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* @file stm8s_i2c.c
* @author MCD Application Team
* @version V2.2.0
* @date 30-September-2014
* @brief This file contains all the functions for the I2C peripheral.
* @attention
* <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2014 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
* Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License");
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm8s_i2c.h"
#include <stdio.h>
/** @addtogroup STM8S_StdPeriph_Driver
* @{
/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup I2C_Private_Defines
* @{
/* I2C register mask */
#define REGISTER_Mask ((uint16_t)0x3000)
#define REGISTER_SR1_Index ((uint16_t)0x0100)
#define REGISTER_SR2_Index ((uint16_t)0x0200)
/* I2C Interrupt Enable mask */
#define ITEN_Mask ((uint16_t)0x0700)
/* I2C FLAG mask */
#define FLAG_Mask ((uint16_t)0x00FF)
* @}
/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
* @addtogroup I2C_Public_Functions
* @{
* @brief Deinitializes the I2C peripheral registers to their default reset values.
* @param None
* @retval None
#if 1
void I2C_DeInit(void)
* @brief Initializes the I2C according to the specified parameters in standard
* or fast mode.
* @param OutputClockFrequencyHz : Specifies the output clock frequency in Hz.
* @param OwnAddress : Specifies the own address.
* @param I2C_DutyCycle : Specifies the duty cycle to apply in fast mode.
* This parameter can be any of the @ref I2C_DutyCycle_TypeDef enumeration.
* @note This parameter don't have impact when the OutputClockFrequency lower
* than 100KHz.
* @param Ack : Specifies the acknowledge mode to apply.
* This parameter can be any of the @ref I2C_Ack_TypeDef enumeration.
* @param AddMode : Specifies the acknowledge address to apply.
* This parameter can be any of the @ref I2C_AddMode_TypeDef enumeration.
* @param InputClockFrequencyMHz : Specifies the input clock frequency in MHz.
* @retval None
#if 1
void I2C_Init(uint32_t OutputClockFrequencyHz, uint16_t OwnAddress,
I2C_DutyCycle_TypeDef I2C_DutyCycle, I2C_Ack_TypeDef Ack,
I2C_AddMode_TypeDef AddMode, uint8_t InputClockFrequencyMHz )
uint16_t result = 0x0004;
uint16_t tmpval = 0;
uint8_t tmpccrh = 0;
/* Check the parameters */
/*------------------------- I2C FREQ Configuration ------------------------*/
/* Clear frequency bits */
I2C->FREQR &= (uint8_t)(~I2C_FREQR_FREQ);
/* Write new value */
I2C->FREQR |= InputClockFrequencyMHz;
/*--------------------------- I2C CCR Configuration ------------------------*/
/* Disable I2C to configure TRISER */
I2C->CR1 &= (uint8_t)(~I2C_CR1_PE);
/* Clear CCRH & CCRL */
I2C->CCRH &= (uint8_t)(~(I2C_CCRH_FS | I2C_CCRH_DUTY | I2C_CCRH_CCR));
I2C->CCRL &= (uint8_t)(~I2C_CCRL_CCR);
/* Detect Fast or Standard mode depending on the Output clock frequency selected */
if (OutputClockFrequencyHz > I2C_MAX_STANDARD_FREQ) /* FAST MODE */
/* Set F/S bit for fast mode */
tmpccrh = I2C_CCRH_FS;
if (I2C_DutyCycle == I2C_DUTYCYCLE_2)
/* Fast mode speed calculate: Tlow/Thigh = 2 */
result = (uint16_t) ((InputClockFrequencyMHz * 1000000) / (OutputClockFrequencyHz * 3));
else /* I2C_DUTYCYCLE_16_9 */
/* Fast mode speed calculate: Tlow/Thigh = 16/9 */
result = (uint16_t) ((InputClockFrequencyMHz * 1000000) / (OutputClockFrequencyHz * 25));
/* Set DUTY bit */
tmpccrh |= I2C_CCRH_DUTY;
/* Verify and correct CCR value if below minimum value */
if (result < (uint16_t)0x01)
/* Set the minimum allowed value */
result = (uint16_t)0x0001;
/* Set Maximum Rise Time: 300ns max in Fast Mode
= [300ns/(1/InputClockFrequencyMHz.10e6)]+1
= [(InputClockFrequencyMHz * 3)/10]+1 */
tmpval = ((InputClockFrequencyMHz * 3) / 10) + 1;
I2C->TRISER = (uint8_t)tmpval;
else /* STANDARD MODE */
/* Calculate standard mode speed */
result = (uint16_t)((InputClockFrequencyMHz * 1000000) / (OutputClockFrequencyHz << (uint8_t)1));
/* Verify and correct CCR value if below minimum value */
if (result < (uint16_t)0x0004)
/* Set the minimum allowed value */
result = (uint16_t)0x0004;
/* Set Maximum Rise Time: 1000ns max in Standard Mode
= [1000ns/(1/InputClockFrequencyMHz.10e6)]+1
= InputClockFrequencyMHz+1 */
I2C->TRISER = (uint8_t)(InputClockFrequencyMHz + (uint8_t)1);
