/*! \mainpage Hamlib API Reference \section auth Authors Stéphane Fillod, F8CFE, and Frank Singleton, VK3FCS and the Hamlib Group \n Documentation revisions by Martin Ewing, AA6E, Nate Bargmann, N0NB, Michael Black, W9MDB \section s1 Preface This document describes the Hamlib library Application Programming Interface (API) for this distribution. We attempt to document the complete API of the core modules of Hamlib, i.e. the API seen by end-user application developers. You may navigate the documentation through the tabs at the top of this page. Please report any problems to hamlib-developer@lists.sourceforge.net. \section txtfil Distributed information files These text files are distributed with the Hamlib package. Readme files: \subpage Rdme "General"; \subpage Rdmebeta "Beta Tester"; \subpage Rdmedevel "Developer"; \subpage Rdmewin "MS Windows" Other files: \subpage INSTALL; \subpage AUTHORS; \subpage COPYING; \subpage COPYING.LIB; \subpage LICENSE; \subpage NEWS; \subpage PLAN; \subpage THANKS; \section lnks Internet links \li http://hamlib.org — Main project with links to releases, Wiki, and documentation including list of supported equipment. \li https://github.com/Hamlib/Hamlib — GitHub repository via Web interface. \li https://sourceforge.net/projects/hamlib/ — SourceForge.net project page. \li https://sourceforge.net/p/hamlib/code/ — SourceForge Git repository via Web interface. \section slic Documentation License \li \subpage doclicense */ /*! \page doclicense License for Documentation This documentation is free; you can redistribute it without any restrictions. The modification or derived work must retain copyright and list all authors. This documentation is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ /*! \page Rdme README (general) \verbinclude README */ /*! \page Rdmebeta README.betatester \verbinclude README.betatester */ /*! \page Rdmedevel README.developer \verbinclude README.developer */ /*! \page Rdmewin Cross-compiling Hamlib on Linux for MS Windows This page contains the `scripts/README.build-Windows` instructions and the `scripts/build-w32.sh` file that describe cross-compiling Hamlib for MS Windows 32 bit on Debian GNU/Linux. \section Build README.build-Windows \verbinclude README.build-Windows \subsection W32 The build-w32.sh script \verbinclude build-w32.sh \subsection W64 The build-w64.sh script \verbinclude build-w64.sh */ /*! \page INSTALL INSTALL \verbinclude INSTALL */ /*! \page AUTHORS AUTHORS \verbinclude AUTHORS */ /*! \page COPYING COPYING \verbinclude COPYING */ /*! \page COPYING.LIB COPYING.LIB \verbinclude COPYING.LIB */ /*! \page LICENSE LICENSE \verbinclude LICENSE */ /*! \page NEWS NEWS \verbinclude NEWS */ /*! \page PLAN PLAN \verbinclude PLAN */ /*! \page THANKS THANKS \verbinclude THANKS */ /*! Define groups for Doxygen * \defgroup rig Rig (transceiver) API * \defgroup rig_internal Rig (transceiver) Internal API * \defgroup rotator Rotator API * \defgroup rot_internal Rotator Internal API * \defgroup amplifier Amplifier API * \defgroup amp_internal Amplifier Internal API * \defgroup utilities Utility Routines API */