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This file is part of x2600, the Atari 2600 Emulator
Copyright 1996 Alex Hornby. For contributions see the file CREDITS.
This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
License. This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
See the file COPYING for details.
$Id: address.h,v 1.4 1996/04/01 14:51:50 alex Exp $
#ifndef ADDRESS_H
#define ADDRESS_H
/* Contains the addresses of the 2600 hardware */
/* $Id: address.h,v 1.4 1996/04/01 14:51:50 alex Exp $ */
/* TIA Write Addresses (6 bit) */
#define VSYNC 0x00
#define VBLANK 0x01
#define WSYNC 0x02
#define RSYNC 0x03
#define NUSIZ0 0x04
#define NUSIZ1 0x05
#define COLUP0 0x06
#define COLUP1 0x07
#define COLUPF 0x08
#define COLUBK 0x09
#define CTRLPF 0x0A
#define REFP0 0x0B
#define REFP1 0x0C
#define PF0 0x0D
#define PF1 0x0E
#define PF2 0x0F
#define RESP0 0x10
#define RESP1 0x11
#define RESM0 0x12
#define RESM1 0x13
#define RESBL 0x14
#define AUDC0 0x15
#define AUDC1 0x16
#define AUDF0 0x17
#define AUDF1 0x18
#define AUDV0 0x19
#define AUDV1 0x1A
#define GRP0 0x1B
#define GRP1 0x1C
#define ENAM0 0x1D
#define ENAM1 0x1E
#define ENABL 0x1F
#define HMP0 0x20
#define HMP1 0x21
#define HMM0 0x22
#define HMM1 0x23
#define HMBL 0x24
#define VDELP0 0x25
#define VDELP1 0x26
#define VDELBL 0x27
#define RESMP0 0x28
#define RESMP1 0x29
#define HMOVE 0x2A
#define HMCLR 0x2B
#define CXCLR 0x2C
/* TIA Read Addresses */
#define CXM0P 0x0
#define CXM1P 0x1
#define CXP0FB 0x2
#define CXP1FB 0x3
#define CXM0FB 0x4
#define CXM1FB 0x5
#define CXBLPF 0x6
#define CXPPMM 0x7
#define INPT0 0x8
#define INPT1 0x9
#define INPT2 0xA
#define INPT3 0xB
#define INPT4 0xC
#define INPT5 0xD
/* RIOT Addresses */
#define RAM 0x80 /* till 0xff */
#define SWCHA 0x280
#define SWACNT 0x281
#define SWCHB 0x282
#define SWBCNT 0x283
#define INTIM 0x284
#define TIM1T 0x294
#define TIM8T 0x295
#define TIM64T 0x296
#define T1024T 0x297
#define ROM 0xE000 /* To FFFF,0x1000-1FFF */