Merge pull request #706 from N0NB/doxygen_work

Doxygen work
Nate Bargmann 2021-05-18 22:52:08 -05:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
commit 03352f298f
Nie znaleziono w bazie danych klucza dla tego podpisu
ID klucza GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
3 zmienionych plików z 115 dodań i 37 usunięć

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@ -5,9 +5,41 @@ dist_man_MANS = man1/ampctl.1 man1/ampctld.1 \
man1/rigswr.1 man1/rotctl.1 man1/rotctld.1 man1/rigctlcom.1 \
man7/hamlib.7 man7/hamlib-primer.7 man7/hamlib-utilities.7
SRCDOCLST = ../src/rig.c ../src/rotator.c ../src/tones.c ../src/locator.c \
../src/event.c ../src/conf.c ../src/mem.c ../src/settings.c
../include/hamlib/amplifier.h \
../include/hamlib/amplist.h \
../include/hamlib/rig.h \
../include/hamlib/rotator.h \
../include/hamlib/rotlist.h \
../src/amp_conf.c \
../src/amp_settings.c \
../src/amplifier.c \
../src/cal.c \
../src/cm108.c \
../src/conf.c \
../src/debug.c \
../src/event.c \
../src/ext.c \
../src/extamp.c \
../src/locator.c \
../src/mem.c \
../src/misc.c \
../src/network.c \
../src/parallel.c \
../src/rig.c \
../src/rot_conf.c \
../src/rot_ext.c \
../src/rot_settings.c \
../src/rotator.c \
../src/tones.c \
../src/serial.c \
../src/settings.c \
../src/sleep.c \
../src/token.h \
../src/tones.c \
# Just the file names, the paths are assigned below.

Wyświetl plik

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
* \file cal.c
* \brief Calibration routines
* \brief Calibration routines.
@ -41,17 +41,24 @@
* \brief Convert raw data to a calibrated integer value, according to table
* \param rawval input value
* \param cal calibration table
* \return calibrated integer value
* cal_table_t is a data type suited to hold linear calibration
* cal_table_t.size tell the number of plot cal_table_t.table contains
* \brief Convert raw data to a calibrated integer value, according to a
* calibration table.
* \param rawval Input value.
* \param cal Calibration table,
* cal_table_t is a data type suited to hold linear calibration.
* cal_table_t.size is the number of plots cal_table_t.table contains.
* If a value is below or equal to cal_table_t.table[0].raw,
* rig_raw2val() will return cal_table_t.table[0].val
* If a value is greater or equal to cal_table_t.table[cal_table_t.size-1].raw,
* rig_raw2val() will return cal_table_t.table[cal_table_t.size-1].val
* rig_raw2val() will return cal_table_t.table[0].val.
* If a value is greater or equal to
* cal_table_t.table[cal_table_t.size-1].raw, rig_raw2val() will return
* cal_table_t.table[cal_table_t.size-1].val.
* \return Calibrated integer value.
float HAMLIB_API rig_raw2val(int rawval, const cal_table_t *cal)
@ -111,18 +118,26 @@ float HAMLIB_API rig_raw2val(int rawval, const cal_table_t *cal)
return cal->table[i].val - interpolation;
* \brief Convert raw data to a calibrated floating-point value, according to table
* \param rawval input value
* \param cal calibration table
* \return calibrated floating-point value
* cal_table_float_t is a data type suited to hold linear calibration
* cal_table_float_t.size tell the number of plot cal_table_t.table contains
* \brief Convert raw data to a calibrated floating-point value, according to
* a calibration table.
* \param rawval Input value.
* \param cal Calibration table.
* cal_table_float_t is a data type suited to hold linear calibration.
* cal_table_float_t.size tell the number of plot cal_table_t.table contains.
* If a value is below or equal to cal_table_float_t.table[0].raw,
* rig_raw2val_float() will return cal_table_float_t.table[0].val
* If a value is greater or equal to cal_table_float_t.table[cal_table_float_t.size-1].raw,
* rig_raw2val_float() will return cal_table_float_t.table[cal_table_float_t.size-1].val
* rig_raw2val_float() will return cal_table_float_t.table[0].val.
* If a value is greater or equal to
* cal_table_float_t.table[cal_table_float_t.size-1].raw, rig_raw2val_float()
* will return cal_table_float_t.table[cal_table_float_t.size-1].val.
* \return calibrated floating-point value
float HAMLIB_API rig_raw2val_float(int rawval, const cal_table_float_t *cal)

Wyświetl plik

@ -26,8 +26,11 @@
* \brief CM108 GPIO
* \file cm108.c
* \brief CM108 GPIO support.
* CM108 Audio chips found on many USB audio interfaces have controllable
* General Purpose Input/Output pins.
# include "config.h"
@ -73,9 +76,15 @@
* \brief Open CM108 HID port (/dev/hidrawX)
* \param port
* \return file descriptor
* \brief Open CM108 HID port (/dev/hidraw<i>X</i>).
* \param port The port structure.
* \return File descriptor, otherwise a **negative value** if an error
* occurred (in which case, cause is set appropriately).
* \retval RIG_EINVAL The port pathname is empty or no CM108 device detected.
* \retval RIG_EIO The `open`(2) system call returned a **negative value**.
int cm108_open(hamlib_port_t *port)
@ -144,8 +153,14 @@ int cm108_open(hamlib_port_t *port)
* \brief Close CM108 HID port
* \param port
* \brief Close a CM108 HID port.
* \param port The port structure
* \return Zero if the port was closed successfully, otherwise -1 if an error
* occurred (in which case, the system `errno`(3) is set appropriately).
* \sa The `close`(2) system call.
int cm108_close(hamlib_port_t *port)
@ -156,10 +171,18 @@ int cm108_close(hamlib_port_t *port)
* \brief Set or unset Push to talk bit on CM108 GPIO
* \param p
* \param pttx RIG_PTT_ON --> Set PTT
* \return RIG_OK or < 0 error
* \brief Set or unset the Push To Talk bit on a CM108 GPIO.
* \param p The port structure.
* \param pttx RIG_PTT_ON --> Set PTT, else unset PTT.
* \return RIG_OK on success, otherwise a **negative value** if an error
* occurred (in which case, cause is set appropriately).
* \retval RIG_OK Setting or unsetting the PTT was successful.
* \retval RIG_EINVAL The file descriptor is invalid or the PTT type is
* unsupported.
* \retval RIG_EIO The `write`(2) system call returned a **negative value**.
int cm108_ptt_set(hamlib_port_t *p, ptt_t pttx)
@ -232,10 +255,17 @@ int cm108_ptt_set(hamlib_port_t *p, ptt_t pttx)
* \brief Get state of Push to Talk from CM108 GPIO
* \param p
* \param pttx return value (must be non NULL)
* \return RIG_OK or < 0 error
* \brief Get the state of Push To Talk from a CM108 GPIO.
* \param p The port structure.
* \param pttx Return value (must be non NULL).
* \return RIG_OK on success, otherwise a **negative value** if an error
* occurred (in which case, cause is set appropriately).
* \retval RIG_OK Getting the PTT state was successful.
* \retval RIG_ENIMPL Getting the state is not yet implemented.
* \retval RIG_ENAVAIL Getting the state is not available for this PTT type.
int cm108_ptt_get(hamlib_port_t *p, ptt_t *pttx)
@ -259,6 +289,7 @@ int cm108_ptt_get(hamlib_port_t *p, ptt_t *pttx)
return RIG_OK;
// Not referenced anywhere