemName().equals(_system_name)) { out = true; break; } } return out; } public void startGetAllStationsService () { Intent mIntent = new Intent(this, GetAllStationsService.class); GetAllStationsService.enqueueWork(this, mIntent); } }