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* Hamlib AOR backend - AR7030 Plus description
* Copyright (c) 2000-2010 by Stephane Fillod & Fritz Melchert
* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 by Larry Gadallah (VE6VQ)
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef _AR7030P_H
#define _AR7030P_H 1
#include "hamlib/rig.h"
#include "token.h"
AR-7030 Computer remote control protocol.
Information for firmware releases 1.1A, 1.2A, 1.4A and 1.4B
1) Remote control overview.
The AR-7030 receiver allows remote control of all of its functions by means
of a direct memory access system. A controlling computer can read and modify
the internal memory maps of the receiver to set required parameters and then
call for the receiver's control program to process the new settings. Commands
to the receiver are byte structured in binary format, so it is not possible
to control from a terminal.
All multi-byte numbers within the receiver are binary, stored MSB first.
2) Receiver frequency configuration.
Receive frequency is set by two oscillators - local and carrier. In AM and FM
modes the carrier oscillator is not used, and the final IF frequency is 455
kHz. In Sync mode the carrier oscillator is offset by +20.29kHz before mixing
with the IF.
The IF frequencies have a fixed inter-conversion frequency of 44.545MHz and,
because of the high-side local oscillator, both IF's are inverted.
The receiver controller processes the following variables to establish the
tuned frequency :-
[local offset] Frequency shift applied to local oscillator.
[carrier offset] 455.00kHz for LSB, USB, Data and CW modes /
434.71kHz for Sync mode.
[filter offset] IF Filter frequency at the (vestigial) carrier position as an
offset from 455kHz.
[PBS] User set filter shift.
[BFO] User set offset between carrier position and frequency display.
[TUNE] Receiver tuned frequency as shown on display.
The relationship between these variables and the tuning is as follows :-
[carrier offset] + [filter offset] + [PBS] + [BFO] ==> Carrier oscillator
45.000MHz + [filter offset] + [PBS] ==> [local offset]
[TUNE] + [local offset] ==> Local oscillator
3) Serial data protocol.
All data transfers are at 1200 baud, No parity, 8 bits, 1 stop bit
(1200 N 8 1). There is no hardware or software flow control other than that
inherent in the command structure. The receiver can accept data at any time at
full rate provided the IR remote controller is not used or is disabled.
A maximum of one byte can be transmitted for each byte received, so data flow
into a controlling computer is appropriately limited.
Each byte sent to the receiver is a complete command - it is best thought of
as two hexadecimal digits - the first digit is the operation code, the second
digit is 4-bits of data relating to the operation. Because the receiver
operates with 8-bit bytes, intermediate 4-bit values are stored in registers
in the receiver for recombination and processing. For example to write into the
receiver's memory, the following steps would be followed:-
a) Send address high order 4-bits into H-register
b) Send address low order 4-bits and set Address register
c) Send first data byte high order 4-bits into H-register
d) Send first data byte low order 4-bits and execute Write Data Operation
e) Send second data byte high order 4-bits into H-register
f) Send second data byte low order 4-bits and execute Write Data Operation
g) Repeat (e) and (f) for each subsequent byte to be written.
4) Memory organisation.
Different memory areas in the receiver are referenced by selecting Pages -
up to 16 pages are supported.
The memory is broadly divided into 3 sections :-
a) Working memory - where all current operating variables are stored and
registers and stack are located. This memory is volatile and data is lost
when power to the receiver is removed.
b) Battery sustained memory - where duplicate parameters are stored for
retention when power is removed. This memory area is also used for storage
of filter parameters, setup memories and squelch and BFO settings for the
frequency memories and contains the real time clock registers.
c) EEPROM - where frequency, mode, filter and PBS information for the
frequency memories is stored. Additionally S-meter and IF calibration values
are stored here. This memory can be read or written to download and upload
the receiver's frequency memories, but repetitive writing should be avoided
because the memory devices will only support a finite number of write cycles.
5) Variations between A and B types and firmware revisions.
Type A firmware supports only basic receiver functions, type B extends
operations and includes support for the Notch / Noise Blanker option.
The whole of the type A memory map is retained in type B, but more
memory and operations are added for the extended functions of type B.
In the following information, circled note numbers are included to indicate
where items are specific to one type or revision of the firmware:-
<1> Applicable to type B firmware only.
<2> Applicable to revision 1.4 only, types A and B
<3> Function is changed or added to in type B
6) Operation codes.
