/** Z80: portable Z80 emulator *******************************/ /** **/ /** Z80.h **/ /** **/ /** This file contains declarations relevant to emulation **/ /** of Z80 CPU. **/ /** **/ /** Copyright (C) Marat Fayzullin 1994-2007 **/ /** You are not allowed to distribute this software **/ /** commercially. Please, notify me, if you make any **/ /** changes to this file. **/ /*************************************************************/ #ifndef Z80_H #define Z80_H #include #define EXECZ80 // run a few cycles #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Compilation options: */ /* #define DEBUG */ /* Compile debugging version */ #define LSB_FIRST /* Compile for low-endian CPU */ // #define MSB_FIRST /* Compile for hi-endian CPU */ /* LoopZ80() may return: */ #define INT_RST00 0x00C7 /* RST 00h */ #define INT_RST08 0x00CF /* RST 08h */ #define INT_RST10 0x00D7 /* RST 10h */ #define INT_RST18 0x00DF /* RST 18h */ #define INT_RST20 0x00E7 /* RST 20h */ #define INT_RST28 0x00EF /* RST 28h */ #define INT_RST30 0x00F7 /* RST 30h */ #define INT_RST38 0x00FF /* RST 38h */ #define INT_IRQ INT_RST38 /* Default IRQ opcode is FFh */ #define INT_NMI 0xFFFD /* Non-maskable interrupt */ #define INT_NONE 0xFFFF /* No interrupt required */ #define INT_QUIT 0xFFFE /* Exit the emulation */ /* Bits in Z80 F register: */ #define S_FLAG 0x80 /* 1: Result negative */ #define Z_FLAG 0x40 /* 1: Result is zero */ #define H_FLAG 0x10 /* 1: Halfcarry/Halfborrow */ #define P_FLAG 0x04 /* 1: Result is even */ #define V_FLAG 0x04 /* 1: Overflow occured */ #define N_FLAG 0x02 /* 1: Subtraction occured */ #define C_FLAG 0x01 /* 1: Carry/Borrow occured */ /* Bits in IFF flip-flops: */ #define IFF_1 0x01 /* IFF1 flip-flop */ #define IFF_IM1 0x02 /* 1: IM1 mode */ #define IFF_IM2 0x04 /* 1: IM2 mode */ #define IFF_2 0x08 /* IFF2 flip-flop */ #define IFF_EI 0x20 /* 1: EI pending */ #define IFF_HALT 0x80 /* 1: CPU HALTed */ /** Simple Datatypes *****************************************/ /** NOTICE: sizeof(byte)=1 and sizeof(word)=2 **/ /*************************************************************/ #ifndef BYTE_TYPE_DEFINED #define BYTE_TYPE_DEFINED typedef uint8_t byte; #endif #ifndef WORD_TYPE_DEFINED #define WORD_TYPE_DEFINED typedef uint16_t word; #endif typedef int8_t offset; /** Structured Datatypes *************************************/ /** NOTICE: #define LSB_FIRST for machines where least **/ /** signifcant byte goes first. **/ /*************************************************************/ typedef union { #ifdef LSB_FIRST struct { byte l,h; } B; #else struct { byte h,l; } B; #endif word W; } pair; typedef struct { pair AF,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY,PC,SP; /* Main registers */ pair AF1,BC1,DE1,HL1; /* Shadow registers */ byte IFF,I; /* Interrupt registers */ byte R; /* Refresh register */ int IPeriod,ICount; /* Set IPeriod to number of CPU cycles */ /* between calls to LoopZ80() */ int IBackup; /* Private, don't touch */ word IRequest; /* Set to address of pending IRQ */ byte IAutoReset; /* Set to 1 to autom. reset IRequest */ byte TrapBadOps; /* Set to 1 to warn of illegal opcodes */ word Trap; /* Set Trap to address to trace from */ byte Trace; /* Set Trace=1 to start tracing */ void *User; /* Arbitrary user data (ID,RAM*,etc.) */ } Z80; /** ResetZ80() ***********************************************/ /** This function can be used to reset the registers before **/ /** starting execution with RunZ80(). It sets registers to **/ /** their initial values. **/ /*************************************************************/ void ResetZ80(register Z80 *R, register int Cycles); /** ExecZ80() ************************************************/ /** This function will execute given number of Z80 cycles. **/ /** It will then return the number of cycles left, possibly **/ /** negative, and current register values in R. **/ /*************************************************************/ #ifdef EXECZ80 int ExecZ80(register Z80 *R,register int RunCycles); #endif /** IntZ80() *************************************************/ /** This function will generate interrupt of given vector. **/ /*************************************************************/ void IntZ80(register Z80 *R,register word Vector); /** RunZ80() *************************************************/ /** This function will run Z80 code until an LoopZ80() call **/ /** returns INT_QUIT. It will return the PC at which **/ /** emulation stopped, and current register values in R. **/ /*************************************************************/ #ifndef EXECZ80 word RunZ80(register Z80 *R); #endif /** RdZ80()/WrZ80() ******************************************/ /** These functions are called when access to RAM occurs. **/ /** They allow to control memory access. **/ /************************************ TO BE WRITTEN BY USER **/ void WrZ80(register word Addr,register byte Value); byte RdZ80(register word Addr); /** InZ80()/OutZ80() *****************************************/ /** Z80 emulation calls these functions to read/write from **/ /** I/O ports. There can be 65536 I/O ports, but only first **/ /** 256 are usually used. **/ /************************************ TO BE WRITTEN BY USER **/ void OutZ80(register word Port,register byte Value); byte InZ80(register word Port); /** PatchZ80() ***********************************************/ /** Z80 emulation calls this function when it encounters a **/ /** special patch command (ED FE) provided for user needs. **/ /** For example, it can be called to emulate BIOS calls, **/ /** such as disk and tape access. Replace it with an empty **/ /** macro for no patching. **/ /************************************ TO BE WRITTEN BY USER **/ void PatchZ80(register Z80 *R); /** DebugZ80() ***********************************************/ /** This function should exist if DEBUG is #defined. When **/ /** Trace!=0, it is called after each command executed by **/ /** the CPU, and given the Z80 registers. Emulation exits **/ /** if DebugZ80() returns 0. **/ /*************************************************************/ #ifdef DEBUG byte DebugZ80(register Z80 *R); #endif /** LoopZ80() ************************************************/ /** Z80 emulation calls this function periodically to check **/ /** if the system hardware requires any interrupts. This **/ /** function must return an address of the interrupt vector **/ /** (0x0038, 0x0066, etc.) or INT_NONE for no interrupt. **/ /** Return INT_QUIT to exit the emulation loop. **/ /************************************ TO BE WRITTEN BY USER **/ word LoopZ80(register Z80 *R); /** JumpZ80() ************************************************/ /** Z80 emulation calls this function when it executes a **/ /** JP, JR, CALL, RST, or RET. You can use JumpZ80() to **/ /** trap these opcodes and switch memory layout. **/ /************************************ TO BE WRITTEN BY USER **/ #ifndef JUMPZ80 #define JumpZ80(PC) #else void JumpZ80(word PC); #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* Z80_H */