Use loop to ensure RS-HFIQ hears first command. Closes #730

Chuck Ritola 2021-07-13 00:07:23 -04:00
rodzic 28c8b5a502
commit d5231ec0da
1 zmienionych plików z 15 dodań i 22 usunięć

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@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
#include "hamlib/rig.h"
#include "serial.h"
static int rshfiq_open(RIG *rig)
@ -79,37 +80,29 @@ static int rshfiq_open(RIG *rig)
snprintf(versionstr, sizeof(versionstr), "*w\r");
rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_TRACE, "%s: cmdstr = %s\n", __func__, versionstr);
retval = write_block(&rig->state.rigport, versionstr, strlen(versionstr));
if (retval != RIG_OK)
//There is a delay between when the port is open and the RS-HFIQ can receive and respond.
//Make a few attempts at getting the version string just in case the RS-HFIQ has to catch up first.
retval = -RIG_ETIMEOUT;
for (int init_retry_count = 0; (init_retry_count < RSHFIQ_INIT_RETRY) && (retval == -RIG_ETIMEOUT); init_retry_count++)
return retval;
retval = read_string(&rig->state.rigport, versionstr, 20, stopset, 2);
if (retval <= 0)
// Just one retry if the arduino is just booting
snprintf(versionstr, sizeof(versionstr), "*w\r");
rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_TRACE, "%s: cmdstr = %s\n", __func__, versionstr);
retval = write_block(&rig->state.rigport, versionstr, strlen(versionstr));
if (retval != RIG_OK)
return retval;
retval = read_string(&rig->state.rigport, versionstr, 20, stopset, 2);
if (retval <= 0)
return retval;
if (retval <= 0)
return retval;
versionstr[retval] = 0;
rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_TRACE, "%s: Rigversion = %s\n", __func__, versionstr);