/* Emulations of the Z80 CPU instruction set - part of xz80. * Copyright (C) 1994 Ian Collier. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #define instr(opcode,cycles) case opcode: {tstates+=cycles #define HLinstr(opcode,cycles,morecycles) \ case opcode: {unsigned short addr; \ tstates+=cycles; \ if(ixoriy==0)addr=hl; \ else tstates+=morecycles, \ addr=(ixoriy==1?ix:iy)+ \ (signed char)fetch(pc),\ pc++ #define endinstr }; break #define cy (f&1) #define xh (ixoriy==0?h:ixoriy==1?(ix>>8):(iy>>8)) #define xl (ixoriy==0?l:ixoriy==1?(ix&0xff):(iy&0xff)) #define setxh(x) (ixoriy==0?(h=(x)):ixoriy==1?(ix=(ix&0xff)|((x)<<8)):\ (iy=(iy&0xff)|((x)<<8))) #define setxl(x) (ixoriy==0?(l=(x)):ixoriy==1?(ix=(ix&0xff00)|(x)):\ (iy=(iy&0xff00)|(x))) #define inc(var) /* 8-bit increment */ ( var++,\ f=(f&1)|(var&0xa8)|\ ((!(var&15))<<4)|((!var)<<6)|\ ((var==128)<<2)\ ) #define dec(var) /* 8-bit decrement */ ( f=(f&1)|((!(var&15))<<4)|2,\ --var,\ f|=(var&0xa8)|((var==127)<<2)|\ ((!var)<<6)\ ) #define swap(x,y) {unsigned char t=x; x=y; y=t;} #define addhl(hi,lo) /* 16-bit add */ if(!ixoriy){\ unsigned short t;\ l=t=l+(lo);\ f=(f&0xc4)|(((t>>=8)+(h&0x0f)+((hi)&0x0f)>15)<<4);\ h=t+=h+(hi);\ f|=(h&0x28)|(t>>8);\ }\ else do{unsigned long t=(ixoriy==1?ix:iy);\ f=(f&0xc4)|(((t&0xfff)+((hi<<8)|lo)>0xfff)<<4);\ t+=(hi<<8)|lo;\ if(ixoriy==1)ix=t; else iy=t;\ f|=((t>>8)&0x28)|(t>>16);\ } while(0) #define adda(x,c) /* 8-bit add */ do{unsigned short y;\ unsigned char z=(x);\ y=a+z+(c);\ f=(y&0xa8)|(y>>8)|(((a&0x0f)+(z&0x0f)+(c)>15)<<4)|\ (((~a^z)&0x80&(y^a))>>5);\ f|=(!(a=y))<<6;\ } while(0) #define suba(x,c) /* 8-bit subtract */ do{unsigned short y;\ unsigned char z=(x);\ y=(a-z-(c))&0x1ff;\ f=(y&0xa8)|(y>>8)|(((a&0x0f)<(z&0x0f)+(c))<<4)|\ (((a^z)&0x80&(y^a))>>5)|2;\ f|=(!(a=y))<<6;\ } while(0) #define cpa(x) /* 8-bit compare */ do{unsigned short y;\ unsigned char z=(x);\ y=(a-z)&0x1ff;\ f=(y&0xa8)|(y>>8)|(((a&0x0f)<(z&0x0f))<<4)|\ (((a^z)&0x80&(y^a))>>5)|2|((!y)<<6);\ } while(0) #define anda(x) /* logical and */ do{\ a&=(x);\ f=(a&0xa8)|((!a)<<6)|0x10|parity(a);\ } while(0) #define xora(x) /* logical xor */ do{\ a^=(x);\ f=(a&0xa8)|((!a)<<6)|parity(a);\ } while(0) #define ora(x) /* logical or */ do{\ a|=(x);\ f=(a&0xa8)|((!a)<<6)|parity(a);\ } while(0) #define jr /* execute relative jump */ do{int j=(signed char)fetch(pc);\ pc+=j+1;\ tstates+=5;\ } while(0) #define jp /* execute jump */ (pc=fetch2(pc)) #define call /* execute call */ do{\ tstates+=7;\ push2(pc+2);\ jp;\ } while(0) #define ret /* execute return */ do{\ tstates+=6;\ pop2(pc);\ } while(0) #define pop2(var) /* pop 16-bit register */ (var=fetch2(sp),sp+=2) #define pop1(v1,v2) /* pop register pair */ (v2=fetch(sp),\ v1=fetch(sp+1),sp+=2) #define push2(val) /* push 16-bit register */ do{sp-=2;store2(sp,(val));}\ while(0) #define push1(v1,v2) /* push register pair */ do{sp-=2;\ store2b(sp,v1,v2);\ }while(0) instr(0,4); /* nop */ endinstr; instr(1,10); c=fetch(pc),pc++; b=fetch(pc),pc++; endinstr; instr(2,7); store(bc,a); endinstr; instr(3,6); if(!++c)b++; endinstr; instr(4,4); inc(b); endinstr; instr(5,4); dec(b); endinstr; instr(6,7); b=fetch(pc),pc++; endinstr; instr(7,4); a=(a<<1)|(a>>7); f=(f&0xc4)|(a&0x29); endinstr; instr(8,4); swap(a,a1); swap(f,f1); endinstr; instr(9,11); addhl(b,c); endinstr; instr(10,7); a=fetch(bc); endinstr; instr(11,6); if(!c--)b--; endinstr; instr(12,4); inc(c); endinstr; instr(13,4); dec(c); endinstr; instr(14,4); c=fetch(pc),pc++; endinstr; instr(15,4); f=(f&0xc4)|(a&1); a=(a>>1)|(a<<7); f|=a&0x28; endinstr; instr(16,8); if(!--b)pc++; else jr; endinstr; instr(17,10); e=fetch(pc),pc++; d=fetch(pc),pc++; endinstr; instr(18,7); store(de,a); endinstr; instr(19,6); if(!++e)d++; endinstr; instr(20,4); inc(d); endinstr; instr(21,4); dec(d); endinstr; instr(22,7); d=fetch(pc),pc++; endinstr; instr(23,4); {int t=a>>7; a=(a<<1)|(f&1); f=(f&0xc4)|(a&0x28)|t; } endinstr; instr(24,7); jr; endinstr; instr(25,11); addhl(d,e); endinstr; instr(26,7); a=fetch(de); endinstr; instr(27,6); if(!e--)d--; endinstr; instr(28,4); inc(e); endinstr; instr(29,4); dec(e); endinstr; instr(30,4); e=fetch(pc),pc++; endinstr; instr(31,4); {int t=a&1; a=(a>>1)|(f<<7); f=(f&0xc4)|(a&0x28)|t; } endinstr; instr(32,7); if(f&0x40)pc++; else jr; endinstr; instr(33,10); if(!ixoriy){ l=fetch(pc),pc++; h=fetch(pc),pc++; } else { if(ixoriy==1) ix=fetch2(pc); else iy=fetch2(pc); pc+=2; } endinstr; instr(34,16); {unsigned short addr=fetch2(pc); pc+=2; if(!ixoriy)store2b(addr,h,l); else if(ixoriy==1)store2(addr,ix); else store2(addr,iy); } endinstr; instr(35,6); if(!ixoriy){if(!++l)h++;} else if(ixoriy==1)ix++; else iy++; endinstr; instr(36,4); if(ixoriy==0)inc(h); else{unsigned char t; t=(ixoriy==1?ix:iy)>>8; inc(t); if(ixoriy==1)ix=(ix&0xff)|(t<<8); else iy=(iy&0xff)|(t<<8); } endinstr; instr(37,4); if(ixoriy==0)dec(h); else{unsigned char t; t=(ixoriy==1?ix:iy)>>8; dec(t); if(ixoriy==1)ix=(ix&0xff)|(t<<8); else