/* Copyright Mike Chambers, Frank Bösing, 2017 Parts of this file are based on "Fake6502 CPU emulator core v1.1" by Mike Chambers This file is part of Teensy64. Teensy64 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Teensy64 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Teensy64. If not, see . Diese Datei ist Teil von Teensy64. Teensy64 ist Freie Software: Sie können es unter den Bedingungen der GNU General Public License, wie von der Free Software Foundation, Version 3 der Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer Wahl) jeder späteren veröffentlichten Version, weiterverbreiten und/oder modifizieren. Teensy64 wird in der Hoffnung, dass es nützlich sein wird, aber OHNE JEDE GEWÄHRLEISTUNG, bereitgestellt; sogar ohne die implizite Gewährleistung der MARKTFÄHIGKEIT oder EIGNUNG FÜR EINEN BESTIMMTEN ZWECK. Siehe die GNU General Public License für weitere Details. Sie sollten eine Kopie der GNU General Public License zusammen mit diesem Programm erhalten haben. Wenn nicht, siehe . */ /* Fake6502 CPU emulator core v1.1 ******************* * (c)2011 Mike Chambers (miker00lz@gmail.com) * ***************************************************** * LICENSE: This source code is released into the * * public domain, but if you use it please do give * * credit. I put a lot of effort into writing this! * * * ***************************************************** */ #include "cpu.h" #define FLAG_CARRY 0x01 #define FLAG_ZERO 0x02 #define FLAG_INTERRUPT 0x04 #define FLAG_DECIMAL 0x08 #define FLAG_BREAK 0x10 #define FLAG_CONSTANT 0x20 #define FLAG_OVERFLOW 0x40 #define FLAG_SIGN 0x80 //flag modifier macros #define setcarry() cpu.cpustatus |= FLAG_CARRY #define clearcarry() cpu.cpustatus &= (~FLAG_CARRY) #define setzero() cpu.cpustatus |= FLAG_ZERO #define clearzero() cpu.cpustatus &= (~FLAG_ZERO) #define setinterrupt() cpu.cpustatus |= FLAG_INTERRUPT #define clearinterrupt() cpu.cpustatus &= (~FLAG_INTERRUPT) #define setdecimal() cpu.cpustatus |= FLAG_DECIMAL #define cleardecimal() cpu.cpustatus &= (~FLAG_DECIMAL) #define setoverflow() cpu.cpustatus |= FLAG_OVERFLOW #define clearoverflow() cpu.cpustatus &= (~FLAG_OVERFLOW) #define setsign() cpu.cpustatus |= FLAG_SIGN #define clearsign() cpu.cpustatus &= (~FLAG_SIGN) //flag calculation macros #define zerocalc(n) { if ((n) & 0x00FF) clearzero(); else setzero(); } //#define signcalc(n) { if ((n) & 0x0080) setsign(); else clearsign(); } #define signcalc(n) { cpu.cpustatus =( cpu.cpustatus & 0x7f) | (n & 0x80); } #define carrycalc(n) { if ((n) & 0xFF00) setcarry(); else clearcarry(); } //#define carrycalc(n) {cpu.cpustatus =( cpu.cpustatus & 0xfe) | (n >> 8); } #define overflowcalc(n, m, o) { if (((n) ^ (uint16_t)(m)) & ((n) ^ (o)) & 0x0080) setoverflow(); else clearoverflow(); } #define saveaccum(n) cpu.a = (uint8_t)((n) & 0x00FF) #define UNSUPPORTED { printf("Unsupported Opcode\n"); while(1){;} } void logAddr(const uint32_t address, const uint8_t value, const uint8_t rw) { if (rw) printf("Write "); else printf("Read "); printf("0x%d=0x%d\n",address,value); } struct tcpu cpu; struct tio io; void reset6502(); void cpu_nmi(); static inline void cpu_irq(); INLINEOP uint8_t read6502(const uint32_t address) __attribute__ ((hot)); INLINEOP uint8_t read6502(const uint32_t address) { return (*cpu.plamap_r)[address >> 8](address); } INLINEOP uint8_t read6502ZP(const uint32_t address) __attribute__ ((hot)); //Zeropage INLINEOP uint8_t read6502ZP(const uint32_t address) { return cpu.RAM[address & 0xff]; } /* Ein Schreibzugriff auf einen ROM-Bereich speichert das Byte im „darunterliegenden” RAM. */ INLINEOP void write6502(const uint32_t address, const uint8_t value) __attribute__ ((hot)); INLINEOP void write6502(const uint32_t address, const uint8_t value) { (*cpu.plamap_w)[address>>8](address, value); } //a few general functions used by various other functions INLINEOP void push16(const uint16_t pushval) { cpu.RAM[BASE_STACK + cpu.sp] = (pushval >> 8) & 0xFF; cpu.RAM[BASE_STACK + ((cpu.sp - 1) & 0xFF)] = pushval & 0xFF; cpu.sp -= 2; } INLINEOP uint16_t pull16() { uint16_t temp16; temp16 = cpu.RAM[BASE_STACK + ((cpu.sp + 1) & 0xFF)] | ((uint16_t)cpu.RAM[BASE_STACK + ((cpu.sp + 2) & 0xFF)] << 8); cpu.sp += 2; return(temp16); } INLINEOP void push8(uint8_t pushval) { cpu.RAM[BASE_STACK + (cpu.sp--)] = pushval; } INLINEOP uint8_t pull8() { return cpu.RAM[BASE_STACK + (++cpu.sp)]; } /********************************************************************************************************************/ /*addressing mode functions, calculates effective addresses */ /********************************************************************************************************************/ INLINEOP void imp() { //implied } INLINEOP void acc() { //accumulator } INLINEOP void imm() { //immediate cpu.ea = cpu.pc++; } INLINEOP void zp() { //zero-page cpu.ea = read6502(cpu.pc++) & 0xFF; } INLINEOP void zpx() { //zero-page,X cpu.ea = (read6502(cpu.pc++) + cpu.x) & 0xFF; //zero-page wraparound } INLINEOP void zpy() { //zero-page,Y cpu.ea = (read6502(cpu.pc++) + cpu.y) & 0xFF; //zero-page wraparound } INLINEOP void rel() { //relative for branch ops (8-bit immediate value, sign-extended) cpu.reladdr = read6502(cpu.pc++); if (cpu.reladdr & 0x80) cpu.reladdr |= 0xFF00; } INLINEOP void abso() { //absolute cpu.ea = read6502(cpu.pc) | (read6502(cpu.pc + 1) << 8); cpu.pc += 2; } INLINEOP void absx() { //absolute,X cpu.ea = (read6502(cpu.pc) | (read6502(cpu.pc + 1) << 8)) + cpu.x; cpu.pc += 2; } INLINEOP void absx_t() { //absolute,X with extra cycle uint16_t h = read6502(cpu.pc) + cpu.x; if (h & 0x100) cpu.ticks += 1; cpu.ea = h + (read6502(cpu.pc + 1) << 8); cpu.pc += 2; } INLINEOP void absy() { //absolute,Y cpu.ea = (read6502(cpu.pc) + (read6502(cpu.pc + 1) << 8)) + cpu.y; cpu.pc += 2; } INLINEOP void absy_t() { //absolute,Y with extra cycle uint16_t h = read6502(cpu.pc) + cpu.y; if (h & 0x100) cpu.ticks += 1; cpu.ea = h + (read6502(cpu.pc + 1) << 8); cpu.pc += 2; } INLINEOP void ind() { //indirect uint16_t eahelp, eahelp2; eahelp = read6502(cpu.pc) | (read6502(cpu.pc + 1) << 8); eahelp2 = (eahelp & 0xFF00) | ((eahelp + 1) & 0x00FF); //replicate 