/* Write CCR with new calculated value */
I2C->CCRL = (uint8_t)result;
I2C->CCRH = (uint8_t)((uint8_t)((uint8_t)(result >> 8) & I2C_CCRH_CCR) | tmpccrh);
/* Enable I2C */
I2C->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_PE;
/* Configure I2C acknowledgement */
/*--------------------------- I2C OAR Configuration ------------------------*/
I2C->OARL = (uint8_t)(OwnAddress);
I2C->OARH = (uint8_t)((uint8_t)(AddMode | I2C_OARH_ADDCONF) |
(uint8_t)((OwnAddress & (uint16_t)0x0300) >> (uint8_t)7));
* @brief Enables or disables the I2C peripheral.
* @param NewState : Indicate the new I2C peripheral state.
* This parameter can be any of the @ref FunctionalState enumeration.
* @retval None
#if 1
void I2C_Cmd(FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check function parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Enable I2C peripheral */
I2C->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_PE;
else /* NewState == DISABLE */
/* Disable I2C peripheral */
I2C->CR1 &= (uint8_t)(~I2C_CR1_PE);
* @brief Enables or disables the I2C General Call feature.
* @param NewState : State of the General Call feature.
* This parameter can be any of the @ref FunctionalState enumeration.
* @retval None
#if 0
void I2C_GeneralCallCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check function parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Enable General Call */
I2C->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_ENGC;
else /* NewState == DISABLE */
/* Disable General Call */
I2C->CR1 &= (uint8_t)(~I2C_CR1_ENGC);
* @brief Generates I2C communication START condition.
* @note CCR must be programmed, i.e. I2C_Init function must have been called
* with a valid I2C_ClockSpeed
* @param NewState : Enable or disable the start condition.
* This parameter can be any of the @ref FunctionalState enumeration.
* @retval None
#if 1
void I2C_GenerateSTART(FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check function parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Generate a START condition */
I2C->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_START;
else /* NewState == DISABLE */
/* Disable the START condition generation */
I2C->CR2 &= (uint8_t)(~I2C_CR2_START);
* @brief Generates I2C communication STOP condition.
* @param NewState : Enable or disable the stop condition.
* This parameter can be any of the @ref FunctionalState enumeration.
* @retval None
#if 1
void I2C_GenerateSTOP(FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check function parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Generate a STOP condition */
I2C->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_STOP;
else /* NewState == DISABLE */
/* Disable the STOP condition generation */
I2C->CR2 &= (uint8_t)(~I2C_CR2_STOP);
* @brief Enables or disables I2C software reset.
* @param NewState : Specifies the new state of the I2C software reset.
* This parameter can be any of the @ref FunctionalState enumeration.
* @retval None
#if 0
void I2C_SoftwareResetCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check function parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Peripheral under reset */
I2C->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_SWRST;
else /* NewState == DISABLE */
/* Peripheral not under reset */
I2C->CR2 &= (uint8_t)(~I2C_CR2_SWRST);
* @brief Enables or disables the I2C clock stretching.
* @param NewState : Specifies the new state of the I2C Clock stretching.
* This parameter can be any of the @ref FunctionalState enumeration.
* @retval None
#if 0
void I2C_StretchClockCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check function parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Clock Stretching Enable */
I2C->CR1 &= (uint8_t)(~I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH);
else /* NewState == DISABLE */
/* Clock Stretching Disable (Slave mode) */
* @brief Enable or Disable the I2C acknowledge and position acknowledge feature.
* @note This function must be called before data reception start
* @param Ack : Specifies the acknowledge mode to apply.
* This parameter can be any of the @ref I2C_Ack_TypeDef enumeration.
