Added init/cleanup functions, started implementation of mem/channel access functions

git-svn-id: 7ae35d74-ebe9-4afe-98af-79ac388436b8
Larry Gadallah, VE6VQ 2010-01-08 06:28:16 +00:00
rodzic 3ca875554c
commit e4ad26d621
1 zmienionych plików z 347 dodań i 29 usunięć

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@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <hamlib/rig.h>
#include "hamlib/rig.h"
#include "ar7030p.h"
#include "serial.h"
#include "idx_builtin.h"
@ -119,9 +120,226 @@ static const struct ar7030p_priv_caps ar7030p_priv_caps = {
.chan_num = 0,
#define NB_CHAN 400 /* see caps->chan_list */
struct ar7030p_priv_data
vfo_t curr_vfo;
vfo_t last_vfo; /* VFO A or VFO B, when in MEM mode */
powerstat_t powerstat;
int bank;
value_t parms[ RIG_SETTING_MAX ];
channel_t *curr; /* points to vfo_a, vfo_b or mem[] */
channel_t vfo_a;
channel_t vfo_b;
channel_t mem[ NB_CHAN ];
struct ext_list *ext_parms;
static const struct confparams ar7030p_ext_levels[] =
{ TOK_EL_MAGICLEVEL, "MGL", "Magic level", "Magic level, as an example",
NULL, RIG_CONF_NUMERIC, { .n = { 0, 1, .001 } } },
{ TOK_EL_MAGICFUNC, "MGF", "Magic func", "Magic function, as an example",
{ TOK_EL_MAGICOP, "MGO", "Magic Op", "Magic Op, as an example",
static const struct confparams ar7030p_ext_parms[] =
{ TOK_EP_MAGICPARM, "MGP", "Magic parm", "Magic parameter, as an example",
NULL, RIG_CONF_NUMERIC, { .n = { 0, 1, .001 } } },
/* TODO - move this somewhere where it belongs */
static unsigned int filterTab[ 6 + 1 ] = { 0 };
static void init_chan(RIG *rig, vfo_t vfo, channel_t *chan)
assert( NULL != rig );
assert( NULL != chan );
chan->channel_num = 0;
chan->vfo = vfo;
strcpy( chan->channel_desc, rig_strvfo( vfo ) );
chan->freq = MHz( 10 );
chan->mode = RIG_MODE_AM;
chan->width = rig_passband_normal( rig, RIG_MODE_AM );
chan->tuning_step = 110;
chan->funcs = (setting_t) 0;
memset( chan->levels, 0, RIG_SETTING_MAX * sizeof( value_t ) );
static struct ext_list *alloc_init_ext( const struct confparams *cfp )
struct ext_list *elp;
int i, nb_ext;
assert( NULL != cfp );
for ( nb_ext = 0; !RIG_IS_EXT_END(cfp[nb_ext]); nb_ext++ )
elp = calloc( ( nb_ext + 1 ), sizeof( struct ext_list ) );
if ( !elp )
return NULL;
for ( i = 0; !RIG_IS_EXT_END(cfp[i]); i++ )
elp[i].token = cfp[i].token;
/* value reset already by calloc */
/* last token in array is set to 0 by calloc */
return elp;
static struct ext_list *find_ext( struct ext_list *elp, token_t token )
int i;
for ( i = 0; elp[ i ].token != 0; i++ )
if ( elp[ i ].token == token )
return &( elp[ i ] );
return NULL;
static int ar7030p_init( RIG *rig )
struct ar7030p_priv_data *priv;
int rc = RIG_OK;
int i;
assert( NULL != rig );
rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE,"%s called\n", __func__);
priv = (struct ar7030p_priv_data *)
malloc( sizeof( struct ar7030p_priv_data ) );
if (!priv)
rig->state.priv = (void *) priv;
rig->state.rigport.type.rig = RIG_PORT_SERIAL;
priv->powerstat = RIG_POWER_ON;
priv->bank = 0;
