# push.py - webpush endpoints and tooling import base64 import os import json from mastodon.versions import _DICT_VERSION_PUSH, _DICT_VERSION_PUSH_NOTIF from mastodon.errors import MastodonIllegalArgumentError from mastodon.utility import api_version from mastodon.compat import IMPL_HAS_CRYPTO, ec, serialization, default_backend from mastodon.compat import IMPL_HAS_ECE, http_ece from mastodon.internals import Mastodon as Internals from mastodon.types import WebpushCryptoParamsPubkey, WebpushCryptoParamsPrivkey, WebPushSubscription, PushNotification, try_cast_recurse from typing import Optional, Tuple class Mastodon(Internals): ### # Reading data: Webpush subscriptions ### @api_version("2.4.0", "2.4.0", _DICT_VERSION_PUSH) def push_subscription(self) -> WebPushSubscription: """ Fetch the current push subscription the logged-in user has for this app. Only one webpush subscription can be active at a time for any given app. """ return self.__api_request('GET', '/api/v1/push/subscription') ### # Writing data: Push subscriptions ### @api_version("2.4.0", "4..0", _DICT_VERSION_PUSH) def push_subscription_set(self, endpoint: str, encrypt_params: WebpushCryptoParamsPubkey, follow_events: Optional[bool] = None, favourite_events: Optional[bool] = None, reblog_events: Optional[bool] = None, mention_events: Optional[bool] = None, poll_events: Optional[bool] = None, follow_request_events: Optional[bool] = None, status_events: Optional[bool] = None, policy: str = 'all', update_events: Optional[bool] = None, admin_sign_up_events: Optional[bool] = None, admin_report_events: Optional[bool] = None) -> WebPushSubscription: """ Sets up or modifies the push subscription the logged-in user has for this app. `endpoint` is the endpoint URL mastodon should call for pushes. Note that mastodon requires https for this URL. `encrypt_params` is a dict with key parameters that allow the server to encrypt data for you: A public key `pubkey` and a shared secret `auth`. You can generate this as well as the corresponding private key using the :ref:`push_subscription_generate_keys() ` function. `policy` controls what sources will generate webpush events. Valid values are `all`, `none`, `follower` and `followed`. The rest of the parameters controls what kind of events you wish to subscribe to. Events whose names start with "admin" require admin privileges to subscribe to. * `follow_events` controls whether you receive events when someone follows the logged in user. * `favourite_events` controls whether you receive events when someone favourites one of the logged in users statuses. * `reblog_events` controls whether you receive events when someone boosts one of the logged in users statuses. * `mention_events` controls whether you receive events when someone mentions the logged in user in a status. * `poll_events` controls whether you receive events when a poll the logged in user has voted in has ended. * `follow_request_events` controls whether you receive events when someone requests to follow the logged in user. * `status_events` controls whether you receive events when someone the logged in user has subscribed to notifications for posts a new status. * `update_events` controls whether you receive events when a status that the logged in user has boosted has been edited. * `admin_sign_up_events` controls whether you receive events when a new user signs up. * `admin_report_events` controls whether you receive events when a new report is received. Returns a :ref:`push subscription dict `. """ if not policy in ['all', 'none', 'follower', 'followed']: raise MastodonIllegalArgumentError("Valid values for policy are 'all', 'none', 'follower' or 'followed'.") endpoint = Mastodon.__protocolize(endpoint) push_pubkey_b64 = base64.b64encode(encrypt_params['pubkey']) push_auth_b64 = base64.b64encode(encrypt_params['auth']) params = { 'subscription[endpoint]': endpoint, 'subscription[keys][p256dh]': push_pubkey_b64, 'subscription[keys][auth]': push_auth_b64, 'policy': policy } if follow_events is not None: params['data[alerts][follow]'] = follow_events if favourite_events is not None: params['data[alerts][favourite]'] = favourite_events if reblog_events is not None: params['data[alerts][reblog]'] = reblog_events if mention_events is not None: params['data[alerts][mention]'] = mention_events if poll_events is not None: params['data[alerts][poll]'] = poll_events if follow_request_events is not None: params['data[alerts][follow_request]'] = follow_request_events if follow_request_events is not None: params['data[alerts][status]'] = status_events if update_events is not None: params['data[alerts][update]'] = update_events if admin_sign_up_events is not None: params['data[alerts][admin.sign_up]'] = admin_sign_up_events if admin_report_events is not None: params['data[alerts][admin.report]'] = admin_report_events # Canonicalize booleans params = self.