* @retval None
#if 1
void I2C_AcknowledgeConfig(I2C_Ack_TypeDef Ack)
/* Check function parameters */
if (Ack == I2C_ACK_NONE)
/* Disable the acknowledgement */
I2C->CR2 &= (uint8_t)(~I2C_CR2_ACK);
/* Enable the acknowledgement */
I2C->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_ACK;
if (Ack == I2C_ACK_CURR)
/* Configure (N)ACK on current byte */
I2C->CR2 &= (uint8_t)(~I2C_CR2_POS);
/* Configure (N)ACK on next byte */
I2C->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_POS;
* @brief Enables or disables the specified I2C interrupt.
* @param ITName : Name of the interrupt to enable or disable.
* This parameter can be any of the @ref I2C_IT_TypeDef enumeration.
* @param NewState : State of the interrupt to apply.
* This parameter can be any of the @ref FunctionalState enumeration.
* @retval None
#if 1
void I2C_ITConfig(I2C_IT_TypeDef I2C_IT, FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check functions parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Enable the selected I2C interrupts */
I2C->ITR |= (uint8_t)I2C_IT;
else /* NewState == DISABLE */
/* Disable the selected I2C interrupts */
I2C->ITR &= (uint8_t)(~(uint8_t)I2C_IT);
* @brief Selects the specified I2C fast mode duty cycle.
* @param I2C_DutyCycle : Specifies the duty cycle to apply.
* This parameter can be any of the @ref I2C_DutyCycle_TypeDef enumeration.
* @retval None
#if 0
void I2C_FastModeDutyCycleConfig(I2C_DutyCycle_TypeDef I2C_DutyCycle)
/* Check function parameters */
if (I2C_DutyCycle == I2C_DUTYCYCLE_16_9)
/* I2C fast mode Tlow/Thigh = 16/9 */
else /* I2C_DUTYCYCLE_2 */
/* I2C fast mode Tlow/Thigh = 2 */
I2C->CCRH &= (uint8_t)(~I2C_CCRH_DUTY);
* @brief Returns the most recent received data.
* @param None
* @retval uint8_t : The value of the received byte data.
#if 1
uint8_t I2C_ReceiveData(void)
/* Return the data present in the DR register */
return ((uint8_t)I2C->DR);
* @brief Transmits the 7-bit address (to select the) slave device.
* @param Address : Specifies the slave address which will be transmitted.
* @param Direction : Specifies whether the I2C device will be a Transmitter or a Receiver.
* This parameter can be any of the @ref I2C_Direction_TypeDef enumeration.
* @retval None
#if 1
void I2C_Send7bitAddress(uint8_t Address, I2C_Direction_TypeDef Direction)
/* Check function parameters */
/* Clear bit0 (direction) just in case */
Address &= (uint8_t)0xFE;
/* Send the Address + Direction */
I2C->DR = (uint8_t)(Address | (uint8_t)Direction);
* @brief Send a byte by writing in the DR register.
* @param Data : Byte to be sent.
* @retval None
#if 1
void I2C_SendData(uint8_t Data)
/* Write in the DR register the data to be sent */
I2C->DR = Data;
* @brief
* I2C State Monitoring Functions
* This I2C driver provides three different ways for I2C state monitoring
* depending on the application requirements and constraints:
* 1) Basic state monitoring:
* Using I2C_CheckEvent() function:
* It compares the status registers (SR1, SR2 and SR3) content to a given event
* (can be the combination of one or more flags).
* It returns SUCCESS if the current status includes the given flags
* and returns ERROR if one or more flags are missing in the current status.
* - When to use:
* - This function is suitable for most applications as well as for startup
* activity since the events are fully described in the product reference manual
* (RM0016).
* - It is also suitable for users who need to define their own events.
* - Limitations:
* - If an error occurs (ie. error flags are set besides to the monitored flags),
* the I2C_CheckEvent() function may return SUCCESS despite the communication
* hold or corrupted real state.
* In this case, it is advised to use error interrupts to monitor the error
* events and handle them in the interrupt IRQ handler.
* @note
* For error management, it is advised to use the following functions:
* - I2C_ITConfig() to configure and enable the error interrupts (I2C_IT_ERR).
* - I2C_IRQHandler() which is called when the I2C interrupts occur.
* - I2C_GetFlagStatus() or I2C_GetITStatus() to be called into the
* I2C_IRQHandler() function in order to determine which error occurred.
* - I2C_ClearFlag() or I2C_ClearITPendingBit() and/or I2C_SoftwareResetCmd()
* and/or I2C_GenerateStop() in order to clear the error flag and
* source and return to correct communication status.