The high order 4-bits of each byte sent to the receiver is the operation code,
the low order 4-bits is data (shown here as x) :-
Code Ident Operation
0x NOP No Operation
3x SRH Set H-register x => H-register (4-bits)
5x PGE Set page x => Page register (4-bits)
4x ADR Set address 0Hx => Address register (12-bits)
0 => H-register
1x ADH Set address high x => Address register (high 4-bits)
6x WRD Write data Hx => [Page, Address]
Address register + 1 => Address register
0 => H-register,
0 => Mask register
9x MSK <1> Set mask Hx => Mask register
0 => H-register
2x EXE Execute routine x
Ax BUT <1> Operate button x
7x RDD Read data [Page, Address] => Serial output
Address register + x => Address register
8x LOC Set lock level x
#if 1
#define NOP(x) (unsigned char) ( 0x00 | ( 0x0f & (x) ) )
#define SRH(x) (unsigned char) ( 0x30 | ( 0x0f & (x) ) )
#define PGE(x) (unsigned char) ( 0x50 | ( 0x0f & (x) ) )
#define ADR(x) (unsigned char) ( 0x40 | ( 0x0f & (x) ) )
#define ADH(x) (unsigned char) ( 0x10 | ( 0x0f & (x) ) )
#define WRD(x) (unsigned char) ( 0x60 | ( 0x0f & (x) ) )
#define MSK(x) (unsigned char) ( 0x90 | ( 0x0f & (x) ) )
#define EXE(x) (unsigned char) ( 0x20 | ( 0x0f & (x) ) )
#define BUT(x) (unsigned char) ( 0xa0 | ( 0x0f & (x) ) )
#define RDD(x) (unsigned char) ( 0x70 | ( 0x0f & (x) ) )
#define LOC(x) (unsigned char) ( 0x80 | ( 0x0f & (x) ) )
#endif // 0
enum OPCODE_e
op_NOP = 0x00,
op_SRH = 0x30,
op_PGE = 0x50,
op_ADR = 0x40,
op_ADH = 0x10,
op_WRD = 0x60,
op_MSK = 0x90,
op_EXE = 0x20,
op_BUT = 0xa0,
op_RDD = 0x70,
op_LOC = 0x80
Note that the H-register is zeroed after use, and that the high order 4-bits
of the Address register must be set (if non-zero) after the low order 8-bits.
The Address register is automatically incremented by one after a write data
operation and by x after a read data operation. When writing to any of the
EEPROM memory pages a time of 10ms per byte has to be allowed. For this reason
it is recommended that instructions SRH and WRD are always used together
(even if the SRH is not needed) since this will ensure that the EEPROM has
sufficient time to complete its write cycle.
Additionally to allow time for local receiver memory updates and SNC detector
sampling in addition to the EEPROM write cycle, it is recommended to lock the
receiver to level 2 or 3, or add a NOP instruction after each write. This is
not required for firmware revision 1.4 but locking is still recommended.
The mask operation helps with locations in memory that are shared by two
parameters and aids setting and clearing bits. The mask operates only in
Page 0.
If bits in the mask are set, then a following write operation will leave the
corresponding bits unchanged. The mask register is cleared after a write so
that subsequent writes are processed normally. Because it defaults to zero at
reset, the mask is inoperative unless specifically set.
The operate button instruction uses the same button codes as are returned
from routine 15 (see section 8), with an additional code of zero which
operates the power button, but will not switch the receiver off. Also code
0 will switch the receiver on (from standby state).
7) Memory pages.
Page 0 Working memory (RAM) 256 bytes.
Page 1 Battery sustained memory (RAM) 256 bytes.
Page 2 Non-volatile memory (EEPROM) 512 bytes.
Page 3 <1> Non-volatile memory (EEPROM) 4096 bytes.
Page 4 <1> Non-volatile memory (EEPROM) 4096 bytes.
Pages 5 - 14 Not assigned.
Page 15 Receiver Ident (ROM) 8 bytes.
enum PAGE_e
NONE = -1,
BBRAM = 1,
EEPROM1 = 2,
EEPROM2 = 3,
EEPROM3 = 4,
ROM = 15
The ident is divided into model number (5 bytes), software revision (2 bytes)
and type letter (1 byte).
e.g. 7030_14A => Model AR-7030, revision 1.4, type letter A.
8) Lock levels.
Level 0 Normal operation.
Level 1 IR remote control disabled.
Front panel buttons ignored.
Front panel spin-wheels logged but not actioned.
Display update (frequency & S-meter) continues.
Level 2 As level 1, but display update suspended.
In revisions before 1.4 squelch operation is inhibited, which results in
no audio output after a mode change. In revision 1.4 squelch operation
continues and mode changing is as expected.
Level 3 Remote operation exclusively.
Lock level 1 is recommended during any multi-byte reads or writes of the
receiver's memory to prevent data contention between internal and remote
memory access. See also EEPROM notes in section (6)
enum LOCK_LVL_e
LOCK_0 = 0,
LOCK_1 = 1,
LOCK_2 = 2,
LOCK_3 = 3,
8) Routines.
Routine 0 Reset Setup receiver as at switch-on.
Routine 1 Set frequency Program local oscillator from frequ area and
setup RF filters and oscillator range.
Routine 2 Set mode Setup from mode byte in memory and display mode,
select preferred filter and PBS, BFO values etc.
Routine 3 Set passband Setup all IF parameters from filter, pbsval and
bfoval bytes.
Routine 4 Set all Set all receiver parameters from current memory values.
Routine 5 <2> Set audio Setup audio controller from memory register values.
Routine 6 <2> Set RF-IF Setup RF Gain, IF Gain and AGC speed. Also sets Notch
Filter and Noise Blanker if these options are fitted.
Routine 7 Not assigned
Routine 8 Not assigned
Routine 9 Direct Rx control Program control register from rxcon area.
Routine 10 Direct DDS control Program local oscillator and carrier
oscillator DDS systems from wbuff area.
The 32-bits at wbuff control the carrier frequency,
value is 385674.4682 / kHz. The 32 bits at wbuff+4 control
the local osc frequency, value is 753270.4456 / MHz.