6502 page-boundary wraparound bug cpu.ea = read6502(eahelp) | (read6502(eahelp2) << 8); cpu.pc += 2; } INLINEOP void indx() { // (indirect,X) uint32_t eahelp; eahelp = (read6502(cpu.pc++) + cpu.x) & 0xFF; //zero-page wraparound for table pointer cpu.ea = read6502ZP((uint8_t)eahelp) | (read6502ZP((uint8_t)(eahelp + 1)) << 8); } INLINEOP void indy() { // (zeropage indirect),Y uint8_t zp = read6502(cpu.pc++); cpu.ea = read6502ZP((uint16_t) zp++); cpu.ea += (uint16_t) read6502ZP((uint16_t) zp) << 8; cpu.ea += cpu.y; } INLINEOP void indy_t() { // (zeropage indirect),Y with extra cycle uint8_t zp = read6502(cpu.pc++); uint16_t h; h = read6502ZP((uint16_t) zp++); h += (uint16_t) read6502ZP((uint16_t) zp) << 8; if (((h + cpu.y) & 0xff) != (h & 0xff)) cpu.ticks += 1; cpu.ea = h + cpu.y; } INLINEOP uint32_t getvalue() __attribute__ ((hot)); INLINEOP uint32_t getvalue() { return read6502(cpu.ea); } INLINEOP uint32_t getvalueZP() __attribute__ ((hot)); INLINEOP uint32_t getvalueZP() { return read6502ZP(cpu.ea); } INLINEOP void putvalue(const uint8_t saveval) __attribute__ ((hot)); INLINEOP void putvalue(const uint8_t saveval) { write6502(cpu.ea, saveval); } /********************************************************************************************************************/ /* instruction handler functions */ /********************************************************************************************************************/ /* Aliases used in other illegal opcode sources: SLO = ASO SRE = LSE ISC = ISB ALR = ASR SHX = A11 (A11 was a result of only having tested this one on adress $1000) SHY = A11 LAS = LAR KIL = JAM, HLT */ #define SETFLAGS(data) \ { \ if (!(data)) \ cpu.cpustatus = (cpu.cpustatus & ~FLAG_SIGN) | FLAG_ZERO; \ else \ cpu.cpustatus = (cpu.cpustatus & ~(FLAG_SIGN|FLAG_ZERO)) | \ ((data) & FLAG_SIGN); \ } INLINEOP void _adc(unsigned data) { unsigned tempval = data; unsigned temp; if (cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_DECIMAL) { temp = (cpu.a & 0x0f) + (tempval & 0x0f) + (cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_CARRY); if (temp > 9) temp += 6; if (temp <= 0x0f) temp = (temp & 0xf) + (cpu.a & 0xf0) + (tempval & 0xf0); else temp = (temp & 0xf) + (cpu.a & 0xf0) + (tempval & 0xf0) + 0x10; if (!((cpu.a + tempval + (cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_CARRY)) & 0xff)) setzero(); else clearzero(); signcalc(temp); if (((cpu.a ^ temp) & 0x80) && !((cpu.a ^ tempval) & 0x80)) setoverflow(); else clearoverflow(); if ((temp & 0x1f0) > 0x90) temp += 0x60; if ((temp & 0xff0) > 0xf0) setcarry(); else clearcarry(); } else { temp = tempval + cpu.a + (cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_CARRY); SETFLAGS(temp & 0xff); if (!((cpu.a ^ tempval) & 0x80) && ((cpu.a ^ temp) & 0x80)) setoverflow(); else clearoverflow(); if (temp > 0xff) setcarry(); else clearcarry(); } saveaccum(temp); } INLINEOP void _sbc(unsigned data) { unsigned tempval = data; unsigned temp; temp = cpu.a - tempval - ((cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_CARRY) ^ FLAG_CARRY); if (cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_DECIMAL) { unsigned tempval2; tempval2 = (cpu.a & 0x0f) - (tempval & 0x0f) - ((cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_CARRY) ^ FLAG_CARRY); if (tempval2 & 0x10) tempval2 = ((tempval2 - 6) & 0xf) | ((cpu.a & 0xf0) - (tempval & 0xf0) - 0x10); else tempval2 = (tempval2 & 0xf) | ((cpu.a & 0xf0) - (tempval & 0xf0)); if (tempval2 & 0x100) tempval2 -= 0x60; if (temp < 0x100) setcarry(); else clearcarry(); SETFLAGS(temp & 0xff); if (((cpu.a ^ temp) & 0x80) && ((cpu.a ^ tempval) & 0x80)) setoverflow(); else clearoverflow(); saveaccum(tempval2); } else { SETFLAGS(temp & 0xff); if (temp < 0x100) setcarry(); else clearcarry(); if (((cpu.a ^ temp) & 0x80) && ((cpu.a ^ tempval) & 0x80)) setoverflow(); else clearoverflow(); saveaccum(temp); } } INLINEOP void adc() { unsigned data = getvalue(); _adc(data); } INLINEOP void adcZP() { unsigned data = getvalueZP(); _adc(data); } INLINEOP void op_and() { uint32_t result = cpu.a & getvalue(); zerocalc(result); signcalc(result); saveaccum(result); } INLINEOP void op_andZP() { uint32_t result = cpu.a & getvalueZP(); zerocalc(result); signcalc(result); saveaccum(result); } INLINEOP void asl() { uint32_t result = getvalue(); result <<=1; carrycalc(result); zerocalc(result); signcalc(result); putvalue(result); } INLINEOP void aslZP() { uint32_t result = getvalueZP(); result <<=1; carrycalc(result); zerocalc(result); signcalc(result); putvalue(result); } INLINEOP void asla() { uint32_t result = cpu.a << 1; carrycalc(result); zerocalc(result); signcalc(result); saveaccum(result); } INLINEOP void bcc() { if ((cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_CARRY) == 0) { uint32_t oldpc = cpu.pc; cpu.pc += cpu.reladdr; if ((oldpc & 0xFF00) != (cpu.pc & 0xFF00)) cpu.ticks += 2; //check if jump crossed a page boundary else cpu.ticks++; } } INLINEOP void bcs() { if ((cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_CARRY) == FLAG_CARRY) { uint32_t oldpc = cpu.pc; cpu.pc += cpu.reladdr; if ((oldpc & 0xFF00) != (cpu.pc & 0xFF00)) cpu.ticks += 2; //check if jump crossed a page boundary else cpu.ticks++; } } INLINEOP void beq() { if ((cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_ZERO) == FLAG_ZERO) { uint32_t oldpc = cpu.pc; cpu.pc += cpu.reladdr; if ((oldpc & 0xFF00) != (cpu.pc & 0xFF00)) cpu.ticks += 2; //check if jump crossed a page boundary else cpu.ticks++; } } INLINEOP void op_bit() { unsigned value = getvalue(); cpu.cpustatus = (cpu.cpustatus & ~(FLAG_SIGN|FLAG_OVERFLOW)) | (value & (FLAG_SIGN|FLAG_OVERFLOW)); if (!(value & cpu.a)) setzero(); else clearzero(); /* uint32_t value = getvalue(); uint32_t result = (uint16_t)cpu.a & value; zerocalc(result); cpu.cpustatus = (cpu.cpustatus & 0x3F) | (uint8_t)(value & 0xC0); */ } INLINEOP void op_bitZP() { unsigned value = getvalueZP(); cpu.cpustatus = (cpu.cpustatus & ~(FLAG_SIGN|FLAG_OVERFLOW)) | (value & (FLAG_SIGN|FLAG_OVERFLOW)); if (!