/* * hamlib - (C) Frank Singleton 2000 (vk3fcs@ix.netcom.com) * * serial.h - (C) Frank Singleton 2000 (vk3fcs@ix.netcom.com) * Provides useful routines for read/write serial data for communicating * via serial interface . * * $Id: serial.h,v 1.4 2000-08-04 02:48:44 javabear Exp $ */ int open_port(char *serial_port); int write_block(int fd, unsigned char *data); int close_port(int fd); /* * Read "num" bytes from "fd" and put results into * an array of unsigned char pointed to by "rxbuffer" * * Sleeps every second until number of bytes to read * is the amount requested. * */ int read_sleep(int fd, unsigned char *rxbuffer, int num ); /* * Convert char to packed decimal * eg: 33 (0x21) => 0x33 * */ char calc_packed_from_char(unsigned char dec ); /* * Convert packed decimal to decimal * eg: 0x33 (51) => 33 decimal * */ char calc_char_from_packed(unsigned char pkd ); /* * Do a hex dump of the unsigned char array. */ void dump_hex(unsigned char *ptr, int size, int width);