* 2) Advanced state monitoring:
* Using the function I2C_GetLastEvent() which returns the image of both SR1
* & SR3 status registers in a single word (uint16_t) (Status Register 3 value
* is shifted left by 8 bits and concatenated to Status Register 1).
* - When to use:
* - This function is suitable for the same applications above but it allows to
* overcome the limitations of I2C_GetFlagStatus() function (see below).
* The returned value could be compared to events already defined in the
* library (stm8s_i2c.h) or to custom values defined by user.
* - This function is suitable when multiple flags are monitored at the same time.
* - At the opposite of I2C_CheckEvent() function, this function allows user to
* choose when an event is accepted (when all events flags are set and no
* other flags are set or just when the needed flags are set like
* I2C_CheckEvent() function).
* - Limitations:
* - User may need to define his own events.
* - Same remark concerning the error management is applicable for this
* function if user decides to check only regular communication flags (and
* ignores error flags).
* 3) Flag-based state monitoring:
* Using the function I2C_GetFlagStatus() which simply returns the status of
* one single flag (ie. I2C_FLAG_RXNE ...).
* - When to use:
* - This function could be used for specific applications or in debug phase.
* - It is suitable when only one flag checking is needed (most I2C events
* are monitored through multiple flags).
* - Limitations:
* - When calling this function, the Status register is accessed. Some flags are
* cleared when the status register is accessed. So checking the status
* of one Flag, may clear other ones.
* - Function may need to be called twice or more in order to monitor one
* single event.
* For detailed description of Events, please refer to section I2C_Events in
* stm8s_i2c.h file.
* 1) Basic state monitoring
* @brief Checks whether the last I2C Event is equal to the one passed
* as parameter.
* @param I2C_EVENT: specifies the event to be checked.
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @note: For detailed description of Events, please refer to section
* I2C_Events in stm8s_i2c.h file.
* @retval An ErrorStatus enumeration value:
* - SUCCESS: Last event is equal to the I2C_EVENT
* - ERROR: Last event is different from the I2C_EVENT
#if 1
ErrorStatus I2C_CheckEvent(I2C_Event_TypeDef I2C_Event)
__IO uint16_t lastevent = 0x00;
uint8_t flag1 = 0x00 ;
uint8_t flag2 = 0x00;
ErrorStatus status = ERROR;
/* Check the parameters */
lastevent = I2C->SR2 & I2C_SR2_AF;
flag1 = I2C->SR1;
flag2 = I2C->SR3;
lastevent = ((uint16_t)((uint16_t)flag2 << (uint16_t)8) | (uint16_t)flag1);
/* Check whether the last event is equal to I2C_EVENT */
if (((uint16_t)lastevent & (uint16_t)I2C_Event) == (uint16_t)I2C_Event)
/* SUCCESS: last event is equal to I2C_EVENT */
status = SUCCESS;
/* ERROR: last event is different from I2C_EVENT */
status = ERROR;
/* Return status */
return status;
* 2) Advanced state monitoring
* @brief Returns the last I2C Event.
* @note: For detailed description of Events, please refer to section
* I2C_Events in stm8s_i2c.h file.
* @retval The last event
* This parameter can be any of the @ref I2C_Event_TypeDef enumeration.
#if 0
I2C_Event_TypeDef I2C_GetLastEvent(void)
__IO uint16_t lastevent = 0;
uint16_t flag1 = 0;
uint16_t flag2 = 0;
if ((I2C->SR2 & I2C_SR2_AF) != 0x00)
/* Read the I2C status register */
flag1 = I2C->SR1;
flag2 = I2C->SR3;
/* Get the last event value from I2C status register */
lastevent = ((uint16_t)((uint16_t)flag2 << 8) | (uint16_t)flag1);
/* Return status */
return (I2C_Event_TypeDef)lastevent;
* 3) Flag-based state monitoring
* @brief Checks whether the specified I2C flag is set or not.
* @param I2C_FLAG: specifies the flag to check.
