Figure 2.6 describes packet mode, not stream

Wojciech Kaczmarski 2023-09-05 14:23:28 +02:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic 129d5b4c45
commit e4484205cd
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@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ Within the Physical Layer, the 368 Type 4 bits are randomized and combined with
\node (al) [sub,above of=dl,yshift=4cm] {
\node (ap) [rectangle,fill=black!20] {Application Layer};
\node (sd) [rectangle,draw,below of=ap,fill=white,yshift=1.5cm] {Stream Data};
\node (sd) [rectangle,draw,below of=ap,fill=white,yshift=1.5cm] {Packet Data};
\draw [-latex](al) -- (dl);