.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*- .\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps .\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection .\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1) .TH RIGCTL "1" "February 24, 2007" "Hamlib" "Radio Control Program" .\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage. .\" .\" Some roff macros, for reference: .\" .nh disable hyphenation .\" .hy enable hyphenation .\" .ad l left justify .\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins .\" .nf disable filling .\" .fi enable filling .\" .br insert line break .\" .sp insert n+1 empty lines .\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7) .SH NAME rigctl \- control radio transceivers and receivers .SH SYNOPSIS .B rigctl [\fIOPTION\fR]... [\fICOMMAND\fR]... .SH DESCRIPTION Control radio transceivers and receivers. \fBrigctl\fP accepts \fBcommands\fP from the command line as well as in interactive mode if none are provided on the command line. .PP .\" TeX users may be more comfortable with the \fB\fP and .\" \fI\fP escape sequences to invoke bold face and italics, .\" respectively. Keep in mind that \fBHamlib\fP is BETA level software. While a lot of backend libraries lack complete rig support, the basic functions are usually well supported. The API may change without publicized notice, while an advancement of the minor version (e.g. 1.1.x to 1.2.x) indicates such a change. .PP Please report bugs and provide feedback at the e-mail address given in the REPORTING BUGS section. Patches and code enhancements are also welcome. .SH OPTIONS This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). Here is a summary of the supported options: .TP .B \-m, --model=id Select radio model number. See model list (use 'rigctl -l'). .br NB: \fBrigctl\fP (or third party software) will use rig model 1901 when using \fBrpc.rigd\fP. .TP .B \-r, --rig-file=device Use \fIdevice\fP as the file name of the port the radio is connected. Often a serial port, but could be a USB to serial adapter. Typically /dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyS1, /dev/ttyUSB0, etc. .TP .B \-p, --ptt-file=device Use \fIdevice\fP as the file name of the Push-To-Talk device using a device file as described above. .TP .B \-d, --dcd-file=device Use \fIdevice\fP as the file name of the Data Carrier Detect device using a device file as described above. .TP .B \-P, --ptt-type=type Use \fItype\fP of Push-To-Talk device. Supported types are RIG, DTR, RTS, PARALLEL, NONE. .TP .B \-D, --dcd-type=type Use \fItype\fP of Data Carrier Detect device. Supported types are RIG, DSR, CTS, CD, PARALLEL, NONE. .TP .B \-s, --serial-speed=baud Set serial speed to \fIbaud\fP rate. Uses maximum serial speed from rig backend capabilities as the default. .TP .B \-c, --civaddr=id Use \fIid\fP as the CI-V address to communicate with the rig. Only useful for Icom rigs. .br NB: the \fIid\fP is in decimal notation, unless prefixed by \fI0x\fP, in which case it is hexadecimal. .TP .B \-L, --show-conf List all config parameters for the radio defined with -m above. .TP .B \-C, --set-conf=parm=val[,parm=val]* Set config parameter. e.g. stop_bits=2 .br Use -L option for a list. .TP .B \-l, --list List all model numbers defined in \fBHamlib\fP and exit. .TP .B \-u, --dump-caps Dump capabilities for the radio defined with -m above and exit. .TP .B \-o, --vfo Set vfo mode, requiring an extra VFO argument in front of each appropriate command. Otherwise, VFO_CURR is assumed when this option is not set. .TP .B \-v, --verbose Set verbose mode, cumulative (see DIAGNOSTICS below). .TP .B \-h, --help Show summary of these options and exit. .TP .B \-V, --version Show version of \fBrigctl\fP and exit. .PP \fBN.B.