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg I2C_FLAG_GENERALCALL: General call header flag (Slave mode)
* @arg I2C_FLAG_TRANSMITTERRECEIVER: Transmitter/Receiver flag
* @arg I2C_FLAG_BUSBUSY: Bus busy flag
* @arg I2C_FLAG_MASTERSLAVE: Master/Slave flag
* @arg I2C_FLAG_WAKEUPFROMHALT: Wake up from HALT flag
* @arg I2C_FLAG_OVERRUNUNDERRUN: Overrun/Underrun flag (Slave mode)
* @arg I2C_FLAG_ACKNOWLEDGEFAILURE: Acknowledge failure flag
* @arg I2C_FLAG_ARBITRATIONLOSS: Arbitration lost flag (Master mode)
* @arg I2C_FLAG_BUSERROR: Bus error flag
* @arg I2C_FLAG_TXEMPTY: Data register empty flag (Transmitter)
* @arg I2C_FLAG_RXNOTEMPTY: Data register not empty (Receiver) flag
* @arg I2C_FLAG_STOPDETECTION: Stop detection flag (Slave mode)
* @arg I2C_FLAG_HEADERSENT: 10-bit header sent flag (Master mode)
* @arg I2C_FLAG_TRANSFERFINISHED: Byte transfer finished flag
* @arg I2C_FLAG_ADDRESSSENTMATCHED: Address sent flag (Master mode) <20>ADSL<53>
* Address matched flag (Slave mode)<29>ENDAD<41>
* @arg I2C_FLAG_STARTDETECTION: Start bit flag (Master mode)
* @retval The new state of I2C_FLAG (SET or RESET).
#if 1
FlagStatus I2C_GetFlagStatus(I2C_Flag_TypeDef I2C_Flag)
uint8_t tempreg = 0;
uint8_t regindex = 0;
FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET;
/* Check the parameters */
/* Read flag register index */
regindex = (uint8_t)((uint16_t)I2C_Flag >> 8);
/* Check SRx index */
switch (regindex)
/* Returns whether the status register to check is SR1 */
case 0x01:
tempreg = (uint8_t)I2C->SR1;
/* Returns whether the status register to check is SR2 */
case 0x02:
tempreg = (uint8_t)I2C->SR2;
/* Returns whether the status register to check is SR3 */
case 0x03:
tempreg = (uint8_t)I2C->SR3;
/* Check the status of the specified I2C flag */
if ((tempreg & (uint8_t)I2C_Flag ) != 0)
/* Flag is set */
bitstatus = SET;
/* Flag is reset */
bitstatus = RESET;
/* Return the flag status */
return bitstatus;
* @brief Clear flags
* @param I2C_Flag : Specifies the flag to clear
* This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
* - I2C_FLAG_WAKEUPFROMHALT: Wakeup from Halt
* - I2C_FLAG_OVERRUNUNDERRUN: Overrun/Underrun flag (Slave mode)
* - I2C_FLAG_ACKNOWLEDGEFAILURE: Acknowledge failure flag
* - I2C_FLAG_ARBITRATIONLOSS: Arbitration lost flag (Master mode)
* - I2C_FLAG_BUSERROR: Bus error flag.
* @note Notes:
* - STOPF (STOP detection) is cleared by software
* sequence: a read operation to I2C_SR1 register
* (I2C_GetFlagStatus()) followed by a write operation
* to I2C_CR2 register.
* - ADD10 (10-bit header sent) is cleared by software
* sequence: a read operation to I2C_SR1
* (I2C_GetFlagStatus()) followed by writing the
* second byte of the address in DR register.
* - BTF (Byte Transfer Finished) is cleared by software
* sequence: a read operation to I2C_SR1 register
* (I2C_GetFlagStatus()) followed by a read/write to
* I2C_DR register (I2C_SendData()).
* - ADDR (Address sent) is cleared by software sequence:
* a read operation to I2C_SR1 register
* (I2C_GetFlagStatus()) followed by a read operation to
* I2C_SR3 register ((void)(I2C->SR3)).
* - SB (Start Bit) is cleared software sequence: a read
* operation to I2C_SR1 register (I2C_GetFlagStatus())
* followed by a write operation to I2C_DR register
* (I2C_SendData()).
* @retval None
#if 0
void I2C_ClearFlag(I2C_Flag_TypeDef I2C_FLAG)
uint16_t flagpos = 0;
/* Check the parameters */
/* Get the I2C flag position */
flagpos = (uint16_t)I2C_FLAG & FLAG_Mask;
/* Clear the selected I2C flag */
I2C->SR2 = (uint8_t)((uint16_t)(~flagpos));
* @brief Checks whether the specified I2C interrupt has occurred or not.
* @param I2C_ITPendingBit: specifies the interrupt source to check.