(value & cpu.a)) setzero(); else clearzero(); } INLINEOP void bmi() { if ((cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_SIGN) == FLAG_SIGN) { uint32_t oldpc = cpu.pc; cpu.pc += cpu.reladdr; if ((oldpc & 0xFF00) != (cpu.pc & 0xFF00)) cpu.ticks += 2; //check if jump crossed a page boundary else cpu.ticks++; } } INLINEOP void bne() { if ((cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_ZERO) == 0) { uint32_t oldpc = cpu.pc; cpu.pc += cpu.reladdr; if ((oldpc & 0xFF00) != (cpu.pc & 0xFF00)) cpu.ticks += 2; //check if jump crossed a page boundary else cpu.ticks++; } } INLINEOP void bpl() { if ((cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_SIGN) == 0) { uint32_t oldpc = cpu.pc; cpu.pc += cpu.reladdr; if ((oldpc & 0xFF00) != (cpu.pc & 0xFF00)) cpu.ticks += 2; //check if jump crossed a page boundary else cpu.ticks++; } } INLINEOP void brk() { cpu.pc++; push16(cpu.pc); //push next instruction address onto stack push8(cpu.cpustatus | FLAG_BREAK); //push CPU cpustatus to stack setinterrupt(); //set interrupt flag cpu.pc = read6502(0xFFFE) | (read6502(0xFFFF) << 8); } INLINEOP void bvc() { if ((cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_OVERFLOW) == 0) { uint32_t oldpc = cpu.pc; cpu.pc += cpu.reladdr; if ((oldpc & 0xFF00) != (cpu.pc & 0xFF00)) cpu.ticks += 2; //check if jump crossed a page boundary else cpu.ticks++; } } INLINEOP void bvs() { if ((cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_OVERFLOW) == FLAG_OVERFLOW) { uint32_t oldpc = cpu.pc; cpu.pc += cpu.reladdr; if ((oldpc & 0xFF00) != (cpu.pc & 0xFF00)) cpu.ticks += 2; //check if jump crossed a page boundary else cpu.ticks++; } } INLINEOP void clc() { clearcarry(); } INLINEOP void cld() { cleardecimal(); } INLINEOP void cli_() { clearinterrupt(); } INLINEOP void clv() { clearoverflow(); } INLINEOP void cmp() { uint16_t value = getvalue(); uint32_t result = (uint16_t)cpu.a - value; if (cpu.a >= (uint8_t)(value & 0x00FF)) setcarry(); else clearcarry(); if (cpu.a == (uint8_t)(value & 0x00FF)) setzero(); else clearzero(); signcalc(result); } INLINEOP void cmpZP() { uint16_t value = getvalueZP(); uint32_t result = (uint16_t)cpu.a - value; if (cpu.a >= (uint8_t)(value & 0x00FF)) setcarry(); else clearcarry(); if (cpu.a == (uint8_t)(value & 0x00FF)) setzero(); else clearzero(); signcalc(result); } INLINEOP void cpx() { uint16_t value = getvalue(); uint16_t result = (uint16_t)cpu.x - value; if (cpu.x >= (uint8_t)(value & 0x00FF)) setcarry(); else clearcarry(); if (cpu.x == (uint8_t)(value & 0x00FF)) setzero(); else clearzero(); signcalc(result); } INLINEOP void cpxZP() { uint16_t value = getvalueZP(); uint16_t result = (uint16_t)cpu.x - value; if (cpu.x >= (uint8_t)(value & 0x00FF)) setcarry(); else clearcarry(); if (cpu.x == (uint8_t)(value & 0x00FF)) setzero(); else clearzero(); signcalc(result); } INLINEOP void cpy() { uint16_t value = getvalue(); uint16_t result = (uint16_t)cpu.y - value; if (cpu.y >= (uint8_t)(value & 0x00FF)) setcarry(); else clearcarry(); if (cpu.y == (uint8_t)(value & 0x00FF)) setzero(); else clearzero(); signcalc(result); } INLINEOP void cpyZP() { uint16_t value = getvalueZP(); uint16_t result = (uint16_t)cpu.y - value; if (cpu.y >= (uint8_t)(value & 0x00FF)) setcarry(); else clearcarry(); if (cpu.y == (uint8_t)(value & 0x00FF)) setzero(); else clearzero(); signcalc(result); } INLINEOP void dec() { uint32_t result = getvalue() - 1; zerocalc(result); signcalc(result); putvalue(result); } INLINEOP void decZP() { uint32_t result = getvalueZP() - 1; zerocalc(result); signcalc(result); putvalue(result); } INLINEOP void dex() { cpu.x--; zerocalc(cpu.x); signcalc(cpu.x); } INLINEOP void dey() { cpu.y--; zerocalc(cpu.y); signcalc(cpu.y); } INLINEOP void eor() { uint32_t result = cpu.a ^ getvalue(); zerocalc(result); signcalc(result); saveaccum(result); } INLINEOP void eorZP() { uint32_t result = cpu.a ^ getvalueZP(); zerocalc(result); signcalc(result); saveaccum(result); } INLINEOP void inc() { uint32_t result = getvalue() + 1; zerocalc(result); signcalc(result); putvalue(result); } INLINEOP void incZP() { uint32_t result = getvalueZP() + 1; zerocalc(result); signcalc(result); putvalue(result); } INLINEOP void inx() { cpu.x++; zerocalc(cpu.x); signcalc(cpu.x); } INLINEOP void iny() { cpu.y++; zerocalc(cpu.y); signcalc(cpu.y); } INLINEOP void jmp() { cpu.pc = cpu.ea; } INLINEOP void jsr() { push16(cpu.pc - 1); cpu.pc = cpu.ea; } INLINEOP void lda() { cpu.a = getvalue(); zerocalc(cpu.a); signcalc(cpu.a); } INLINEOP void ldaZP() { cpu.a = getvalueZP(); zerocalc(cpu.a); signcalc(cpu.a); } INLINEOP void ldx() { cpu.x = getvalue(); zerocalc(cpu.x); signcalc(cpu.x); } INLINEOP void ldxZP() { cpu.x = getvalue(); zerocalc(cpu.x); signcalc(cpu.x); } INLINEOP void ldy() { cpu.y = getvalue(); zerocalc(cpu.y); signcalc(cpu.y); } INLINEOP void ldyZP() { cpu.y = getvalueZP(); zerocalc(cpu.y); signcalc(cpu.y); } INLINEOP void lsr() { uint32_t value = getvalue(); uint32_t result = value >> 1; if (value & 1) setcarry(); else clearcarry(); zerocalc(result); //clearsign(); signcalc(result); putvalue(result); } INLINEOP void lsrZP() { uint32_t value = getvalue(); uint32_t result = value >> 1; if (value & 1) setcarry(); else clearcarry(); zerocalc(result); //clearsign(); signcalc(result); putvalue(result); } INLINEOP void lsra() { uint8_t value = cpu.a; uint8_t result = value >> 1; if (value & 1) setcarry(); else clearcarry(); zerocalc(result); //clearsign(); signcalc(result); saveaccum(result); } INLINEOP void ora() { uint32_t result = cpu.a | getvalue(); zerocalc(result); signcalc(result); saveaccum(result); } INLINEOP void oraZP() { uint32_t result = cpu.a | getvalueZP(); zerocalc(result); signcalc(result); saveaccum(result); } INLINEOP void pha() { push8(cpu.a); } INLINEOP void php() { push8(cpu.cpustatus | FLAG_BREAK); } INLINEOP void pla() { cpu.a = pull8(); zerocalc(cpu.a); signcalc(cpu.a); } INLINEOP void plp() { cpu.cpustatus = (pull8() & 0xef) | FLAG_CONSTANT; } INLINEOP void rol() { uint16_t value = getvalue(); uint16_t result = (value << 1) | (cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_CARRY); carrycalc(result); zerocalc(result); signcalc(result); putvalue(result); } INLINEOP void rolZP() { uint16_t value = getvalueZP(); uint16_t result = (value << 