\fP Some options may not be implemented by a given backend and will return an error. This is most likely to occur with the \fI\-\-set-conf\fP and \fI\-\-show-conf\fP options. .pp Please note that the backend for the radio to be controlled, or the radio itself may not support some commands. In that case, the operation will fail with a \fBHamlib\fP error code. .SH COMMANDS Commands can be entered either as a single char, or as a long command name. Basically, the commands do not take a dash in front of them on the command line, as the options do. They may be typed in when in interactive mode or provided as argument(s) in command line interface mode. .PP Since most of the \fBHamlib\fP operations have a \fIset\fP and a \fIget\fP method, an upper case letter will be used for \fIset\fP method whereas the corresponding lower case letter refers to the \fIget\fP method. In interactive mode, prepend a backslash to enter a long command name. .br Example: Use "\\dump_caps" to see what this radio can do. .PP Please note that the backend for the radio to be controlled, or the radio itself may not support some commands. In that case, the operation will fail with a \fBHamlib\fP error message. .PP Here is a summary of the supported commands: .TP .B F, set_freq Set frequency, in Hz. .TP .B f, get_freq Get frequency, in Hz. .TP .B M, set_mode Set mode/passband: AM, FM, CW, CWR, USB, LSB, RTTY, RTTYR, WFM, AMS, PKTLSB, PKTUSB, PKTFM, ECSSUSB, ECSSLSB, FAX, SAM, SAL, SAH, DSB. The passband is the exact passband in Hz, or 0 for the default. .TP .B m, get_mode Get mode/passband. .TP .B V, set_vfo Set VFO: VFOA, VFOB, VFOC, currVFO, VFO, MEM, Main, Sub, TX, RX. .TP .B v, get_vfo Get current VFO. .TP .B J, set_rit Set RIT, in Hz. .TP .B j, get_rit Get RIT, in Hz. .TP .B Z, set_xit Set XIT, in Hz. .TP .B z, get_xit Get XIT, in Hz. .TP .B T, set_ptt Set PTT, 0 or 1. .TP .B t, get_ptt Get PTT status. .TP .B R, set_rptr_shift Set repeater shift: "+", "-" or something else for none. .TP .B r, get_rptr_shift Get repeater shift. .TP .B O, set_rptr_offs Set repeater offset, in Hz. .TP .B o, get_rptr_offs Get repeater offset. .TP .B C, set_ctcss_tone Set CTCSS tone, in tenth of Hz. .TP .B c, get_ctcss_tone Get CTCSS tone, in tenth of Hz. .TP .B D, set_dcs_code Set DCS code. .TP .B d, get_dcs_code Get DCS code. .TP .B I, set_split_freq Set TX frequency, in Hz. .TP .B i, get_split_freq Get TX frequency. .TP .B X, set_split_mode Set transmit mode/passband: AM, FM, CW, CWR, USB, LSB, RTTY, RTTYR, WFM, AMS, PKTLSB, PKTUSB, PKTFM, ECSSUSB, ECSSLSB, FAX, SAM, SAL, SAH, DSB. The passband is the exact passband in Hz, or 0 for the default. .TP .B x, get_split_mode Get transmit mode/passband. .TP .B S, set_split_vfo Set split mode, 0 or 1, and transmit VFO. .TP .B s, get_split_vfo Get split mode and transmit VFO. .TP .B N, set_ts Set tuning step, in Hz. .TP .B n, get_ts Get tuning step. .TP .B U, set_func Set func/status: FAGC, NB, COMP, VOX, TONE, TSQL, SBKIN, FBKIN, ANF, NR, AIP, APF, MON, MN, RF, ARO, LOCK, MUTE, VSC, REV, SQL, ABM, BC, MBC, AFC, SATMODE, SCOPE, RESUME, TBURST, TUNER. .TP .B u, get_func Get func status. .TP .B L, set_level Set level/value: PREAMP, ATT, VOX, AF, RF, SQL, IF, APF, NR, PBT_IN, PBT_OUT, CWPITCH, RFPOWER, MICGAIN, KEYSPD, NOTCHF, COMP, AGC, BKINDL, BAL, METER, VOXGAIN, ANTIVOX. SLOPE_LOW, SLOPE_HIGH, RAWSTR, SQLSTAT, SWR, ALC, STRENGTH. .TP .B l, get_level Get level value. .TP .B P, set_parm Set parm/value: ANN, APO, BACKLIGHT, BEEP, TIME, BAT, KEYLIGHT. .TP .B p, get_parm Get parm value. .TP .B B, set_bank Set bank. .TP .B E, set_mem Set memory channel number. .TP .B e, get_mem Get memory channel number. .TP .B G, vfo_op Perform VFO operation: CPY, XCHG, FROM_VFO, TO_VFO, MCL, UP, DOWN, BAND_UP, BAND_DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, TUNE, TOGGLE. .TP .B g, scan_op Perform scan operation/channel: STOP, MEM, SLCT, PRIO, PROG, DELTA, VFO, PLT. .TP .B H, set_channel Set memory channel data. Not implemented yet. .TP .B h, get_channel Get memory channel data. .TP .B A, set_trn Set transceive mode (reporting event): OFF, RIG, POLL. .TP .B a, get_trn Get transceive mode (reporting event). .TP .B Y, set_ant Set antenna number (0, 1, 2, ..). .TP .B y, get_ant Get antenna number (0, 1, 2, ..). .TP .B *, reset Reset. .TP .B b, send_morse Send morse symbols. .TP .B 0x87, set_powerstat Set power status. .TP .B 0x88, get_powerstat Get power status. .TP .B _, get_info Get misc information about the rig. .TP .B 1, dump_caps Not a real rig remote command, it just dumps capabilities, i.e. what the backend knows about this model, and what it can do. TODO: Ensure this is in a consistent format so it can be read into a hash, dictionary, etc. .TP .B 2, power2mW Converts a power value in a range of \fI0.0 ... 1.0\fP to the real transmit power in milli-Watts. The \fIfrequency\fP and \fImode\fP also need to be provided as output power may vary according to these values. .TP .B w, send_cmd Send raw command string to rig. .br For binary protocols enter values as \\0xAA\\0xBB .SH EXAMPLES Start \fBrigctl\fP for a Yaesu FT-920 using a USB to serial adapter in interactive mode: $ rigctl -m 114 -r /dev/ttyUSB1 Start \fBrigctl\fP for a Yaesu FT-920 using COM1 while generating TRACE output to \fBstderr\fP: $ rigctl -m 114 -r /dev/ttyS0 -vvvvv Start \fBrigctl\fP for a Yaesu FT-920 using a USB to serial adapter while setting baud rate and stop bits: $ rigctl -m 114 -r /dev/ttyUSB1 -s 4800 -C stop_bits=2 Start \fBrigctl\fP using \fBrpc.rigd\fP and setting the frequency and mode: $ rigctl -m 1901 -r localhost F 7253500 M LSB 0 .SH DIAGNOSTICS The \fB-v\fP, \fB--version\fP option allows different levels of diagnostics to be output to \fBstderr\fP and correspond to -v for BUG, -vv for ERR, -vvv for WARN, -vvvv for VERBOSE, or -vvvvv for TRACE. A given verbose level is useful for providing needed debugging information to the email address below. For example, TRACE output shows all of the values sent to and received from the radio which is very useful for radio backend library development and may be requested by the developers. .SH EXIT STATUS \fBrigctl\fP exits with: .br 0 if all operations completed normally; .br 1 if there was an invalid command line option or argument; .br 2 if an error was returned by \fBHamlib\fP. .SH BUGS set_chan has no entry method as of yet, hence left unimplemented. This almost empty section... .SH REPORTING BUGS Report bugs to . .br We are already aware of the bugs in the previous section :-) .SH AUTHORS Written by Stephane Fillod and the Hamlib Group .br . .SH COPYRIGHT Copyright \(co 2000-2007 Stephane Fillod, Frank Singleton, and the Hamlib Group. .br This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. .SH SEE ALSO .BR hamlib (3), .BR rpc.rigd (8)