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/* hamlib - (C) Frank Singleton 2000 (vk3fcs@ix.netcom.com)
* rig.h - Copyright (C) 2000 Frank Singleton and Stephane Fillod
* This program defines the Hamlib API and rig capabilities structures that
* will be used for obtaining rig capabilities.
* $Id: rig.h,v 1.12 2000-09-21 06:44:44 f4cfe Exp $ *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef _RIG_H
#define _RIG_H 1
#include <riglist.h> /* list in another file to not mess up w/ this one */
* Error codes that can be returned by the Hamlib functions
#define RIG_OK 0 /* completed sucessfully */
#define RIG_EINVAL 1 /* invalid parameter */
#define RIG_ECONF 2 /* invalid configuration (serial,..) */
#define RIG_ENOMEM 3 /* memory shortage */
#define RIG_ENIMPL 4 /* function not implemented */
#define RIG_ETIMEOUT 5 /* communication timed out */
#define RIG_EIO 6 /* IO error, including open failed */
#define RIG_EINTERNAL 7 /* Internal Hamlib error, huh! */
#define RIG_EPROTO 8 /* Protocol error */
#define RIG_ERJCTED 9 /* Command rejected by the rig */
#define RIG_ETRUNC 10 /* Command performed, but arg truncated */
/* Forward struct references */
struct rig;
struct rig_state;
typedef struct rig RIG;
* Rig capabilities
* Basic rig type, can store some useful
* info about different radios. Each lib must
* be able to populate this structure, so we can make
* useful enquiries about capablilities.
enum rig_port_e {
enum serial_parity_e {
enum serial_handshake_e {
enum rig_type_e {
RIG_TYPE_TRANSCEIVER = 0, /* aka base station */
RIG_TYPE_COMPUTER, /* eg. Pegasus */
/* etc. */
* Development status of the backend
enum rig_status_e {
RIG_STATUS_UNTESTED, /* written from specs, rig unavailable for test */
enum rptr_shift_e {
typedef enum rptr_shift_e rptr_shift_t;
enum vfo_e {
typedef enum vfo_e vfo_t;
enum ptt_e {
enum ptt_type_e {
RIG_PTT_BUILTIN = 0, /* PTT controlable through remote interface */
RIG_PTT_SERIAL, /* PTT accessed through CTS/RTS */
RIG_PTT_PARALLEL, /* PTT accessed through DATA0 */
RIG_PTT_NONE /* not available */
typedef enum ptt_e ptt_t;
* These are activated functions.
#define RIG_FUNC_FAGC (1<<0) /* Fast AGC */
#define RIG_FUNC_NB (1<<1) /* Noise Blanker */
#define RIG_FUNC_COMP (1<<2) /* Compression */
#define RIG_FUNC_VOX (1<<3) /* VOX */
#define RIG_FUNC_TONE (1<<4) /* Tone */
#define RIG_FUNC_TSQL (1<<5) /* may require a tone field */
#define RIG_FUNC_SBKIN (1<<6) /* Semi Break-in (is it the rigth name?) */
#define RIG_FUNC_FBKIN (1<<7) /* Full Break-in, for CW mode */
#define RIG_FUNC_ANF (1<<8) /* Automatic Notch Filter (DSP) */
#define RIG_FUNC_NR (1<<9) /* Noise Reduction (DSP) */
* frequency type in Hz, must be >32bits for SHF!