1) | (cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_CARRY); carrycalc(result); zerocalc(result); signcalc(result); putvalue(result); } INLINEOP void rola() { uint16_t value = cpu.a; uint16_t result = (value << 1) | (cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_CARRY); carrycalc(result); zerocalc(result); signcalc(result); saveaccum(result); } INLINEOP void ror() { uint32_t value = getvalue(); uint16_t result = (value >> 1) | ((cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_CARRY) << 7); if (value & 1) setcarry(); else clearcarry(); zerocalc(result); signcalc(result); putvalue(result); } INLINEOP void rorZP() { uint32_t value = getvalueZP(); uint16_t result = (value >> 1) | ((cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_CARRY) << 7); if (value & 1) setcarry(); else clearcarry(); zerocalc(result); signcalc(result); putvalue(result); } INLINEOP void rora() { uint32_t value = cpu.a; uint16_t result = (value >> 1) | ((cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_CARRY) << 7); if (value & 1) setcarry(); else clearcarry(); zerocalc(result); signcalc(result); saveaccum(result); } INLINEOP void rti() { cpu.cpustatus = pull8(); cpu.pc = pull16(); } INLINEOP void rts() { cpu.pc = pull16() + 1; } INLINEOP void sbc() { unsigned data = getvalue(); _sbc(data); } INLINEOP void sbcZP() { unsigned data = getvalueZP(); _sbc(data); } INLINEOP void sec() { setcarry(); } INLINEOP void sed() { setdecimal(); } INLINEOP void sei_() { setinterrupt(); } INLINEOP void sta() { putvalue(cpu.a); } INLINEOP void stx() { putvalue(cpu.x); } INLINEOP void sty() { putvalue(cpu.y); } INLINEOP void tax() { cpu.x = cpu.a; zerocalc(cpu.x); signcalc(cpu.x); } INLINEOP void tay() { cpu.y = cpu.a; zerocalc(cpu.y); signcalc(cpu.y); } INLINEOP void tsx() { cpu.x = cpu.sp; zerocalc(cpu.x); signcalc(cpu.x); } INLINEOP void txa() { cpu.a = cpu.x; zerocalc(cpu.a); signcalc(cpu.a); } INLINEOP void txs() { cpu.sp = cpu.x; } INLINEOP void tya() { cpu.a = cpu.y; zerocalc(cpu.a); signcalc(cpu.a); } //undocumented instructions INLINEOP void lax() { lda(); ldx(); } INLINEOP void sax() { sta(); stx(); putvalue(cpu.a & cpu.x); } INLINEOP void dcp() { dec(); cmp(); } INLINEOP void isb() { inc(); sbc(); } INLINEOP void slo() { asl(); ora(); } INLINEOP void rla() { rol(); op_and(); } INLINEOP void sre() { lsr(); eor(); } INLINEOP void rra() { ror(); adc(); } INLINEOP void alr() { // (FB) uint32_t result = cpu.a & getvalue() ; if (result & 1) setcarry(); else clearcarry(); result = result / 2; clearsign(); zerocalc(result); saveaccum(result); } INLINEOP void arr() { //This one took me hours.. finally taken from VICE (FB) uint32_t result; result = cpu.a & getvalue(); if (!(cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_DECIMAL)) { result >>= 1; result |= ((cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_CARRY) << 7); signcalc(result); zerocalc(result); if (result & 0x40) setcarry(); else clearcarry(); if ((result & 0x40) ^ ((result & 0x20)<<1)) setoverflow(); else clearoverflow(); saveaccum(result); } else { uint32_t t2 = result; t2 >>= 1; t2 |= ((cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_CARRY) << 7); if (cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_CARRY) setsign(); else clearsign(); zerocalc(t2); if ((t2 ^ result) & 0x40) setoverflow(); else clearoverflow(); if (((result & 0xf) + (result & 0x1)) > 0x5) { t2 = (t2 & 0xf0) | ((t2 + 0x6) & 0xf); } if (((result & 0xf0) + (result & 0x10)) > 0x50) { t2 = (t2 & 0x0f) | ((t2 + 0x60) & 0xf0); setcarry(); } else { clearcarry(); } saveaccum(t2); } } INLINEOP void xaa() { // AKA ANE const uint32_t val = 0xee; // VICE uses 0xff - but this results in an error in the testsuite (FB) uint32_t result = (cpu.a | val) & cpu.x & getvalue(); signcalc(result); zerocalc(result); saveaccum(result); } INLINEOP void lxa() { const uint32_t val = 0xee; uint32_t result = (cpu.a | val) & getvalue(); signcalc(result); zerocalc(result); cpu.x = result; saveaccum(result); } INLINEOP void axs() { //aka SBX uint32_t result = getvalue(); result = (cpu.a & cpu.x) - result; cpu.x = result; if (result < 0x100) setcarry(); else clearcarry(); zerocalc(cpu.x); signcalc(cpu.x); } INLINEOP void ahx() { //todo (is unstable) UNSUPPORTED } INLINEOP void anc() { uint32_t result = cpu.a & getvalue(); signcalc(result) zerocalc(result); if (cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_SIGN) setcarry(); else clearcarry(); saveaccum(result); } INLINEOP void las() { uint32_t result = cpu.sp & getvalue(); signcalc(result); zerocalc(result); cpu.sp = result; cpu.x = result; saveaccum(result); } /********************************************************************************************************************/ /* OPCODES */ /********************************************************************************************************************/ OPCODE void opKIL(void) { printf("CPU JAM @ $%d\n",cpu.pc); cpu_reset(); } OPCODE void op0x0(void) { cpu.ticks = 7; imp(); brk(); } OPCODE void op0x1(void) { cpu.ticks = 6; indx(); ora(); } OPCODE void op0x3(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 8; indx(); slo(); } OPCODE void op0x4(void) { //nop read zeropage cpu.ticks = 3; zp(); } OPCODE void op0x5(void) { cpu.ticks = 3; zp(); oraZP(); } OPCODE void op0x6(void) { cpu.ticks = 5; zp(); aslZP(); } OPCODE void op0x7(void) { //undocumented SLO cpu.ticks = 5; zp(); slo(); } OPCODE void op0x8(void) { cpu.ticks = 3; imp(); php(); } OPCODE void op0x9(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imm(); ora(); } OPCODE void op0xA(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; //acc(); asla(); } OPCODE void op0xB(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 2; imm(); anc(); } OPCODE void op0xC(void) { //nop cpu.ticks = 4; abso(); } OPCODE void op0xD(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; abso(); ora(); } OPCODE void op0xE(void) { cpu.ticks = 6; abso(); asl(); } OPCODE void op0xF(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 6; abso(); slo(); } OPCODE void op0x10(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; rel(); bpl(); } OPCODE void op0x11(void) { cpu.ticks = 5; indy_t(); ora(); } OPCODE void