
1048 wiersze
27 KiB

only update window clip on window change (?)
fix leftmost window/nta render and window bug
sprite masking isn't right in sonic/micromachines 2, but
seems ok in galaxy force 2
#include "shared.h"
/* Or change the names if you depend on these from elsewhere.. */
#undef READ_LONG
static __inline__ uint32 READ_LONG(void *address)
if ((uint32)address & 3)
#ifdef LSB_FIRST /* little endian version */
return ( *((uint8 *)address) +
(*((uint8 *)address+1) << 8) +
(*((uint8 *)address+2) << 16) +
(*((uint8 *)address+3) << 24) );
#else /* big endian version */
return ( *((uint8 *)address+3) +
(*((uint8 *)address+2) << 8) +
(*((uint8 *)address+1) << 16) +
(*((uint8 *)address) << 24) );
#endif /* LSB_FIRST */
return *(uint32 *)address;
static __inline__ void WRITE_LONG(void *address, uint32 data)
if ((uint32)address & 3)
#ifdef LSB_FIRST
*((uint8 *)address) = data;
*((uint8 *)address+1) = (data >> 8);
*((uint8 *)address+2) = (data >> 16);
*((uint8 *)address+3) = (data >> 24);
*((uint8 *)address+3) = data;
*((uint8 *)address+2) = (data >> 8);
*((uint8 *)address+1) = (data >> 16);
*((uint8 *)address) = (data >> 24);
#endif /* LSB_FIRST */
*(uint32 *)address = data;
#endif /* ALIGN_LONG */
/* Draw a single 8-pixel column */
atex = atex_table[(ATTR >> 13) & 7]; \
src = (uint32 *)&bg_pattern_cache[(ATTR & 0x0FFF) << 6 | (LINE)]; \
WRITE_LONG(dst, READ_LONG(src) | atex); \
dst++; \
src++; \
WRITE_LONG(dst, READ_LONG(src) | atex); \
dst++; \
src++; \
ATTR >>= 16; \
atex = atex_table[(ATTR >> 13) & 7]; \
src = (uint32 *)&bg_pattern_cache[(ATTR & 0x0FFF) << 6 | (LINE)]; \
WRITE_LONG(dst, READ_LONG(src) | atex); \
dst++; \
src++; \
WRITE_LONG(dst, READ_LONG(src) | atex); \
dst++; \
/* Draw a single 16-pixel column */
atex = atex_table[(ATTR >> 13) & 7]; \
offs = (ATTR & 0x03FF) << 7 | (ATTR & 0x0800) << 6 | (LINE); \
if(ATTR & 0x1000) offs ^= 0x40; \
src = (uint32 *)&bg_pattern_cache[offs]; \
WRITE_LONG(dst, READ_LONG(src) | atex); \
dst++; \
src++; \
WRITE_LONG(dst, READ_LONG(src) | atex); \
dst++; \
src++; \
ATTR >>= 16; \
atex = atex_table[(ATTR >> 13) & 7]; \
offs = (ATTR & 0x03FF) << 7 | (ATTR & 0x0800) << 6 | (LINE); \
if(ATTR & 0x1000) offs ^= 0x40; \
src = (uint32 *)&bg_pattern_cache[offs]; \
WRITE_LONG(dst, READ_LONG(src) | atex); \
dst++; \
src++; \
WRITE_LONG(dst, READ_LONG(src) | atex); \
dst++; \
atex = atex_table[(ATTR >> 13) & 7]; \
src = (uint32 *)&bg_pattern_cache[(ATTR & 0x0FFF) << 6 | (LINE)]; \
*dst++ = (*src++ | atex); \
*dst++ = (*src++ | atex); \
ATTR >>= 16; \
atex = atex_table[(ATTR >> 13) & 7]; \
src = (uint32 *)&bg_pattern_cache[(ATTR & 0x0FFF) << 6 | (LINE)]; \
*dst++ = (*src++ | atex); \
*dst++ = (*src++ | atex);
atex = atex_table[(ATTR >> 13) & 7]; \
offs = (ATTR & 0x03FF) << 7 | (ATTR & 0x0800) << 6 | (LINE); \
if(ATTR & 0x1000) offs ^= 0x40; \
src = (uint32 *)&bg_pattern_cache[offs]; \
*dst++ = (*src++ | atex); \
*dst++ = (*src++ | atex); \
ATTR >>= 16; \
atex = atex_table[(ATTR >> 13) & 7]; \
offs = (ATTR & 0x03FF) << 7 | (ATTR & 0x0800) << 6 | (LINE); \
if(ATTR & 0x1000) offs ^= 0x40; \
src = (uint32 *)&bg_pattern_cache[offs]; \
*dst++ = (*src++ | atex); \
*dst++ = (*src++ | atex);
#endif /* ALIGN_LONG */
gcc complains about this:
*lb++ = table[(*lb << 8) |(*src++ | palette)];
.. claiming the result on lb is undefined.
