packet bytes numbering

Wojciech Kaczmarski 2023-09-13 13:39:57 +02:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic 2761db0048
commit 7443ebc6f1
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1 zmienionych plików z 3 dodań i 3 usunięć

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@ -849,14 +849,14 @@ In Packet Mode, a Single Packet with up to 823 bytes of Application Packet Data
Bytes & Meaning \\
0..822 & Application Packet Data \\
823..824 & CRC \\
0..n-1 & Application Packet Data \\
n..n+1 & CRC \\
\caption{Single Packet}
The CRC calculation used here is the same as described for LSF CRC.
n is the number of bytes of the Application Packet Data. The CRC calculation used here is the same as described for LSF CRC.
Packet Mode shall always start with an LSF that has the LSF TYPE Packet/Stream indicator bit set to 0 (Packet Mode). Following the LSF, 1 to 33 Packet Frames may be sent.