Routine 11 Display menus Display menus from menu1 and menu2 bytes.
Routine 12 Display frequency Display frequency from frequ area.
Routine 13 Display buffer Display ASCII data in wbuff area. First byte is
display address, starting at 128 for the top line and 192
for the bottom line. An address value of 1 clears the display.
Data string (max length 24 characters) ends with a zero byte.
Routine 14 Read signal strength Transmits byte representing received
signal strength (read from AGC voltage). Output is 8-bit
binary in range 0 to 255.
Routine 15 Read buttons Transmits byte indicating state of front panel
buttons. Output is 8-bit binary with an offset of +48
(i.e. ASCII numbers). Buttons held continuously will only be
registered once.
enum ROUTINE_e
RESET = 0,
SET_ALL = 4,
Button codes :-
0 = None pressed 5 = RF-IF button
1 = Mode up button 6 = Memory button
2 = Mode down button 7 = * button
3 = Fast button 8 = Menu button
4 = Filter button 9 = Power button
enum BUTTON_e
BTN_UP = 1,
Note that the work buffer wbuff area in memory is used continuously by the
receiver unless lock levels 2 or 3 are invoked. Lock levels of 1 or more
should be used when reading any front panel controls to prevent erratic
10) Battery sustained RAM (Memory page 1)
Address Ident Length Description
0 0x000 13 bytes Real time clock / timer registers :-
0 0x000 rt_con 1 byte Clock control register
2 0x002 rt_sec 1 byte Clock seconds (2 BCD digits)
3 0x003 rt_min 1 byte Clock minutes (2 BCD digits)
4 0x004 rt_hrs 1 byte Clock hours (2 BCD digits - 24 hr format)
5 0x005 rt_dat 1 byte Clock year (2 bits) and date (2 BCD digits)
6 0x006 rt_mth 1 byte Clock month (2 BCD digits - low 5 bits only)
8 0x008 tm_con 1 byte Timer control register
10 0x00A tm_sec 1 byte Timer seconds (2 BCD digits)
11 0x00B tm_min 1 byte Timer minutes (2 BCD digits)
12 0x00C tm_hrs 1 byte Timer hours (2 BCD digits - 24 hr format)
13 0x00D 15 bytes Power-down save area :-
13 0x00D ph_cal 1 byte Sync detector phase cal value
14 0x00E pd_slp 1 byte Timer run / sleep time in minutes
15 0x00F pd_dly 1 byte Scan delay value x 0.125 seconds
16 0x010 pd_sst 1 byte Scan start channel
17 0x011 pd_ssp 1 byte Scan stop channel
18 0x012 pd_stp 2 bytes Channel step size
20 0x014 pd_sql 1 byte Squelch
21 0x015 pd_ifg 1 byte IF gain
22 0x016 pd_flg 1 byte Flags (from pdflgs)
23 0x017 pd_frq 3 bytes Frequency
26 0x01A pd_mod <3> 1 byte Mode (bits 0-3) and
NB threshold (bits 4-7)
27 0x01B pd_vol <3> 1 byte Volume (bits 0-5) and
rx memory hundreds (bits 6&7)
28 0x01C 26 bytes Receiver setup save area :-
28 0x01C md_flt 1 byte AM mode : Filter (bits 0-3) and
AGC speed (bits 4-7)
29 0x01D md_pbs 1 byte AM mode : PBS value
30 0x01E md_bfo 1 byte AM mode : BFO value
31 0x01F 3 bytes Ditto for Sync mode
34 0x022 3 bytes Ditto for NFM mode -
except Squelch instead of BFO
37 0x025 3 bytes Ditto for Data mode
40 0x028 3 bytes Ditto for CW mode
43 0x02B 3 bytes Ditto for LSB mode
46 0x02E 3 bytes Ditto for USB mode
49 0x031 st_aud <3> 1 byte Audio bass setting (bits 0-4)
bit 5 Notch auto track enable
bit 6 Ident search enable
bit 7 Ident preview enable
50 0x032 1 byte Audio treble setting (bits 0-3) and
RF Gain (bits 4-7)
51 0x033 1 byte Aux output level - left channel
52 0x034 1 byte Aux output level - right channel
53 0x035 st_flg 1 byte Flags (from stflgs)
54 0x036 26 bytes Setup memory A (configured as above)
80 0x050 26 bytes Setup memory B (configured as above)
106 0x06A 26 bytes Setup memory C (configured as above)
132 0x084 24 bytes Filter data area :-
132 0x084 fl_sel 1 byte Filter 1 : selection bits and IF bandwidth
133 0x085 fl_bw 1 byte Filter 1 : bandwidth (2 BCD digits, x.x kHz)
134 0x086 fl_uso 1 byte Filter 1 : USB offset value x 33.19Hz
135 0x087 fl_lso 1 byte Filter 1 : LSB offset value x 33.19Hz
136 0x088 4 bytes Ditto for filter 2
140 0x08C 4 bytes Ditto for filter 3