So we manually advance lb and use constant offsets into the line buffer.
lb[0] = table[(lb[0] << 8) |(*src++ | palette)]; \
lb[1] = table[(lb[1] << 8) |(*src++ | palette)]; \
lb[2] = table[(lb[2] << 8) |(*src++ | palette)]; \
lb[3] = table[(lb[3] << 8) |(*src++ | palette)]; \
lb[4] = table[(lb[4] << 8) |(*src++ | palette)]; \
lb[5] = table[(lb[5] << 8) |(*src++ | palette)]; \
lb[6] = table[(lb[6] << 8) |(*src++ | palette)]; \
lb[7] = table[(lb[7] << 8) |(*src++ | palette)]
/* Pixel creation macros, input is four bits each */
/* 5:6:5 RGB */
#define MAKE_PIXEL_16(r,g,b) ((r) << 12 | (g) << 7 | (b) << 1)
/* Clip data */
static clip_t clip[2];
/* Attribute expansion table */
static const uint32 atex_table[] = {
0x00000000, 0x10101010, 0x20202020, 0x30303030,
0x40404040, 0x50505050, 0x60606060, 0x70707070
/* Sprite name look-up table */
static uint8 name_lut[0x400];
/* Sprite line buffer data */
static uint8 object_index_count;
struct {
uint16 ypos;
uint16 xpos;
uint16 attr;
uint8 size;
uint8 index;
/* Pixel look-up tables and table base address */
static uint8 *lut[5];
#include "genlut.h"
/* 16-bit pixel remapping data */
static uint16 pixel_16[0x100];
static uint16 pixel_16_lut[3][0x200];
/* Line buffers */
static uint8 tmp_buf[0x400]; /* Temporary buffer */
static uint8 bg_buf[0x400]; /* Merged background buffer */
static uint8 nta_buf[0x400]; /* Plane A / Window line buffer */
static uint8 ntb_buf[0x400]; /* Plane B line buffer */
static uint8 obj_buf[0x400]; /* Object layer line buffer */
static uint16 line_buf[0x400];
/* Init, reset, shutdown routines */
int render_init(void)
int i;
/* Pixel look-up tables */
lut[0] = (uint8 *)(lut_base);
for(i = 1; i < LUT_MAX; i += 1)
lut[i] = lut[0] + (i * LUT_SIZE);
/* Make pixel data tables */
for(i = 0; i < 0x200; i += 1)
int r, g, b;
r = (i >> 6) & 7;
g = (i >> 3) & 7;
b = (i >> 0) & 7;
pixel_16_lut[0][i] = MAKE_PIXEL_16(r,g,b);
pixel_16_lut[1][i] = MAKE_PIXEL_16(r<<1,g<<1,b<<1);
pixel_16_lut[2][i] = MAKE_PIXEL_16(r|8,g|8,b|8);
/* Set up color update function */
color_update = color_update_16;
/* Make sprite name look-up table */
return (1);
void make_name_lut(void)
int col, row;
int vcol, vrow;
int width, height;
int flipx, flipy;
int i, name;
memset(name_lut, 0, sizeof(name_lut));
for(i = 0; i < 0x400; i += 1)
vcol = col = i & 3;
vrow = row = (i >> 2) & 3;
height = (i >> 4) & 3;
width = (i >> 6) & 3;
flipx = (i >> 8) & 1;
flipy = (i >> 9) & 1;
vcol = (width - col);
vrow = (height - row);
name = vrow + (vcol * (height + 1));
if((row > height) || col > width)
name = -1;
name_lut[i] = name;
void render_reset(void)
memset(&clip, 0, sizeof(clip));
memset(bg_buf, 0, sizeof(bg_buf));
memset(tmp_buf, 0, sizeof(tmp_buf));
memset(nta_buf, 0, sizeof(nta_buf));
memset(ntb_buf, 0, sizeof(ntb_buf));
memset(obj_buf, 0, sizeof(obj_buf));
memset(&pixel_16, 0, sizeof(pixel_16));
void render_shutdown(void)
/* Line render function */
void render_line(int line)
// uint8 *lb = (gbitmap.remap == 1) ? tmp_buf : &[(line * gbitmap.pitch)];
uint8 *lb = tmp_buf;
if((reg[1] & 0x40) == 0x00)
/* Use the overscan color to clear the screen */
memset(&lb[gbitmap.viewport.x], 0x40 | border, gbitmap.viewport.w);
render_ntx_im2(0, line, nta_buf);
render_ntx_im2(1, line, ntb_buf);
if(reg[0x0B] & 4)
render_ntx_vs(0, line, nta_buf);
render_ntx_vs(1, line, ntb_buf);
render_ntx(0, line, nta_buf);
render_ntx(1, line, ntb_buf);
render_ntw_im2(line, nta_buf);
render_ntw(line, nta_buf);
if(reg[12] & 8)
merge(&nta_buf[0x20], &ntb_buf[0x20], &bg_buf[0x20], lut[2], (reg[12] & 1) ? 320 : 256);
memset(&obj_buf[0x20], 0, (reg[12] & 1) ? 320 : 256);
render_obj_im2(line, obj_buf, lut[3]);
render_obj(line, obj_buf, lut[3]);
merge(&obj_buf[0x20], &bg_buf[0x20], &lb[0x20], lut[4], (reg[12] & 1) ? 320 : 256);
merge(&nta_buf[0x20], &ntb_buf[0x20], &lb[0x20], lut[0], (reg[12] & 1) ? 320 : 256);
render_obj_im2(line, lb, lut[1]);
render_obj(line, lb, lut[1]);
if(reg[0] & 0x20)
memset(&lb[gbitmap.viewport.x], 0x40 | border, 0x08);
int width = (reg[12] & 1) ? 320 : 256;
remap_16(lb+0x20, line_buf, pixel_16, width);
emu_DrawLine16(line_buf, width ,256, line);
//remap_16(lb+0x20, emu_LineBuffer(line), pixel_16, width);
/* Window rendering */
void render_ntw(int line, uint8 *buf)
int column, v_line, width;
uint32 *nt, *src, *dst, atex, atbuf;
v_line = (line & 7) << 3;
width = (reg[12] & 1) ? 7 : 6;
nt = (uint32 *)&vram[ntwb | ((line >> 3) << width)];
dst = (uint32 *)&buf[0x20 + (clip[1].left << 4)];
for(column = clip[1].left; column < clip[1].right; column += 1)
atbuf = nt[column];
DRAW_COLUMN(atbuf, v_line)
void render_ntw_im2(int line, uint8 *buf)
int column, v_line, width;
uint32 *nt, *src, *dst, atex, atbuf, offs;
v_line = ((line & 7) << 1 | ((status >> 4) & 1)) << 3;
width = (reg[12] & 1) ? 7 : 6;
nt = (uint32 *)&vram[ntwb | ((line >> 3) << width)];
dst = (uint32 *)&buf[0x20 + (clip[1].left << 4)];
for(column = clip[1].left; column < clip[1].right; column += 1)
atbuf = nt[column];
DRAW_COLUMN_IM2(atbuf, v_line)
/* Background plane rendering */
void render_ntx(int which, int line, uint8 *buf)
int column;
int start, end;
int index;
int shift;
int nametable_row_mask = (playfield_col_mask >> 1);
int v_line;
uint32 atex, atbuf, *src, *dst;
uint16 xascroll, xbscroll, xscroll;
int y_scroll;
uint32 *nt;
int vsr_shift;
uint32 *vs;
uint16 table;
table = (which) ? ntbb : ntab;
get_hscroll(line, &xascroll, &xbscroll);
xscroll = (which) ? xbscroll : xascroll;
shift = (xscroll & 0x0F);
index = ((playfield_col_mask + 1) >> 1) - ((xscroll >> 4) & nametable_row_mask);
