%define ver @VERSION@ %define prefix /usr Summary: Run-time library to control radio transcievers and receivers. Name: hamlib Version: %ver Release: 1 Copyright: LGPL Group: Ham/Libraries Packager: Stephane Fillod Source: ftp://ftp.sourceforge.net/pub/sourceforge/hamlib/hamlib-%{ver}.tar.gz BuildRoot: /tmp/hamlib-%{ver}-buildroot URL: http://hamlib.sourceforge.net BuildRequires: binutils >= 2.9.4, gcc >= 2.95, glibc-devel >= 2.1 BuildRequires: /bin/sh, fileutils, findutils, flex BuildRequires: gzip, make >= 3.77, patch >= 2.5, rpm >= 3.0, sed BuildRequires: textutils BuildRequires: /bin/sh, automake >= 1.4, libtool >= 1.4, fileutils, findutils %changelog * Thu Jun 17 2002 Stephane Fillod - Added rotator support - Added RPC daemon, hamlib.m4 - Upstream version 1.1.3 * Mon Jul 18 2001 Stephane Fillod - Made initial "working" SPEC file %description Most recent amateur radio transceivers allow external control of their functions through a computer interface. Unfortunately, control commands are not always consistent across a manufacturer's product line and each manufacturer's product line differs greatly from its competitors. . This library addresses that issue by providing a standardised programming interface that applications can talk to and translating that into the appropriate commands required by the radio in use. . This package provides the run-time form of the library. If you wish to develop software using this library you need the 'hamlib-devel' package. . Also included in the package is a simple radio control program 'rigctl', which let one control a radio transceiver or receiver, either from command line interface or in a text-oriented interactive interface. %package devel Summary: Development library to control radio transcievers and receivers. Group: Development/Libraries Requires: hamlib %description devel Most recent amateur radio transceivers allow external control of their functions through a computer interface. Unfortunately, control commands are not always consistent across a manufacturer's product line and each manufacturer's product line differs greatly from its competitors. . This library addresses that issue by providing a standardised programming interface that applications can talk to and translating that into the appropriate commands required by the radio in use. . This package provides the development library. If you wish to run applications developed using this library you'll need the 'hamlib' package. %package c++ Summary: Hamlib radio control library C++ binding Group: Development/Libraries Requires: hamlib %description c++ C++ Binding. %package c++-devel Summary: Hamlib radio control library C++ binding headers and static libs Group: Development/Libraries Requires: hamlib, hamlib-devel %description c++-devel This package contains all of the headers and the static libraries for C++ binding of Hamlib. You'll only need this package if you are doing development. #%package perl #Summary: Hamlib radio control library Perl binding #Group: Development/Libraries #Requires: hamlib # #%description perl #Perl Binding. %prep %setup %build ./configure --prefix=%prefix make CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" all %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT (umask 077 && mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT) chmod go= $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make prefix="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix}" "INSTALL_PROGRAM_ARGS=-s" install chmod 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix}/lib/*.la #strip $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix}/lib/*-%{version}.so %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %post -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig %files %defattr(644, root, root, 755) %doc COPYING #%doc doc/*.html #%doc doc/*.sgml #%doc doc/*.txt %defattr(755, root, root, 755) #%{prefix}/lib/libhamlib-%{version}.so %{prefix}/lib/libhamlib-*.so %{prefix}/lib/libhamlib-*.la %{prefix}/bin/rigctl %{prefix}/sbin/rpc.rigd %{prefix}/man/man1/rigctl.1 %{prefix}/man/man8/rpc.rigd.8 %{prefix}/bin/rotctl %{prefix}/sbin/rpc.rotd %{prefix}/man/man1/rotctl.1 %{prefix}/man/man8/rpc.rotd.8 %files devel %defattr(644, root, root, 755) %{prefix}/include/hamlib/rig.h %{prefix}/include/hamlib/rig_dll.h %{prefix}/include/hamlib/riglist.h %{prefix}/include/hamlib/rotator.h %{prefix}/include/hamlib/rotlist.h %{prefix}/share/aclocal/hamlib.m4 %{prefix}/lib/libhamlib.a %{prefix}/lib/libhamlib.la %{prefix}/lib/libhamlib-*.a %files c++ %defattr(755, root, root, 755) %{prefix}/lib/libhamlib++-%{version}.so %files c++-devel %defattr(644, root, root, 755) %{prefix}/include/hamlib/rigclass.h %{prefix}/include/hamlib/rotclass.h #%{prefix}/share/aclocal/hamlib++.m4 %{prefix}/lib/libhamlib++.a %{prefix}/lib/libhamlib++.la #%files perl #%defattr(755, root, root, 755) #/usr/local/lib/perl/5.6.1/Hamlib.pm #%dir /usr/local/lib/perl/5.6.1/auto/Hamlib #%doc /usr/local/man/man3/Hamlib.3pm