# Author Michael Black W9MDB # This SUPPRESS setting results in no warnings as of 2020-01-14 # There are things that could still be done...especialy in the C++ area echo "See cppcheck.log when done" echo "As of cppcheck v1.90 should be one message about missing include files" echo "This takes several minutes to run" # We do suppress some errors which are expected or other code # There are quite a few C++ items to take care of still if anybody cares SUPPRESS="-i bindings -i lib/getopt.c -i lib/getopt_long.c --suppress=*:extra/gnuradio/demod.h --suppress=*:extra/gnuradio/HrAGC.h --suppress=*:extra/gnuradio/nfm.h --suppress=*:extra/gnuradio/am.h --suppress=*:extra/gnuradio/ssb.h --suppress=*:extra/gnuradio/wfm.h --suppress=*:extra/gnuradio/wfm.h --suppress=*:extra/gnuradio/HrAGC.h --suppress=knownConditionTrueFalse:tests/rotctl.c --suppress=knownConditionTrueFalse:tests/rigctl.c --suppress=knownConditionTrueFalse:tests/ampctl.c --suppress=knownConditionTrueFalse:tests/rotctl_parse.c --suppress=knownConditionTrueFalse:tests/rigctl_parse.c --suppress=knownConditionTrueFalse:tests/ampctl_parse.c" CHECK="-D RIG_LEVEL_LINEOUT=1 -D SIGPIPE -D SIGINT -D IPV6_V6ONLY -D RIG_MODE_WFM -D ABI_VERSION=4 -D F_SETSIG=1 -U O_ASYNC -U SA_SIGINFO -U HASH_BLOOM -U HASH_EMIT_KEYS -U HASH_FUNCTION -U __USEP5P6__" cppcheck -q --force --enable=all --std=c99 $SUPPRESS $CHECK . &>cppcheck.log