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kk4das 2023-03-10 10:09:34 -05:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic d5253d10dd
commit 24cc6a08e8
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ID klucza GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
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@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ So far we have tested support for the following CAT capable software:
If you use find this library does not work with any particular CAT enabled software please let me know via the "Issues" tab on Github.
## Release Notes ##
Version 1.3 1/24/2023 - support for frequencies 100MHz and above. Support for setting and getting all defined IC746 modes.
Version 1.0.3 1/24/2023 - support for frequencies 100MHz and above. Support for setting and getting all defined IC746 modes.
Version 1.2 - Corrects bug that was causing new version of WSJTX not to connect. Sends NACK on all unsupported commands,
Version 1.0.2 - Corrects bug that was causing new version of WSJTX not to connect. Sends NACK on all unsupported commands,
Version 1.0 - Initial release.