#define KEYMAP_PRESENT 1 extern "C" { #include "emuapi.h" #include "iopins.h" } #ifdef HAS_T4_VGA #include "vga_t_dma.h" #else #include "tft_t_dma.h" #endif #ifdef HAS_USBKEY #include "USBHost_t36.h" // Read this header first for key info USBHost myusb; USBHub hub1(myusb); KeyboardController keyboard1(myusb); USBHIDParser hid1(myusb); MouseController mouse1(myusb); MIDIDevice midi1(myusb); #endif static bool emu_writeConfig(void); static bool emu_readConfig(void); static bool emu_eraseConfig(void); static bool mouseDetected = false; static bool keyboardDetected = false; static uint8_t usbnavpad=0; #include static File file; #define MAX_FILES 64 #define AUTORUN_FILENAME "autorun.txt" #define MAX_FILENAME_SIZE 24 #define MAX_MENULINES 9 #define TEXT_HEIGHT 16 #define TEXT_WIDTH 8 #define MENU_FILE_XOFFSET (6*TEXT_WIDTH) #define MENU_FILE_YOFFSET (2*TEXT_HEIGHT) #define MENU_FILE_W (MAX_FILENAME_SIZE*TEXT_WIDTH) #define MENU_FILE_H (MAX_MENULINES*TEXT_HEIGHT) #define MENU_FILE_BGCOLOR RGBVAL16(0x00,0x00,0x40) #define MENU_JOYS_YOFFSET (12*TEXT_HEIGHT) #define MENU_VBAR_XOFFSET (0*TEXT_WIDTH) #define MENU_VBAR_YOFFSET (MENU_FILE_YOFFSET) #define MENU_TFT_XOFFSET (MENU_FILE_XOFFSET+MENU_FILE_W+8) #define MENU_TFT_YOFFSET (MENU_VBAR_YOFFSET+32) #define MENU_VGA_XOFFSET (MENU_FILE_XOFFSET+MENU_FILE_W+8) #define MENU_VGA_YOFFSET (MENU_VBAR_YOFFSET+MENU_FILE_H-32-37) extern TFT_T_DMA tft; static int nbFiles=0; static int curFile=0; static int topFile=0; static char selection[MAX_FILENAME_PATH]=""; static char second_selection[MAX_FILENAME_PATH]=""; static char files[MAX_FILES][MAX_FILENAME_SIZE]; static char selected_filename[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE]=""; static char second_selected_filename[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE]=""; static bool menuRedraw=true; static bool autorun=false; static const unsigned short * keys; #ifdef TEECOMPUTER static unsigned char keymatrix[6]; static int keymatrix_hitrow=-1; static uint32_t keypress_t_ms=0; static uint32_t last_t_ms=0; static uint32_t hundred_ms_cnt=0; static bool ledflash_toggle=false; #endif static bool key_extmode=false; static bool key_sh=false; static bool key_fn=false; static boolean joySwapped = false; static uint16_t bLastState; #ifdef PIN_JOY2_A1X static int xRef; static int yRef; #endif static bool menuOn=true; /******************************** * Generic output and malloc ********************************/ void emu_printf(const char * text) { Serial.println(text); } void emu_printf(int val) { Serial.println(val); } void emu_printi(int val) { Serial.println(val,HEX); } void emu_printh(int val) { Serial.println(val,HEX); } static int malbufpt = 0; static char malbuf[EXTRA_HEAP]; void * emu_Malloc(unsigned int size) { void * retval = malloc(size); if (!retval) { emu_printf("failled to allocate"); emu_printf(size); emu_printf("fallback"); if ( (malbufpt+size) < sizeof(malbuf) ) { retval = (void *)&malbuf[malbufpt]; malbufpt += size; } else { emu_printf("failure to allocate"); } } else { emu_printf("could allocate dynamic "); emu_printf(size); } return retval; } void * emu_MallocI(unsigned int size) { void * retval = NULL; if ( (malbufpt+size) < sizeof(malbuf) ) { retval = (void *)&malbuf[malbufpt]; malbufpt += size; emu_printf("could allocate static "); emu_printf(size); } else { emu_printf("failure to allocate"); } return retval; } void