start = 0;
end = (reg[0x0C] & 1) ? 20 : 16;
// Looks correct if clip[0].left has 1 subtracted
// Otherwise window has gap between endpoint and where the first normal
// nta column starts
if(clip[0].enable == 0) return;
start = clip[0].left;
end = clip[0].right;
index = (index + clip[0].left) & nametable_row_mask;
vsr_shift = (which) ? 16 : 0;
vs = (uint32 *)&vsram[0];
y_scroll = (vs[0] >> vsr_shift) & 0xFFFF;
// int dy = line & 0x7;
// int rev_line = (line & 0x1f8) + (dy^7);
y_scroll = (line + (y_scroll & 0x3FF)) & playfield_row_mask;
int dy = y_scroll & 0x7;
int y_scroll2 = (y_scroll & 0x1f8) + (dy^7);
v_line = (y_scroll & 7) << 3;
int v_line2 = (y_scroll2 & 7) << 3;
nt = (uint32 *)&vram[table + (((y_scroll >> 3) << playfield_shift) & y_mask)];
dst = (uint32 *)&buf[0x20-(0x10-shift)];
atbuf = nt[(index-1) & nametable_row_mask];
//DRAW_COLUMN(atbuf, v_line)
// JMH
if (atbuf & 0x1000) {
DRAW_COLUMN(atbuf, v_line2);
else {
DRAW_COLUMN(atbuf, v_line);
buf = (buf + 0x20 + shift);
dst = (uint32 *)&buf[start<<4];
for(column = start; column < end; column += 1, index += 1)
atbuf = nt[index & nametable_row_mask];
// JMH
if (atbuf & 0x1000) {
DRAW_COLUMN(atbuf, v_line2);
DRAW_COLUMN(atbuf, v_line);
void render_ntx_im2(int which, int line, uint8 *buf)
int column;
int start, end;
int index;
int shift;
int nametable_row_mask = (playfield_col_mask >> 1);
int v_line;
uint32 atex, atbuf, *src, *dst;
uint16 xascroll, xbscroll, xscroll;
int y_scroll;
uint32 *nt;
int vsr_shift;
uint32 *vs;
uint16 table;
uint32 offs;
table = (which) ? ntbb : ntab;
get_hscroll(line, &xascroll, &xbscroll);
xscroll = (which) ? xbscroll : xascroll;
shift = (xscroll & 0x0F);
index = ((playfield_col_mask + 1) >> 1) - ((xscroll >> 4) & nametable_row_mask);
start = 0;
end = (reg[0x0C] & 1) ? 20 : 16;
if(clip[0].enable == 0) return;
start = clip[0].left;
end = clip[0].right;
index = (index + clip[0].left) & nametable_row_mask;
vsr_shift = (which) ? 16 : 0;
vs = (uint32 *)&vsram[0];
y_scroll = (vs[0] >> vsr_shift) & 0xFFFF;
y_scroll = (line + ((y_scroll >> 1) & 0x3FF)) & playfield_row_mask;
v_line = (((y_scroll & 7) << 1) | ((status >> 4) & 1)) << 3;
nt = (uint32 *)&vram[table + (((y_scroll >> 3) << playfield_shift) & y_mask)];
dst = (uint32 *)&buf[0x20-(0x10-shift)];
atbuf = nt[(index-1) & nametable_row_mask];
DRAW_COLUMN_IM2(atbuf, v_line)
buf = (buf + 0x20 + shift);
dst = (uint32 *)&buf[start<<4];
for(column = start; column < end; column += 1, index += 1)
atbuf = nt[index & nametable_row_mask];
DRAW_COLUMN_IM2(atbuf, v_line)
void render_ntx_vs(int which, int line, uint8 *buf)
int column;
int start, end;
int index;
int shift;
int nametable_row_mask = (playfield_col_mask >> 1);
int v_line;
uint32 atex, atbuf, *src, *dst;
uint16 xascroll, xbscroll, xscroll;
int y_scroll;