op0x13(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 8; indy(); slo(); } OPCODE void op0x14(void) { //nop cpu.ticks = 4; zpx(); } OPCODE void op0x15(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; zpx(); ora(); } OPCODE void op0x16(void) { cpu.ticks = 6; zpx(); asl(); } OPCODE void op0x17(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 6; //zpy(); bug zpx(); slo(); } OPCODE void op0x18(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imp(); clc(); } OPCODE void op0x19(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; absy_t(); ora(); } OPCODE void op0x1A(void) { //nop cpu.ticks = 2; } OPCODE void op0x1B(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 7; absy(); slo(); } OPCODE void op0x1C(void) { //nop cpu.ticks = 4; //(); } OPCODE void op0x1D(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; absx_t(); ora(); } OPCODE void op0x1E(void) { cpu.ticks = 7; absx(); asl(); } OPCODE void op0x1F(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 7; absx(); slo(); } OPCODE void op0x20(void) { cpu.ticks = 6; abso(); jsr(); } OPCODE void op0x21(void) { cpu.ticks = 6; indx(); op_and(); } OPCODE void op0x23(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 8; indx(); rla(); } OPCODE void op0x24(void) { cpu.ticks = 3; zp(); op_bitZP(); } OPCODE void op0x25(void) { cpu.ticks = 3; zp(); op_and(); } OPCODE void op0x26(void) { cpu.ticks = 5; zp(); rolZP(); } OPCODE void op0x27(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 5; zp(); rla(); } OPCODE void op0x28(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; imp(); plp(); } OPCODE void op0x29(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imm(); op_and(); } OPCODE void op0x2A(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; //acc(); rola(); } OPCODE void op0x2B(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 2; imm(); anc(); } OPCODE void op0x2C(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; abso(); op_bit(); } OPCODE void op0x2D(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; abso(); op_and(); } OPCODE void op0x2E(void) { cpu.ticks = 6; abso(); rol(); } OPCODE void op0x2F(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 6; abso(); rla(); } OPCODE void op0x30(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; rel(); bmi(); } OPCODE void op0x31(void) { cpu.ticks = 5; indy_t(); op_and(); } OPCODE void op0x33(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 8; indy(); rla(); } OPCODE void op0x34(void) { //nop cpu.ticks = 4; zpx(); } OPCODE void op0x35(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; zpx(); op_and(); } OPCODE void op0x36(void) { cpu.ticks = 6; zpx(); rol(); } OPCODE void op0x37(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 6; zpx(); rla(); } OPCODE void op0x38(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imp(); sec(); } OPCODE void op0x39(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; absy_t(); op_and(); } OPCODE void op0x3A(void) { //nop cpu.ticks = 2; } OPCODE void op0x3B(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 7; absy(); rla(); } OPCODE void op0x3C(void) { //nop cpu.ticks = 4; absx_t(); } OPCODE void op0x3D(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; absx_t(); op_and(); } OPCODE void op0x3E(void) { cpu.ticks = 7; absx(); rol(); } OPCODE void op0x3F(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 7; absx(); rla(); } OPCODE void op0x40(void) { cpu.ticks = 6; imp(); rti(); } OPCODE void op0x41(void) { cpu.ticks = 6; indx(); eor(); } OPCODE void op0x43(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 8; indx(); sre(); } OPCODE void op0x44(void) { //nop cpu.ticks = 3; zp(); } OPCODE void op0x45(void) { cpu.ticks = 3; zp(); eorZP(); } OPCODE void op0x46(void) { cpu.ticks = 5; zp(); lsrZP(); } OPCODE void op0x47(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 5; zp(); sre(); } OPCODE void op0x48(void) { cpu.ticks = 3; imp(); pha(); } OPCODE void op0x49(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imm(); eor(); } OPCODE void op0x4A(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; // acc(); lsra(); } OPCODE void op0x4B(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 2; imm(); alr(); } OPCODE void op0x4C(void) { cpu.ticks = 3; abso(); jmp(); } OPCODE void op0x4D(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; abso(); eor(); } OPCODE void op0x4E(void) { cpu.ticks = 6; abso(); lsr(); } OPCODE void op0x4F(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 6; abso(); sre(); } OPCODE void op0x50(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; rel(); bvc(); } OPCODE void op0x51(void) { cpu.ticks = 5; indy_t(); eor(); } OPCODE void op0x53(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 8; //zp(); BUG indy(); sre(); } OPCODE void op0x54(void) { //nop cpu.ticks = 4; zpx(); } OPCODE void op0x55(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; zpx(); eor(); } OPCODE void op0x56(void) { cpu.ticks = 6; zpx(); lsr(); } OPCODE void op0x57(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 6; zpx(); sre(); } OPCODE void op0x58(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imp(); cli_(); } OPCODE void op0x59(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; absy_t(); eor(); } OPCODE void op0x5A(void) { //nop cpu.ticks = 2; } OPCODE void op0x5B(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 7; absy(); sre(); } OPCODE void op0x5C(void) { //nop cpu.ticks = 4; absx_t(); } OPCODE void op0x5D(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; absx_t(); eor(); } OPCODE void op0x5E(void) { cpu.ticks = 7; absx(); lsr(); } OPCODE void op0x5F(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 7; absx(); sre(); } OPCODE void op0x60(void) { cpu.ticks = 6; imp(); rts(); } OPCODE void op0x61(void) { cpu.ticks = 6; indx(); adc(); } OPCODE void op0x63(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 8; indx(); rra(); } OPCODE void op0x64(void) { cpu.ticks = 3; zp(); } OPCODE void op0x65(void) { cpu.ticks = 3; zp(); adcZP(); } OPCODE void op0x66(void) { cpu.ticks = 5; zp(); rorZP(); } OPCODE void op0x67(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 5; zp(); rra(); } OPCODE void