emu_Free(void * pt) { free(pt); } /******************************** * Input and keyboard ********************************/ #ifdef PIN_JOY2_A1X int emu_ReadAnalogJoyX(int min, int max) { int val = analogRead(PIN_JOY2_A1X); #if INVX val = 4095 - val; #endif val = val-xRef; val = ((val*140)/100); if ( (val > -512) && (val < 512) ) val = 0; val = val+2048; return (val*(max-min))/4096; } #endif #ifdef PIN_JOY2_A2Y int emu_ReadAnalogJoyY(int min, int max) { int val = analogRead(PIN_JOY2_A2Y); #if INVY val = 4095 - val; #endif val = val-yRef; val = ((val*120)/100); if ( (val > -512) && (val < 512) ) val = 0; //val = (val*(max-min))/4096; val = val+2048; //return val+(max-min)/2; return (val*(max-min))/4096; } #endif static uint16_t readAnalogJoystick(void) { uint16_t joysval = 0; #ifdef PIN_JOY2_A1X int xReading = emu_ReadAnalogJoyX(0,256); if (xReading > 128) joysval |= MASK_JOY2_LEFT; else if (xReading < 128) joysval |= MASK_JOY2_RIGHT; int yReading = emu_ReadAnalogJoyY(0,256); if (yReading < 128) joysval |= MASK_JOY2_UP; else if (yReading > 128) joysval |= MASK_JOY2_DOWN; #endif #ifdef PIN_JOY2_BTN joysval |= (digitalRead(PIN_JOY2_BTN) == HIGH ? 0 : MASK_JOY2_BTN); #endif return (joysval); } int emu_SwapJoysticks(int statusOnly) { if (!statusOnly) { if (joySwapped) { joySwapped = false; } else { joySwapped = true; } } return(joySwapped?1:0); } int emu_GetPad(void) { return(bLastState/*|((joySwapped?1:0)<<7)*/); } int emu_ReadKeys(void) { uint16_t retval; uint16_t j1 = readAnalogJoystick(); uint16_t j2 = 0; // Second joystick #ifdef PIN_JOY1_1 if ( digitalRead(PIN_JOY1_1) == LOW ) j2 |= MASK_JOY2_UP; #endif #ifdef PIN_JOY1_2 if ( digitalRead(PIN_JOY1_2) == LOW ) j2 |= MASK_JOY2_DOWN; #endif #ifdef PIN_JOY1_3 if ( digitalRead(PIN_JOY1_3) == LOW ) j2 |= MASK_JOY2_RIGHT; #endif #ifdef PIN_JOY1_4 if ( digitalRead(PIN_JOY1_4) == LOW ) j2 |= MASK_JOY2_LEFT; #endif #ifdef PIN_JOY1_BTN if ( digitalRead(PIN_JOY1_BTN) == LOW ) j2 |= MASK_JOY2_BTN; #endif if (joySwapped) { retval = ((j1 << 8) | j2); } else { retval = ((j2 << 8) | j1); } if (usbnavpad & MASK_JOY2_UP) retval |= MASK_JOY2_UP; if (usbnavpad & MASK_JOY2_DOWN) retval |= MASK_JOY2_DOWN; if (usbnavpad & MASK_JOY2_LEFT) retval |= MASK_JOY2_LEFT; if (usbnavpad & MASK_JOY2_RIGHT) retval |= MASK_JOY2_RIGHT; if (usbnavpad & MASK_JOY2_BTN) retval |= MASK_JOY2_BTN; if (usbnavpad & MASK_KEY_USER1) retval |= MASK_KEY_USER1; if (usbnavpad & MASK_KEY_USER2) retval |= MASK_KEY_USER2; #ifdef PIN_KEY_USER1 if ( digitalRead(PIN_KEY_USER1) == LOW ) retval |= MASK_KEY_USER1; #endif #ifdef PIN_KEY_USER2 if ( digitalRead(PIN_KEY_USER2) == LOW ) retval |= MASK_KEY_USER2; #endif #ifdef PIN_KEY_USER3 if ( digitalRead(PIN_KEY_USER3) == LOW ) retval |= MASK_KEY_USER3; #endif #ifdef PIN_KEY_USER4 if ( digitalRead(PIN_KEY_USER4) == LOW ) retval |= MASK_KEY_USER4; #endif #ifdef TEECOMPUTER keymatrix_hitrow = -1; unsigned char row; unsigned short cols[6]={KCOLOUT1,KCOLOUT2,KCOLOUT3,KCOLOUT4,KCOLOUT5,KCOLOUT6}; for (int i=0;i<6;i++){ pinMode(cols[i],OUTPUT); digitalWrite(cols[i], 0); row=0; row |= (digitalRead(KROWIN1) ? 0 : 0x01); row |= (digitalRead(KROWIN2) ? 0 : 0x02); row |= (digitalRead(KROWIN3) ? 0 : 0x04); row |= (digitalRead(KROWIN4) ? 0 : 0x08); row |= (digitalRead(KROWIN5) ? 0 : 0x10); row |= (digitalRead(KROWIN6) ? 0 : 0x20); row |= (digitalRead(KROWIN7) ? 