
28 wiersze
905 B

## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
aclocaldir = $(datadir)/aclocal
aclocal_DATA = hamlib.m4
pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
pkgconfig_DATA = hamlib.pc
EXTRA_DIST = PLAN TODO LICENSE hamlib.m4 hamlib.pc.in README.developer \
README.betatester README.win32 hamlib.spec
# BINDINGS_LIST subdirs are no more built
SUBDIRS = macros include lib libltdl src @BACKEND_LIST@ @ROT_BACKEND_LIST@ \
@BINDINGS@ tests doc
# tcl, perl, and kylix subdir are no more distributed
DIST_SUBDIRS = macros include lib libltdl src c++ bindings tests doc \
icom kenwood aor yaesu dummy pcr alinco uniden tentec kachina jrc \
rpcrig winradio easycomm fodtrack rpcrot gnuradio drake rotorez \
microtune flexradio sartek lowe rft tapr kit skanti wj racal tuner
rpm: Makefile
make dist
$(RPMBUILD) -ta $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz
rm $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz