/* * Hamlib Rotator backend - LinuxCNC no hardware port * Copyright (c) 2015 by Robert Freeman * Adapted from AMSAT code by Stephane Fillod * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include /* String function definitions */ #include /* UNIX standard function definitions */ #ifdef HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H #include #endif #include "hamlib/rotator.h" #include "hamlib/rig.h" #include "misc.h" #include "serial.h" #include "token.h" #include "network.h" #include "register.h" #define RSIZE (1024) #define XDEGREE2MM(d) ((d)/9.0) // 42-gear-22 #define YDEGREE2MM(d) ((d)/9.0) //#define YDEGREE2MM(d) ((d) * ((1710) / (77*9))) //#define YDEGREE2MM(d) ((d) * ((190) / (77))) /* $0=10 (step pulse, usec) $1=25 (step idle delay, msec) $2=0 (step port invert mask:00000000) $3=0 (dir port invert mask:00000000) $4=0 (step enable invert, bool) $5=0 (limit pins invert, bool) $6=0 (probe pin invert, bool) $10=3 (status report mask:00000011) $11=0.010 (junction deviation, mm) $12=0.002 (arc tolerance, mm) $13=0 (report inches, bool) $20=0 (soft limits, bool) $21=0 (hard limits, bool) $22=0 (homing cycle, bool) $23=0 (homing dir invert mask:00000000) $24=25.000 (homing feed, mm/min) $25=500.000 (homing seek, mm/min) $26=250 (homing debounce, msec) $27=1.000 (homing pull-off, mm) $30=1000. (rpm max) $31=0. (rpm min) $32=0 (motor lock bool) $33=7 (motor mode mask:00000111) $100=80.000 (x, step/mm) $101=80.000 (y, step/mm) $102=80.000 (z, step/mm) $110=10000.000 (x max rate, mm/min) $111=10000.000 (y max rate, mm/min) $112=10000.000 (z max rate, mm/min) $120=250.000 (x accel, mm/sec^2) $121=250.000 (y accel, mm/sec^2) $122=250.000 (z accel, mm/sec^2) $130=500.000 (x max travel, mm) $131=500.000 (y max travel, mm) $132=500.000 (z max travel, mm) */ char *grbl_get_config = "$$\r\n"; char *grbl_get_pos = "?\r\n"; char *grbl_init_list[] = { "$1=255\r\n", /* lock motors */ "$3=3\r\n", /* invert X and Y direction */ //"$100=80\r\n", /* axis-x a4988 16 microstep */ "$100=1776\r\n", /* axis-x a4988 16 microstep 42-gear-motor-22-(1710/77) (80*1710)/77 */ //"$101=160\n", /* axis-y drv8825 32 microstep */ //"$101=80\n", /* axis-y a4988 16 microstep */ "$101=1776\r\n", /* axis-y a4988 16 microstep 42-gear-motor-22-(1710/77) (80*1710)/77 */ "$110=50\r\n", "$111=50\r\n", "$120=25\r\n", "$121=25\r\n", "G90\r\n", "G0 X0 Y0\r\n", }; static int grbl_request(ROT *rot, char *request, uint32_t req_size, char *response, uint32_t *resp_size) { int retval; static int fail_count = 0; rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "req: [%s][%d]\n", request, fail_count); if (rot->caps->rot_model == ROT_MODEL_GRBLTRK_SER || rot->caps->rot_model == ROT_MODEL_GRBLTRK_NET) { //fprintf(stderr, "ctrl by serial/network\n"); if ((retval = write_block(&rot->state.rotport, (unsigned char *)request, req_size)) != RIG_OK) { rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s write_block fail!\n", __func__); //exit(-1); fail_count++; //return RIG_EIO; } else { fail_count = 0; } rig_flush(&rot->state.rotport); usleep(300000); if ((retval = read_string(&rot->state.rotport, (unsigned char *)response, 1024, "\n", 1, 0, 1)) < 0) { rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s read_string fail! (%d) \n", __func__, retval); //exit(-1); fail_count++; //return RIG_EIO; } else { fail_count = 0; } if (fail_count >= 10) { rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s too much xfer fail! exit\n", __func__); exit(-1); } rig_flush(&rot->state.rotport); rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "rsp: [%s]\n", response); //fprintf(stderr, "rsp: [%s]\n", response); *resp_size = retval; } return RIG_OK; } static int grbl_init(ROT *rot) { int i, retval; uint32_t init_count; char rsp[RSIZE]; uint32_t resp_size; /* get total config */ grbl_request(rot, grbl_get_config, strlen(grbl_get_config), rsp, &resp_size); if (strstr(rsp, grbl_init_list[0]) != NULL) { rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s: grbl already configured\n", __func__); return RIG_OK; } init_count = sizeof(grbl_init_list) / sizeof(grbl_init_list[0]); for (i = 0; i < init_count; i++) { rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "grbl_request [%s] ", grbl_init_list[i]); retval = grbl_request(rot, grbl_init_list[i], strlen(grbl_init_list[i]), rsp, &resp_size); //fprintf(stderr, "done\n"); if (retval != RIG_OK) { rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "grbl_request [%s] fail\n", grbl_init_list[i]); return RIG_EIO; } } return RIG_OK; } static int grbltrk_rot_set_position(ROT *rot, azimuth_t curr_az, elevation_t curr_el) { int i; int retval; static float prev_az, prev_el; static float prev_x, curr_x; float x[3], delta[3]; float y; char req[RSIZE] = {0}; char rsp[RSIZE] = {0}; uint32_t rsp_size; float min_value; int min_index; /* az:x: 0 - 360 */ /* el:y: 0 - 90 */ rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s: (prev_x) = (%.3f); (prev_az) = (%.3f); (prev_el) = (%.3f); (curr_az, curr_el) = (%.3f, %.3f)\n", __func__, prev_x, prev_az, prev_el, curr_az, curr_el); /* convert degree to mm, 360 degree = 40mm, 1 degree = 0.111mm */ //x = az * 0.111; //y = el * 0.111; /* 360 -> 0 */ if ((prev_az > 270 && prev_az < 360) && (curr_az > 0 && curr_az < 90)) { rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__); if (prev_x >= XDEGREE2MM(270)) { curr_x = XDEGREE2MM(curr_az) + XDEGREE2MM(360); } else { curr_x = XDEGREE2MM(curr_az); } /* 0 -> 360 */ } else if ((prev_az > 0 && prev_az < 90) && (curr_az > 270 && curr_az < 360)) { rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__); if (prev_x >= XDEGREE2MM(360)) { curr_x = XDEGREE2MM(curr_az); } else { curr_x = XDEGREE2MM(curr_az) - XDEGREE2MM(360); } /* reset */ } else if (curr_az == 0 && curr_el == 0) { rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s: reset\n", __func__); curr_x = 0; } else { rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s:%d prev_x: %.3f\n", __func__, __LINE__, prev_x); x[0] = XDEGREE2MM(curr_az) - XDEGREE2MM(360); x[1] = XDEGREE2MM(curr_az); x[2] = XDEGREE2MM(curr_az) + XDEGREE2MM(360); delta[0] = prev_x - x[0]; delta[1] = prev_x - x[1]; delta[2] = prev_x - x[2]; if (delta[0] < 0) { delta[0] = -1 * delta[0]; } if (delta[1] < 0) { delta[1] = -1 * delta[1]; } if (delta[2] < 0) { delta[2] = -1 * delta[2]; } min_value = delta[0]; min_index = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (delta[i] <= min_value) { min_value = delta[i]; min_index = i; } } curr_x = x[min_index]; rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "min_index: %d; curr_x: %.3f\n", min_index, curr_x); } y = YDEGREE2MM(curr_el); /**/ snprintf(req, sizeof(req), "G0 X%.3f Y%.3f\n", curr_x, y); retval = grbl_request(rot, req, strlen(req), rsp, &rsp_size); if (retval != RIG_OK) { return retval; } prev_az = curr_az; prev_el = curr_el; prev_x = curr_x; return RIG_OK; } static int grbltrk_rot_get_position(ROT *rot, azimuth_t *az, elevation_t *el) { //static char req[RSIZE]; static char rsp[RSIZE]; uint32_t rsp_size; float mpos[3]; char dummy0[256]; char dummy1[256]; int retval; int i; rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s called\n", __func__); //snprintf(req, sizeof(req), "?\r\n"); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { retval = grbl_request(rot, grbl_get_pos, strlen(grbl_get_pos), rsp, &rsp_size); /*FIXME: X Y safe check */ if (retval != RIG_OK) { return retval; } if (strstr(rsp, "MPos") == NULL) { rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s no MPos found, continue\n", __func__); continue; } /* grbl 0.9 mega328p */ /* */ //sscanf(rsp, "%[^','],MPos:%f,%f,%f,WPos:%f,%f,%f,%s", &dummy[0], &mpos[0], &mpos[1], &mpos[2], &wpos[0], &wpos[1], &wpos[2], &dummy[1]); /* grbl 1.3a esp32 */ // sscanf(rsp, "%[^'|']|MPos:%f,%f,%s", dummy0, &mpos[0], &mpos[1], dummy1); //rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s: (%.3f, %.3f) (%.3f, %.3f)\n", __func__, mpos[0], mpos[1], wpos[0], wpos[1]); //*az = (azimuth_t) mpos[0] / 0.111; //*el = (elevation_t) mpos[1] / 0.111; *az = (azimuth_t) mpos[0] * 9; *el = (elevation_t) mpos[1] * 9; if ((*az) < 0) { (*az) = (*az) + 360; } //rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s: (az, el) = (%.3f, %.3f)\n", __func__, *az, *el); rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s: (az, el) = (%.3f, %.3f)\n", __func__, *az, *el); return RIG_OK; } *az = (azimuth_t) 0; *el = (elevation_t) 0; return RIG_OK; } static int grbltrk_rot_set_conf(ROT *rot, token_t token, const char *val) { int i, retval; char req[RSIZE] = {0}; char rsp[RSIZE]; uint32_t resp_size, len; rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "token: %ld; value: [%s]\n", token, val); len = strlen(val); if ((len != 0) && (val[0] == 'G')) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (val[i] == '@') { req[i] = ' '; } else { req[i] = val[i]; } } req[i] = '\n'; len = strlen(req); rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "send gcode [%s]\n", req); retval = grbl_request(rot, req, len, rsp, &resp_size); if (retval < 0) { rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "grbl_request [%s] fail\n", val); return RIG_EIO; } } return RIG_OK; } static int grbltrk_rot_init(ROT *rot) { int r = RIG_OK; rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s:%d rot->caps->rot_model: %d\n", __func__, __LINE__, rot->caps->rot_model); return r; } static int grbl_net_open(ROT *rot, int port) { //network_open(&rot->state.rotport, port); //rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s:%d network_fd: %d\n", __func__, __LINE__, (&rot->state.rotport)->fd); rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s:%d \n", __func__, __LINE__); return 0; } static int grbltrk_rot_open(ROT *rot) { int r = RIG_OK; char host[128] = {0}; //char ip[32]; //int port; //rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s:%d rot->caps->rot_model: %d\n", __func__, __LINE__, rot->caps->rot_model); if (rot->caps->rot_model == ROT_MODEL_GRBLTRK_SER) { rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s:%d ctrl via serial\n", __func__, __LINE__); } else if (rot->caps->rot_model == ROT_MODEL_GRBLTRK_NET) { rot_get_conf(rot, TOK_PATHNAME, host); rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s:%d ctrl via net, host [%s]\n", __func__, __LINE__, host); grbl_net_open(rot, 23); #if 0 if (sscanf(host, "%[^:]:%d", ip, &port) == 2) { grbl_net_open(rot, ip, port); } else { grbl_net_open(rot, NULL, 0); /* use default ip & port */ } #endif } grbl_init(rot); //rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__); return r; } static void grbl_net_close(ROT *rot) { port_close(&rot->state.rotport, RIG_PORT_NETWORK); } static int grbltrk_rot_close(ROT *rot) { int r = RIG_OK; if (rot->caps->rot_model == ROT_MODEL_GRBLTRK_SER) { rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__); } else if (rot->caps->rot_model == ROT_MODEL_GRBLTRK_NET) { rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__); grbl_net_close(rot); } rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__); return r; } /** CNCTRK implements essentially only the set position function. it assumes there is a LinuxCNC running with the Axis GUI */ const struct rot_caps grbltrk_serial_rot_caps = { ROT_MODEL(ROT_MODEL_GRBLTRK_SER), .model_name = "GRBLTRK via Serial", .mfg_name = "BG5DIW", .version = "20220515.0", .copyright = "LGPL", .status = RIG_STATUS_BETA, .rot_type = ROT_TYPE_OTHER, .port_type = RIG_PORT_SERIAL, .serial_rate_min = 9600, .serial_rate_max = 115200, .serial_data_bits = 8, .serial_stop_bits = 1, .serial_parity = RIG_PARITY_NONE, .serial_handshake = RIG_HANDSHAKE_NONE, .write_delay = 0, .post_write_delay = 0, .timeout = 400, .retry = 0, .min_az = 0, .max_az = 360, .min_el = 0, .max_el = 90, .rot_init = grbltrk_rot_init, .rot_open = grbltrk_rot_open, .set_position = grbltrk_rot_set_position, .get_position = grbltrk_rot_get_position, .set_conf = grbltrk_rot_set_conf, }; const struct rot_caps grbltrk_net_rot_caps = { ROT_MODEL(ROT_MODEL_GRBLTRK_NET), .model_name = "GRBLTRK via Net", .mfg_name = "BG5DIW", .version = "20220515.0", .copyright = "LGPL", .status = RIG_STATUS_BETA, .rot_type = ROT_TYPE_OTHER, .port_type = RIG_PORT_NETWORK, /* RIG_PORT_NONE */ //.port_type = RIG_PORT_NONE, /* RIG_PORT_NONE */ .write_delay = 0, .post_write_delay = 0, .timeout = 300, .retry = 0, //.retry = 3, .min_az = 0, .max_az = 360, .min_el = 0, .max_el = 90, .rot_init = grbltrk_rot_init, .rot_open = grbltrk_rot_open, .rot_close = grbltrk_rot_close, .set_position = grbltrk_rot_set_position, .get_position = grbltrk_rot_get_position, .set_conf = grbltrk_rot_set_conf, }; /* ************************************************************************* */ DECLARE_INITROT_BACKEND(grbltrk) { rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "%s: _init called\n", __func__); //rot_debug(RIG_DEBUG_ERR, "%s: _init called\n", __func__); rot_register(&grbltrk_serial_rot_caps); rot_register(&grbltrk_net_rot_caps); return RIG_OK; }