0 : 0x40); digitalWrite(cols[i], 1); pinMode(cols[i],INPUT_DISABLE); keymatrix[i]=row; } bool fn_pressed=false; if ( keymatrix[5] & 0x08 ) {fn_pressed=true; keymatrix[5] &= ~0x08;}; bool sh_pressed=false; if ( keymatrix[5] & 0x10 ) {sh_pressed=true; keymatrix[5] &= ~0x10;}; for (int i=0;i<6;i++){ row = keymatrix[i]; if (row) keymatrix_hitrow=i; } //6,9,15,8,7,22 #if INVX if ( row & 0x40 ) retval |= MASK_JOY2_LEFT; if ( row & 0x20 ) retval |= MASK_JOY2_RIGHT; #else if ( row & 0x20 ) retval |= MASK_JOY2_LEFT; if ( row & 0x40 ) retval |= MASK_JOY2_RIGHT; #endif #if INVY if ( row & 0x4 ) retval |= MASK_JOY2_DOWN; if ( row & 0x1 ) retval |= MASK_JOY2_UP; #else if ( row & 0x1 ) retval |= MASK_JOY2_DOWN; if ( row & 0x4 ) retval |= MASK_JOY2_UP; #endif if ( row & 0x02 ) retval |= MASK_JOY2_BTN; // Handle LED flash uint32_t time_ms=millis(); if ((time_ms-last_t_ms) > 100) { last_t_ms = time_ms; if (ledflash_toggle == false) { ledflash_toggle = true; } else { ledflash_toggle = false; } } if ( sh_pressed ) { key_sh = true; } else { key_sh = false; if ( fn_pressed ) { if (key_fn == false) { // Release to Press transition if (hundred_ms_cnt == 0) { keypress_t_ms=time_ms; hundred_ms_cnt += 1; // 1 } else { hundred_ms_cnt += 1; // 2 if (hundred_ms_cnt >= 2) { hundred_ms_cnt = 0; if ( (time_ms-keypress_t_ms) < 500) { if (key_extmode == false) { key_extmode = true; } else { key_extmode = false; } } } } } else { // Keep press if (hundred_ms_cnt == 1) { if ((millis()-keypress_t_ms) > 1000) { if (key_extmode == false) { key_extmode = true; } else { key_extmode = false; } hundred_ms_cnt = 0; } } } key_fn = true; } else { key_fn = false; } } // Handle LED if (key_extmode == true) { digitalWrite(KLED, (ledflash_toggle?1:0)); } else { if ( (key_fn == true) || (key_sh == true) ) { digitalWrite(KLED, 1); } else { digitalWrite(KLED, 0); } } if ( key_fn ) retval |= MASK_KEY_USER2; if ( ( key_fn ) && (keymatrix[4] == 0x10 )) retval |= MASK_KEY_USER1; if ( (key_fn) && (key_sh) ) #else if ( ((retval & (MASK_KEY_USER1+MASK_KEY_USER2)) == (MASK_KEY_USER1+MASK_KEY_USER2)) || (retval & MASK_KEY_USER4 ) ) #endif { // Reset procedure T3.X and T4.0 by Frank Boesing !! #if defined(__IMXRT1052__) || defined(__IMXRT1062__) uint32_t tmp = SNVS_LPCR; // save control register SNVS_LPSR |= 1; // disable alarm SNVS_LPCR &= ~0x02; while (SNVS_LPCR & 0x02); __disable_irq(); //get Time: uint32_t lsb, msb; do { msb = SNVS_LPSRTCMR; lsb = SNVS_LPSRTCLR; } while ( (SNVS_LPSRTCLR != lsb) | (SNVS_LPSRTCMR != msb) ); uint32_t secs = (msb << 17) | (lsb >> 15); //set alarm secs += 2; SNVS_LPTAR = secs; while (SNVS_LPTAR != secs); SNVS_LPCR = tmp | 0x02; // restore control register and set alarm while (!(SNVS_LPCR & 0x02)); SNVS_LPCR |= (1 << 6); // turn off power while (1) asm("wfi"); #else *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED0C = 0x5FA0004; while (true) { ; } #endif } return (retval); } unsigned short emu_DebounceLocalKeys(void) { uint16_t bCurState = emu_ReadKeys(); uint16_t bClick = bCurState & ~bLastState; bLastState = bCurState; return (bClick); } int emu_ReadI2CKeyboard(void) { int retval=0; #ifdef TEECOMPUTER if (key_extmode) { if (key_fn) { keys = (const unsigned short *)key_map5; // fn-extra } else if (key_sh) { keys = (const unsigned short *)key_map4; // shift-functionkeys } else { keys = (const unsigned short *)key_map3; // def-digitkeys } } else { if (key_fn) { keys = (const unsigned short *)key_map2; // fn-shiftothers } else if (key_sh) { keys = (const unsigned short *)key_map1; // shift-uppercase } else { keys = (const unsigned short *)key_map0; // def-lowercase } } if (keymatrix_hitrow >=0 ) { unsigned short match = ((unsigned short)keymatrix_hitrow<<8) | keymatrix[keymatrix_hitrow]; for (unsigned int i=0; i= 128) { midiDataCnt = 0; midiLastCmd = value; switch (value & 0xF0) { case 128: // 0x80 midiCmdNbParam = 2; //Serial.print("note off: "); //Serial.println(value&0xf); break; case 144: //0x90 midiCmdNbParam = 2; //Serial.print("note on: "); //Serial.println(value&0xf); break; case 160: //0xA0 midiCmdNbParam = 2; //Serial.print("aftertouch: "); // rare //Serial.println(value&0xf); break; case 176: //0xB0 midiCmdNbParam = 2; //Serial.print("continuous controller: "); //Serial.println(value&0xf); break; case 192: //0xC0 midiCmdNbParam = 1; //Serial.print("patch change: "); //some //Serial.println(value&0xf); break; case 208: //0xD0 midiCmdNbParam = 1; Serial.print("channel pressure: "); Serial.println(value&0xf); break; case 224: //0xE0 midiCmdNbParam = 2; //Serial.print("pitch bend: "); //Serial.println(value&0xf); break; case 240: //0xF0 // non-musical commands switch (value) { case 0xF0: //Serial.println("NI: System Exclusive"); break; case 0xF1: //Serial.println("NI: System Common - MIDI Time Code Quarter Frame"); break; case 0xF2: midiCmdNbParam = 2; break; case 0xF3: //Serial.println("NI: System Common - Song Select"); break; case 0xF6: //Serial.println("NI: System Common - Tune Request"); break; case 0xF8: //Serial.println("System Real Time - Timing Clock"); midi1.sendRealTime(value, 0); break; case 0xFA: //Serial.println("System Real Time - Start"); midi1.sendRealTime(value, 0); break; case 0xFB: //Serial.println("System Real Time - Continue"); midi1.sendRealTime(value, 0); break; case 0xFC: //Serial.println("System Real Time - Stop"); midi1.sendRealTime(value, 0); break; case 0xFE: //Serial.println("System Real Time - Active Sensing"); midi1.sendRealTime(value, 0); break; case 0xFF: //Serial.println("System Real Time - System Reset"); midi1.sendRealTime(value, 0); break; } //SystemExclusive = 0xF0, // System Exclusive //TimeCodeQuarterFrame = 0xF1, // System Common - MIDI Time Code Quarter Frame //SongPosition = 0xF2, // System Common - Song Position Pointer //SongSelect = 0xF3, // System Common - Song Select //TuneRequest = 0xF6, // System Common - Tune Request //Clock = 0xF8, // System Real Time - Timing Clock //Start = 0xFA, // System Real Time - Start //Continue = 0xFB, // System Real Time - Continue //Stop = 0xFC, // System Real Time - Stop //ActiveSensing = 0xFE, // System Real Time - Active Sensing //SystemReset = 0xFF, // System Real Time - System Reset break; default: Serial.print("??: "); Serial.println(value&0xf); break; } } else { if (midiDataCnt<16) midiBuffer[midiDataCnt++] = value ; if ( (midiLastCmd & 0xF0) == 240) { if (midiLastCmd == 0xF2) { if (midiDataCnt == midiCmdNbParam) { //Serial.println("System Common - Song Position Pointer"); midi1.sendSongPosition(((int)midiBuffer[1]<<7)+(int)midiBuffer[0], 0); } } else { Serial.println(value); } } else if (midiDataCnt == midiCmdNbParam) { unsigned char chan = (midiLastCmd&0xf)+1; //Serial.print("ch "); //Serial.println(chan); switch (midiLastCmd & 0xF0) { case 128: //0x80 //Serial.print("note off: "); midi1.sendNoteOff(midiBuffer[0], midiBuffer[1], chan); break; case 144: //0x90 //Serial.print("note on: "); midi1.sendNoteOn(midiBuffer[0], midiBuffer[1], chan); break; case 160: //0xA0 //Serial.print("aftertouch: "); midi1.sendPolyPressure(midiBuffer[0], midiBuffer[1], chan); break; case 176: //0xB0 //Serial.print("continuous controller: "); midi1.sendControlChange(midiBuffer[0], midiBuffer[1], chan); break; case 192: //0xC0 //Serial.print("patch change: "); midi1.sendProgramChange(midiBuffer[0], chan); break; case 208: //0xD0 //Serial.print("channel pressure: "); midi1.sendAfterTouch(midiBuffer[0], chan); break; case 224: //0xE0 //Serial.print("pitch bend: "); midi1.sendPitchBend((((int)midiBuffer[1]<<7)+(int)midiBuffer[0])-8192, chan); break; default: Serial.print("??: "); break; } } } #endif } /******************************** * Menu file loader UI ********************************/ static int readNbFiles(void) { int totalFiles = 0; File entry; file = SD.open(selection); while ( (true) && (totalFiles=0) { menuRedraw=true; curFile -= 9; } else if (curFile!=0) { menuRedraw=true; curFile--; } } else if ( (bClick & MASK_JOY2_DOWN) || (bClick & MASK_JOY1_DOWN) ) { if ((curFile<(nbFiles-1)) && (nbFiles)) { curFile++; menuRedraw=true; } } else if ( (bClick & MASK_JOY2_LEFT) || (bClick & MASK_JOY1_LEFT) ) { if ((curFile<(nbFiles-9)) && (nbFiles)) { curFile += 9; menuRedraw=true; } else if ((curFile<(nbFiles-1)) && (nbFiles)) { curFile++; menuRedraw=true; } } if (menuRedraw && nbFiles) { int fileIndex = 0; tft.drawRectNoDma(MENU_FILE_XOFFSET,MENU_FILE_YOFFSET, MENU_FILE_W, MENU_FILE_H, MENU_FILE_BGCOLOR); // if (curFile <= (MAX_MENULINES/2-1)) topFile=0; // else topFile=curFile-(MAX_MENULINES/2); if (curFile <= (MAX_MENULINES-1)) topFile=0; else topFile=curFile-(MAX_MENULINES/2); //Serial.print("curfile: "); //Serial.println(curFile); //Serial.print("topFile: "); //Serial.println(topFile); int i=0; while (i=nbFiles) { // no more files break; } char * filename = &files[fileIndex][0]; if (fileIndex >= topFile) { if ((i+topFile) < nbFiles ) { if ((i+topFile)==curFile) { tft.drawTextNoDma(MENU_FILE_XOFFSET,i*TEXT_HEIGHT+MENU_FILE_YOFFSET, filename, RGBVAL16(0xff,0xff,0x00), RGBVAL16(0xff,0x00,0x00), true); strcpy(selected_filename,filename); } else { tft.drawTextNoDma(MENU_FILE_XOFFSET,i*TEXT_HEIGHT+MENU_FILE_YOFFSET, filename, RGBVAL16(0xff,0xff,0xff), MENU_FILE_BGCOLOR, true); } } i++; } fileIndex++; } // tft.drawTextNoDma(48,MENU_JOYS_YOFFSET+8, (emu_SwapJoysticks(1)?(char*)"SWAP=1":(char*)"SWAP=0"), RGBVAL16(0x00,0xff,0xff), RGBVAL16(0x00,0x00,0xff), false); tft.drawTextNoDma(48,MENU_JOYS_YOFFSET+8, "FLOPPY2:", RGBVAL16(0x00,0xff,0xff), RGBVAL16(0x00,0x00,0xff), false); tft.drawRectNoDma(120,MENU_JOYS_YOFFSET+8, MENU_FILE_W, 8, RGBVAL16(0x00,0x00,0x00)); tft.drawTextNoDma(120,MENU_JOYS_YOFFSET+8, second_selected_filename, RGBVAL16(0xff,0xff,0xff), RGBVAL16(0x00,0x00,0x00), false); menuRedraw=false; } return (action); } bool menuActive(void) { return (menuOn); } void toggleMenu(bool on) { if (on) { menuOn=true; backgroundMenu(); } else { menuOn = false; } } char * menuSelection(void) { return (selection); } char * menuSecondSelection(void) { return (second_selection); } /******************************** * OSKB handling ********************************/ static bool oskbOn = false; static int cxpos = 0; static int cypos = 0; static uint16_t oskbBLastState = 0; #define OSKBHEIGHT 4 #define OSKBXOFF 16 #define OSKBYOFF 0 static void lineOSKB(int xoff, bool bottom, char * str, int row) { char c[4] = {' ',0,' ',0}; const char * cpt = str; int i=0; int fb_width,fb_height; tft.get_frame_buffer_size(&fb_width, &fb_height); int ypos = (bottom?