memset(priv->parms, 0, RIG_SETTING_MAX * sizeof( value_t ) );
memset(priv->mem, 0, sizeof( priv->mem ) );
for ( i = 0; i < NB_CHAN; i++ )
priv->mem[ i ].channel_num = i;
priv->mem[ i ].vfo = RIG_VFO_MEM;
priv->mem[ i ].ext_levels = alloc_init_ext( ar7030p_ext_levels );
if ( !priv->mem[ i ].ext_levels )
if ( RIG_OK == rc )
priv->vfo_a.ext_levels = alloc_init_ext( ar7030p_ext_levels );
if ( !priv->vfo_a.ext_levels )
return -RIG_ENOMEM;
priv->vfo_b.ext_levels = alloc_init_ext( ar7030p_ext_levels );
if ( !priv->vfo_b.ext_levels )
return -RIG_ENOMEM;
priv->ext_parms = alloc_init_ext( ar7030p_ext_parms );
if ( !priv->ext_parms )
return -RIG_ENOMEM;
init_chan(rig, RIG_VFO_A, &priv->vfo_a);
init_chan(rig, RIG_VFO_B, &priv->vfo_b);
priv->curr = &priv->vfo_a;
priv->curr_vfo = priv->last_vfo = RIG_VFO_A;
return( rc );
static int ar7030p_cleanup( RIG *rig )
struct ar7030p_priv_data *priv = (struct ar7030p_priv_data *) rig->state.priv;
int rc = RIG_OK;
int i;
assert( NULL != rig );
rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE,"%s called\n", __FUNCTION__);
for ( i = 0; i < NB_CHAN; i++ )
free( priv->mem[ i ].ext_levels );
free( priv->vfo_a.ext_levels );
free( priv->vfo_b.ext_levels );
free( priv->ext_parms );
if (rig->state.priv)
free( rig->state.priv );
rig->state.priv = NULL;
return( rc );
* /brief Open I/O to receiver
@ -978,20 +1196,40 @@ static int ar7030p_get_parm( RIG * rig, setting_t parm, value_t * val )
static int ar7030p_set_mem( RIG * rig, vfo_t vfo, int ch )
int rc = -RIG_ENIMPL;
int rc = -RIG_OK;
assert( NULL != rig );
struct ar7030p_priv_data *priv = (struct ar7030p_priv_data *) rig->state.priv;
if ( RIG_VFO_MEM == priv->curr_vfo )
priv->curr = &priv->mem[ ch ];
priv->curr->channel_num = ch;
rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "%s: ch %d\n", __func__, ch);
return ( rc );
static int ar7030p_get_mem( RIG * rig, vfo_t vfo, int *ch )
int rc = -RIG_ENIMPL;
int rc = -RIG_OK;
assert( NULL != rig );
assert( NULL != ch );
struct ar7030p_priv_data *priv = (struct ar7030p_priv_data *) rig->state.priv;
channel_t *curr = priv->curr;
*ch = curr->channel_num;
rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "%s: ch %d\n", __func__, *ch);
return ( rc );
@ -1264,36 +1502,114 @@ static int ar7030p_set_channel( RIG * rig, const channel_t * chan )
static int ar7030p_get_channel( RIG * rig, channel_t * chan )
int rc = RIG_OK;
unsigned char v;
unsigned int f;
unsigned char *p = NULL;
int ch;
int i;
assert( NULL != rig );
assert( NULL != chan );
chan->vfo = RIG_VFO_MEM;
chan->ant = RIG_ANT_NONE;
chan->freq = 0;
chan->mode = RIG_MODE_NONE;
chan->width = RIG_PASSBAND_NORMAL;
chan->tx_freq = 0;
chan->tx_mode = RIG_MODE_NONE;
chan->tx_width = RIG_PASSBAND_NORMAL;
chan->split = RIG_SPLIT_OFF;
chan->tx_vfo = RIG_VFO_NONE;
chan->rptr_shift = RIG_RPT_SHIFT_NONE;
chan->rptr_offs = 0;
chan->tuning_step = 0;
chan->rit = 0;
chan->xit = 0;
chan->funcs = 0;
chan->levels[rig_setting2idx(RIG_LEVEL_AGC)].i = RIG_AGC_OFF;
chan->levels[rig_setting2idx(RIG_LEVEL_ATT)].i = 0;