op0x68(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; imp(); pla(); } OPCODE void op0x69(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imm(); adc(); } OPCODE void op0x6A(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; // acc(); rora(); } OPCODE void op0x6B(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 2; imm(); arr(); } OPCODE void op0x6C(void) { cpu.ticks = 5; ind(); jmp(); } OPCODE void op0x6D(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; abso(); adc(); } OPCODE void op0x6E(void) { cpu.ticks = 6; abso(); ror(); } OPCODE void op0x6F(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 6; abso(); rra(); } OPCODE void op0x70(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; rel(); bvs(); } OPCODE void op0x71(void) { cpu.ticks = 5; indy_t(); adc(); } OPCODE void op0x73(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 8; indy(); rra(); } OPCODE void op0x74(void) { //nop cpu.ticks = 4; zpx(); } OPCODE void op0x75(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; zpx(); adc(); } OPCODE void op0x76(void) { cpu.ticks = 6; zpx(); ror(); } OPCODE void op0x77(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 6; zpx(); rra(); } OPCODE void op0x78(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imp(); sei_(); } OPCODE void op0x79(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; absy_t(); adc(); } OPCODE void op0x7A(void) { //nop cpu.ticks = 2; } OPCODE void op0x7B(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 7; absy(); rra(); } OPCODE void op0x7C(void) { //nop cpu.ticks = 4; absx_t(); } OPCODE void op0x7D(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; absx_t(); adc(); } OPCODE void op0x7E(void) { cpu.ticks = 7; absx(); ror(); } OPCODE void op0x7F(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 7; absx(); rra(); } OPCODE void op0x80(void) { //nop cpu.ticks = 2; imm(); } OPCODE void op0x81(void) { cpu.ticks = 6; indx(); sta(); } OPCODE void op0x82(void) { //nop cpu.ticks = 2; imm(); } OPCODE void op0x83(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 6; indx(); sax(); } OPCODE void op0x84(void) { cpu.ticks = 3; zp(); sty(); } OPCODE void op0x85(void) { cpu.ticks = 3; zp(); sta(); } OPCODE void op0x86(void) { cpu.ticks = 3; zp(); stx(); } OPCODE void op0x87(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 3; zp(); sax(); } OPCODE void op0x88(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imp(); dey(); } OPCODE void op0x89(void) { //nop cpu.ticks = 2; imm(); } OPCODE void op0x8A(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imp(); txa(); } OPCODE void op0x8B(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 2; imm(); xaa(); } OPCODE void op0x8C(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; abso(); sty(); } OPCODE void op0x8D(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; abso(); sta(); } OPCODE void op0x8E(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; abso(); stx(); } OPCODE void op0x8F(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 4; abso(); sax(); } OPCODE void op0x90(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; rel(); bcc(); } OPCODE void op0x91(void) { cpu.ticks = 6; indy(); sta(); } OPCODE void op0x93(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 6; indy(); ahx(); } OPCODE void op0x94(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; zpx(); sty(); } OPCODE void op0x95(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; zpx(); sta(); } OPCODE void op0x96(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; zpy(); stx(); } OPCODE void op0x97(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 4; zpy(); sax(); } OPCODE void op0x98(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imp(); tya(); } OPCODE void op0x99(void) { cpu.ticks = 5; absy(); sta(); } OPCODE void op0x9A(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imp(); txs(); } OPCODE void op0x9B(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 5; absy(); //tas(); UNSUPPORTED; } OPCODE void op0x9C(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 5; absy(); //shy(); UNSUPPORTED; } OPCODE void op0x9D(void) { cpu.ticks = 5; absx(); sta(); } OPCODE void op0x9E(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 5; absx(); //shx(); } OPCODE void op0x9F(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 5; absx(); ahx(); } OPCODE void op0xA0(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imm(); ldy(); } OPCODE void op0xA1(void) { cpu.ticks = 6; indx(); lda(); } OPCODE void op0xA2(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imm(); ldx(); } OPCODE void op0xA3(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 6; indx(); lax(); } OPCODE void op0xA4(void) { cpu.ticks = 3; zp(); ldyZP(); } OPCODE void op0xA5(void) { cpu.ticks = 3; zp(); ldaZP(); } OPCODE void op0xA6(void) { cpu.ticks = 3; zp(); ldxZP(); } OPCODE void op0xA7(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 3; zp(); lax(); } OPCODE void op0xA8(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imp(); tay(); } OPCODE void op0xA9(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imm(); lda(); } OPCODE void op0xAA(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imp(); tax(); } OPCODE void op0xAB(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 2; imm(); lxa(); } OPCODE void op0xAC(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; abso(); ldy(); } OPCODE void op0xAD(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; abso(); lda(); } OPCODE void op0xAE(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; abso(); ldx(); } OPCODE void op0xAF(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 4; abso(); lax(); } OPCODE void op0xB0(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; rel(); bcs(); } OPCODE void op0xB1(void) { cpu.ticks = 5; indy_t(); lda(); } OPCODE void op0xB3(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 5; indy_t(); lax(); } OPCODE void op0xB4(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; zpx(); ldy(); } OPCODE void op0xB5(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; zpx(); lda(); } OPCODE void op0xB6(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; zpy(); ldx(); } OPCODE