iy=(iy&0xff)|(t<<8); } endinstr; instr(38,7); setxh(fetch(pc)); pc++; endinstr; instr(39,4); { unsigned char incr=0, carry=cy; if((f&0x10) || (a&0x0f)>9) incr=6; if((f&1) || (a>>4)>9) incr|=0x60; if(f&2)suba(incr,0); else { if(a>0x90 && (a&15)>9)incr|=0x60; adda(incr,0); } f=((f|carry)&0xfb)|parity(a); } endinstr; instr(40,7); if(f&0x40)jr; else pc++; endinstr; instr(41,11); if(!ixoriy)addhl(h,l); else if(ixoriy==1)addhl((ix>>8),(ix&0xff)); else addhl((iy>>8),(iy&0xff)); endinstr; instr(42,16); {unsigned short addr=fetch2(pc); pc+=2; if(!ixoriy){ l=fetch(addr); h=fetch(addr+1); } else if(ixoriy==1)ix=fetch2(addr); else iy=fetch2(addr); } endinstr; instr(43,6); if(!ixoriy){if(!l--)h--;} else if(ixoriy==1)ix--; else iy--; endinstr; instr(44,4); if(!ixoriy)inc(l); else {unsigned char t; t=(ixoriy==1?ix:iy); inc(t); if(ixoriy==1)ix=(ix&0xff00)|t; else iy=(iy&0xff00)|t; } endinstr; instr(45,4); if(!ixoriy)dec(l); else {unsigned char t; t=(ixoriy==1?ix:iy); dec(t); if(ixoriy==1)ix=(ix&0xff00)|t; else iy=(iy&0xff00)|t; } endinstr; instr(46,4); setxl(fetch(pc)); pc++; endinstr; instr(47,4); a=~a; f=(f&0xc5)|(a&0x28)|0x12; endinstr; instr(48,7); if(f&1)pc++; else jr; endinstr; instr(49,10); sp=fetch2(pc); pc+=2; endinstr; instr(50,13); {unsigned short addr=fetch2(pc); pc+=2; store(addr,a); } endinstr; instr(51,6); sp++; endinstr; HLinstr(52,11,8); {unsigned char t=fetch(addr); inc(t); store(addr,t); } endinstr; HLinstr(53,11,8); {unsigned char t=fetch(addr); dec(t); store(addr,t); } endinstr; HLinstr(54,10,5); store(addr,fetch(pc)); pc++; endinstr; instr(55,4); f=(f&0xc4)|1|(a&0x28); endinstr; instr(56,7); if(f&1)jr; else pc++; endinstr; instr(57,11); addhl((sp>>8),(sp&0xff)); endinstr; instr(58,13); {unsigned short addr=fetch2(pc); pc+=2; a=fetch(addr); } endinstr; instr(59,6); sp--; endinstr; instr(60,4); inc(a); endinstr; instr(61,4); dec(a); endinstr; instr(62,4); a=fetch(pc),pc++; endinstr; instr(63,4); f=(f&0xc4)|(cy^1)|(cy<<4)|(a&0x28); endinstr; instr(0x40,4); /* ld b,b */ endinstr; instr(0x41,4); b=c; endinstr; instr(0x42,4); b=d; endinstr; instr(0x43,4); b=e; endinstr; instr(0x44,4); b=xh; endinstr; instr(0x45,4); b=xl; endinstr; HLinstr(0x46,7,8); b=fetch(addr); endinstr; instr(0x47,4); b=a; endinstr; instr(0x48,4); c=b; endinstr; instr(0x49,4); /* ld c,c */ endinstr; instr(0x4a,4); c=d; endinstr; instr(0x4b,4); c=e; endinstr; instr(0x4c,4); c=xh; endinstr; instr(0x4d,4); c=xl; endinstr; HLinstr(0x4e,7,8); c=fetch(addr); endinstr; instr(0x4f,4); c=a; endinstr; instr(0x50,4); d=b; endinstr; instr(0x51,4); d=c; endinstr; instr(0x52,4); /* ld