.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*- .\" .\" For layout and available macros, see man(7), man-pages(7), groff_man(7) .\" Please adjust the date whenever revising the manpage. .\" .\" Note: Please keep this page in sync with the source, ampctl.c .\" .TH AMPCTL "1" "2019-12-10" "Hamlib" "Hamlib Utilities" . . .SH NAME . ampctl \- control radio amplifiers . .SH SYNOPSIS . . .SY ampctl .OP \-hiIlLuV .OP \-m id .OP \-r device .OP \-s baud .OP \-t char .OP \-C parm=val .RB [ \-v [ \-Z ]] .RB [ command | \- ] .YS . .SH DESCRIPTION Control radio amplifiers. .B ampctl accepts .B commands from the command line as well as in interactive mode if none are provided on the command line. . .PP Keep in mind that Hamlib is BETA level software. While a lot of backend libraries lack complete amplifier support, the basic functions are usually well supported. . .PP Please report bugs and provide feedback at the e-mail address given in the .B BUGS section below. Patches and code enhancements sent to the same address are welcome. . . .SH OPTIONS . This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax. Short options that take an argument may have the value follow immediately or be separated by a space. Long options starting with two dashes (\(oq\-\(cq) require an \(oq=\(cq between the option and any argument. . .PP Here is a summary of the supported options: . .TP .BR \-m ", " \-\-model = \fIid\fP Select amplifier model number. .IP See model list (use \(lqampctl -l\(rq). .IP .BR Note : .B ampctl (or third party software using the C API) will use amplifier model 2 for .B NET ampctl (communicating with .BR ampctld ). . .TP .BR \-r ", " \-\-amp\-file = \fIdevice\fP Use .I device as the file name of the port connected to the amplifier. .IP Often a serial port, but could be a USB to serial adapter. Typically .IR /dev/ttyS0 ", " /dev/ttyS1 ", " /dev/ttyUSB0 , etc. on Linux, .IR COM1 ", " COM2 , etc. on MS Windows. The BSD flavors and Mac OS/X have their own designations. See your system's documentation. . .TP .BR \-s ", " \-\-serial\-speed = \fIbaud\fP Set serial speed to .I baud rate. .IP Uses maximum serial speed from amplifier backend capabilities (set by .B -m above) as the default. . .TP .BR \-t ", " \-\-send\-cmd\-term = \fIchar\fP Change the termination .I char for text protocol when using the .B send_cmd command. .IP The default value is ASCII CR (\(oq0x0D\(cq). ASCII non-printing characters can be given as the ASCII number in hexadecimal format prepended with \(lq0x\(rq. You may pass an empty string for no termination char. The string \(lq\-1\(rq tells .B ampctl to switch to binary protocol. .IP For example, to specify a command terminator for Kenwood style text commands pass \(lq-t ';'\(rq to ampctl. See .B EXAMPLE below. . .TP .BR \-L ", " \-\-show\-conf List all config parameters for the amplifier defined with .B \-m above. . .TP .BR \-C ", " \-\-set\-conf = \fIparm=val\fP [ \fI,parm=val\fP ] Set amplifier configuration parameter(s), e.g. .IR stop_bits=2 . .IP Use the .B -L option above for a list of configuration parameters for a given model number. . .TP .BR \-u ", " \-\-dump\-caps Dump capabilities for the amplifier defined with .B -m above and exit. . .TP .BR \-l ", " \-\-list List all amplifier model numbers defined in .B Hamlib and exit. .IP The list is sorted by model number. .IP .BR Note : In Linux the list can be scrolled back using .BR Shift-PageUp / Shift-PageDown , or using the scrollbars of a virtual terminal in X or the cmd window in Windows. The output can be piped to .BR more (1) or .BR less (1), e.g. \(lqampctl -l | more\(rq. . .TP .BR \-i ", " \-\-read\-history Read previously saved command and argument history from a file (default .IR $HOME/.ampctl_history ) for the current session. .IP Available when .B ampctl is built with Readline support (see READLINE below). .IP .BR Note : To read a history file stored in another directory, set the .B AMPCTL_HIST_DIR environment