void op0xB7(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 4; zpy(); lax(); } OPCODE void op0xB8(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imp(); clv(); } OPCODE void op0xB9(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; absy_t(); lda(); } OPCODE void op0xBA(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imp(); tsx(); } OPCODE void op0xBB(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 4; absy_t(); las(); } OPCODE void op0xBC(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; absx_t(); ldy(); } OPCODE void op0xBD(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; absx_t(); lda(); } OPCODE void op0xBE(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; absy_t(); ldx(); } OPCODE void op0xBF(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 4; absy_t(); lax(); } OPCODE void op0xC0(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imm(); cpy(); } OPCODE void op0xC1(void) { cpu.ticks = 6; indx(); cmp(); } OPCODE void op0xC2(void) { //nop cpu.ticks = 2; imm(); } OPCODE void op0xC3(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 8; indx(); dcp(); } OPCODE void op0xC4(void) { cpu.ticks = 3; zp(); cpyZP(); } OPCODE void op0xC5(void) { cpu.ticks = 3; zp(); cmpZP(); } OPCODE void op0xC6(void) { cpu.ticks = 5; zp(); decZP(); } OPCODE void op0xC7(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 5; zp(); dcp(); } OPCODE void op0xC8(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imp(); iny(); } OPCODE void op0xC9(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imm(); cmp(); } OPCODE void op0xCA(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imp(); dex(); } OPCODE void op0xCB(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 2; imm(); axs(); } OPCODE void op0xCC(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; abso(); cpy(); } OPCODE void op0xCD(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; abso(); cmp(); } OPCODE void op0xCE(void) { cpu.ticks = 6; abso(); dec(); } OPCODE void op0xCF(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 6; abso(); dcp(); } OPCODE void op0xD0(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; rel(); bne(); } OPCODE void op0xD1(void) { cpu.ticks = 5; indy_t(); cmp(); } OPCODE void op0xD3(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 8; indy(); dcp(); } OPCODE void op0xD4(void) { //nop cpu.ticks = 4; zpx(); } OPCODE void op0xD5(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; zpx(); cmp(); } OPCODE void op0xD6(void) { cpu.ticks = 6; zpx(); dec(); } OPCODE void op0xD7(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 6; zpx(); dcp(); } OPCODE void op0xD8(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imp(); cld(); } OPCODE void op0xD9(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; absy_t(); cmp(); } OPCODE void op0xDA(void) { //nop cpu.ticks = 2; } OPCODE void op0xDB(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 7; absy(); dcp(); } OPCODE void op0xDC(void) { //nop cpu.ticks = 4; absx_t(); } OPCODE void op0xDD(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; absx_t(); cmp(); } OPCODE void op0xDE(void) { cpu.ticks = 7; absx(); dec(); } OPCODE void op0xDF(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 7; absx(); dcp(); } OPCODE void op0xE0(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imm(); cpx(); } OPCODE void op0xE1(void) { cpu.ticks = 5; indx(); sbc(); } OPCODE void op0xE2(void) { //NOP cpu.ticks = 2; imm(); } OPCODE void op0xE3(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 8; indx(); isb(); } OPCODE void op0xE4(void) { cpu.ticks = 3; zp(); cpxZP(); } OPCODE void op0xE5(void) { cpu.ticks = 3; zp(); sbcZP(); } OPCODE void op0xE6(void) { cpu.ticks = 5; zp(); incZP(); } OPCODE void op0xE7(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 5; zp(); isb(); } OPCODE void op0xE8(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imp(); inx(); } OPCODE void op0xE9(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imm(); sbc(); } OPCODE void op0xEA(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; } OPCODE void op0xEB(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imm(); sbc(); } OPCODE void op0xEC(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; abso(); cpx(); } OPCODE void op0xED(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; abso(); sbc(); } OPCODE void op0xEE(void) { cpu.ticks = 6; abso(); inc(); } OPCODE void op0xEF(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 6; abso(); isb(); } OPCODE void op0xF0(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; rel(); beq(); } OPCODE void op0xF1(void) { cpu.ticks = 5; indy_t(); sbc(); } OPCODE void op0xF3(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 8; indy(); isb(); } OPCODE void op0xF4(void) { //nop cpu.ticks = 4; zpx(); } OPCODE void op0xF5(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; zpx(); sbc(); } OPCODE void op0xF6(void) { cpu.ticks = 6; zpx(); inc(); } OPCODE void op0xF7(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 6; zpx(); isb(); } OPCODE void op0xF8(void) { cpu.ticks = 2; imp(); sed(); } OPCODE void op0xF9(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; absy_t(); sbc(); } OPCODE void op0xFA(void) { //nop cpu.ticks = 2; } OPCODE void op0xFB(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 7; absy(); isb(); } OPCODE void op0xFC(void) { //nop cpu.ticks = 4; absx_t(); } OPCODE void op0xFD(void) { cpu.ticks = 4; absx_t(); sbc(); } OPCODE void op0xFE(void) { cpu.ticks = 7; absx(); inc(); } OPCODE void op0xFF(void) { //undocumented cpu.ticks = 7; absx(); isb(); } OPCODE void opPATCHD2(void) { #if APPLY_PATCHES patchLOAD(); #else opKIL(); #endif } OPCODE void opPATCHF2(void) { #if APPLY_PATCHES patchSAVE(); #else opKIL(); #endif } typedef void (*op_ptr_t)( void ); static const op_ptr_t opcodetable[256] = { /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F */ /* 0 */ op0x0 , op0x1, opKIL , op0x3, op0x4 , op0x5, op0x6, op0x7, op0x8, op0x9, op0xA, op0xB , op0xC , op0xD , op0xE , op0xF, /* 1 */ op0x10, op0x11, opKIL , op0x13, op0x14, op0x15, op0x16, op0x17, op0x18, op0x19, op0x1A, op0x1B, op0x1C, op0x1D, op0x1E, op0x1F, /* 