Standart protocol for both El and Az axes. Working with russian Radant version 1.0 - 1.4: Радант AZV-1 Serial port mode 9600 8N1. ------------ Main commands ----------------- means carriage return - Set desired angle: "Qaaa.a eee.e", where aaa.a - azimuth angle value with floating point, eee.e - elevation angle with floating point. - After receiving command 'Q' rotator will send message "ACK" if rotator received correct command, or "ERR", if there were any mistakes. - After reaching destination angle rotator will send "OKaaa.a[.]eee.e" - Request current axes angle command: "Y" without parameters - Rotator will reply: "OKaaa.a[.]eee.e" Command for stop positioning: "S"