#include #include #include "misc.h" #include "snapshot_data.h" #include "hamlibdatetime.h" #include "cJSON.h" #define MAX_VFO_COUNT 4 #define SPECTRUM_MODE_FIXED "FIXED" #define SPECTRUM_MODE_CENTER "CENTER" static int snapshot_serialize_rig(cJSON *rig_node, RIG *rig) { cJSON *node; // TODO: need to assign rig an ID, e.g. from command line node = cJSON_AddStringToObject(rig_node, "id", "rig_id"); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } // TODO: what kind of status should this reflect? node = cJSON_AddStringToObject(rig_node, "status", rig->state.comm_state ? "OK" : "CLOSED"); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } // TODO: need to store last error code node = cJSON_AddStringToObject(rig_node, "errorMsg", ""); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } node = cJSON_AddStringToObject(rig_node, "name", rig->caps->model_name); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } node = cJSON_AddBoolToObject(rig_node, "split", rig->state.cache.split == RIG_SPLIT_ON ? 1 : 0); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } node = cJSON_AddStringToObject(rig_node, "splitVfo", rig_strvfo(rig->state.cache.split_vfo)); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } node = cJSON_AddBoolToObject(rig_node, "satMode", rig->state.cache.satmode ? 1 : 0); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } RETURNFUNC2(RIG_OK); error: RETURNFUNC2(-RIG_EINTERNAL); } static int snapshot_serialize_vfo(cJSON *vfo_node, RIG *rig, vfo_t vfo) { freq_t freq; int freq_ms, mode_ms, width_ms; rmode_t mode; pbwidth_t width; ptt_t ptt; split_t split; vfo_t split_vfo; int result; int is_rx, is_tx; cJSON *node; // TODO: This data should match rig_get_info command response node = cJSON_AddStringToObject(vfo_node, "name", rig_strvfo(vfo)); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } result = rig_get_cache(rig, vfo, &freq, &freq_ms, &mode, &mode_ms, &width, &width_ms); if (result == RIG_OK) { node = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(vfo_node, "freq", freq); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } node = cJSON_AddStringToObject(vfo_node, "mode", rig_strrmode(mode)); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } node = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(vfo_node, "width", (double) width); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } } ptt = rig->state.cache.ptt; node = cJSON_AddBoolToObject(vfo_node, "ptt", ptt == RIG_PTT_OFF ? 0 : 1); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } split = rig->state.cache.split; split_vfo = rig->state.cache.split_vfo; is_rx = (split == RIG_SPLIT_OFF && vfo == rig->state.current_vfo) || (split == RIG_SPLIT_ON && vfo != split_vfo); node = cJSON_AddBoolToObject(vfo_node, "rx", is_rx); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } is_tx = (split == RIG_SPLIT_OFF && vfo == rig->state.current_vfo) || (split == RIG_SPLIT_ON && vfo == split_vfo); node = cJSON_AddBoolToObject(vfo_node, "tx", is_tx); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } RETURNFUNC2(RIG_OK); error: RETURNFUNC2(-RIG_EINTERNAL); } static int snapshot_serialize_spectrum(cJSON *spectrum_node, RIG *rig, struct rig_spectrum_line *spectrum_line) { // Spectrum data is represented as a hexadecimal ASCII string where each data byte is represented as 2 ASCII letters char spectrum_data_string[HAMLIB_MAX_SPECTRUM_DATA * 2]; cJSON *node; int i; struct rig_spectrum_scope *scopes = rig->caps->spectrum_scopes; char *name = "?"; for (i = 0; scopes[i].name != NULL; i++) { if (scopes[i].id == spectrum_line->id) { name = scopes[i].name; } } node = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(spectrum_node, "id", spectrum_line->id); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } node = cJSON_AddStringToObject(spectrum_node, "name", name); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } node = cJSON_AddStringToObject(spectrum_node, "type", spectrum_line->spectrum_mode == RIG_SPECTRUM_MODE_CENTER ? SPECTRUM_MODE_CENTER : SPECTRUM_MODE_FIXED); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } node = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(spectrum_node, "minLevel", spectrum_line->data_level_min); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } node = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(spectrum_node, "maxLevel", spectrum_line->data_level_max); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } node = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(spectrum_node, "minStrength", spectrum_line->signal_strength_min); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } node = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(spectrum_node, "maxStrength", spectrum_line->signal_strength_max); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } node = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(spectrum_node, "centerFreq", spectrum_line->center_freq); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } node = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(spectrum_node, "span", spectrum_line->span_freq); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } node = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(spectrum_node, "lowFreq", spectrum_line->low_edge_freq); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } node = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(spectrum_node, "highFreq", spectrum_line->high_edge_freq); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } node = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(spectrum_node, "length", (double) spectrum_line->spectrum_data_length); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } to_hex(spectrum_line->spectrum_data_length, spectrum_line->spectrum_data, sizeof(spectrum_data_string), spectrum_data_string); node = cJSON_AddStringToObject(spectrum_node, "data", spectrum_data_string); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } RETURNFUNC2(RIG_OK); error: RETURNFUNC2(-RIG_EINTERNAL); } int snapshot_serialize(size_t buffer_length, char *buffer, RIG *rig, struct rig_spectrum_line *spectrum_line) { cJSON *root_node; cJSON *rig_node, *vfos_array, *vfo_node, *spectra_array, *spectrum_node; cJSON *node; cJSON_bool bool_result; int vfo_count = 2; vfo_t vfos[MAX_VFO_COUNT]; int result; int i; vfos[0] = RIG_VFO_A; vfos[1] = RIG_VFO_B; root_node = cJSON_CreateObject(); if (root_node == NULL) { RETURNFUNC2(-RIG_EINTERNAL); } node = cJSON_AddStringToObject(root_node, "app", PACKAGE_NAME); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } node = cJSON_AddStringToObject(root_node, "version", PACKAGE_VERSION " " HAMLIBDATETIME); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } node = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(root_node, "seq", rig->state.snapshot_packet_sequence_number); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } // TODO: Calculate 32-bit CRC of the entire JSON record replacing the CRC value with 0 node = cJSON_AddNumberToObject(root_node, "crc", 0); if (node == NULL) { goto error; } rig_node = cJSON_CreateObject(); if (rig_node == NULL) { goto error; } result = snapshot_serialize_rig(rig_node, rig); if (result != RIG_OK) { cJSON_Delete(rig_node); goto error; } cJSON_AddItemToObject(root_node, "rig", rig_node); vfos_array = cJSON_CreateArray(); if (vfos_array == NULL) { goto error; } for (i = 0; i < vfo_count; i++) { vfo_node = cJSON_CreateObject(); result = snapshot_serialize_vfo(vfo_node, rig, vfos[i]); if (result != RIG_OK) { cJSON_Delete(vfo_node); goto error; } cJSON_AddItemToArray(vfos_array, vfo_node); } cJSON_AddItemToObject(root_node, "vfos", vfos_array); if (spectrum_line != NULL) { spectra_array = cJSON_CreateArray(); if (spectra_array == NULL) { goto error; } spectrum_node = cJSON_CreateObject(); result = snapshot_serialize_spectrum(spectrum_node, rig, spectrum_line); if (result != RIG_OK) { cJSON_Delete(spectrum_node); goto error; } cJSON_AddItemToArray(spectra_array, spectrum_node); cJSON_AddItemToObject(root_node, "spectra", spectra_array); } bool_result = cJSON_PrintPreallocated(root_node, buffer, (int) buffer_length, 0); cJSON_Delete(root_node); if (!bool_result) { RETURNFUNC2(-RIG_EINVAL); } rig->state.snapshot_packet_sequence_number++; RETURNFUNC2(RIG_OK); error: cJSON_Delete(root_node); RETURNFUNC2(-RIG_EINTERNAL); }