uint32 *nt;
int vsr_shift;
uint32 *vs;
uint16 table;
table = (which) ? ntbb : ntab;
get_hscroll(line, &xascroll, &xbscroll);
xscroll = (which) ? xbscroll : xascroll;
shift = (xscroll & 0x0F);
index = ((playfield_col_mask + 1) >> 1) - ((xscroll >> 4) & nametable_row_mask);
start = 0;
end = (reg[0x0C] & 1) ? 20 : 16;
if(clip[0].enable == 0) return;
start = clip[0].left;
end = clip[0].right;
index = (index + clip[0].left) & nametable_row_mask;
vsr_shift = (which) ? 16 : 0;
vs = (uint32 *)&vsram[0];
end = (reg[0x0C] & 1) ? 20 : 16;
dst = (uint32 *)&buf[0x20-(0x10-shift)];
y_scroll = (line & playfield_row_mask);
v_line = (y_scroll & 7) << 3;
nt = (uint32 *)&vram[table + (((y_scroll >> 3) << playfield_shift) & y_mask)];
atbuf = nt[(index-1) & nametable_row_mask];
DRAW_COLUMN(atbuf, v_line)
buf = (buf + 0x20 + shift);
dst = (uint32 *)&buf[start << 4];
for(column = start; column < end; column += 1, index += 1)
y_scroll = (vs[column] >> vsr_shift) & 0xFFFF;
y_scroll = (line + (y_scroll & 0x3FF)) & playfield_row_mask;
v_line = (y_scroll & 7) << 3;
nt = (uint32 *)&vram[table + (((y_scroll >> 3) << playfield_shift) & y_mask)];
atbuf = nt[index & nametable_row_mask];
DRAW_COLUMN(atbuf, v_line)
/* Helper functions (cache update, hscroll, window clip) */
void update_bg_pattern_cache(void)
int i;
uint8 x, y, c;
uint16 name;
if(!bg_list_index) return;
for(i = 0; i < bg_list_index; i += 1)
name = bg_name_list[i];
bg_name_list[i] = 0;
for(y = 0; y < 8; y += 1)
if(bg_name_dirty[name] & (1 << y))
uint8 *dst = &bg_pattern_cache[name << 6];
uint32 bp = *(uint32 *)&vram[(name << 5) | (y << 2)];
for(x = 0; x < 8; x += 1)
c = (bp >> ((x ^ 3) << 2)) & 0x0F;
dst[0x00000 | (y << 3) | (x)] = (c);
dst[0x20000 | (y << 3) | (x ^ 7)] = (c);
//dst[0x40000 | ((y ^ 7) << 3) | (x)] = (c);
//dst[0x60000 | ((y ^ 7) << 3) | (x ^ 7)] = (c);
bg_name_dirty[name] = 0;
bg_list_index = 0;
void get_hscroll(int line, uint16 *scrolla, uint16 *scrollb)
switch(reg[11] & 3)
case 0: /* Full-screen */
*scrolla = *(uint16 *)&vram[hscb + 0];
*scrollb = *(uint16 *)&vram[hscb + 2];
case 1: /* First 8 lines */
*scrolla = *(uint16 *)&vram[hscb + ((line & 7) << 2) + 0];
*scrollb = *(uint16 *)&vram[hscb + ((line & 7) << 2) + 2];
case 2: /* Every 8 lines */
*scrolla = *(uint16 *)&vram[hscb + ((line & ~7) << 2) + 0];
*scrollb = *(uint16 *)&vram[hscb + ((line & ~7) << 2) + 2];
case 3: /* Every line */
*scrolla = *(uint16 *)&vram[hscb + (line << 2) + 0];
*scrollb = *(uint16 *)&vram[hscb + (line << 2) + 2];
*scrolla &= 0x03FF;
*scrollb &= 0x03FF;
void window_clip(int line)
/* Window size and invert flags */
int hp = (reg[17] & 0x1F);
int hf = (reg[17] >> 7) & 1;
int vp = (reg[18] & 0x1F) << 3;
int vf = (reg[18] >> 7) & 1;
/* Display size */
int sw = (reg[12] & 1) ? 20 : 16;
/* Clear clipping data */