144 0x090 4 bytes Ditto for filter 4
148 0x094 4 bytes Ditto for filter 5
152 0x098 4 bytes Ditto for filter 6
156 0x09C mem_sq 100 bytes Squelch / BFO values for
frequency memories 0 to 99
(BFO for Data and CW modes,
Squelch for others)
#define MAX_MEM_SQL_PAGE0 (99)
enum FILTER_e
FILTER_1 = 1,
FILTER_2 = 2,
FILTER_3 = 3,
FILTER_4 = 4,
FILTER_5 = 5,
FILTER_6 = 6
enum BBRAM_mem_e
RT_CON = 0,
RT_SEC = 2,
RT_MIN = 3,
RT_HRS = 4,
RT_DAT = 5,
RT_MTH = 6,
TM_CON = 8,
TM_SEC = 10,
TM_MIN = 11,
TM_HRS = 12,
PH_CAL = 13,
PD_SLP = 14,
PD_DLY = 15,
PD_SST = 16,
PD_SSP = 17,
PD_STP = 18,
PD_SQL = 20,
PD_IFG = 21,
PD_FLG = 22,
PD_FRQ = 23,
PD_MOD = 26,
PD_VOL = 27,
MD_FLT = 28,
MD_PBS = 29,
MD_BFO = 30,
ST_AUD = 49,
ST_FLG = 53,
FL_SEL = 132,
FL_BW = 133,
FL_USO = 134,
FL_LSO = 135,
MEM_SQ = 156
11) EEPROM (Memory page 2)
Address Ident Length Description
0 0x000 4 bytes Frequency memory data :-
0 0x000 mem_fr 3 bytes Memory 00 : 24-bit frequency
3 0x003 mem_md 1 byte bits 0 - 3 mode
bits 4 - 6 filter
bit 7 scan lockout
4 0x004 396 bytes Ditto for memories 01 to 99
400 0x190 mem_pb 100 bytes PBS values for frequency memories 0 to 99
500 0x1F4 sm_cal 8 bytes S-meter calibration values :-
500 0x1F4 1 byte RSS offset for S1 level
501 0x1F5 1 byte RSS steps up to S3 level
502 0x1F6 1 byte RSS steps up to S5 level
503 0x1F7 1 byte RSS steps up to S7 level
504 0x1F8 1 byte RSS steps up to S9 level
505 0x1F9 1 byte RSS steps up to S9+10 level
506 0x1FA 1 byte RSS steps up to S9+30 level
507 0x1FB 1 byte RSS steps up to S9+50 level
508 0x1FC if_cal 2 bytes RSS offsets for -20dB
and -8dB filter alignment
510 0x1FE if_def 1 byte Default filter numbers for
narrow and wide (2 BCD digits)
511 0x1FF option <1> 1 byte Option information :-
bit 0 Noise blanker
bit 1 Notch filter
bit 2 10 dB step attenuator (DX version)
#define MAX_MEM_FREQ_PAGE2 (99)
#define MAX_MEM_PBS_PAGE2 (99)
enum EEPROM1_mem_e
MEM_FR = 0,
MEM_MD = 3,
MEM_PB = 400,
SM_CAL = 500,
IF_CAL = 508,
IF_DEF = 510,
OPTION = 511
12) EEPROM (Memory page 3) .
Address Ident Length Description
0 0x000 4 bytes Frequency memory data :-
0 0x000 mex_fr 3 bytes Memory 100 : 24-bit frequency
3 0x003 mex_md 1 byte bits 0 - 3 mode
bits 4 - 6 filter
bit 7 scan lockout
4 0x004 1196 bytes Ditto for memories 101 to 399
1200 0x4B0 8 bytes Timer memory data :-
1200 0x4B0 mtm_mn 1 byte Timer memory 0 : minutes (2 BCD digits)
1201 0x4B1 mtm_hr 1 byte hours (2 BCD digits)
1202 0x4B2 mtm_dt 1 byte date (2 BCD digits)
1203 0x4B3 mtm_mt 1 byte month (2 BCD digits)
1204 0x4B4 mtm_ch 2 bytes rx channel (hundreds and 0-99)
1206 0x4B6 mtm_rn 1 byte run time
1207 0x4B7 mtm_ac 1 byte active (0 = not active)
1208 0x4B8 72 bytes Ditto for timer memories 1 to 9
1280 0x500 16 bytes Frequency memory data :-
1280 0x500 mex_sq 1 byte Memory 0 : Squelch / BFO (not used for
mems 0 to 99)
(BFO for Data and CW modes)
1281 0x501 mex_pb 1 byte PBS value (not used for mems 0 to 99)
1282 0x502 mex_id 14 bytes Text Ident
1296 0x510 2800 bytes Ditto for memories 1 to 175
#define MAX_MEM_FREQ_PAGE3 (399)
#define MAX_MEM_SQL_PAGE3 (175)
#define MAX_MEM_PBS_PAGE3 (175)
#define MAX_MEM_ID_PAGE3 (175)
enum EEPROM2_mem_e
MEX_FR = 0,
MEX_MD = 3,
MEM_MN = 1200,
MTM_HR = 1201,
MTM_DT = 1202,
MTM_MT = 1203,
MTM_CH = 1204,
MTM_RN = 1206,
MTM_AC = 1207,
MEX_SQ = 1280,
MEX_PB = 1281,
MEX_ID = 1282
13) EEPROM (Memory page 4) <1>
Address Ident Length Description
0 0x000 16 bytes Frequency memory data :-
0 0x000 mey_sq 1 byte Memory 176 : Squelch / BFO
(BFO for Data and CW modes)
1 0x001 mey_pb 1 byte PBS value
2 0x002 mey_id 14 bytes Text Ident
16 0x010 3568 bytes Ditto for memories 177 to 399
3584 0xE00 mex_hx 400 bytes Frequency fast find index
(1 byte for each memory 0 to 399)
Index value is bits 9 to 16 of 24-bit
frequency stored in each memory. Empty
memories (frequency zero) should have
a random index byte.