d,d */ endinstr; instr(0x53,4); d=e; endinstr; instr(0x54,4); d=xh; endinstr; instr(0x55,4); d=xl; endinstr; HLinstr(0x56,7,8); d=fetch(addr); endinstr; instr(0x57,4); d=a; endinstr; instr(0x58,4); e=b; endinstr; instr(0x59,4); e=c; endinstr; instr(0x5a,4); e=d; endinstr; instr(0x5b,4); /* ld e,e */ endinstr; instr(0x5c,4); e=xh; endinstr; instr(0x5d,4); e=xl; endinstr; HLinstr(0x5e,7,8); e=fetch(addr); endinstr; instr(0x5f,4); e=a; endinstr; instr(0x60,4); setxh(b); endinstr; instr(0x61,4); setxh(c); endinstr; instr(0x62,4); setxh(d); endinstr; instr(0x63,4); setxh(e); endinstr; instr(0x64,4); /* ld h,h */ endinstr; instr(0x65,4); setxh(xl); endinstr; HLinstr(0x66,7,8); h=fetch(addr); endinstr; instr(0x67,4); setxh(a); endinstr; instr(0x68,4); setxl(b); endinstr; instr(0x69,4); setxl(c); endinstr; instr(0x6a,4); setxl(d); endinstr; instr(0x6b,4); setxl(e); endinstr; instr(0x6c,4); setxl(xh); endinstr; instr(0x6d,4); /* ld l,l */ endinstr; HLinstr(0x6e,7,8); l=fetch(addr); endinstr; instr(0x6f,4); setxl(a); endinstr; HLinstr(0x70,7,8); store(addr,b); endinstr; HLinstr(0x71,7,8); store(addr,c); endinstr; HLinstr(0x72,7,8); store(addr,d); endinstr; HLinstr(0x73,7,8); store(addr,e); endinstr; HLinstr(0x74,7,8); store(addr,h); endinstr; HLinstr(0x75,7,8); store(addr,l); endinstr; instr(0x76,4); pc--; /* keep nopping until int */ endinstr; HLinstr(0x77,7,8); store(addr,a); endinstr; instr(0x78,4); a=b; endinstr; instr(0x79,4); a=c; endinstr; instr(0x7a,4); a=d; endinstr; instr(0x7b,4); a=e; endinstr; instr(0x7c,4); a=xh; endinstr; instr(0x7d,4); a=xl; endinstr; HLinstr(0x7e,7,8); a=fetch(addr); endinstr; instr(0x7f,4); /* ld a,a */ endinstr; instr(0x80,4); adda(b,0); endinstr; instr(0x81,4); adda(c,0); endinstr; instr(0x82,4); adda(d,0); endinstr; instr(0x83,4); adda(e,0); endinstr; instr(0x84,4); adda(xh,0); endinstr; instr(0x85,4); adda(xl,0); endinstr; HLinstr(0x86,7,8); adda(fetch(addr),0); endinstr; instr(0x87,4); adda(a,0); endinstr; instr(0x88,4); adda(b,cy); endinstr; instr(0x89,4); adda(c,cy); endinstr; instr(0x8a,4); adda(d,cy); endinstr; instr(0x8b,4); adda(e,cy); endinstr; instr(0x8c,4); adda(xh,cy); endinstr; instr(0x8d,4); adda(xl,cy); endinstr; HLinstr(0x8e,7,8); adda(fetch(addr),cy); endinstr; instr(0x8f,4); adda(a,cy); endinstr; instr(0x90,4); suba(b,0); endinstr; instr(0x91,4); suba(c,0); endinstr; instr(0x92,4); suba(d,0); endinstr; instr(0x93,4); suba(e,0); endinstr; instr(0x94,4); suba(xh,0); endinstr; instr(0x95,4); suba(xl,0); endinstr; HLinstr(0x96,7,8); suba(fetch(addr),0); endinstr; instr(0x97,4); suba(a,0); endinstr; instr(0x98,4); suba(b,cy); endinstr; instr(0x99,4); suba(c,cy); endinstr; instr(0x9a,4); suba(d,cy); endinstr; instr(0x9b,4); suba(e,cy); endinstr; instr(0x9c,4); suba(xh,cy); endinstr; instr(0x9d,4); suba(xl,cy); endinstr; HLinstr(0x9e,7,8); suba(fetch(addr),cy); endinstr; instr(0x9f,4); suba(a,cy); endinstr; instr(0xa0,4); anda(b); endinstr; instr(0xa1,4); anda(c); endinstr; instr(0xa2,4); anda(d); endinstr; instr(0xa3,4); anda(e); endinstr; instr(0xa4,4); anda(xh); endinstr; instr(0xa5,4); anda(xl); endinstr; HLinstr(0xa6,7,8); anda(fetch(addr)); endinstr; instr(0xa7,4); anda(a); endinstr; instr(0xa8,4); xora(b); endinstr; instr(0xa9,4); xora(c); endinstr; instr(0xaa,4); xora(d); endinstr; instr(0xab,4); xora(e); endinstr; instr(0xac,4); xora(xh); endinstr; instr(0xad,4); xora(xl); endinstr; HLinstr(0xae,7,8); xora(fetch(addr)); endinstr; instr(0xaf,4); xora(a); endinstr; instr(0xb0,4); ora(b); endinstr; instr(0xb1,4); ora(c); endinstr; instr(0xb2,4); ora(d); endinstr; instr(0xb3,4); ora(e); endinstr; instr(0xb4,4); ora(xh); endinstr; instr(0xb5,4); ora(xl); endinstr; HLinstr(0xb6,7,8); ora(fetch(addr)); endinstr; instr(0xb7,4); ora(a); endinstr; instr(0xb8,4); cpa(b); endinstr; instr(0xb9,4); cpa(c); endinstr; instr(0xba,4); cpa(d); endinstr; instr(0xbb,4); cpa(e); endinstr; instr(0xbc,4); cpa(xh); endinstr; instr(0xbd,4); cpa(xl); endinstr; HLinstr(0xbe,7,8); cpa(fetch(addr)); endinstr; instr(0xbf,4); cpa(a); endinstr; instr(0xc0,5); if(!(f&0x40))ret; endinstr; instr(0xc1,10); pop1(b,c); endinstr; instr(0xc2,10); if(!(f&0x40))jp; else pc+=2; endinstr; instr(0xc3,10); jp; endinstr; instr(0xc4,10); if(!(f&0x40))call; else pc+=2; endinstr; instr(0xc5,11); push1(b,c); endinstr; instr(0xc6,7); adda(fetch(pc),0); pc++; endinstr; instr(0xc7,11); push2(pc); pc=0; endinstr; instr(0xc8,5); if(f&0x40)ret; endinstr; instr(0xc9,4); ret; endinstr; instr(0xca,10); if(f&0x40)jp; else pc+=2; endinstr; instr(0xcb,4); #include "cbops.h" endinstr; instr(0xcc,10); if(f&0x40)call; else pc+=2; endinstr; instr(0xcd,10); call; endinstr; instr(0xce,7); adda(fetch(pc),cy); pc++; endinstr; instr(0xcf,11); push2(pc); pc=8; endinstr; instr(0xd0,5); if(!cy)ret; endinstr; instr(0xd1,10); pop1(d,e); endinstr; instr(0xd2,10); if(!cy)jp; else