memset(&clip, 0, sizeof(clip));
/* Check if line falls within window range */
if(vf == (line >= vp))
/* Window takes up entire line */
clip[1].right = sw;
clip[1].enable = 1;
/* Perform horizontal clipping; the results are applied in reverse
if the horizontal inversion flag is set */
int a = hf;
int w = hf ^ 1;
if(hp > sw)
/* Plane W takes up entire line */
clip[w].right = sw;
clip[w].enable = 1;
/* Window takes left side, Plane A takes right side */
clip[w].right = hp;
clip[a].left = hp;
clip[a].right = sw;
clip[0].enable = clip[1].enable = 1;
/* Plane A takes up entire line */
clip[a].right = sw;
clip[a].enable = 1;
/* Remap functions */
void remap_8(uint8 *src, uint8 *dst, uint8 *table, int length)
int count;
for(count = 0; count < length; count += 1)
*dst++ = table[*src++];
void remap_16(uint8 *src, uint16 *dst, uint16 *table, int length)
int count;
for(count = 0; count < length; count += 1)
*dst++ = table[*src++];
/* Merge functions */
void merge(uint8 *srca, uint8 *srcb, uint8 *dst, uint8 *table, int width)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < width; i += 1)
uint8 a = srca[i];
uint8 b = srcb[i];
uint8 c = table[(b << 8) | (a)];
dst[i] = c;
void color_update_16(int index, uint16 data)
if(reg[12] & 8)
pixel_16[0x00 | index] = pixel_16_lut[0][data];
pixel_16[0x40 | index] = pixel_16_lut[1][data];
pixel_16[0x80 | index] = pixel_16_lut[2][data];
uint16 temp = pixel_16_lut[1][data];
pixel_16[0x00 | index] = temp;
pixel_16[0x40 | index] = temp;
pixel_16[0x80 | index] = temp;
/* Object render functions */
void parse_satb(int line)
static uint8 sizetab[] = {8, 16, 24, 32};
uint8 *p, *q, link = 0;
uint16 ypos;
int count;
int height;
int limit = (reg[12] & 1) ? 20 : 16;
int total = (reg[12] & 1) ? 80 : 64;
object_index_count = 0;
for(count = 0; count < total; count += 1)
q = &sat[link << 3];
p = &vram[satb + (link << 3)];
ypos = *(uint16 *)&q[0];
ypos = (ypos >> 1) & 0x1FF;
ypos &= 0x1FF;
height = sizetab[q[3] & 3];
if((line >= ypos) && (line < (ypos + height)))
object_info[object_index_count].ypos = *(uint16 *)&q[0];
object_info[object_index_count].xpos = *(uint16 *)&p[6];
// using xpos from internal satb stops sprite x
// scrolling in bloodlin.bin,
// but this seems to go against the test prog
// object_info[object_index_count].xpos = *(uint16 *)&q[6];
object_info[object_index_count].attr = *(uint16 *)&p[4];
object_info[object_index_count].size = q[3];
object_info[object_index_count].index = count;
object_index_count += 1;
if(object_index_count == limit)
if(vint_pending == 0)
status |= 0x40;
link = q[2] & 0x7F;
if(link == 0) break;
void render_obj(int line, uint8 *buf, uint8 *table)
uint16 ypos;
uint16 attr;
uint16 xpos;
uint8 sizetab[] = {8, 16, 24, 32};
uint8 size;
uint8 *src;
int count;