3984 0xF90 112 bytes spare
enum EEPROM3_mem_e
MEY_SQ = 0,
MEY_PB = 1,
MEY_ID = 2,
MEX_HX = 3584
14) Working memory (Memory page 0)
Areas not specifically addressed are used as workspace by the internal
processor. - Keep out (by order).
Address Ident Length Description
16 0x010 snphs 1 byte Sync detector phase offset cal value
17 0x011 slptim 1 byte Sleep time (minutes)
18 0x012 scnst 1 byte Scan start channel
19 0x013 scnsp 1 byte Scan stop channel
20 0x014 scndly 1 byte Scan delay time value x 0.125 seconds
21 0x015 chnstp 2 bytes 16-bit channel step size,
value is 376.6352 / kHz
23 0x017 sqlsav 1 byte Squelch save value (non-fm mode)
24 0x018 ifgain 1 byte IF gain value (zero is max gain)
26 0x01A frequ 3 bytes 24-bit tuned frequency,
value is 376635.2228 / MHz.
29 0x01D mode 1 byte Current mode :- 1 = AM 4 = Data
2 = Sync 5 = CW
3 = NFM 6 = LSB
7 = USB
30 0x01E 10 bytes Audio control registers :-
30 0x01E af_vol 1 byte Main channel volume (6-bits, values 15 to 63)
31 0x01F af_vll 1 byte Left channel balance
(5-bits, half of volume value above)
32 0x020 af_vlr 1 byte Right channel balance (as above)
33 0x021 af_bas <1> 1 byte Main channel bass
(bits 0-4, values 6 to 25, 15 is flat)
bit 5 nchtrk Notch auto track enable
bit 6 idauto Ident auto search enable
bit 7 idprev Ident auto preview enable
34 0x022 af_trb <3> 1 byte Main channel treble
(bits 0-3, values 2 to 10, 6 is flat)
bit 4 nb_opt Noise blanker menus enabled
bit 5 nt_opt Notch Filter menus enabled
bit 6 step10 10 dB RF attenuator fitted
35 0x023 af_axl 1 byte Left aux channel level
(bits 0-5, values 27 to 63)
36 0x024 af_axr <3> 1 byte Right aux channel level
(bits 0-5, values 27 to 63)
bit 7 nchsr Notch search running
37 0x025 af_axs <3> 1 byte Aux channel source (bits 0-3)
bit 4 nchen Notch filter active
bit 5 nchsig Notch filter signal detected
bit 6 axmut Aux output mute
bit 7 nchato Notch auto tune active
38 0x026 af_opt <3> 1 byte Option output source (bits 0-3)
bit 4 idover Ident on LCD over frequency
bit 5 idsrdn Ident search downwards
bit 7 idsrch Ident search in progress
39 0x027 af_src 1 byte Main channel source
bit 6 afmut Main output mute
40 0x028 rxcon 3 bytes Receiver control register mapping :-
byte 1 bit 0 rx_fs3 Filter select : FS3
byte 1 bit 1 rx_fs2 Filter select : FS2
byte 1 bit 2 rx_fs1 Filter select : FS1
byte 1 bit 3 rx_fs4 Filter select : FS4
byte 1 bit 4 rx_pre Preamplifier enable
byte 1 bit 5 rx_atr Atten : 0 = 20dB / 1 = 40dB
byte 1 bit 6 rx_rff Input filter : 0 = HF / 1 = LF
byte 1 bit 7 rx_atn Attenuator enable
byte 2 bit 0 rx_as1 AGC speed : 00 = Slow
byte 2 bit 1 rx_as2 10 = Med
11 = Fast
byte 2 bit 2 rx_agi AGC inhibit
byte 2 bit 3 rx_en LO and HET enable
byte 2 bit 4 rx_aux Aux relay enable
byte 2 bit 5 rx_fs5 Filter select : FS5
byte 2 bit 6 rx_fs6 Filter select : FS6
byte 2 bit 7 rx_ibw IF b/w : 0 = 4kHz / 1 = 10kHz
byte 3 bit 0 rx_chg Fast charge enable
byte 3 bit 1 rx_pwr PSU enable
byte 3 bit 2 rx_svi Sync VCO inhibit
byte 3 bit 3 rx_agm AGC mode : 0 = peak / 1 = mean
byte 3 bit 4 rx_lr1 LO range : 00 = 17 - 30 MHz
byte 3 bit 5 rx_lr2 10 = 10 - 17 MHz
01 = 4 - 10 MHz
11 = 0 - 4 MHz
byte 3 bit 6 rx_sbw Sync b/w : 0 = Wide / 1 = Narrow
byte 3 bit 7 rx_car Car sel : 0 = AM / 1 = DDS
43 0x02B bits 3 bytes General flags :-
byte 1 bit 6 lock1 Level 1 lockout
byte 1 bit 7 lock2 Level 2 lockout
byte 2 bit 0 upfred Update frequency display
byte 2 bit 1 upmend Update menus
byte 2 bit 2 tune4x Tune 4 times faster (AM & NFM)
