Add interleaving details and clean up references

Elms 2020-09-11 08:34:44 -07:00
rodzic ebd88b1599
commit 7e7b602832
4 zmienionych plików z 113 dodań i 6 usunięć

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@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ Welcome to M17 Protocol Specification's documentation!
.. Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................19
.. only:: html

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@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
.. csv-table:: Interleaving table
:header-rows: 1
input index, output ind, input index, output ind, input index, output ind, input index, output ind
0, 0, 92, 92, 184, 184, 276, 276
1, 137, 93, 229, 185, 321, 277, 45
2, 90, 94, 182, 186, 274, 278, 366
3, 227, 95, 319, 187, 43, 279, 135
4, 180, 96, 272, 188, 364, 280, 88
5, 317, 97, 41, 189, 133, 281, 225
6, 270, 98, 362, 190, 86, 282, 178
7, 39, 99, 131, 191, 223, 283, 315
8, 360, 100, 84, 192, 176, 284, 268
9, 129, 101, 221, 193, 313, 285, 37
10, 82, 102, 174, 194, 266, 286, 358
11, 219, 103, 311, 195, 35, 287, 127
12, 172, 104, 264, 196, 356, 288, 80
13, 309, 105, 33, 197, 125, 289, 217
14, 262, 106, 354, 198, 78, 290, 170
15, 31, 107, 123, 199, 215, 291, 307
16, 352, 108, 76, 200, 168, 292, 260
17, 121, 109, 213, 201, 305, 293, 29
18, 74, 110, 166, 202, 258, 294, 350
19, 211, 111, 303, 203, 27, 295, 119
20, 164, 112, 256, 204, 348, 296, 72
21, 301, 113, 25, 205, 117, 297, 209
22, 254, 114, 346, 206, 70, 298, 162
23, 23, 115, 115, 207, 207, 299, 299
24, 344, 116, 68, 208, 160, 300, 252
25, 113, 117, 205, 209, 297, 301, 21
26, 66, 118, 158, 210, 250, 302, 342
27, 203, 119, 295, 211, 19, 303, 111
28, 156, 120, 248, 212, 340, 304, 64
29, 293, 121, 17, 213, 109, 305, 201
30, 246, 122, 338, 214, 62, 306, 154
31, 15, 123, 107, 215, 199, 307, 291
32, 336, 124, 60, 216, 152, 308, 244
33, 105, 125, 197, 217, 289, 309, 13
34, 58, 126, 150, 218, 242, 310, 334
35, 195, 127, 287, 219, 11, 311, 103
36, 148, 128, 240, 220, 332, 312, 56
37, 285, 129, 9, 221, 101, 313, 193
38, 238, 130, 330, 222, 54, 314, 146
39, 7, 131, 99, 223, 191, 315, 283
40, 328, 132, 52, 224, 144, 316, 236
41, 97, 133, 189, 225, 281, 317, 5
42, 50, 134, 142, 226, 234, 318, 326
43, 187, 135, 279, 227, 3, 319, 95
44, 140, 136, 232, 228, 324, 320, 48
45, 277, 137, 1, 229, 93, 321, 185
46, 230, 138, 322, 230, 46, 322, 138
47, 367, 139, 91, 231, 183, 323, 275
48, 320, 140, 44, 232, 136, 324, 228
49, 89, 141, 181, 233, 273, 325, 365
50, 42, 142, 134, 234, 226, 326, 318
51, 179, 143, 271, 235, 363, 327, 87
52, 132, 144, 224, 236, 316, 328, 40
53, 269, 145, 361, 237, 85, 329, 177
54, 222, 146, 314, 238, 38, 330, 130
55, 359, 147, 83, 239, 175, 331, 267
56, 312, 148, 36, 240, 128, 332, 220
57, 81, 149, 173, 241, 265, 333, 357
58, 34, 150, 126, 242, 218, 334, 310
59, 171, 151, 263, 243, 355, 335, 79
60, 124, 152, 216, 244, 308, 336, 32
61, 261, 153, 353, 245, 77, 337, 169
62, 214, 154, 306, 246, 30, 338, 122
63, 351, 155, 75, 247, 167, 339, 259
64, 304, 156, 28, 248, 120, 340, 212
65, 73, 157, 165, 249, 257, 341, 349
66, 26, 158, 118, 250, 210, 342, 302
67, 163, 159, 255, 251, 347, 343, 71
68, 116, 160, 208, 252, 300, 344, 24
69, 253, 161, 345, 253, 69, 345, 161
70, 206, 162, 298, 254, 22, 346, 114
71, 343, 163, 67, 255, 159, 347, 251
72, 296, 164, 20, 256, 112, 348, 204
73, 65, 165, 157, 257, 249, 349, 341
74, 18, 166, 110, 258, 202, 350, 294
75, 155, 167, 247, 259, 339, 351, 63
76, 108, 168, 200, 260, 292, 352, 16
77, 245, 169, 337, 261, 61, 353, 153
78, 198, 170, 290, 262, 14, 354, 106
79, 335, 171, 59, 263, 151, 355, 243
80, 288, 172, 12, 264, 104, 356, 196
81, 57, 173, 149, 265, 241, 357, 333
82, 10, 174, 102, 266, 194, 358, 286
83, 147, 175, 239, 267, 331, 359, 55
84, 100, 176, 192, 268, 284, 360, 8
85, 237, 177, 329, 269, 53, 361, 145
86, 190, 178, 282, 270, 6, 362, 98
87, 327, 179, 51, 271, 143, 363, 235
88, 280, 180, 4, 272, 96, 364, 188
89, 49, 181, 141, 273, 233, 365, 325
90, 2, 182, 94, 274, 186, 366, 278
91, 139, 183, 231, 275, 323, 367, 47

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@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ Convolutional encoder
The convolutional code shall encode the input bit sequence after
appending 4 tail bits at the end of the sequence. Rate of the coder is
R=½ with constraint length K=5. The encoder diagram and generating
R=½ with constraint length K=5 [NXDN]_. The encoder diagram and generating
polynomials are shown below
.. math::
@ -153,6 +153,9 @@ polynomials are shown below
The output from the encoder must be read alternately.
.. [NXDN] NXDN Technical Specifications, Part 1: Air Interface;
Sub-part A: Common Air Interface
.. figure:: ../images/convolutional.svg
Convolutional coder diagram
@ -242,7 +245,15 @@ The complete linearized representations are:
To be Documented.
For interleaving a Quadradic Permutation Polynomial (QPP) is used. The
polynomial :math:`45x+ 92x^2` is used for a 368 bit interleaving
pattern [QPP]_. See appendix for example code.
.. [QPP] Trifina, Lucian, Daniela Tarniceriu, and Valeriu
Munteanu. "Improved QPP Interleavers for LTE Standard." ISSCS
2011 - International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and
Systems (2011): n. pag. Crossref. Web.
Data Whitening

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@ -32,9 +32,6 @@ This document attempts to document these layers.
Mobile Communications and the TETRA System" Wiley 1999,
ISBN: 9780471987925
.. [NXDN] NXDN Technical Specifications, Part 1: Air Interface;
Sub-part A: Common Air Interface
.. [DMR] ETSI TS 102 361-1 V2.2.1 (2013-02): "Electromagnetic
compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Digital
Mobile Radio (DMR) Systems; Part 1: DMR Air Interface (AI)