int pixellimit = (reg[12] & 1) ? 320 : 256;
int pixelcount = 0;
int width;
int height;
int v_line;
int column;
int sol_flag = 0;
int left = 0x80;
int right = 0x80 + ((reg[12] & 1) ? 320 : 256);
uint8 *s, *lb;
uint16 name, index;
uint8 palette;
int attr_mask, nt_row;
if(object_index_count == 0) return;
for(count = 0; count < object_index_count; count += 1)
size = object_info[count].size & 0x0f;
xpos = object_info[count].xpos;
xpos &= 0x1ff;
width = sizetab[(size >> 2) & 3];
if(xpos != 0) sol_flag = 1;
if(xpos == 0 && sol_flag) return;
if(pixelcount > pixellimit) return;
pixelcount += width;
if(((xpos + width) >= left) && (xpos < right))
ypos = object_info[count].ypos;
ypos &= 0x1ff;
attr = object_info[count].attr;
// attr_mask = (attr & 0x1800);
attr_mask = (attr & 0x800);
height = sizetab[size & 3];
palette = (attr >> 9) & 0x70;
v_line = (line - ypos);
nt_row = (v_line >> 3) & 3;
if (attr & 0x1000) {
v_line = ((v_line & 7)^0x07) << 3;
else {
v_line = ((v_line & 7)) << 3;
name = (attr & 0x07FF);
s = &name_lut[((attr >> 3) & 0x300) | (size << 4) | (nt_row << 2)];
lb = (uint8 *)&buf[0x20 + (xpos - 0x80)];
width >>= 3;
for(column = 0; column < width; column += 1, lb+=8)
index = attr_mask | ((name + s[column]) & 0x07FF);
src = &bg_pattern_cache[(index << 6) | (v_line)];
void render_obj_im2(int line, uint8 *buf, uint8 *table)
uint16 ypos;
uint16 attr;
uint16 xpos;
uint8 sizetab[] = {8, 16, 24, 32};
uint8 size;
uint8 *src;
int count;
int pixellimit = (reg[12] & 1) ? 320 : 256;
int pixelcount = 0;
int width;
int height;
int v_line;
int column;
int sol_flag = 0;
int left = 0x80;
int right = 0x80 + ((reg[12] & 1) ? 320 : 256);
uint8 *s, *lb;
uint16 name, index;
uint8 palette;
uint32 offs;
int attr_mask, nt_row;
if(object_index_count == 0) return;
for(count = 0; count < object_index_count; count += 1)
size = object_info[count].size & 0x0f;
xpos = object_info[count].xpos;
xpos &= 0x1ff;
width = sizetab[(size >> 2) & 3];
if(xpos != 0) sol_flag = 1;
if(xpos == 0 && sol_flag) return;
if(pixelcount > pixellimit) return;
pixelcount += width;
if(((xpos + width) >= left) && (xpos < right))
ypos = object_info[count].ypos;
ypos = (ypos >> 1) & 0x1ff;
attr = object_info[count].attr;
// attr_mask = (attr & 0x1800);
attr_mask = (attr & 0x800);
height = sizetab[size & 3];
palette = (attr >> 9) & 0x70;
v_line = (line - ypos);
nt_row = (v_line >> 3) & 3;
v_line = ((((v_line & 7)/*^0x07*/) << 1) | ((status >> 4) & 1)) << 3;
name = (attr & 0x03FF);
s = &name_lut[((attr >> 3) & 0x300) | (size << 4) | (nt_row << 2)];
lb = (uint8 *)&buf[0x20 + (xpos - 0x80)];
width >>= 3;
for(column = 0; column < width; column += 1, lb+=8)
index = (name + s[column]) & 0x3ff;
offs = index << 7 | attr_mask << 6 | v_line;
if(attr & 0x1000) offs ^= 0x40;
src = &bg_pattern_cache[offs];