#include #include #include #include "fifo.h" void initFIFO(FIFO_RIG *fifo) { fifo->head = 0; fifo->tail = 0; } void resetFIFO(FIFO_RIG *fifo) { fifo->head = fifo->tail; fifo->flush = 1; } // returns RIG_OK if added // return -RIG error if overflow int push(FIFO_RIG *fifo, const char *msg) { int len = strlen(msg); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { // FIFO is meant for CW use only // So we skip some chars that don't work with CW switch(msg[i]) { case 0x0d: case 0x0a: continue; } fifo->data[fifo->tail] = msg[i]; if (isprint(msg[i])) rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "%s: push %c (%d,%d)\n", __func__, msg[i], fifo->head, fifo->tail); else rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "%s: push 0x%02x (%d,%d)\n", __func__, msg[i], fifo->head, fifo->tail); if (fifo->tail + 1 == fifo->head) { return -RIG_EDOM; } fifo->tail = (fifo->tail + 1) % HAMLIB_FIFO_SIZE; } return RIG_OK; } int peek(FIFO_RIG *fifo) { if (fifo == NULL) return -1; if (fifo->tail < 0 || fifo->head < 0) return -1; if (fifo->tail > 1023 || fifo->head > 1023) return -1; if (fifo->tail == fifo->head) { return -1; } char c = fifo->data[fifo->head]; if (isprint(c)) rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "%s: peek %c (%d,%d)\n", __func__, c, fifo->head, fifo->tail); else rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "%s: peek 0x%02x (%d,%d)\n", __func__, c, fifo->head, fifo->tail); return c; } int pop(FIFO_RIG *fifo) { if (fifo->tail == fifo->head) { return -1; } char c = fifo->data[fifo->head]; if (isprint(c)) rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "%s: pop %c (%d,%d)\n", __func__, c, fifo->head, fifo->tail); else rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "%s: pop 0x%02x (%d,%d)\n", __func__, c, fifo->head, fifo->tail); fifo->head = (fifo->head + 1) % HAMLIB_FIFO_SIZE; return c; } #ifdef TEST int main() { FIFO_RIG fifo; initFIFO(&fifo); const char *str = "Hello, World!\n"; // Pushing the string onto the FIFO push(&fifo, str); // Popping and printing one character at a time int c; while ((c = pop(&fifo)) != -1) { printf("%c", c); } return 0; } #endif