typedef long long freq_t;
#define KHz(f) ((freq_t)((f)*1000))
#define MHz(f) ((freq_t)((f)*1000000))
#define GHz(f) ((freq_t)((f)*1000000000))
typedef unsigned int rmode_t; /* radio mode */
/* Do not use an enum since this will be used w/ rig_mode_t bit fields */
#define RIG_MODE_AM (1<<0)
#define RIG_MODE_CW (1<<1)
#define RIG_MODE_USB (1<<2) /* select somewhere else the filters ? */
#define RIG_MODE_LSB (1<<3)
#define RIG_MODE_RTTY (1<<4)
#define RIG_MODE_FM (1<<5)
#define RIG_MODE_NFM (1<<6) /* should we distinguish modes w/ filers? */
#define RIG_MODE_WFM (1<<7)
#define RIG_MODE_NAM (1<<8) /* Narrow AM */
#define RIG_MODE_WAM (1<<9) /* Wide AM */
#define RIG_MODE_NCW (1<<10)
#define RIG_MODE_WCW (1<<11)
#define RIG_MODE_CWR (1<<12) /* Reverse CW */
#define RIG_MODE_NUSB (1<<13)
#define RIG_MODE_WUSB (1<<14)
#define RIG_MODE_NLSB (1<<15)
#define RIG_MODE_WLSB (1<<16)
#define RIG_MODE_NRTTY (1<<17)
#define RIG_MODE_WRTTY (1<<18)
#define RIGNAMSIZ 30
#define RIGVERSIZ 8
#define FILPATHLEN 100
#define FRQRANGESIZ 30
#define MAXCHANDESC 30 /* describe channel eg: "WWV 5Mhz" */
#define TSLSTSIZ 20 /* max tuning step list size, zero ended */
* Put together a bunch of this struct in an array to define
* what your rig have access to
struct freq_range_list {
freq_t start;
freq_t end;
unsigned long modes; /* bitwise OR'ed RIG_MODE_* */
int low_power; /* in mW, -1 for no power (ie. rx list) */
int high_power; /* in mW, -1 for no power (ie. rx list) */
* Lists the tuning steps available for each mode
struct tuning_step_list {
unsigned long modes; /* bitwise OR'ed RIG_MODE_* */
unsigned long ts; /* tuning step in Hz */
* Convenience struct, describes a freq/vfo/mode combo
* Also useful for memory handling -- FS
struct channel {
int channel_num;
freq_t freq;
rmode_t mode;
vfo_t vfo;
int power; /* in mW */
signed int preamp; /* in dB, if < 0, this is attenuator */
unsigned long tuning_step; /* */
unsigned char channel_desc[MAXCHANDESC];
typedef struct channel channel_t;
/* Basic rig type, can store some useful
* info about different radios. Each lib must
* be able to populate this structure, so we can make
* useful enquiries about capablilities.
* The main idea of this struct is that it will be defined by the backend
* rig driver, and will remain readonly for the application.
* Fields that need to be modifiable by the application are
* copied into the struct rig_state, which is a kind of private
* of the RIG instance.
* This way, you can have several rigs running within the same application,
* sharing the struct rig_caps of the backend, while keeping their own
* customized data.
struct rig_caps {
rig_model_t rig_model; /* eg. RIG_MODEL_FT847 */
unsigned char model_name[RIGNAMSIZ]; /* eg "ft847" */
unsigned char mfg_name[RIGNAMSIZ]; /* eg "Yeasu" */
char version[RIGVERSIZ]; /* driver version, eg "0.5" */
enum rig_status_e status; /* among ALPHA, BETA, STABLE, NEW */
enum rig_type_e rig_type;
enum ptt_type_e ptt_type; /* how we will key the rig */
int serial_rate_min; /* eg 4800 */
int serial_rate_max; /* eg 9600 */
int serial_data_bits; /* eg 8 */
int serial_stop_bits; /* eg 2 */
enum serial_parity_e serial_parity; /* */
enum serial_handshake_e serial_handshake; /* */
int write_delay; /* delay in ms between each byte sent out */
int timeout; /* in ms */
int retry; /* maximum number of retries, 0 to disable */
unsigned long has_func; /* bitwise OR'ed RIG_FUNC_FAGC, NG, etc. */
int chan_qty; /* number of channels */
struct freq_range_list rx_range_list[FRQRANGESIZ];
struct freq_range_list tx_range_list[FRQRANGESIZ];
struct tuning_step_list tuning_steps[TSLSTSIZ];
* Rig Admin API
int (*rig_init)(RIG *rig); /* setup *priv */
int (*rig_cleanup)(RIG *rig);
int (*rig_open)(RIG *rig); /* called when port just opened */
