Fix IC9700 return to VFOA when in split instead of Main

Michael Black 2020-03-05 17:22:51 -06:00
rodzic 59e92ab829
commit 30a8a690ca
1 zmienionych plików z 3 dodań i 2 usunięć

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@ -3610,7 +3610,8 @@ int icom_set_split_freq(RIG *rig, vfo_t vfo, freq_t tx_freq)
// Then we return the VFO to where it was
// Then we return the VFO to where it was
if (save_vfo == RIG_VFO_MAIN && priv->split_on) save_vfo = RIG_VFO_A;
rig_debug(RIG_DEBUG_TRACE, "%s: SATMODE rig so setting vfo to %s\n", __func__,
@ -6540,7 +6541,7 @@ static int set_vfo_curr(RIG *rig, vfo_t vfo, vfo_t curr_vfo)
/* This method works also in memory mode(RIG_VFO_MEM) */
// first time we will set default to VFOA or Main as
// So if you ask for frequency or such without setting VFO first you'll get VFOA
// So if you ask for frequency or such without setting VFO first you'll get Main/VFOA
if (priv->curr_vfo == RIG_VFO_NONE && vfo == RIG_VFO_CURR)