byte 2 bit 3 quickly Quick tuning (fast AGC, Sync)
byte 2 bit 4 fast Fast tuning mode
byte 2 bit 5 sncpt1 Auto sync - frequency lock
byte 2 bit 6 sncpt2 Auto sync - phase lock
byte 2 bit 7 sncal Sync detector calibrating
byte 3 bit 0 sqlch Squelch active (i.e. low signal)
byte 3 bit 1 mutsql Mute on squelch (current setting)
byte 3 bit 2 bscnmd Scan mode for VFO B
byte 3 bit 3 dualw Dual watch active
byte 3 bit 4 scan Scan active
byte 3 bit 5 memlk Current memory scan lockout
byte 3 bit 6 pbsclr Enable PBS CLR from IR remote
<2> byte 3 bit 7 memodn MEM button scans downwards
46 0x02E pdflgs 1 byte Flags saved at power-down :-
bit 0 power Power on
bit 1 flock Tuning locked
bit 2 batop Battery operation (for fast chg)
<1> bit 3 nben Noise blanker active
<1> bit 4 nblong Noise blanker long pulse
47 0x02F stflgs 1 byte Flags saved in setup memories :-
bit 0 mutsav Mute on squelch (non-fm mode)
bit 1 mutaux Mute aux output on squelch
bit 2 axren Aux relay on timer
bit 3 axrsql Aux relay on squelch
bit 4 snauto Auto sync mode
bit 5 snarr Sync detector narrow bandwidth
bit 6 scanmd Scan runs irrespective of squelch
bit 7 autorf RF gain auto controlled
48 0x030 rfgain 1 byte Current RF gain setting (0 to 5) (0=max gain)
49 0x031 rfagc 1 byte Current RF AGC setting (added to above)
50 0x032 agcspd 1 byte Current AGC speed : 0 = Fast 2 = Slow
1 = Medium 3 = Off
51 0x033 sqlval 1 byte Squelch value (current setting)
52 0x034 filter 1 byte Current filter number (1 to 6)
53 0x035 pbsval 1 byte PBS offset (x33.19Hz)
54 0x036 bfoval 1 byte BFO offset (x33.19Hz)
55 0x037 fltofs 1 byte Filter centre frequency offset (x33.19Hz)
56 0x038 fltbw 1 byte Filter bandwidth (2 BCD digits : x.x kHz)
57 0x039 ircode: 2 bytes Current / last IR command code
59 0x03B spnpos 1 byte Misc spin-wheel movement } 0 = no movement
60 0x03C volpos 1 byte Volume control movement } +ve = clockwise
61 0x03D tunpos 1 byte Tuning control movement } -ve = anti-clockwise
62 0x03E lstbut 1 byte Last button pressed
63 0x03F smval 2 bytes Last S-meter reading (bars + segments)
65 0x041 mestmr 1 byte Message time-out timer
66 0x042 rfgtmr 1 byte RF gain delay timer
67 0x043 updtmr 1 byte Sustained RAM update timer
68 0x044 agctmr 1 byte AGC speed restore delay timer
69 0x045 snctmr 1 byte Auto sync refresh timer
70 0x046 scntmr 1 byte Scan delay timer
71 0x047 irdly 1 byte IR remote auto repeat delay counter
72 0x048 runtmr 1 byte Sleep mode timer
73 0x049 snfrq 1 byte Sync detector frequency offset cal value
74 0x04A frange 1 byte Input / LO range
75 0x04B menu1 <3> 1 byte Current left menu (type A and B menu
numbers are different)
76 0x04C menu2 <3> 1 byte Current right menu (type A and B menu
numbers are different)
77 0x04D memno 1 byte Current memory number
78 0x04E setno 1 byte Setup / config selection - load / save
85 0x055 mempg <1> 1 byte Memory page (hundreds - value 0 to 3)
86 0x056 nbthr <1> 1 byte Noise blanker threshold (values 0 to 15)
87 0x057 hshfr <1> 1 byte Current tuned frequ index value
(during ident search)
88 0x058 nchtmr <1> 1 byte Notch filter auto tune / search timer
90 0x059 wbuff 26 bytes Work buffer
115 0x073 keymd 1 byte IR remote +/- keys function
116 0x074 keybuf 20 bytes IR remote key input buffer
136 0x088 frofs: 4 bytes 32-bit local osc offset
140 0x08C carofs 4 bytes 32-bit carrier osc offset
144 0x090 smofs 1 byte S-meter starting offset
145 0x091 smscl 7 bytes S-meter segment values
152 0x098 ifcal 2 bytes RSS offsets for -20 dB and