chan->ctcss_tone = 0;
chan->ctcss_sql = 0;
chan->dcs_code = 0;
chan->dcs_sql = 0;
chan->scan_group = 0;
chan->flags = RIG_CHFLAG_SKIP;
strcpy(chan->channel_desc, "");
struct ar7030p_priv_data *priv = (struct ar7030p_priv_data *)rig->state.priv;
channel_t *curr = priv->curr;
ch = curr->channel_num;
return ( -RIG_ENIMPL );
rig_debug( RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "%s: chan %d\n", __func__, curr->channel_num );
rc = lockRx( rig, LOCK_1 );
if ( RIG_OK == rc )
/* Squelch values */
if ( 100 > ch )
rc = readByte( rig, BBRAM, (MEM_SQ + ch), &v ); /* mem_sq */
else if ( 176 > ch )
rc = readByte( rig, EEPROM2, (MEX_SQ + (ch * 16) ), &v ); /* mex_sq */
rc = readByte( rig, EEPROM3, (MEY_SQ + ((ch - 176) * 16) ), &v ); /* mey_sq */
if ( RIG_OK == rc )
chan->levels[ RIG_LEVEL_SQL ].f = (float) v / 255.0;
rig_debug( RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "%s: sql %d\n", __func__, v );
/* Frequency, mode and filter values */
if ( 100 > ch )
rc = read3Bytes( rig, EEPROM1, (MEM_FR + (ch * 4) ), &f ); /* mem_fr */
rc = readByte( rig, EEPROM1, (MEM_MD + (ch * 4) ), &v ); /* mem_md */
rc = read3Bytes( rig, EEPROM2, (MEX_FR + ((ch - 100) * 4) ), &f ); /* mex_fr */
rc = readByte( rig, EEPROM2, (MEX_MD + ((ch - 100) * 4) ), &v ); /* mex_md */
if ( RIG_OK == rc )
chan->freq = ddsToHz( f );
chan->mode = modeToHamlib( ( v & 0x07 ) );
chan->width = getFilterBW( rig, ( ( v & 0x70 ) >> 4 ) );
/* lockout = ( ( v & 0x80 ) >> 7 ); */
rig_debug( RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "%s: freq %f\n", __func__, chan->freq );
rig_debug( RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "%s: mode %d\n", __func__, chan->mode );
rig_debug( RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "%s: width %d\n", __func__, chan->width );
/* PBT values */
if ( 100 > ch )
rc = readByte( rig, EEPROM1, (MEM_PB + ch), &v ); /* mem_pb */
else if ( 176 > ch )
rc = readByte( rig, EEPROM2, (MEX_PB + (ch * 16)), &v ); /* mex_pb */
rc = readByte( rig, EEPROM3, (MEY_PB + ((ch - 176) * 16)), &v ); /* mey_pb */
if ( RIG_OK == rc )
chan->levels[ RIG_LEVEL_PBT_IN ].i = (int) v;
rig_debug( RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "%s: pbt %d\n", __func__, v );
/* Memory ID values */
p = (unsigned char *) chan->channel_desc;
for ( i = 0; i < 14; i++ )
if ( 176 > ch )
rc = readByte( rig, EEPROM2, (MEX_ID + (ch * 16) + i), p++ ); /* mex_id */
rc = readByte( rig, EEPROM3, (MEY_ID + ((ch - 176) * 16) + i), p++ ); /* mey_id */
if ( RIG_OK != rc )
p = (unsigned char *) chan->channel_desc;
*p++ = '\0';
rig_debug( RIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE, "%s: id %s\n", __func__, chan->channel_desc );
rc = lockRx( rig, LOCK_0 );
return ( rc );
const struct rig_caps ar7030p_caps = {
@ -1426,6 +1742,8 @@ const struct rig_caps ar7030p_caps = {
.cfgparams = NULL,
.priv = ( void * ) &ar7030p_priv_caps,
.rig_init = ar7030p_init,
.rig_cleanup = ar7030p_cleanup,
.rig_open = ar7030p_open,
.rig_close = ar7030p_close,
.set_freq = ar7030p_set_freq,