variable, e.g. \(lqAMPCTL_HIST_DIR=~/tmp ampctl -i\(rq. When AMPCTL_HIST_DIR is not set, the value of .B HOME is used. . .TP .BR \-I ", " \-\-save\-history Write current session (and previous session(s), if .B -i option is given) command and argument history to a file (default .IR $HOME/.ampctl_history ) at the end of the current session. .IP Complete commands with arguments are saved as a single line to be recalled and used or edited. Available when .B ampctl is built with Readline support (see .B READLINE below). .IP .BR Note : To write a history file in another directory, set the .B AMPCTL_HIST_DIR environment variable, e.g. \(lqAMPCTL_HIST_DIR=~/tmp ampctl -I\)Rq. When AMPCTL_HIST_DIR is not set, the value of .B HOME is used. . .TP .BR \-v ", " \-\-verbose Set verbose mode, cumulative (see .B DIAGNOSTICS below). . .TP .BR \-Z ", " \-\-debug\-time\-stamps Enable time stamps for the debug messages. .IP Use only in combination with the .B -v option as it generates no output on its own. . .TP .BR \-h ", " \-\-help Show a summary of these options and exit. . .TP .BR \-V ", " \-\-version Show version of .B ampctl and exit. . .TP .B \- Stop option processing and read commands from standard input. .IP See .B Standard Input below. . .PP .BR Note : Some options may not be implemented by a given backend and will return an error. This is most likely to occur with the .B \-\-set\-conf and .B \-\-show\-conf options. . .PP Please note that the backend for the amplifier to be controlled, or the amplifier itself may not support some commands. In that case, the operation will fail with a .B Hamlib error code. . . .SH COMMANDS . Commands can be entered either as a single char, or as a long command name. The commands are not prefixed with a dash as the options are. They may be typed in when in interactive mode or provided as argument(s) in command line interface mode. In interactive mode commands and their arguments may be entered on a single line: . .sp .RS 0.5i .EX F 14250000 .EE .RE . .PP Since most of the .B Hamlib operations have a .B set and a .B get method, an upper case letter will often be used for a .B set method whereas the corresponding lower case letter refers to the .B get method. Each operation also has a long name; in interactive mode, prepend a backslash, \(oq\\\(cq, to enter a long command name. . .PP Example: Use \(lq\\dump_caps\(rq to see what capabilities this amplifier and backend support. . .PP .BR Note : The backend for the amplifier to be controlled, or the amplifier itself may not support some commands. In that case, the operation will fail with a .B Hamlib error message. . . .PP A simple example: . .sp .RS 0.5i .EX $ cat <<.EOF. >cmds.txt > # File of commands > F 14250000 > f > l PWRINPUT > l PWRFORWARD > l SWR > \\dump_caps > .EOF. $ ampctl -m1 - ampctl -m 201 -r COM1 -vvvvv .EE .RE . .PP Connect to a running .B ampctld with amplifier model 2 (\(lqNET ampctl\(rq) on the local host and specifying the TCP port, setting frequency and mode: . .sp .RS 0.5i .EX $ ampctl -m 2 -r localhost:4531 F 7253500 .EE .RE . . .SH BUGS . This almost empty section... .PP Report bugs to: .IP .nf .MT hamlib\-developer@lists.sourceforge.net Hamlib Developer mailing list .ME .fi . . .SH COPYING . This file is part of Hamlib, a project to develop a library that simplifies radio, rotator, and amplifier control functions for developers of software primarily of interest to radio amateurs and those interested in radio communications. . .PP Copyright \(co 2000-2011 Stephane Fillod .br Copyright \(co 2000-2018 the Hamlib Group (various contributors) .br Copyright \(co 2010-2019 Nate Bargmann . .PP This is free software; see the file COPYING for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. . . .SH SEE ALSO . .BR less (1), .BR more (1), .BR ampctld (1), .BR hamlib (7) . . .SH COLOPHON . Links to the Hamlib Wiki, Git repository, release archives, and daily snapshot archives: .IP .UR http://www.hamlib.org hamlib.org .UE .