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* Hamlib CI-V backend - defines for the ICOM "CI-V" interface.
* Copyright (c) 2000,2001 by Stephane Fillod
* $Id: icom_defs.h,v 1.12 2002-02-28 10:59:46 fgretief Exp $
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifndef _ICOM_DEFS_H
#define _ICOM_DEFS_H 1
* CI-V frame codes
#define PR 0xfe /* Preamble code */
#define CTRLID 0xe0 /* Controllers's default address */
#define BCASTID 0x00 /* Broadcast address */
#define FI 0xfd /* End of message code */
#define ACK 0xfb /* OK code */
#define NAK 0xfa /* NG code */
#define COL 0xfc /* CI-V bus collision detected */
#define PAD 0xff /* Transmit padding */
#define ACKFRMLEN 6 /* reply frame length */
#define S_NONE -1
* Arguments length in bytes
#define CHAN_NB_LEN 2
#define BANK_NB_LEN 2
#define OFFS_LEN 3
* Cn controller commands
* Notes:
* 1. When wide or normal op available: add "00" for wide, "01" normal
* Normal or narrow op: add "00" for normal, "01" for narrow
* Wide, normal or narrow op: add "00" for wide, "01" normal, "02" narrow
* 2. Memory channel number 1A=0100/1b=0101, 2A=0102/2b=0103,
* 3A=0104/3b=0105, C1=0106, C2=0107
#define C_SND_FREQ 0x00 /* Send frequency data */
#define C_SND_MODE 0x01 /* Send mode data, Sc */
#define C_RD_BAND 0x02 /* Read band edge frequencies */
#define C_RD_FREQ 0x03 /* Read display frequency */
#define C_RD_MODE 0x04 /* Read display mode */
#define C_SET_FREQ 0x05 /* Set frequency data(1) */
#define C_SET_MODE 0x06 /* Set mode data, Sc */
#define C_SET_VFO 0x07 /* Set VFO */
#define C_SET_MEM 0x08 /* Set channel, Sc(2) */
#define C_WR_MEM 0x09 /* Write memory */
#define C_MEM2VFO 0x0a /* Memory to VFO */
#define C_CLR_MEM 0x0b /* Memory clear */
#define C_RD_OFFS 0x0c /* Read duplex offset frequency */
#define C_SET_OFFS 0x0d /* Set duplex offset frequency */
#define C_CTL_SCAN 0x0e /* Control scan, Sc */
#define C_CTL_SPLT 0x0f /* Control split, Sc */
#define C_SET_TS 0x10 /* Set tuning step, Sc */
#define C_CTL_ATT 0x11 /* Set attenuator, Sc */
#define C_CTL_ANT 0x12 /* Set antenna, Sc */
#define C_CTL_ANN 0x13 /* Control announce (speech synth.), Sc */
#define C_CTL_LVL 0x14 /* Set AF/RF/squelch, Sc */
#define C_RD_SQSM 0x15 /* Read squelch condiction/S-meter level, Sc */
#define C_CTL_FUNC 0x16 /* Function settings (AGC,NB,etc.), Sc */
#define C_SND_CW 0x17 /* Send CW message */
#define C_SET_PWR 0x18 /* Set Power ON/OFF, Sc */
#define C_RD_TRXID 0x19 /* Read transceiver ID code */
#define C_CTL_MEM 0x1a /* Misc memory/bank functions, Sc */
#define C_SET_TONE 0x1b /* Set tone frequency */
#define C_CTL_PTT 0x1c /* Control Transmit On/Off, Sc */
#define C_CTL_MISC 0x7f /* Miscellaneous control, Sc */
* Sc controller sub commands
* Set mode data (C_SET_MODE) sub commands
#define S_LSB 0x00 /* Set to LSB */
#define S_USB 0x01 /* Set to USB */
#define S_AM 0x02 /* Set to AM */
#define S_CW 0x03 /* Set to CW */
#define S_RTTY 0x04 /* Set to RTTY */
#define S_FM 0x05 /* Set to FM */
#define S_WFM 0x06 /* Set to Wide FM */
* Set VFO (C_SET_VFO) sub commands
#define S_VFOA 0x00 /* Set to VFO A */
#define S_VFOB 0x01 /* Set to VFO B */
#define S_BTOA 0xa0 /* VFO A=B */
#define S_XCHNG 0xb0 /* Switch VFO A and B */
#define S_SUBTOMAIN 0xb1 /* MAIN = SUB */
#define S_DUAL_OFF 0xc0 /* Dual watch off */
#define S_DUAL_ON 0xc1 /* Dual watch on */
#define S_MAIN 0xd0 /* Select MAIN band */
#define S_SUB 0xd1 /* Select SUB band */
#define S_FRONTWIN 0xe0 /* Select front window */
* Set MEM (C_SET_MEM) sub commands
#define S_BANK 0xa0 /* Select memory bank */
* Scan control (C_CTL_SCAN) subcommands
#define S_SCAN_STOP 0x00 /* Stop scan/window scan */
#define S_SCAN_START 0x01 /* Programmed/Memory scan */
#define S_SCAN_PROG 0x02 /* Programmed scan */
#define S_SCAN_DELTA 0x03 /* Delta-f scan */
#define S_SCAN_WRITE 0x04 /* auto memory-write scan */
#define S_SCAN_FPROG 0x12 /* Fine programmed scan */
#define S_SCAN_FDELTA 0x13 /* Fine delta-f scan */
#define S_SCAN_MEM2 0x22 /* Memory scan */
#define S_SCAN_SLCTN 0x23 /* Selected number memory scan */
#define S_SCAN_SLCTM 0x24 /* Selected mode memory scan */
#define S_SCAN_PRIO 0x42 /* Priority / window scan */
#define S_SCAN_RSMOFF 0xD0 /* Set scan resume OFF */
#define S_SCAN_RSMON 0xD3 /* Set scan resume ON */
* Split control (S_CTL_SPLT) subcommands
#define S_SPLT_OFF 0x00 /* Split OFF */
#define S_SPLT_ON 0x01 /* Split ON */
#define S_DUP_OFF 0x10 /* Simplex mode */
#define S_DUP_M 0x11 /* Duplex - mode */
#define S_DUP_P 0x12 /* Duplex + mode */
* Set Attenuator (C_CTL_ATT) subcommands
#define S_ATT_RD 0x00 /* Without subcommand, reads out setting */
#define S_ATT_OFF 0x00 /* Off */
#define S_ATT_6dB 0x06 /* 6 dB, IC-756Pro */
#define S_ATT_10dB 0x10 /* 10 dB */
#define S_ATT_12dB 0x12 /* 12 dB, IC-756Pro */
#define S_ATT_18dB 0x18 /* 18 dB, IC-756Pro */
#define S_ATT_20dB 0x20 /* 20 dB */
#define S_ATT_30dB 0x30 /* 30 dB, or Att on for IC-R75 */
* Set Preamp (S_FUNC_PAMP) data
#define D_PAMP_OFF 0x00
#define D_PAMP1 0x01
#define D_PAMP2 0x02
* Set antenna (C_SET_ANT) subcommands
#define S_ANT_RD 0x00 /* Without subcommand, reads out setting */
#define S_ANT1 0x00 /* Antenna 1 */
#define S_ANT2 0x01 /* Antenna 2 */
* Announce control (C_CTL_ANN) subcommands
#define S_ANN_ALL 0x00 /* Announce all */
#define S_ANN_FREQ 0x01 /* Announce freq */
#define S_ANN_MODE 0x02 /* Announce operating mode */
* Function settings (C_CTL_LVL) subcommands
#define S_LVL_AF 0x01 /* AF level setting */
#define S_LVL_RF 0x02 /* RF level setting */
#define S_LVL_SQL 0x03 /* SQL level setting */
#define S_LVL_IF 0x04 /* IF shift setting */
#define S_LVL_APF 0x05 /* APF level setting */
#define S_LVL_NR 0x06 /* NR level setting */
#define S_LVL_PBTIN 0x07 /* Twin PBT setting (inside) */
