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# - notification endpoints
from mastodon.versions import _DICT_VERSION_NOTIFICATION
from mastodon.errors import MastodonIllegalArgumentError
from mastodon.utility import api_version
from mastodon.internals import Mastodon as Internals
from mastodon.types import Notification, IdType, PaginatableList, Account
from typing import Union, Optional, List
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class Mastodon(Internals):
# Reading data: Notifications
@api_version("1.0.0", "3.5.0", _DICT_VERSION_NOTIFICATION)
def notifications(self, id: Optional[Union[Notification, IdType]] = None, account_id: Optional[Union[Account, IdType]] = None, max_id: Optional[Union[Notification, IdType]] = None,
min_id: Optional[Union[Notification, IdType]] = None, since_id: Optional[Union[Notification, IdType]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None,
exclude_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, types: Optional[List[str]] = None, mentions_only: Optional[bool] = None) -> PaginatableList[Notification]:
Fetch notifications (mentions, favourites, reblogs, follows) for the logged-in
user. Pass `account_id` to get only notifications originating from the given account.
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There are different types of notifications:
* `follow` - A user followed the logged in user
* `follow_request` - A user has requested to follow the logged in user (for locked accounts)
* `favourite` - A user favourited a post by the logged in user
* `reblog` - A user reblogged a post by the logged in user
* `mention` - A user mentioned the logged in user
* `poll` - A poll the logged in user created or voted in has ended
* `update` - A status the logged in user has reblogged (and only those, as of 4.0.0) has been edited
* `status` - A user that the logged in user has enabned notifications for has enabled `notify` (see :ref:`account_follow() <account_follow()>`)
* `admin.sign_up` - For accounts with appropriate permissions (TODO: document which those are when adding the permission API): A new user has signed up
* `` - For accounts with appropriate permissions (TODO: document which those are when adding the permission API): A new report has been received
Parameters `exclude_types` and `types` are array of these types, specifying them will in- or exclude the
types of notifications given. It is legal to give both parameters at the same tine, the result will then
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be the intersection of the results of both filters. Specifying `mentions_only` is a deprecated way to set
`exclude_types` to all but mentions.
Can be passed an `id` to fetch a single notification.
Returns a list of :ref:`notification dicts <notification dicts>`.
if mentions_only is not None:
if exclude_types is None and types is None:
if mentions_only:
if self.verify_minimum_version("3.5.0", cached=True):
types = ["mention"]
exclude_types = ["follow", "favourite", "reblog", "poll", "follow_request"]
raise MastodonIllegalArgumentError('Cannot specify exclude_types/types when mentions_only is present')
del mentions_only
if max_id is not None:
max_id = self.__unpack_id(max_id)
if min_id is not None:
min_id = self.__unpack_id(min_id)
if since_id is not None:
since_id = self.__unpack_id(since_id)
if account_id is not None:
account_id = self.__unpack_id(account_id)
if id is None:
params = self.__generate_params(locals(), ['id'])
return self.__api_request('GET', '/api/v1/notifications', params)
id = self.__unpack_id(id)
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return self.__api_request('GET', f"/api/v1/notifications/{id}")
# Writing data: Notifications
@api_version("1.0.0", "1.0.0", "1.0.0")
def notifications_clear(self):
Clear out a user's notifications
self.__api_request('POST', '/api/v1/notifications/clear')
@api_version("1.3.0", "2.9.2", "2.9.2")
def notifications_dismiss(self, id: Union[Notification, IdType]):
Deletes a single notification
id = self.__unpack_id(id)
if self.verify_minimum_version("2.9.2", cached=True):
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self.__api_request('POST', f'/api/v1/notifications/{id}/dismiss')
params = self.__generate_params(locals())
self.__api_request('POST', '/api/v1/notifications/dismiss', params)