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"""Various sampling methods."""
import torch
import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate
from .models import utils as mutils
def get_div_fn(fn):
"""Create the divergence function of `fn` using the Hutchinson-Skilling trace estimator."""
def div_fn(x, t, eps):
with torch.enable_grad():
fn_eps = torch.sum(fn(x, t) * eps)
grad_fn_eps = torch.autograd.grad(fn_eps, x)[0]
return torch.sum(grad_fn_eps * eps, dim=tuple(range(1, len(x.shape))))
return div_fn
def get_likelihood_fn(sde, inverse_scaler, hutchinson_type='Rademacher',
rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-5, method='RK45', eps=1e-5):
"""Create a function to compute the unbiased log-likelihood estimate of a given data point.
sde: A `sde_lib.SDE` object that represents the forward SDE.
inverse_scaler: The inverse data normalizer.
hutchinson_type: "Rademacher" or "Gaussian". The type of noise for Hutchinson-Skilling trace estimator.
rtol: A `float` number. The relative tolerance level of the black-box ODE solver.
atol: A `float` number. The absolute tolerance level of the black-box ODE solver.
method: A `str`. The algorithm for the black-box ODE solver.
See documentation for `scipy.integrate.solve_ivp`.
eps: A `float` number. The probability flow ODE is integrated to `eps` for numerical stability.
A function that a batch of data points and returns the log-likelihoods in bits/dim,
the latent code, and the number of function evaluations cost by computation.
def drift_fn(model, x, t):
"""The drift function of the reverse-time SDE."""
score_fn = mutils.get_score_fn(sde, model, train=False, continuous=True)
# Probability flow ODE is a special case of Reverse SDE
rsde = sde.reverse(score_fn, probability_flow=True)
return rsde.sde(x, t)[0]
def div_fn(model, x, t, noise):
return get_div_fn(lambda xx, tt: drift_fn(model, xx, tt))(x, t, noise)
def likelihood_fn(model, data):
"""Compute an unbiased estimate to the log-likelihood in bits/dim.
model: A score model.
data: A PyTorch tensor.
bpd: A PyTorch tensor of shape [batch size]. The log-likelihoods on `data` in bits/dim.
z: A PyTorch tensor of the same shape as `data`. The latent representation of `data` under the
probability flow ODE.
nfe: An integer. The number of function evaluations used for running the black-box ODE solver.
with torch.no_grad():
shape = data.shape
if hutchinson_type == 'Gaussian':
epsilon = torch.randn_like(data)
elif hutchinson_type == 'Rademacher':
epsilon = torch.randint_like(data, low=0, high=2).float() * 2 - 1.
raise NotImplementedError(f"Hutchinson type {hutchinson_type} unknown.")
def ode_func(t, x):
sample = mutils.from_flattened_numpy(x[:-shape[0]], shape).to(data.device).type(torch.float32)
vec_t = torch.ones(sample.shape[0], device=sample.device) * t
drift = mutils.to_flattened_numpy(drift_fn(model, sample, vec_t))
logp_grad = mutils.to_flattened_numpy(div_fn(model, sample, vec_t, epsilon))
return np.concatenate([drift, logp_grad], axis=0)
init = np.concatenate([mutils.to_flattened_numpy(data), np.zeros((shape[0],))], axis=0)
solution = integrate.solve_ivp(ode_func, (eps, sde.T), init, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, method=method)
nfe = solution.nfev
zp = solution.y[:, -1]
z = mutils.from_flattened_numpy(zp[:-shape[0]], shape).to(data.device).type(torch.float32)
delta_logp = mutils.from_flattened_numpy(zp[-shape[0]:], (shape[0],)).to(data.device).type(torch.float32)
prior_logp = sde.prior_logp(z)
bpd = -(prior_logp + delta_logp) / np.log(2)
N =[1:])
bpd = bpd / N
# A hack to convert log-likelihoods to bits/dim
offset = 7. - inverse_scaler(-1.)
bpd = bpd + offset
return bpd, z, nfe
return likelihood_fn