-5 dB filter alignment
154 0x09A ifdef 1 byte Default filter numbers for narrow and wide
(2 digits)
155 0x09B vfo_b 22 bytes VFO B storage area :-
155 0x09B 1 byte B : Scan delay time
156 0x09C 2 bytes B : Channel step size
158 0x09E 1 byte B : Squelch save value (non-fm mode)
159 0x09F 1 byte B : IF gain value
160 0x0A0 1 byte not used
161 0x0A1 3 bytes B : Tuned frequency
164 0x0A4 1 byte B : Mode
165 0x0A5 1 byte B : Volume
166 0x0A6 1 byte B : Left channel balance
167 0x0A7 1 byte B : Right channel balance
168 0x0A8 1 byte B : Bass response
169 0x0A9 1 byte B : Treble response
170 0x0AA 1 byte B : RF gain
171 0x0AB 1 byte B : RF AGC
172 0x0AC 1 byte B : AGC speed
173 0x0AD 1 byte B : Squelch value
174 0x0AE 1 byte B : Filter number
175 0x0AF 1 byte B : PBS offset
176 0x0B0 1 byte B : BFO offset
218 0x0DA savmnu <1> 1 byte Saved menu 1 number during ident display
219 0x0DB srchm <1> 2 bytes Ident search memory (page and number)
222 0x0DD idtmr <1> 1 byte Auto ident search start timer
223 0x0DE nchfr <1> 2 bytes 16-bit notch filter frequency,
value is 6553.6 / kHz
#define HZ_PBS_STEP \
((44545000.0 * 25.0)/(16777216.0 * 2.0)) /* 33.1886 Hz/Step */
#define NOTCH_STEP_HZ (6.5536) /* 6.5536 Hz/Step */
#define VOL_MIN (15)
#define VOL_MAX (63)
#define BASS_MIN (6)
#define BASS_MAX (25)
#define TREB_MIN (2)
#define TREB_MAX (10)
#define AUX_MIN (27)
#define AUX_MAX (63)
enum MODE_e
AM = 1,
SAM = 2,
FM = 3,
DATA = 4,
CW = 5,
LSB = 6,
USB = 7
enum AGC_decay_e
enum LO_range_e
LO_17_30 = 0,
LO_4_10 = 1,
LO_10_17 = 2,
LO_0_4 = 3
enum AGC_spd_e
AGC_NONE = -1,
AGC_MED = 1,
enum WORKING_mem_e
SNPHS = 16,
SLPTIM = 17,
SCNST = 18,
SCNSP = 19,
SCNDLY = 20,
CHNSTP = 21,
SQLSAV = 23,
IFGAIN = 24,
FREQU = 26,
MODE = 29,
AF_VOL = 30,
AF_VLL = 31,
AF_VLR = 32,
AF_BAS = 33,
AF_TRB = 34,
AF_AXL = 35,
AF_AXR = 36,
AF_AXS = 37,
AF_OPT = 38,
AF_SRC = 39,
RXCON = 40,
BITS = 43,
PDFLGS = 46,
STFLGS = 47,
RFGAIN = 48,
RFAGC = 49,
AGCSPD = 50,
SQLVAL = 51,
FILTER = 52,
PBSVAL = 53,
BFOVAL = 54,
FLTOFS = 55,
FLTBW = 56,
IRCODE = 57,
SPNPOS = 59,
VOLPOS = 60,
TUNPOS = 61,
LSTBUT = 62,
SMVAL = 63,
MESTMR = 65,
RFGTMR = 66,
UPDTMR = 67,
AGCTMR = 68,
SNCTMR = 69,
SCNTMR = 70,
IRDLY = 71,
RUNTMR = 72,
SNFRQ = 73,
FRANGE = 74,
MENU1 = 75,
MENU2 = 76,
MEMNO = 77,
SETNO = 78,
MEMPG = 85,
NBTHR = 86,
HSHFR = 87,
NCHTMR = 88,
WBUFF = 90,
KEYMD = 115,
KEYBUF = 116,
FROFS = 136,
CAROFS = 140,
SMOFS = 144,
SMSCL = 145,
IFCAL = 152,
IFDEF = 154,
VFO_B = 155,
SCNDLY_B = 155,
CHNSTP_B = 156,
SQLSAV_B = 158,
IFGAIN_B = 159,
FREQU_B = 161,
MODE_B = 164,
AF_VOL_B = 165,
AF_VLL_B = 166,
AF_VLR_B = 167,
AF_BAS_B = 168,
AF_TRB_B = 169,
RFGAIN_B = 170,
RFAGC_B = 171,
AGCSPD_B = 172,
SQLVAL_B = 173,
FILTER_B = 174,
PBSVAL_B = 175,
BFOVAL_B = 176,
SAVMNU = 218,
SRCHM = 219,
IDTMR = 222,
NCHFR = 223
enum ROM_mem_e
#define HZ_PER_STEP ( 44545000.0 / 16777216.0 ) /* 2.655 Hz/Step */
#define STEPS_PER_HZ ( 16777216.0 / 44545000.0 ) /* 0.3766 Steps/Hz */
#define MAX_FREQ (32010000.0)
#define MIN_FREQ (10000.0)
RS232 signal meter reading - additional comments
Several commercial organisations are using the AR7030 for signal monitoring
purposes and wish to accurately log signal meter level. The information is
given in the RS232 PROTOCOL LISTING but the subject is fairly complex. A
summary of the required process is given here, the text has been generated by
John Thorpe in response to a commercial request for more detailed guidance
(November 2001).
