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Executable File

// ****************************************************************************
// VGA videomodes
// file derived from the PicoVGA project
// by Miroslav Nemecek
// ****************************************************************************
#ifndef _VGA_VMODE_H
#define _VGA_VMODE_H
// video timings
typedef struct {
// horizontal
float htot; // total scanline in [us]
float hfront; // H front porch (after image, before HSYNC) in [us]
float hsync; // H sync pulse in [us]
float hback; // H back porch (after HSYNC, before image) in [us]
float hfull; // H full visible in [us] (corresponding to 'wfull' pixels)
// vertical
u16 vtot; // total scanlines (both subframes)
u16 vmax; // maximal height
// frame
u16 vsync; // V sync (half-)pulses
u16 vpost; // V sync post half-pulses
u16 vback; // V back porch (after VSYNC, before image)
u16 vact; // active visible scanlines
u16 vfront; // V front porch (after image, before VSYNC)
u16 vpre; // V sync pre half-pulses
bool psync; // positive synchronization
} sVideo;
// === Monitor videomodes
// EGA 8:5 640x400 (5:4 500x400, 4:3 528x400, 16:9 704x400), vert. 70 Hz, hor. 31.4685 kHz, pixel clock 25.175 MHz
extern const sVideo VideoEGA;
// VGA 4:3 640x480 (16:9 848x480), vert. 60 Hz, hor. 31.4685 kHz, pixel clock 25.175 MHz
extern const sVideo VideoVGA;
// required configuration to initialize VGA output
typedef struct {
u16 width; // width in pixels
u16 height; // height in lines
u16 wfull; // width of full screen, corresponding to 'hfull' time (0=use 'width' parameter)
const sVideo* video; // used video timings
u32 freq; // required minimal system frequency in kHz (real frequency can be higher)
u32 fmax; // maximal system frequency in kHz (limit resolution if needed)
bool dbly; // double in Y direction
bool lockfreq; // lock required frequency, do not change it
} sVgaCfg;
// videomode table - used to setup video driver
typedef struct {
// screen resolution
u16 width; // width in pixels
u16 height; // height in lines
u16 wfull; // width of full screen (corresponding to 'hfull' time)
u16 wmax; // maximal width (corresponding to 'hmax' time)
// setup PLL system clock
u32 freq; // system clock frequency in kHz
u32 vco; // VCO frequency in kHz
u16 fbdiv; // fbdiv PLL divider
u8 pd1; // postdiv1
u8 pd2; // postdiv2
// setup PIO state machine
u16 div; // divide base state machine clock
u16 cpp; // state machine clocks per pixel
u8 prog; // layer program LAYERPROG_*
// horizontal timings
u16 htot; // total state machine clocks per line
u16 hfront; // H front porch in state machine clocks (min. 2)
u16 hsync; // H sync pulse in state machine clocks (min. 4)
u16 hback; // H back porch in state machine clocks (min. 13)
float hfreq; // horizontal frequency in [Hz]
// vertical timings
u16 vtot; // total scanlines (both sub-frames)
u16 vmax; // maximal height
float vfreq; // vertical frequency in [Hz]
// frame
u16 vsync; // V sync (half-)pulses
u16 vpost; // V sync post (half-)pulses
u16 vback; // V back porch (after VSYNC, before image)
u16 vact; // active visible scanlines
u16 vfront; // V front porch (after image, before VSYNC)
u16 vpre; // V sync pre (half-)pulses
u16 vfirst; // first active scanline
// flags
bool lockfreq; // lock current frequency, do not change it
bool dbly; // double scanlines
bool psync; // positive synchronization
} sVmode;
// output device
enum {
DEV_VGA=0, // VGA monitor
// preset videomode resolution
enum {
RES_ZX = 0, // 256x192
RES_CGA, // 320x200
RES_QVGA, // 320x240
RES_EGA, // 512x400
RES_VGA, // 640x480
extern sVmode Vmode; // videomode setup
extern sVgaCfg Cfg; // required configuration
// initialize default VGA configuration
void VgaCfgDef(sVgaCfg* cfg);
// calculate videomode setup
// cfg ... required configuration
// vmode ... destination videomode setup for driver
void VgaCfg(const sVgaCfg* cfg, sVmode* vmode);
// initialize videomode
// dev ... device DEV_*
// res ... resolution RES_*
const sVmode* Video(u8 dev, u8 res);
#endif // _VGA_VMODE_H