624 wiersze
28 KiB

# - many internal helpers
from datetime import timezone, datetime, timedelta
from contextlib import closing
import mimetypes
import threading
import uuid
import dateutil.parser
import time
import copy
import requests
import re
import collections
import base64
import os
import inspect
from mastodon.versions import parse_version_string
from mastodon.errors import MastodonNetworkError, MastodonIllegalArgumentError, MastodonRatelimitError, MastodonNotFoundError, \
MastodonUnauthorizedError, MastodonInternalServerError, MastodonBadGatewayError, MastodonServiceUnavailableError, \
MastodonGatewayTimeoutError, MastodonServerError, MastodonAPIError, MastodonMalformedEventError
from mastodon.compat import urlparse, magic, PurePath, Path
from mastodon.types import AttribAccessDict, PaginatableList, try_cast_recurse
from mastodon.types import *
# Internal helpers, dragons probably
class Mastodon():
def __datetime_to_epoch(self, date_time: datetime) -> float:
Converts a python datetime to unix epoch, accounting for
time zones and such.
Assumes UTC if timezone is not given.
if date_time.tzinfo is None:
date_time = date_time.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
return date_time.timestamp()
def __get_logged_in_id(self):
Fetch the logged in user's ID, with caching. ID is reset on calls to log_in.
if self.__logged_in_id is None:
self.__logged_in_id = self.account_verify_credentials().id
return self.__logged_in_id
def __consistent_isoformat_utc(datetime_val: datetime) -> str:
Function that does what isoformat does but it actually does the same
every time instead of randomly doing different things on some systems
and also it represents that time as the equivalent UTC time.
isotime = datetime_val.astimezone(timezone.utc).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")
if isotime[-2] != ":":
isotime = isotime[:-2] + ":" + isotime[-2:]
return isotime
def __try_cast_to_type(self, value, override_type = None):
Tries to cast a value to the type of the function two levels up in the call stack.
Tries to cast to AttribAccessDict if it doesn't know what to cast to.
This is used internally inside of __api_request.
if override_type is None:
# Find type of function two frames up
caller_frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back
caller_function = caller_frame.f_code
caller_func_name = caller_function.co_name
func_obj = getattr(self, caller_func_name)
# Very carefully try to find what we need to cast to
return_type = AttribAccessDict
if func_obj is not None:
return_type = func_obj.__annotations__.get('return', AttribAccessDict)
return_type = override_type
return_type = AttribAccessDict
return try_cast_recurse(return_type, value)
def __api_request(self, method, endpoint, params={}, files={}, headers={}, access_token_override=None, base_url_override=None,
do_ratelimiting=True, use_json=False, parse=True, return_response_object=False, skip_error_check=False, lang_override=None, override_type=None):
Internal API request helper.
Does a large amount of different things that I should document one day, but not today.
response = None
remaining_wait = 0
# Add language to params if not None
lang = self.lang
if lang_override is not None:
lang = lang_override
if lang is not None:
params["lang"] = lang
# "pace" mode ratelimiting: Assume constant rate of requests, sleep a little less long than it
# would take to not hit the rate limit at that request rate.
if do_ratelimiting and self.ratelimit_method == "pace":
if self.ratelimit_remaining == 0:
to_next = self.ratelimit_reset - time.time()
if to_next > 0:
# As a precaution, never sleep longer than 5 minutes
to_next = min(to_next, 5 * 60)
time_waited = time.time() - self.ratelimit_lastcall
time_wait = float(self.ratelimit_reset - time.time()) / float(self.ratelimit_remaining)
remaining_wait = time_wait - time_waited
if remaining_wait > 0:
to_next = remaining_wait / self.ratelimit_pacefactor
to_next = min(to_next, 5 * 60)
# Generate request headers
headers = copy.deepcopy(headers)
if self.access_token is not None:
headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + self.access_token
if access_token_override is not None:
headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + access_token_override
# Add user-agent
if self.user_agent:
headers['User-Agent'] = self.user_agent
# Determine base URL
base_url = self.api_base_url
if base_url_override is not None:
base_url = base_url_override
if self.debug_requests:
print(f'Mastodon: Request to endpoint "{base_url}{endpoint}" using method "{method}".')
print(f'Parameters: {params}')
print(f'Headers: {headers}')
print(f'Files: {files}')
# Make request
request_complete = False
while not request_complete:
request_complete = True
response_object = None
kwargs = dict(headers=headers, files=files, timeout=self.request_timeout)
if use_json:
kwargs['json'] = params
elif method == 'GET':
kwargs['params'] = params
kwargs['data'] = params
response_object = self.session.request(method, base_url + endpoint, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
raise MastodonNetworkError(f"Could not complete request: {e}")
if response_object is None:
raise MastodonIllegalArgumentError("Illegal request.")
