Documented public methods

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@ -136,24 +136,152 @@ typedef void (*FuncPtrLong)(long);
class IC746 {
// we have two kind of constructors here
// Constructors
void begin(); // default for the radio 9600 @ 8N2
void begin(long baudrate, int mode); // custom baudrate and mode
void check(); // periodic check for serial commands
// the functions that links the lib with user supplied functions
// Callback Functions that link the library to user supplied functions
// addCATPtt - registers a funtion that is called by the cat libary on resceipt of a PTT
// command to put the rig into either Tx or Rx
// Example
// void catSplit(boolean ptt) {
// if (ptt) {
// logic to put rig into Tx
// } else {
// logic to put the rig into Rx
// }
// addCATPtt(catPtt);
void addCATPtt(void (*)(boolean));
// addCATSplit - registers a funtion that is called by the cat libary on resceipt of a SPLIT
// command to turn split mode on or off
// Example
// void catSplit(boolean split) {
// if (split) {
// logic to turn on split mode
// } else {
// logic to turn off split mode
// }
// addCATsplit(catSplit);
void addCATsplit(void (*)(boolean));
// addCATAtoB - registers a funtion that is called by the cat libary on resceipt of an A=B
// command to make both VFOs equal
// Example
// void cataAtoB() {
// logic to make the alternate VFO the same as the Active VFO
// }
// addCATAtoB(catAtoB);
void addCATAtoB(void (*)(void));
// addCATSwapVfo - registers a funtion that is called by the cat libary on resceipt of a toggle VFO
// command to switch VFO A and B
// Example
// void catSwapVfo() {
// logic to swap VFO A and B
// }
// addCATSwapVfo(catSwapVFO);
void addCATSwapVfo(void (*)(void));
// addCATFSet - registers a funtion that is called by the cat libary on resceipt of SET FREQUENCY
// command to set the active VFO frequency
// Example
// void catSetFreq(long freq) {
// logic to tune the radio to freq
// }
// addCATFSet(catSetFreq);
void addCATFSet(void (*)(long));
// addCATMSet - registers a funtion that is called by the cat libary on resceipt of SET MODE
// command to set the active VFO MODE (USB or LSB)
// Example
// void catSetMode(byte mode) {
// if (mode == CAT_MODE_LSB) {
// logic to set rig to LSB
// } else {
// logic to set rig to USB
// |
// }
// addCATFSet(catMode);
void addCATMSet(void (*)(byte));
// addCATVSet - registers a funtion that is called by the cat libary on resceipt of SET VFO
// command to set the active VFO to VFOA or VFOB)
// Example
// void catSetVfo(byte vfo) {
// if (vfo == CAT_VFO_A) {
// logic to make VFO A active
// } else {
// logic to mmake VFO B activeB
// |
// }
// addCATFVet(catSetVfo);
void addCATVSet(void (*)(byte));
// addCATGetFreq - registers a funtion that is called by the cat libary on resceipt of READ FREQUENCY
// command. The user functuion must return the current frequency as a long
// Example
// long catGetFreq() {
// long freq = logic to tune the radio to freq
// return freq;
// }
// addCATGetFreq(catGetFreq);
void addCATGetFreq(long (*)(void));
// addCATGetMode - registers a funtion that is called by the cat libary on resceipt of READ MODE
// command. The user functuion must return the current MODE USB or LSB as a byte
// Example
// byte catGetMode() {
// byte mode = logic set mode to CAT_MODE_USB or CAT_MODE_LSB
// return mode;
// }
// addCATGetMode(catGetFreq);
void addCATGetMode(byte (*)(void));
// addCATGetPtt- registers a funtion that is called by the cat libary on resceipt of READ PTT
// command. The user functuion must return the current PTT state CAT_PTT_TX or CAT_PTT_RX as a byte
// Example
// byte catGetTxRx() {
// byte ptt = logic set mode to CAT_PTT_TX or CAT_PTT_TX
// return ptt;
// }
// addCATGetPtt(catGetTxRx);
void addCATGetPtt(boolean (*)(void));
// addCATGetSmeter - registers a funtion that is called by the cat libary on resceipt of READ SMETER
// command. The user functuion must return the current S-meter reading as byte
// S-meter values are in the range 0-16, 0-9 are S0-S9, 10-16 are S9+10 thru S9+60
// Example
// byte catGetSMeter() {
// byte smeter = logic set smeter to a number from 0-16
// return smeter;
// }
// addCATGetSmeter(catGetSMeter);
void addCATSMeter(byte (*)(void));
// Set enabled to false to stop processing CAT commands
boolean enabled = true;