kopia lustrzana https://github.com/Hamlib/Hamlib
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253 wiersze
8.3 KiB
unit hamlib_rotapi;
{* The $MINENUMSIZE directive controls the
* minimum storage size of enumerated types. *}
ROT_MAGIC = $12348889;
ROT_MAGIC_CAPS = $12348899;
ROT_MAGIC_STATE = $12348999;
ROT_FLAG_AZIMUTH = (1 shl 1);
elevation_t = float;
azimuth_t = float;
rot_model_t = integer;
rot_reset_t = integer;
PRot = ^TRot; // forward declaration
rot_caps = packed record
rot_model : rot_model_t;
model_name : PChar;
mfg_name : PChar;
version : PChar;
copyright : PChar;
status : rig_status_e;
rot_type : integer;
port_type : rig_port_e;
serial_rate_min : integer;
serial_rate_max : integer;
serial_stop_bits : integer;
serial_parity : serial_parity_e;
serial_handshake_e : serial_handshake_e;
write_delay : integer;
post_write_delay : integer;
timeout : integer;
retry : integer;
* Movement range, az is relative to North
* negative values allowed for overlap
min_az : azimuth_t;
max_az : azimuth_t;
min_el : elevation_t;
max_el : elevation_t;
cfgparams : PConfparms;
priv : rig_ptr_t;
* Rot Admin API
rot_init : function(rot: PRot): integer; cdecl;
rot_cleanup : function(rot: PRot): integer; cdecl;
rot_open : function(rot: PRot): integer; cdecl;
rot_close : function(rot: PRot): integer; cdecl;
set_conf : function(rot: PRot; token: token_t; val : PChar): integer; cdecl;
get_conf : function(rot: PRot; token: token_t; val : PChar): integer; cdecl;
* General API commands, from most primitive to least.. :()
* List Set/Get functions pairs
set_position : function(rot: PRot; az: azimuth_t; el: elevation_t): integer; cdecl;
get_position : function(rot: PRot; var az: azimuth_t; var el: elevation_t): integer; cdecl;
stop : function(rot: PRot): integer; cdecl;
park : function(rot: PRot): integer; cdecl;
reset : function(rot: PRot; reset: rot_reset_t): integer; cdecl;
move : function(rot: PRot; direction: integer; speed: integer): integer; cdecl;
{* get firmware info, etc. *}
get_info : function(rot: PRot): PChar; cdecl;
{* more to come... *}
magic : cardinal;
TRotCaps = rot_caps;
PRotCaps = ^TRotCaps;
* Rotator state
* This struct contains live data, as well as a copy of capability fields
* that may be updated (ie. customized)
* It is fine to move fields around, as this kind of struct should
* not be initialized like caps are.
rot_state = packed record
* overridable fields
min_az : azimuth_t;
max_az : azimuth_t;
min_el : elevation_t;
max_el : elevation_t;
* non overridable fields, internal use
rotport : port_t;
comm_state : integer; {* opened or not *}
* Pointer to private data
priv : pointer;
* internal use by hamlib++ & Kylix for event handling
obj : pointer;
{* etc... *}
magic: cardinal;
TRotState = rot_state;
PRotState = ^TRotState;
rot_callbacks = packed record
position_event : function(rot: PRot; azim: azimuth_t; elev: elevation_t): integer; cdecl;
{ more to come }
magic: cardinal;
TRotCallbacks = rot_callbacks;
PRotCallbacks = ^TRotCallbacks;
* struct rot is the master data structure,
* acting as a handle for the controlled rotator.
rot = packed record
caps : PRotCaps;
state : TRotState;
callbacks : TRotCallbacks;
magic: cardinal;
TRot = rot;
//PRot = ^TRot; // declared above.
{* --------------- API function prototypes -----------------*}
function rot_init(rot_model: rot_model_t): PRot; cdecl;
function rot_open(rot: PRot): integer; cdecl;
function rot_close(rot: PRot): integer; cdecl;
function rot_cleanup(rot: PRot): integer; cdecl;
function rot_set_conf(rot: PRot; token: token_t; val : PChar): integer; cdecl;
function rot_get_conf(rot: PRot; token: token_t; val : PChar): integer; cdecl;
* General API commands, from most primitive to least.. )
* List Set/Get functions pairs
function rot_set_position(rot: PRot; az: azimuth_t; el: elevation_t): integer; cdecl;
function rot_get_position(rot: PRot; var az: azimuth_t; var el: elevation_t): integer; cdecl;
function rot_stop(rot: PRot): integer; cdecl;
function rot_park(rot: PRot): integer; cdecl;
function rot_reset(rot: PRot; reset: rot_reset_t): integer; cdecl;
function rot_move(rot: PRot; direction: integer; speed: integer): integer; cdecl;
function rot_set_position_at(rot: PRot; az: azimuth_t; el: elevation_t; when: longint): integer; cdecl;
function rot_get_info(rot: PRot): PChar; cdecl;
function rot_register(caps: PRotCaps): integer; cdecl;
function rot_unregister(rot_model: rot_model_t): integer; cdecl;
type __cfunc_1 = function(const _caps: TRotCaps; _data: pointer): integer; cdecl;
function rot_list_foreach(cfunc : __cfunc_1; data: pointer): integer; cdecl;
function rot_load_backend(be_name: PChar): integer; cdecl;
function rot_check_backend(rot_model: rot_model_t): integer; cdecl;
function rot_load_all_backends: integer; cdecl;
function rot_probe_all(p: port_t): rot_model_t; cdecl;
type __cfunc_2 = function(const _conf: TConfparms; _data: pointer): integer; cdecl;
function rot_token_foreach(rot : PRot; cfunc: __cfunc_2; data: pointer): integer; cdecl;
function rot_confparam_lookup(rot: PRot; name: PChar): PConfparms; cdecl;
function rot_token_lookup(rot: PRot; name: PChar): token_t; cdecl;
function rot_get_caps(rot_model: rot_model_t): PRotCaps; cdecl;
{* Note: hamlib_modulename is defined in hamlib_rigapi.pas *}
function rot_init; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_init';
function rot_open; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_open';
function rot_close; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_close';
function rot_cleanup; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_cleanup';
function rot_set_conf; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_set_conf';
function rot_get_conf; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_get_conf';
function rot_set_position; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_set_position';
function rot_get_position; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_get_position';
function rot_stop; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_stop';
function rot_park; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_park';
function rot_reset; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_reset';
function rot_move; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_move';
function rot_set_position_at; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_set_position_at';
function rot_get_info; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_get_info';
function rot_register; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_register';
function rot_unregister; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_unregister';
function rot_list_foreach; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_list_foreach';
function rot_load_backend; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_load_backend';
function rot_check_backend; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_check_backend';
function rot_load_all_backends; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_load_all_backends';
function rot_probe_all; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_probe_all';
function rot_token_foreach; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_token_foreach';
function rot_confparam_lookup; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_confparam_lookup';
function rot_token_lookup; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_token_lookup';
function rot_get_caps; external hamlib_modulename name 'rot_get_caps';