(fb_height-2*8):0); int line = row + (bottom?2:0); while ((c[1] = *cpt++)) { uint16_t bg; if (row&1) bg = (i&1)?RGBVAL16(0xff,0xff,0xff):RGBVAL16(0xe0,0xe0,0xe0); else bg = (i&1)?RGBVAL16(0xe0,0xe0,0xe0):RGBVAL16(0xff,0xff,0xff); if ( (cxpos == i) && (cypos == line) ) bg = RGBVAL16(0x00,0xff,0xff); tft.drawTextNoDma(OSKBXOFF+xoff+24*i,OSKBYOFF+ypos+8*row , &c[0], RGBVAL16(0x00,0x00,0x00), bg, false); i++; } } static int linelenOSKB() { if (cypos == 0) return strlen(keylables_map0_0); else if (cypos == 1) return strlen(keylables_map0_1); else if (cypos == 2) return strlen(keylables_map0_2); else return strlen(keylables_map0_3); } static void drawOSKB() { if (key_extmode) { if (key_fn) { lineOSKB(16,false, keylables_map5_0, 0); lineOSKB(8, false, keylables_map5_1, 1); lineOSKB(0, true, keylables_map5_2, 0); lineOSKB(96,true, keylables_map5_3, 1); } else if (key_sh) { lineOSKB(16,false, keylables_map4_0, 0); lineOSKB(8, false, keylables_map4_1, 1); lineOSKB(0, true, keylables_map4_2, 0); lineOSKB(96,true, keylables_map4_3, 1); } else { lineOSKB(16,false, keylables_map3_0, 0); lineOSKB(8, false, keylables_map3_1, 1); lineOSKB(0, true, keylables_map3_2, 0); lineOSKB(96,true, keylables_map3_3, 1); } } else { if (key_fn) { lineOSKB(16,false, keylables_map2_0, 0); lineOSKB(8, false, keylables_map2_1, 1); lineOSKB(0, true, keylables_map2_2, 0); lineOSKB(96,true, keylables_map2_3, 1); } else if (key_sh) { lineOSKB(16,false, keylables_map1_0, 0); lineOSKB(8, false, keylables_map1_1, 1); lineOSKB(0, true, keylables_map1_2, 0); lineOSKB(96,true, keylables_map1_3, 1); } else { lineOSKB(16,false, keylables_map0_0, 0); lineOSKB(8, false, keylables_map0_1, 1); lineOSKB(0, true, keylables_map0_2, 0); lineOSKB(96,true, keylables_map0_3, 1); } } } int handleOSKB(void) { int retval = 0; if (oskbOn) { uint16_t bClick = bLastState & ~oskbBLastState; oskbBLastState = bLastState; bool updated = true; if (bClick & MASK_KEY_USER1) { } else if (bClick & MASK_JOY2_RIGHT) { cxpos++; if (cxpos >= linelenOSKB()) cxpos = 0; } else if (bClick & MASK_JOY2_LEFT) { cxpos--; if (cxpos < 0) cxpos = linelenOSKB()-1; } else if (bClick & MASK_JOY2_DOWN) { cypos++; if (cypos >= OSKBHEIGHT) cypos = 0; if (cxpos >= linelenOSKB()) cxpos = linelenOSKB()-1; } else if (bClick & MASK_JOY2_UP) { cypos--; if (cypos < 0) cypos = OSKBHEIGHT-1; if (cxpos >= linelenOSKB()) cxpos = linelenOSKB()-1; } else if (oskbBLastState & MASK_JOY2_BTN) { //if (retval) { toggleOSKB(false); updated=false; }; } else { updated=false; } /*if (updated)*/ drawOSKB(); } return retval; } void toggleOSKB(bool forceon) { if (forceon) { oskbOn = true; drawOSKB(); } else { if (oskbOn) { oskbOn = false; } else { oskbOn = true; drawOSKB(); } } } /******************************** * File IO ********************************/ static File file_handlers[NB_FILE_HANDLER]; static void FileHandlersInit(void) { for (int i=0; i= 0) { if ((file_handlers[handler] = SD.open(filepath, O_READ))) { // emu_printi(handler+1); retval = handler+1; } else { file_handlers[handler] = file; emu_printf("FileOpen failed"); } } return (retval); #endif } int emu_FileRead(void * buf, int size, int