__generate_params(params) return self.__api_request('POST', '/api/v1/push/subscription', params) @api_version("2.4.0", "2.4.0", _DICT_VERSION_PUSH) def push_subscription_update(self, follow_events: Optional[bool] = None, favourite_events: Optional[bool] = None, reblog_events: Optional[bool] = None, mention_events: Optional[bool] = None, poll_events: Optional[bool] = None, follow_request_events: Optional[bool] = None, status_events: Optional[bool] = None, policy: Optional[str] = 'all', update_events: Optional[bool] = None, admin_sign_up_events: Optional[bool] = None, admin_report_events: Optional[bool] = None) -> WebPushSubscription: """ Modifies what kind of events the app wishes to subscribe to. Parameters are as in :ref:`push_subscription_create() `. Returned object reflects the updated push subscription. """ params = {} if policy is not None: params['policy'] = policy if follow_events is not None: params['data[alerts][follow]'] = follow_events if favourite_events is not None: params['data[alerts][favourite]'] = favourite_events if reblog_events is not None: params['data[alerts][reblog]'] = reblog_events if mention_events is not None: params['data[alerts][mention]'] = mention_events if poll_events is not None: params['data[alerts][poll]'] = poll_events if follow_request_events is not None: params['data[alerts][follow_request]'] = follow_request_events if follow_request_events is not None: params['data[alerts][status]'] = status_events if update_events is not None: params['data[alerts][update]'] = update_events if admin_sign_up_events is not None: params['data[alerts][admin.sign_up]'] = admin_sign_up_events if admin_report_events is not None: params['data[alerts][admin.report]'] = admin_report_events # Canonicalize booleans params = self.__generate_params(params) return self.__api_request('PUT', '/api/v1/push/subscription', params) @api_version("2.4.0", "2.4.0", "2.4.0") def push_subscription_delete(self): """ Remove the current push subscription the logged-in user has for this app. """ self.__api_request('DELETE', '/api/v1/push/subscription') ### # Push subscription crypto utilities ### def push_subscription_generate_keys(self) -> Tuple[WebpushCryptoParamsPubkey, WebpushCryptoParamsPrivkey]: """ Generates a private key, public key and shared secret for use in webpush subscriptions. Returns two dicts: One with the private key and shared secret and another with the public key and shared secret. """ if not IMPL_HAS_CRYPTO: raise NotImplementedError('To use the crypto tools, please install the webpush feature dependencies.') push_key_pair = ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP256R1(), default_backend()) push_key_priv = push_key_pair.private_numbers().private_value try: push_key_pub = push_key_pair.public_key().public_bytes( serialization.Encoding.X962, serialization.PublicFormat.UncompressedPoint, ) except: push_key_pub = push_key_pair.public_key().public_numbers().encode_point() push_shared_secret = os.urandom(16) priv_dict = { 'privkey': push_key_priv, 'auth': push_shared_secret } pub_dict = { 'pubkey': push_key_pub, 'auth': push_shared_secret } return priv_dict, pub_dict @api_version("2.4.0", "2.4.0", _DICT_VERSION_PUSH_NOTIF) def push_subscription_decrypt_push(self, data: bytes, decrypt_params: WebpushCryptoParamsPrivkey, encryption_header: str, crypto_key_header: str) -> PushNotification: """ Decrypts `data` received in a webpush request. Requires the private key dict from :ref:`push_subscription_generate_keys() ` (`decrypt_params`) as well as the Encryption and server Crypto-Key headers from the received webpush """ if (not IMPL_HAS_ECE) or (not IMPL_HAS_CRYPTO): raise NotImplementedError('To use the crypto tools, please install the webpush feature dependencies.') salt = self.__decode_webpush_b64(encryption_header.split("salt=")[1].strip()) dhparams = self.__decode_webpush_b64(crypto_key_header.split("dh=")[1].split(";")[0].strip()) p256ecdsa = self.__decode_webpush_b64(crypto_key_header.split("p256ecdsa=")[1].strip()) dec_key = ec.derive_private_key(decrypt_params['privkey'], ec.SECP256R1(), default_backend()) decrypted = http_ece.decrypt( data, salt=salt, key=p256ecdsa, private_key=dec_key, dh=dhparams, auth_secret=decrypt_params['auth'], keylabel="P-256", version="aesgcm" ) return try_cast_recurse(PushNotification, json.loads(decrypted.decode('utf-8')))