# Parse rate limiting headers
if 'X-RateLimit-Remaining' in response_object.headers and do_ratelimiting:
self.ratelimit_remaining = int(
self.ratelimit_limit = int(
# For gotosocial, we need an int representation, but for non-ints this would crash
ratelimit_intrep = str(int(response_object.headers['X-RateLimit-Reset']))
ratelimit_intrep = None
if ratelimit_intrep is not None and ratelimit_intrep == response_object.headers['X-RateLimit-Reset']:
self.ratelimit_reset = int(
ratelimit_reset_datetime = dateutil.parser.parse(response_object.headers['X-RateLimit-Reset'])
self.ratelimit_reset = self.__datetime_to_epoch(ratelimit_reset_datetime)
# Adjust server time to local clock
if 'Date' in response_object.headers:
server_time_datetime = dateutil.parser.parse(response_object.headers['Date'])
server_time = self.__datetime_to_epoch(server_time_datetime)
server_time_diff = time.time() - server_time
self.ratelimit_reset += server_time_diff
self.ratelimit_lastcall = time.time()
except Exception as e:
raise MastodonRatelimitError(f"Rate limit time calculations failed: {e}")
# Handle response
if self.debug_requests:
print(f'Mastodon: Response received with code {response_object.status_code}.')
print(f'response headers: {response_object.headers}')
print(f'Response text content: {response_object.text}')
if not response_object.ok:
response = self.__try_cast_to_type(response_object.json(), override_type = override_type) # TODO actually cast to an error type
if isinstance(response, dict) and 'error' in response:
error_msg = response['error']
elif isinstance(response, str):
error_msg = response
error_msg = None
except ValueError:
error_msg = None
# Handle rate limiting
if response_object.status_code == 429:
if self.ratelimit_method == 'throw' or not do_ratelimiting:
raise MastodonRatelimitError('Hit rate limit.')
elif self.ratelimit_method in ('wait', 'pace'):
to_next = self.ratelimit_reset - time.time()
if to_next > 0:
# As a precaution, never sleep longer than 5 minutes
to_next = min(to_next, 5 * 60)
request_complete = False
if not skip_error_check:
if response_object.status_code == 404:
ex_type = MastodonNotFoundError
if not error_msg:
error_msg = 'Endpoint not found.'
# this is for compatibility with older versions
# which raised MastodonAPIError('Endpoint not found.')
# on any 404
elif response_object.status_code == 401:
ex_type = MastodonUnauthorizedError
elif response_object.status_code == 500:
ex_type = MastodonInternalServerError
elif response_object.status_code == 502:
ex_type = MastodonBadGatewayError
elif response_object.status_code == 503:
ex_type = MastodonServiceUnavailableError
elif response_object.status_code == 504:
ex_type = MastodonGatewayTimeoutError
elif response_object.status_code >= 500 and response_object.status_code <= 511:
ex_type = MastodonServerError
ex_type = MastodonAPIError
raise ex_type('Mastodon API returned error', response_object.status_code, response_object.reason, error_msg)
if return_response_object:
return response_object
if parse:
# The new parsing is very basic, type conversion happens later,
# within the new type system. This should be overall more robust.
response = response_object.json()
except Exception as e:
raise MastodonAPIError(
f"Could not parse response as JSON, response code was {response_object.status_code}, "
f"bad json content was {response_object.content!r}.",
f"Exception was: {e}"
response = self.__try_cast_to_type(response, override_type = override_type)
response = response_object.content
# Parse link headers
if isinstance(response, list) and 'Link' in response_object.headers and response_object.headers['Link'] != "":
if not isinstance(response, PaginatableList):
response = PaginatableList(response)
tmp_urls = requests.utils.parse_header_links(response_object.headers['Link'].rstrip('>').replace('>,<', ',<'))
for url in tmp_urls:
if 'rel' not in url:
if url['rel'] == 'next':
# Be paranoid and extract max_id specifically
next_url = url['url']
matchgroups ="[?&]max_id=([^&]+)", next_url)
if matchgroups:
next_params = copy.deepcopy(params)
next_params['_pagination_method'] = method
next_params['_pagination_endpoint'] = endpoint
max_id =
if max_id.isdigit():
next_params['max_id'] = int(max_id)
next_params['max_id'] = max_id
if "since_id" in next_params:
del next_params['since_id']
if "min_id" in next_params:
del next_params['min_id']
response._pagination_next = next_params
if url['rel'] == 'prev':
# Be paranoid and extract since_id or min_id specifically
prev_url = url['url']
# Old and busted (pre-2.6.0): since_id pagination
matchgroups ="[?&]since_id=([^&]+)", prev_url)
if matchgroups:
prev_params = copy.deepcopy(params)
prev_params['_pagination_method'] = method
prev_params['_pagination_endpoint'] = endpoint
since_id =
if since_id.isdigit():
prev_params['since_id'] = int(since_id)
prev_params['since_id'] = since_id
if "max_id" in prev_params:
del prev_params['max_id']
response._pagination_prev = prev_params
# New and fantastico (post-2.6.0): min_id pagination
matchgroups ="[?&]min_id=([^&]+)", prev_url)
if matchgroups:
prev_params = copy.deepcopy(params)
prev_params['_pagination_method'] = method
prev_params['_pagination_endpoint'] = endpoint
min_id =
if min_id.isdigit():
prev_params['min_id'] = int(min_id)
prev_params['min_id'] = min_id
if "max_id" in prev_params:
del prev_params['max_id']
response._pagination_prev = prev_params
return response
def __get_streaming_base(self) -> str:
Internal streaming API helper.
Returns the correct URL for the streaming API.
instance = self.__instance()
if "streaming_api" in instance["urls"] and instance["urls"]["streaming_api"] != self.api_base_url:
# This is probably a websockets URL, which is really for the browser, but requests can't handle it
# So we do this below to turn it into an HTTPS or HTTP URL
parse = urlparse(instance["urls"]["streaming_api"])
if parse.scheme == 'wss':
url = "https://" + parse.netloc
elif parse.scheme == 'ws':
url = "http://" + parse.netloc
raise MastodonAPIError(
f"Could not parse streaming api location returned from server: {instance['urls']['streaming_api']}."
url = self.api_base_url
assert not url is None
return url
def __stream(self, endpoint, listener, params={}, run_async=False, timeout=_DEFAULT_STREAM_TIMEOUT, reconnect_async=False, reconnect_async_wait_sec=_DEFAULT_STREAM_RECONNECT_WAIT_SEC):
Internal streaming API helper.
Returns a handle to the open connection that the user can close if they
wish to terminate it.
# Check if we have to redirect
url = self.__get_streaming_base()
# The streaming server can't handle two slashes in a path, so remove trailing slashes
if url[-1] == '/':
url = url[:-1]
# Connect function (called and then potentially passed to async handler)
def connect_func():
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.access_token} if self.access_token else {}
if self.user_agent:
headers['User-Agent'] = self.user_agent
connection = self.session.get(url + endpoint, headers=headers, data=params, stream=True,
timeout=(self.request_timeout, timeout))
if connection.status_code != 200:
raise MastodonNetworkError(f"Could not connect to streaming server: {connection.reason}")
return connection
connection = None
# Async stream handler
class __stream_handle():
def __init__(self, connection, connect_func, reconnect_async, reconnect_async_wait_sec):
self.closed = False
self.running = True
self.connection = connection
self.connect_func = connect_func
self.reconnect_async = reconnect_async
self.reconnect_async_wait_sec = reconnect_async_wait_sec
self.reconnecting = False
def close(self):
self.closed = True
if self.connection is not None:
def is_alive(self):
return self._thread.is_alive()
def is_receiving(self):
if self.closed or not self.running or self.reconnecting or not self.is_alive():
return False
return True
def _sleep_attentive(self):
if self._thread != threading.current_thread():
raise RuntimeError(
"Illegal call from outside the stream_handle thread")
time_remaining = self.reconnect_async_wait_sec
while time_remaining > 0 and not self.closed:
time_remaining -= 0.5
def _threadproc(self):
self._thread = threading.current_thread()
# Run until closed or until error if not autoreconnecting
while self.running:
if self.connection is not None:
with closing(self.connection) as r:
except (AttributeError, MastodonMalformedEventError, MastodonNetworkError) as e:
if not (self.closed or self.reconnect_async):
raise e
if self.closed:
self.running = False
# Reconnect loop. Try immediately once, then with delays on error.
if (self.reconnect_async and not self.closed) or self.connection is None:
self.reconnecting = True
connect_success = False
while not connect_success:
if self.closed:
# Someone from outside stopped the streaming
self.running = False
the_connection = self.connect_func()
if the_connection.status_code != 200:
exception = MastodonNetworkError(f"Could not connect to server. "
f"HTTP status: {the_connection.status_code}")
if self.closed:
# Here we have maybe a rare race condition. Exactly on connect, someone
# stopped the streaming before. We close the previous established connection:
self.connection = the_connection
connect_success = True
connect_success = False
self.reconnecting = False
self.running = False
return 0
if run_async:
handle = __stream_handle(
connection, connect_func, reconnect_async, reconnect_async_wait_sec)
t = threading.Thread(args=(), target=handle._threadproc)
t.daemon = True
return handle
# Blocking, never returns (can only leave via exception)
connection = connect_func()
with closing(connection) as r:
def __generate_params(self, params, exclude=[]):
Internal named-parameters-to-dict helper.