#define S_LVL_PBTOUT 0x08 /* Twin PBT setting (outside) */
#define S_LVL_CWPITCH 0x09 /* CW pitch setting */
#define S_LVL_RFPOWER 0x0a /* RF power setting */
#define S_LVL_MICGAIN 0x0b /* MIC gain setting */
#define S_LVL_KEYSPD 0x0c /* Key Speed setting */
#define S_LVL_NOTCHF 0x0d /* Notch freq. setting */
#define S_LVL_COMP 0x0e /* Compressor level setting */
#define S_LVL_BKINDL 0x0f /* BKin delay setting */
#define S_LVL_BALANCE 0x10 /* Balance setting (Dual watch) */
* Read squelch condition/S-meter level (C_RD_SQSM) subcommands
#define S_SQL 0x01 /* Read squelch condition */
#define S_SML 0x02 /* Read S-meter level */
* Function settings (C_CTL_FUNC) subcommands
#define S_FUNC_PAMP 0x02 /* Preamp setting */
#define S_FUNC_AGCOFF 0x10 /* IC-R8500 only */
#define S_FUNC_AGCON 0x11 /* IC-R8500 only */
#define S_FUNC_AGC 0x12 /* AGC setting */
#define S_FUNC_NBOFF 0x20 /* IC-R8500 only */
#define S_FUNC_NBON 0x21 /* IC-R8500 only */
#define S_FUNC_NB 0x22 /* NB setting */
#define S_FUNC_APFOFF 0x30 /* IC-R8500 only */
#define S_FUNC_APFON 0x31 /* IC-R8500 only */
#define S_FUNC_APF 0x32 /* APF setting */
#define S_FUNC_NR 0x40 /* NR setting */
#define S_FUNC_ANF 0x41 /* ANF setting */
#define S_FUNC_TONE 0x42 /* TONE setting */
#define S_FUNC_TSQL 0x43 /* TSQL setting */
#define S_FUNC_COMP 0x44 /* COMP setting */
#define S_FUNC_MON 0x45 /* Monitor setting */
#define S_FUNC_VOX 0x46 /* VOX setting */
#define S_FUNC_BKIN 0x47 /* BK-IN setting */
#define S_FUNC_MN 0x48 /* Manual notch setting */
#define S_FUNC_RNF 0x49 /* RTTY Filter Notch setting */
#define S_FUNC_AFC 0x4A /* Auto Frequency Control (AFC) setting */
* Transceiver ID (C_RD_TRXID) subcommands
#define S_TRXID 0x00 /* Read transceiver ID code */
* Set Power On/Off (C_SET_PWR) subcommands
#define S_PWR_OFF 0x00
#define S_PWR_ON 0x01
* Transmit control (C_CTL_PTT) subcommands
#define S_PTT_ON 0x00 /* no documentation, not tested! */
#define S_PTT_OFF 0x01 /* please confirm (IC-756Pro, IC-746) --SF */
* Memory contents (C_CTL_MEM) subcommands
#define S_MEM_CNTNT 0x00
#define S_MEM_CNTNT_SLCT 0x01
/* For IC-910H rig. */
#define S_MEM_RDWR_MEM 0x00 /* Read/write memory channel */
#define S_MEM_SATMEM 0x01 /* Satellite memory */
#define S_MEM_VOXGAIN 0x02 /* VOX gain level (0=0%, 255=100%) */
#define S_MEM_VOXDELAY 0x03 /* VOX delay (0=0.0 sec, 20=2.0 sec) */
#define S_MEM_ANTIVOX 0x04 /* anti VOX setting */
#define S_MEM_ATTLEVEL 0x05 /* Attenuation level (0=0%, 255=100%) */
#define S_MEM_RIT 0x06 /* RIT (0=off, 1=on, 2=sub dial) */
#define S_MEM_SATMODE 0x07 /* Satellite mode (on/off) */
#define S_MEM_BANDSCOPE 0x08 /* Simple bandscope (on/off) */
* Tone control (C_SET_TONE) subcommands
#define S_TONE_RPTR 0x00 /* Tone frequency setting for repeater user */
#define S_TONE_SQL 0x01 /* Tone frequency setting for squelch */
#define S_RD_TRXID 0x00
#endif /* _ICOM_DEFS_H */