handler) { // emu_printf("FileRead"); // emu_printi(handler); #ifdef HCFH return (file.read(buf, size)); #else return (getFileHandler(handler).read(buf, size)); #endif } int emu_FileGetc(int handler) { // emu_printf("FileGetc"); // emu_printi(handler); #ifdef HCFH unsigned char c; int retval = file.read(&c, 1); if (retval != 1) { emu_printf("emu_FileGetc failed"); } return (int)c; #else unsigned char c; int retval = getFileHandler(handler).read(&c, 1); if (retval != 1) { emu_printf("emu_FileGetc failed"); } return (int)c; #endif } int emu_FileSeek(int handler, int seek, int origin) { // emu_printf("FileSeek"); // emu_printi(handler); // emu_printi(seek); #ifdef HCFH file.seek(seek); return (seek); #else getFileHandler(handler).seek(seek); return (seek); #endif } int emu_FileTell(int handler) { // emu_printf("FileTell"); // emu_printi(handler); #ifdef HCFH return (50); #else File file = getFileHandler(handler); return (emu_FileSize((char*)file.name())); #endif } void emu_FileClose(int handler) { // emu_printf("FileClose"); // emu_printi(handler); #ifdef HCFH file.close(); #else getFileHandler(handler).close(); file_handlers[handler-1] = file; #endif } static File lofile; unsigned int emu_FileSize(const char * filepath) { unsigned int filesize=0; emu_printf(filepath); if ((lofile = SD.open(filepath, O_READ))) { emu_printf("filesize is..."); filesize = lofile.size(); emu_printf(filesize); lofile.close(); } return(filesize); } unsigned int emu_LoadFile(const char * filepath, void * buf, int size) { unsigned int filesize = 0; emu_printf("LoadFile..."); emu_printf(filepath); if ((lofile = SD.open(filepath, O_READ))) { filesize = lofile.size(); emu_printf(filesize); if ((unsigned int)size >= filesize) { if (lofile.read(buf, filesize) != filesize) { emu_printf("File read failed"); } } lofile.close(); } return(filesize); } unsigned int emu_LoadFileSeek(const char * filepath, void * buf, int size, int seek) { unsigned int filesize = 0; emu_printf("LoadFileSeek..."); emu_printf(filepath); if ((lofile = SD.open(filepath, O_READ))) { lofile.seek(seek); emu_printf(size); if (lofile.read(buf, size) != (unsigned int)size) { emu_printf("File read failed"); } lofile.close(); } return(filesize); } static bool emu_writeConfig(void) { bool retval = false; if ((lofile = SD.open(ROMSDIR "/" AUTORUN_FILENAME, O_CREAT | O_WRITE))) { if (lofile.write(selection, strlen(selection)) != strlen(selection)) { emu_printf("Config write failed"); } else { retval = true; } lofile.close(); } return retval; } static bool emu_readConfig(void) { bool retval = false; if ((lofile = SD.open(ROMSDIR "/" AUTORUN_FILENAME, O_READ))) { unsigned int filesize = lofile.size(); unsigned int sizeread = lofile.read(selection, filesize); if (sizeread != filesize) { emu_printf("Config read failed"); } else { if (sizeread == filesize) { selection[filesize]=0; retval = true; } } lofile.close(); } return retval; } static bool emu_eraseConfig(void) { SD.remove (ROMSDIR "/" AUTORUN_FILENAME); } /******************************** * File IO compatibility ********************************/ #ifdef HAS_EXTFF #include "ff.h" typedef struct { File f; int offset; int size; int used; } FileDesc; typedef int * FIL; #define NO_MMAP_HANDLES 32 static FileDesc fds[NO_MMAP_HANDLES]; static int nextHandle=0; static void freeHandle(int h) { fds[h].used = 0; } static int getFreeHandle() { int n=NO_MMAP_HANDLES; while (fds[nextHandle].used!