Note for developers: If called with locals() as params,
as is the usual practice in this code, the __generate_params call
(or at least the locals() call) should generally be the first thing
in your function.
params = collections.OrderedDict(params)
if 'self' in params:
del params['self']
param_keys = list(params.keys())
for key in param_keys:
if isinstance(params[key], bool):
params[key] = '1' if params[key] else '0'
for key in param_keys:
if params[key] is None or key in exclude:
del params[key]
param_keys = list(params.keys())
for key in param_keys:
if isinstance(params[key], list):
params[key + "[]"] = params[key]
del params[key]
return params
def __unpack_id(self, id, dateconv = False, listify = False):
Internal object-to-id converter
Checks if id is a dict that contains id and
returns the id inside, otherwise just returns
the id straight.
Also unpacks datetimes to snowflake IDs if requested.
TODO: Rework this to use the new type system.
if id is None:
return None
if not isinstance(id, list) and listify:
id = [id]
if isinstance(id, list):
for i in range(len(id)):
id[i] = self.__unpack_id(id[i], dateconv = dateconv, listify = False)
return id
if isinstance(id, dict) and "id" in id:
id = id["id"]
if dateconv and isinstance(id, datetime):
id = (int(id.timestamp()) << 16) * 1000
return id
def __decode_webpush_b64(self, data):
Re-pads and decodes urlsafe base64.
missing_padding = len(data) % 4
if missing_padding != 0:
data += '=' * (4 - missing_padding)
return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(data)
def __get_token_expired(self):
"""Internal helper for oauth code"""
return self._token_expired <
def __set_token_expired(self, value):
"""Internal helper for oauth code"""
self._token_expired = + timedelta(seconds=value)
def __get_refresh_token(self):
"""Internal helper for oauth code"""
return self._refresh_token
def __set_refresh_token(self, value):
"""Internal helper for oauth code"""
self._refresh_token = value
def __guess_type(self, media_file):
"""Internal helper to guess media file type"""
mime_type = None
mime_type = magic.from_file(media_file, mime=True)
except AttributeError:
mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(media_file)[0]
return mime_type
def __load_media_file(self, media_file, mime_type=None, file_name=None):
"""Internal helper to load a media file"""
if isinstance(media_file, PurePath):
media_file = str(media_file)
if isinstance(media_file, str):
try: # Explicitly resolve to canonical for robustness. This can and will fail if Path isn't available because python too old.
media_file = str(Path(media_file).resolve())
if isinstance(media_file, str) and os.path.isfile(media_file):
mime_type = self.__guess_type(media_file)
media_file = open(media_file, 'rb')
if mime_type is None:
raise MastodonIllegalArgumentError('Could not determine mime type or data passed directly without mime type.')
if file_name is None:
random_suffix = uuid.uuid4().hex
file_name = f"mastodonpyupload_{time.time()}_{random_suffix}{mimetypes.guess_extension(mime_type)}"
return (file_name, media_file, mime_type)
def __protocolize(base_url):
"""Internal add-protocol-to-url helper"""
if not base_url.startswith("http://") and not base_url.startswith("https://"):
base_url = "https://" + base_url
# Some API endpoints can't handle extra /'s in path requests
base_url = base_url.rstrip("/")
return base_url
def __deprotocolize(base_url):
"""Internal helper to strip http and https from a URL"""
if base_url.startswith("http://"):
base_url = base_url[7:]
elif base_url.startswith("https://") or base_url.startswith("onion://"):
base_url = base_url[8:]
return base_url
def __normalize_version_string(self, version_string):
# Split off everything after the first space, to take care of Pleromalikes so that the parser doesn't get confused in case those have a + somewhere in their version
version_string = version_string.split(" ")[0]
# Attempt to split at + and check if the part after parses as a version string, to account for hometown
return version_string.split("+")[1]
# If this fails, assume that if there is a +, what is before that is the masto version (or that there is no +)
return version_string.split("+")[0]