2 */ op0x20, op0x21, opKIL , op0x23, op0x24, op0x25, op0x26, op0x27, op0x28, op0x29, op0x2A, op0x2B, op0x2C, op0x2D, op0x2E, op0x2F, /* 3 */ op0x30, op0x31, opKIL , op0x33, op0x34, op0x35, op0x36, op0x37, op0x38, op0x39, op0x3A, op0x3B, op0x3C, op0x3D, op0x3E, op0x3F, /* 4 */ op0x40, op0x41, opKIL , op0x43, op0x44, op0x45, op0x46, op0x47, op0x48, op0x49, op0x4A, op0x4B, op0x4C, op0x4D, op0x4E, op0x4F, /* 5 */ op0x50, op0x51, opKIL , op0x53, op0x54, op0x55, op0x56, op0x57, op0x58, op0x59, op0x5A, op0x5B, op0x5C, op0x5D, op0x5E, op0x5F, /* 6 */ op0x60, op0x61, opKIL , op0x63, op0x64, op0x65, op0x66, op0x67, op0x68, op0x69, op0x6A, op0x6B, op0x6C, op0x6D, op0x6E, op0x6F, /* 7 */ op0x70, op0x71, opKIL , op0x73, op0x74, op0x75, op0x76, op0x77, op0x78, op0x79, op0x7A, op0x7B, op0x7C, op0x7D, op0x7E, op0x7F, /* 8 */ op0x80, op0x81, op0x82, op0x83, op0x84, op0x85, op0x86, op0x87, op0x88, op0x89, op0x8A, op0x8B, op0x8C, op0x8D, op0x8E, op0x8F, /* 9 */ op0x90, op0x91, opKIL , op0x93, op0x94, op0x95, op0x96, op0x97, op0x98, op0x99, op0x9A, op0x9B, op0x9C, op0x9D, op0x9E, op0x9F, /* A */ op0xA0, op0xA1, op0xA2, op0xA3, op0xA4, op0xA5, op0xA6, op0xA7, op0xA8, op0xA9, op0xAA, op0xAB, op0xAC, op0xAD, op0xAE, op0xAF, /* B */ op0xB0, op0xB1, opKIL , op0xB3, op0xB4, op0xB5, op0xB6, op0xB7, op0xB8, op0xB9, op0xBA, op0xBB, op0xBC, op0xBD, op0xBE, op0xBF, /* C */ op0xC0, op0xC1, op0xC2, op0xC3, op0xC4, op0xC5, op0xC6, op0xC7, op0xC8, op0xC9, op0xCA, op0xCB, op0xCC, op0xCD, op0xCE, op0xCF, /* D */ op0xD0, op0xD1, opPATCHD2 , op0xD3, op0xD4, op0xD5, op0xD6, op0xD7, op0xD8, op0xD9, op0xDA, op0xDB, op0xDC, op0xDD, op0xDE, op0xDF, /* E */ op0xE0, op0xE1, op0xE2, op0xE3, op0xE4, op0xE5, op0xE6, op0xE7, op0xE8, op0xE9, op0xEA, op0xEB, op0xEC, op0xED, op0xEE, op0xEF, /* F */ op0xF0, op0xF1, opPATCHF2 , op0xF3, op0xF4, op0xF5, op0xF6, op0xF7, op0xF8, op0xF9, op0xFA, op0xFB, op0xFC, op0xFD, op0xFE, op0xFF }; static const uint8_t cyclesTable[256] = { 7, 6, 2, 8, 3, 3, 5, 5, 3, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, // $00 2, 5, 2, 8, 4, 4, 6, 6, 2, 4, 2, 7, 5, 5, 7, 7, // $10 6, 6, 2, 8, 3, 3, 5, 5, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, // $20 2, 5, 2, 8, 4, 4, 6, 6, 2, 4, 2, 7, 5, 5, 7, 7, // $30 6, 6, 2, 8, 3, 3, 5, 5, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, // $40 2, 5, 2, 8, 4, 4, 6, 6, 2, 4, 2, 7, 5, 5, 7, 7, // $50 6, 6, 2, 8, 3, 3, 5, 5, 4, 2, 2, 2, 5, 4, 6, 6, // $60 2, 5, 2, 8, 4, 4, 6, 6, 2, 4, 2, 7, 5, 5, 7, 7, // $70 2, 6, 2, 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, // $80 2, 6, 2, 6, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 5, 2, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, // $90 2, 6, 2, 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, // $A0 2, 5, 2, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 4, 2, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, // $B0 2, 6, 2, 8, 3, 3, 5, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, // $C0 2, 5, 2, 8, 4, 4, 6, 6, 2, 4, 2, 7, 5, 5, 7, 7, // $D0 2, 6, 2, 8, 3, 3, 5, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, // $E0 2, 5, 2, 8, 4, 4, 6, 6, 2, 4, 2, 7, 5, 5, 7, 7 // $F0 }; static const uint8_t writeCycleTable[256] = { 3, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, // $00 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, // $10 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, // $20 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, // $30 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, // $40 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, // $50 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, // $60 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, // $70 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, // $80 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // $90 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // $A0 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // $B0 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, // $C0 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, // $D0 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, // $E0 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2 // $F0 }; void cpu_nmi() { cpu.nmiLine = 1; printf("nmiLine=1\n"); } void cpu_clearNmi() { cpu.nmi = 0; } void cpu_nmi_do() { if (cpu.nmi) return; cpu.nmi = 1; cpu.nmiLine = 0; push16(cpu.pc); push8(cpu.cpustatus & ~FLAG_BREAK); cpu.cpustatus |= FLAG_INTERRUPT; cpu.pc = read6502(0xFFFA) | (read6502(0xFFFB) << 8); cpu.ticks = 7; } static inline void cpu_irq() { push16(cpu.pc); push8(cpu.cpustatus & ~FLAG_BREAK); cpu.cpustatus |= FLAG_INTERRUPT; cpu.pc = read6502(0xFFFE) | (read6502(0xFFFF) << 8); cpu.ticks = 7; } inline void cia_clock(void) __attribute__((always_inline)); void cia_clock(void) { cia1_clock(1); cia2_clock(1); } void cia_clockt(int ticks) { cia1_clock(ticks); cia2_clock(ticks); } void cpu_clock(int cycles) { static int c = 0; static int writeCycles = 0; cpu.lineCyclesAbs += cycles; c+=cycles; while (c > 0) { uint8_t opcode ; cpu.ticks = 0; //NMI if (!cpu.nmi && ((cpu.cia2.R[0x0D] & 0x80) | cpu.nmiLine)) { cpu_nmi_do(); goto noOpcode; } if (!(cpu.cpustatus & FLAG_INTERRUPT)) { if (((cpu.vic.R[0x19] | cpu.cia1.R[0x0D]) & 0x80)) { cpu_irq(); goto noOpcode; } } cpu.cpustatus |= FLAG_CONSTANT; opcode = read6502(cpu.pc++); opcodetable[opcode](); writeCycles = writeCycleTable[opcode]; noOpcode: cia_clockt(cpu.ticks); c-= cpu.ticks; cpu.lineCycles += cpu.ticks; if (cpu.exactTiming) { uint32_t t = cpu.lineCycles * MCU_C64_RATIO; //while (ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cpu.lineStartTime < t){;} } }; return; } //Enable "ExactTiming" Mode void cpu_setExactTiming() { if (!cpu.exactTiming) { //enable exact timing setAudioOff(); vic_displaySimpleModeScreen(); } cpu.exactTiming = 1; //cpu.exactTimingStartTime = ARM_DWT_CYCCNT; cpu.exactTiming = 0; } //Disable "ExactTiming" Mode void cpu_disableExactTiming() { cpu.exactTiming = 0; setAudioOn(); } void cpu_reset() { enableCycleCounter(); cpu.exactTiming = 0; cpu.nmi = 0; cpu.cpustatus = FLAG_CONSTANT; cpu.pc = read6502(0xFFFC) | (read6502(0xFFFD) << 8); cpu.sp = 0xFD; }