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* - I2C_ITPENDINGBIT_OVERRUNUNDERRUN: Overrun/Underrun flag (Slave mode)
* - I2C_ITPENDINGBIT_ARBITRATIONLOSS: Arbitration lost flag (Master mode)
* - I2C_ITPENDINGBIT_TXEMPTY: Data register empty flag (Transmitter)
* - I2C_ITPENDINGBIT_RXNOTEMPTY: Data register not empty (Receiver) flag
* - I2C_ITPENDINGBIT_STOPDETECTION: Stop detection flag (Slave mode)
* - I2C_ITPENDINGBIT_HEADERSENT: 10-bit header sent flag (Master mode)
* - I2C_ITPENDINGBIT_TRANSFERFINISHED: Byte transfer finished flag
* - I2C_ITPENDINGBIT_ADDRESSSENTMATCHED: Address sent flag (Master mode) <20>ADSL<53>
* Address matched flag (Slave mode)<29>ENDAD<41>
* - I2C_ITPENDINGBIT_STARTDETECTION: Start bit flag (Master mode)
* @retval The new state of I2C_ITPendingBit
* This parameter can be any of the @ref ITStatus enumeration.
#if 0
ITStatus I2C_GetITStatus(I2C_ITPendingBit_TypeDef I2C_ITPendingBit)
ITStatus bitstatus = RESET;
__IO uint8_t enablestatus = 0;
uint16_t tempregister = 0;
/* Check the parameters */
tempregister = (uint8_t)( ((uint16_t)((uint16_t)I2C_ITPendingBit & ITEN_Mask)) >> 8);
/* Check if the interrupt source is enabled or not */
enablestatus = (uint8_t)(I2C->ITR & ( uint8_t)tempregister);
if ((uint16_t)((uint16_t)I2C_ITPendingBit & REGISTER_Mask) == REGISTER_SR1_Index)
/* Check the status of the specified I2C flag */
if (((I2C->SR1 & (uint8_t)I2C_ITPendingBit) != RESET) && enablestatus)
/* I2C_IT is set */
bitstatus = SET;
/* I2C_IT is reset */
bitstatus = RESET;
/* Check the status of the specified I2C flag */
if (((I2C->SR2 & (uint8_t)I2C_ITPendingBit) != RESET) && enablestatus)
/* I2C_IT is set */
bitstatus = SET;
/* I2C_IT is reset */
bitstatus = RESET;
/* Return the I2C_IT status */
return bitstatus;
* @brief Clear IT pending bit
* @param I2C_IT: specifies the interrupt pending bit to clear.
* This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
* - I2C_ITPENDINGBIT_OVERRUNUNDERRUN: Overrun/Underrun interrupt (Slave mode)
* - I2C_ITPENDINGBIT_ACKNOWLEDGEFAILURE: Acknowledge failure interrupt
* - I2C_ITPENDINGBIT_ARBITRATIONLOSS: Arbitration lost interrupt (Master mode)
* - I2C_ITPENDINGBIT_BUSERROR: Bus error interrupt
* Notes:
* - STOPF (STOP detection) is cleared by software
* sequence: a read operation to I2C_SR1 register
* (I2C_GetITStatus()) followed by a write operation to
* I2C_CR2 register (I2C_AcknowledgeConfig() to configure
* the I2C peripheral Acknowledge).
* - ADD10 (10-bit header sent) is cleared by software
* sequence: a read operation to I2C_SR1
* (I2C_GetITStatus()) followed by writing the second
* byte of the address in I2C_DR register.
* - BTF (Byte Transfer Finished) is cleared by software
* sequence: a read operation to I2C_SR1 register
* (I2C_GetITStatus()) followed by a read/write to
* I2C_DR register (I2C_SendData()).
* - ADDR (Address sent) is cleared by software sequence:
* a read operation to I2C_SR1 register (I2C_GetITStatus())
* followed by a read operation to I2C_SR3 register
* ((void)(I2C->SR3)).
* - SB (Start Bit) is cleared by software sequence: a
* read operation to I2C_SR1 register (I2C_GetITStatus())
* followed by a write operation to I2C_DR register
* (I2C_SendData()).
* @retval None
#if 0
void I2C_ClearITPendingBit(I2C_ITPendingBit_TypeDef I2C_ITPendingBit)
uint16_t flagpos = 0;
/* Check the parameters */
/* Get the I2C flag position */
flagpos = (uint16_t)I2C_ITPendingBit & FLAG_Mask;
/* Clear the selected I2C flag */
I2C->SR2 = (uint8_t)((uint16_t)~flagpos);
* @}
* @}
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