* Added new rotor module (18) for Meade telescope rotors
* Implemented all needed rotor functions
* Added README.md
* Tested with DS-2000 Rotor with Autostar 494 and 506 serial cable
* Tested on Linux (Debian) with rotctl and gpredict
This flag can be used by back ends that need to take special action
while the rig is transmitting e.g. the FT-747GX and similar that do
not process CAT commands while transmitting.
The flag is also used as a default answer to rig_get_ptt if nothing
better is available.
Deal with inaccurate CAT query for Rx/Tx on the Yaesu FT-847
This rig doesn't set the Rx/Tx status flag when PTT is asserted via
the PTT pin on the rear PACKET socket so we need to override which we
can do if we known we have asserted PTT via rig_set_ptt().
Adjust style and fix set PTT defects
Fix a warning from a declaration of a deleted function definition
Add driver for SPID MD-01 and MD-02 in ROT2 mode. The MD-01 and MD-02
extend the command set from the original ROT2PROG and deviate slightly
from the original protocol on the set_position command.
This change allows the set_mode functions to leave the rig passband
unchanged if required. For the few rigs that do not have explcit
passband width control either current state is read and rewritten or a
"normal" width is chosen e.g. select a normal width when there is a
choice like CW and CW-NARROW.
CAT protocols that don't allow direct addressing of VFOs require that
the "other" VFO be queried or set via a select then get/set then
select back to original or swap then get/set then swap again. When
both frequncy and mode need to be set the sequences can be optimized
if a single funciton is avaiable.
This enhancement adds those single functions rig_set_split_freq_mode()
and rig_get_split_freq_mode() with a default impelementation that
calls the individual rig_{get,set}_split_{freq,mode}() functions. Back
ends can choose to implement an optimized version which is used
instead of the default if present.
Using these functions when an optimized implementation is available
allows the TX VFO's frequency and mode to be set in a single operation
with only one VFO exchange or selection either side of the
operation. Many CAT protocols are very efficient when getting or
setting both frequency and mode and some even combine the two in a
single command.
The letters 'K' and 'k' are used for the rigctl short command name for
these functions.