import array import asyncio import sys import wave from collections import deque from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import AsyncIterator, Deque import eventkit as ev import numpy as np import sounddevice as sd class Audio: """ Bidirectional audio interface, for simultaneous playing and recording. Events: * recorded(record): Emits a new piece of recorded sound as a numpy float array. """ def __init__(self): self.recorded = ev.Event() self.playQ: Deque[PlayItem] = deque() = sd.Stream( channels=1, callback=self._onStream) self.rate = self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop_policy().get_event_loop() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *exc): self.close() def close(self): def _onStream(self, in_data, out_data, frames, _time, _status): # Note that this is called from a non-main thread. out_data.fill(0) idx = 0 while self.playQ and idx < frames: playItem = self.playQ[0] chunk = playItem.pop(frames - idx) idx2 = idx + chunk.size out_data[idx:idx2, 0] = chunk idx = idx2 if not playItem.remaining(): self.playQ.popleft() self.recorded.emit_threadsafe(in_data) def play(self, sound: np.ndarray): """Add a sound to the play queue.""" self.playQ.append(PlayItem(sound)) def cancelPlay(self): """Clear the play queue.""" self.playQ.clear() def isPlaying(self) -> bool: """Is there sound playing from the play queue?""" return bool(self.playQ) def record(self) -> AsyncIterator[np.ndarray]: """ Start a recording, yielding the entire recording every time a new chunk is added. Note: The yielded array holds a memory reference that is only valid until the next chunk is added. """ arr = array.array('f') return lambda _: np.frombuffer(arr, 'f')).aiter(skip_to_last=True) @dataclass class PlayItem: sound: np.ndarray index: int = 0 def remaining(self) -> int: return self.sound.size - self.index def pop(self, num: int) -> np.ndarray: idx = self.index + min(num, self.remaining()) chunk = self.sound[self.index:idx] self.index = idx return chunk def write_wav(path: str, rate: int, sound: np.ndarray): """ Write a 1-channel float array with values between -1 and 1 as a 32 bit stereo wave file. """ scaling = 2**31 - 1 mono = np.asarray(sound * scaling, np.int32) if sys.byteorder == 'big': mono = mono.byteswap() stereo = np.vstack([mono, mono]).flatten(order='F') with, 'wb') as wav: wav.setnchannels(2) wav.setsampwidth(4) wav.setframerate(rate) wav.writeframes(stereo)