=0 && n!=0) { nextHandle++; if (nextHandle==NO_MMAP_HANDLES) nextHandle=0; n-1; } if (n==0) { emu_printf("getFreeHandle error"); return; } int r=nextHandle; fds[r].used = 1; nextHandle++; if (nextHandle==NO_MMAP_HANDLES) nextHandle=0; return r; } FRESULT f_open (FIL* fp, const char * path, unsigned char mode) { emu_printf("fopen"); emu_printf((char*)path); int i=getFreeHandle(); emu_printf(i); fds[i].f = SD.open(path, O_READ); *fp = i; if (fds[i].f) { fds[i].size = fds[i].f.size(); emu_printi(fds[i].size); return(FR_OK); } emu_printf("error"); freeHandle(fds[i].f); return(FR_NO_FILE); } FRESULT f_close (FIL* fp) { int i = *fp; emu_printf("fclose"); emu_printi(i); fds[i].f.close(); freeHandle(i); return(FR_OK); } FRESULT f_read (FIL* fp, void* buff, unsigned int btr, unsigned int * br) { int i = *fp; if (btr < 64738) { int nr = fds[i].f.read(buff, btr); //emu_printf("fread"); //emu_printi(btr); //emu_printi(nr); *br = nr; if (nr <= 0) return(FR_DISK_ERR); else return(FR_OK); } unsigned char buffer[256]; int remaining = btr; int byteread = 0; int retval=0; while (remaining>0) { if (remaining < 256) retval = fds[i].f.read(buffer, remaining); else retval = fds[i].f.read(buffer, 256); if (retval>0) { memcpy(buff,buffer,retval); buff += retval; byteread += retval; remaining -= retval; } else { break; } } *br = byteread; //emu_printi(byteread); if (byteread <= 0) return(FR_DISK_ERR); else return(FR_OK); } FRESULT f_readn (FIL* fp, void* buff, unsigned int btr, unsigned int * br) { return(f_read (fp, buff, btr, br)); } FRESULT f_write (FIL* fp, const void* buff, unsigned int btw, unsigned int * bw) { return(FR_OK); } FRESULT f_writen (FIL* fp, const void* buff, unsigned int btw, unsigned int * bw) { return(FR_OK); } FRESULT f_lseek (FIL* fp, unsigned long ofs) { int i = *fp; //emu_printf("fseek"); //emu_printi(ofs); fds[i].f.seek(ofs); return(FR_OK); } FRESULT f_unlink (const char * path) { return(FR_OK); } FRESULT f_rename (const char * path_old, const char * path_new) { return(FR_OK); } FRESULT f_stat (const char * path, FILINFO* fno) { return(FR_OK); } unsigned long f_tell (FIL * fp) { int i = *fp; emu_printf("ftell"); return(fds[i].size); //return(fds[i].f.ftell()); } unsigned long f_size (FIL * fp) { int i = *fp; emu_printf("fsize"); emu_printi(fds[i].size); return(fds[i].size); } FRESULT f_mkdir (const char* path) { return(FR_OK); } #endif /******************************** * Initialization ********************************/ void emu_init(void) { Serial.begin(115200); #ifdef HAS_USBKEY myusb.begin(); keyboard1.attachPress(OnPress); keyboard1.attachRelease(OnRelease); #endif while (!SD.begin(SD_CS)) { Serial.println("SD begin failed, retrying..."); delay(1000); } strcpy(selection,ROMSDIR); FileHandlersInit(); nbFiles = readNbFiles(); Serial.print("SD initialized, files found: "); Serial.println(nbFiles); emu_InitJoysticks(); #ifdef SWAP_JOYSTICK joySwapped = true; #else joySwapped = false; #endif #ifdef TEECOMPUTER #ifndef HAS_T4_VGA tft.flipscreen(false); #endif #endif int keypressed = emu_ReadKeys(); if (keypressed & MASK_JOY2_DOWN) { tft.fillScreenNoDma( RGBVAL16(0xff,0x00,0x00) ); tft.drawTextNoDma(64,48, (char*)" AUTURUN file erased", RGBVAL16(0xff,0xff,0x00), RGBVAL16(0xff,0x00,0x00), true); emu_eraseConfig(); delay(1000); } else { if (emu_readConfig()) { autorun = true; } } toggleMenu(true); } void emu_start(void) { usbnavpad = 0; }