
23 wiersze
906 B

## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
## Yeasu radios that use the legacy CAT commands
YAESUSRC = ft100.c ft747.c ft817.c ft847.c ft890.c ft900.c ft920.c \
ft1000mp.c ft857.c ft897.c ft990.c frg8800.c \
ft757gx.c ft736.c frg100.c frg9600.c ft1000d.c \
vr5000.c ft767gx.c ft840.c ft980.c
## Yaesu radios that use the new Kenwood style CAT commands
NEWCATSRC = newcat.c ft450.c ft950.c ft2000.c ft9000.c
lib_LTLIBRARIES = hamlib-yaesu.la
hamlib_yaesu_la_SOURCES = $(YAESUSRC) $(NEWCATSRC) yaesu.c
hamlib_yaesu_la_LDFLAGS = -no-undefined -module -avoid-version
hamlib_yaesu_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/lib/libmisc.la \
noinst_HEADERS = ft100.h ft747.h ft817.h ft847.h ft890.h ft900.h ft920.h \
ft1000mp.h ft857.h ft897.h ft990.h yaesu.h \
ft757gx.h ft767gx.h ft450.h ft950.h ft2000.h ft9000.h \
ft840.h newcat.h