/* * Interrupt and PWM utilities for 16 bit Timer3 on ATmega168/328 * Original code by Jesse Tane for http://labs.ideo.com August 2008 * Modified March 2009 by Jérôme Despatis and Jesse Tane for ATmega328 support * Modified June 2009 by Michael Polli and Jesse Tane to fix a bug in setPeriod() which caused the timer to stop * Modified Oct 2009 by Dan Clemens to work with timer3 of the ATMega1280 or Arduino Mega * Modified April 2012 by Paul Stoffregen * Modified again, June 2014 by Paul Stoffregen * * This is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License. * To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/ * or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. * */ #include "TimerThree.h" TimerThree Timer3; // preinstatiate unsigned short TimerThree::pwmPeriod = 0; unsigned char TimerThree::clockSelectBits = 0; void (*TimerThree::isrCallback)() = TimerThree::isrDefaultUnused; // interrupt service routine that wraps a user defined function supplied by attachInterrupt #if defined(__AVR__) ISR(TIMER3_OVF_vect) { Timer3.isrCallback(); } #elif defined(__arm__) && defined(CORE_TEENSY) void ftm2_isr(void) { uint32_t sc = FTM2_SC; #ifdef KINETISL if (sc & 0x80) FTM2_SC = sc; #else if (sc & 0x80) FTM2_SC = sc & 0x7F; #endif Timer3.isrCallback(); } #endif void TimerThree::isrDefaultUnused() { }