pc+=2; endinstr; instr(0xd3,11); tstates+=out(a,fetch(pc),a); pc++; endinstr; instr(0xd4,10); if(!cy)call; else pc+=2; endinstr; instr(0xd5,11); push1(d,e); endinstr; instr(0xd6,7); suba(fetch(pc),0); pc++; endinstr; instr(0xd7,11); push2(pc); pc=16; endinstr; instr(0xd8,5); if(cy)ret; endinstr; instr(0xd9,4); swap(b,b1); swap(c,c1); swap(d,d1); swap(e,e1); swap(h,h1); swap(l,l1); endinstr; instr(0xda,10); if(cy)jp; else pc+=2; endinstr; instr(0xdb,11); {unsigned short t; a=t=in(a,fetch(pc)); tstates+=t>>8; pc++; } endinstr; instr(0xdc,10); if(cy)call; else pc+=2; endinstr; instr(0xdd,4); new_ixoriy=1; intsample=0; endinstr; instr(0xde,7); suba(fetch(pc),cy); pc++; endinstr; instr(0xdf,11); push2(pc); pc=24; endinstr; instr(0xe0,5); if(!(f&4))ret; endinstr; instr(0xe1,10); if(!ixoriy)pop1(h,l); else if(ixoriy==1)pop2(ix); else pop2(iy); endinstr; instr(0xe2,10); if(!(f&4))jp; else pc+=2; endinstr; instr(0xe3,19); if(!ixoriy){ unsigned short t=fetch2(sp); store2b(sp,h,l); l=t; h=t>>8; } else if(ixoriy==1){ unsigned short t=fetch2(sp); store2(sp,ix); ix=t; } else{ unsigned short t=fetch2(sp); store2(sp,iy); iy=t; } endinstr; instr(0xe4,10); if(!(f&4))call; else pc+=2; endinstr; instr(0xe5,11); if(!ixoriy)push1(h,l); else if(ixoriy==1)push2(ix); else push2(iy); endinstr; instr(0xe6,7); anda(fetch(pc)); pc++; endinstr; instr(0xe7,11); push2(pc); pc=32; endinstr; instr(0xe8,5); if(f&4)ret; endinstr; instr(0xe9,4); pc=!ixoriy?hl:ixoriy==1?ix:iy; endinstr; instr(0xea,10); if(f&4)jp; else pc+=2; endinstr; instr(0xeb,4); swap(h,d); swap(e,l); endinstr; instr(0xec,10); if(f&4)call; else pc+=2; endinstr; instr(0xed,4); #include"edops.h" endinstr; instr(0xee,7); xora(fetch(pc)); pc++; endinstr; instr(0xef,11); push2(pc); pc=40; endinstr; instr(0xf0,5); if(!(f&0x80))ret; endinstr; instr(0xf1,10); pop1(a,f); endinstr; instr(0xf2,10); if(!(f&0x80))jp; else pc+=2; endinstr; instr(0xf3,4); iff1=iff2=0; intsample=0; endinstr; instr(0xf4,10); if(!(f&0x80))call; else pc+=2; endinstr; instr(0xf5,11); push1(a,f); endinstr; instr(0xf6,7); ora(fetch(pc)); pc++; endinstr; instr(0xf7,11); push2(pc); pc=48; endinstr; instr(0xf8,5); if(f&0x80)ret; endinstr; instr(0xf9,6); sp=!ixoriy?hl:ixoriy==1?ix:iy; endinstr; instr(0xfa,10); if(f&0x80)jp; else pc+=2; endinstr; instr(0xfb,4); iff1=iff2=1; intsample=0; endinstr; instr(0xfc,10); if(f&0x80)call; else pc+=2; endinstr; instr(0xfd,4); new_ixoriy=2; intsample=0; endinstr; instr(0xfe,7); cpa(fetch(pc)); pc++; endinstr; instr(0xff,11); push2(pc); pc=56; endinstr;