int (*rig_close)(RIG *rig); /* called before port is to close */
int (*rig_probe)(RIG *rig); /* Experimental: may work.. */
* General API commands, from most primitive to least.. :()
* List Set/Get functions pairs
int (*set_freq)(RIG *rig, freq_t freq); /* select freq */
int (*get_freq)(RIG *rig, freq_t *freq); /* get freq */
int (*set_mode)(RIG *rig, rmode_t mode); /* select mode */
int (*get_mode)(RIG *rig, rmode_t *mode); /* get mode */
int (*set_vfo)(RIG *rig, vfo_t vfo); /* select vfo (A,B, etc.) */
int (*get_vfo)(RIG *rig, vfo_t *vfo); /* get vfo */
int (*set_ptt)(RIG *rig, ptt_t ptt); /* ptt on/off */
int (*get_ptt)(RIG *rig, ptt_t *ptt); /* get ptt status */
int (*set_rpt_shift)(RIG *rig, rptr_shift_t rptr_shift ); /* set repeater shift */
int (*get_rpt_shift)(RIG *rig, rptr_shift_t *rptr_shift); /* get repeater shift */
* Convenience Functions
int (*set_channel)(RIG *rig, const struct channel *ch);
int (*get_channel)(RIG *rig, struct channel *ch);
/* more to come... */
* example of 3.5MHz -> 3.8MHz, 100W transmit range
* tx_range_list = {{3500000,3800000,RIG_MODE_AM|RIG_MODE_CW,100000},0}
* Rig state
struct rig_state {
enum rig_port_e port_type; /* serial, network, etc. */
int serial_rate;
int serial_data_bits; /* eg 8 */
int serial_stop_bits; /* eg 2 */
enum serial_parity_e serial_parity; /* */
enum serial_handshake_e serial_handshake; /* */
int write_delay; /* delay in ms between each byte sent out */
int timeout; /* in ms */
int retry; /* maximum number of retries, 0 to disable */
enum ptt_type_e ptt_type; /* how we will key the rig */
char ptt_path[FILPATHLEN]; /* path to the keying device (serial,//) */
double vfo_comp; /* VFO compensation in PPM, 0.0 to disable */
char rig_path[FILPATHLEN]; /* serial port/network path(host:port) */
int fd; /* serial port/socket file handle */
* Pointer to private data
* tuff like CI_V_address for Icom goes in this *priv 51 area
void *priv; /* pointer to private data */
/* etc... */
* Rig callbacks
* ie., the rig notify the host computer someone changed
* the freq/mode from the panel, depressed a button, etc.
* Event based programming, really appropriate in a GUI.
* So far, haven't heard of any rig capable of this, but there must be. --SF
struct rig_callbacks {
int (*freq_main_vfo_hz_event)(RIG *rig, freq_t freq, rmode_t mode);
/* etc.. */
* struct rig is the master data structure,
* acting as a handle for the controlled rig.
struct rig {
const struct rig_caps *caps;
struct rig_state state;
struct rig_callbacks callbacks;
/* --------------- API function prototypes -----------------*/
RIG *rig_init(rig_model_t rig_model);
int rig_open(RIG *rig);
* General API commands, from most primitive to least.. :()
* List Set/Get functions pairs
int rig_set_freq(RIG *rig, freq_t freq); /* select freq */
int rig_get_freq(RIG *rig, freq_t *freq); /* get freq */
int rig_set_mode(RIG *rig, rmode_t mode); /* select mode */
int rig_get_mode(RIG *rig, rmode_t *mode); /* get mode */
int rig_set_vfo(RIG *rig, vfo_t vfo); /* select vfo */
int rig_get_vfo(RIG *rig, vfo_t *vfo); /* get vfo */
int rig_set_ptt(RIG *rig, ptt_t ptt); /* ptt on/off */
int rig_get_ptt(RIG *rig, ptt_t *ptt); /* get ptt status */
int rig_set_rpt_shift(RIG *rig, rptr_shift_t rptr_shift ); /* set repeater shift */
int rig_get_rpt_shift(RIG *rig, rptr_shift_t *rptr_shift); /* get repeater shift */
/* more to come -- FS */
int rig_close(RIG *rig);
int rig_cleanup(RIG *rig);
RIG *rig_probe(const char *rig_path);
int rig_has_func(RIG *rig, unsigned long func); /* is part of capabilities? */
int rig_set_func(RIG *rig, unsigned long func); /* activate the function(s) */
int rig_get_func(RIG *rig, unsigned long *func); /* get the setting from rig */
const struct rig_caps *rig_get_caps(rig_model_t rig_model);
const char *rigerror(int errnum);
#endif /* _RIG_H */