Reading the input signal strength from the AR7030 is not too difficult, but
some maths is needed to convert the level into dBm.
Each set is calibrated after manufacture and a set of S-meter calibration
values stored in EEPROM in the receiver. This means that the signal strength
readings should be quite good and consistent. I think that you should get less
than 2dB change with frequency and maybe 3dB with temperature. Initial
calibration error should be less than +/- 2dB.
I think the sets that you use have been modified for DRM use have some
changes in the IF stage. This will require that the sets are re-calibrated if
you are to get accurate results. The SM7030 service kit has a calibration
program (for PC) and is available from AOR.
The signal strength is read from the AGC voltage within the 7030 so AGC
should be switched on and RF Gain set to maximum. To read AGC voltage send
opcode 02EH (execute routine 14) and the receiver will return a single byte
value between 0 and 255 which is the measured AGC voltage.
The calibration table is stored in EEPROM, so the control software should
read this when connection to the receiver is established and store the data
in an array for computing.
Calibration data is 8 bytes long and is stored in Page2 at locations
500 (0x01F4) to 507 (0x01FB). Use the PaGE opcode (0x52) then SRH, ADR, ADH
to setup the address, then 8 RDD opcodes to read the data, as below :-
Opcode Hex Operation
PGE 2 0x52 Set page 2
SRH 15 0x3F H register = 15
ADR 4 0x44 Set address 0x0F4
ADH 1 0x11 Set address 0x1F4
RDD +1 0x71 Read byte 1 of cal data
RDD +1 0x71 Read byte 2 of cal data
. . .
RDD +1 0x71 Read byte 8 of cal data
PGE 0 0x50 Return to page 0 for subsequent control operations
The first byte of calibration data holds the value of the AGC voltage for a
signal level of -113dBm (S1). Successive bytes hold the incremental values
for 10dB increases in signal level :-
Cal data Typical Value RF signal level
byte 1 64 -113dBm
byte 2 10 -103dBm
byte 3 10 -93dBm
byte 4 12 -83dBm
byte 5 12 -73dBm
byte 6 15 -63dBm
byte 7 30 -43dBm (note 20dB step)
byte 8 20 -23dBm (note 20dB step)
#define CAL_TAB_LENGTH (8)
#define STEP_SIZE_LOW (10)
#define STEP_SIZE_HIGH (20)
To calculate the signal level, table values should be subtracted from the AGC
voltage in turn until a negative value would result. This gives the rough
level from the table position. The accuracy can be improved by proportioning
the remainder into the next table step. See the following example :-
A read signal strength operation returns a value of 100
Subtract cal byte 1 (64) leaves 36 level > -113dBm
Subtract cal byte 2 (10) leaves 26 level > -103dBm
Subtract cal byte 3 (10) leaves 16 level > -93dBm
Subtract cal byte 4 (12) leaves 4 level > -83dBm
Test cal byte 5 (12) - no subtraction
Fine adjustment value = (remainder) / (cal byte 5) * (level step)
= 4 / 12 * 10 = 3dB
Signal level = -83dBm + 3dB = -80dB
The receiver can operate the RF attenuator automatically if the signal level
is likely to overload the RF stages. Reading the RFAGC byte (page 0, location
49) gives the attenuation in 10dB steps. This value should be read and added
to the value calculated above.
Further discussion has taken place on the subject of PC control with the
designer, the comments may be of assistance to other operators...
As far as I can tell all of the commands and operations work exactly as
documented so when the client talks of "the set frequency command doesn't
work" they are obviously doing something wrong.
Similarly, I am unable to duplicate the effects that they notice with
changing audio settings after changing modes. There are some issues with the
parameters that they are changing which I will address later, but first they
must sort out the basic communication so that the receiver control is as
expected. Further issues cannot really be sorted until this is working
Programming issues...
Since I have no Knowledge of what programming system the client is using
these are only general comments. The receiver control is in 8-bit binary code
so any communication must maintain all 8 bits (and not truncate bit 7 as some
printer outputs do).
It is also essential that no extra characters are added to the output stream
so check that the software is not adding carriage returns, line feeds, nulls
or end-of-file markers to the output. If this might be a problem, monitor the
computer to receiver communication with a serial line monitor or another
computer running a simple RS-232 reading program.
There is some sample BASIC code in the "AR-7030 Computer remote control
protocol" document which gives subroutines that cover the commonly used
receiver settings. Use this as a starting point for your own routines. The
published routines have been thoroughly tested and work without problems.
With all "buffered" RS-232 connections it is possible for the computer and
receiver to get out of step when using two-way communication. For this reason
I included some "flush input buffer" routines in the sample code. Using these
ensures that missed characters or extra characters inserted due to noise or
disconnection do not disrupt communication between the computer and receiver,
and a recovery after communications failure can be automatic.
Because the receiver's remote control is by direct access to memory and
processor it is a very flexible system but is also able to disrupt receiver
operation if incorrectly used. Only a few bytes of information stored in the
receiver's memory affect S-meter calibration and AOR (UK) hold records of
this data for each receiver made so that in the event of corruption it can be
See the note that follows regarding AGC calibration.
All other working memory contents can be set to sensible values by a "Set
defaults" operation from the front panel. Most, but not all, of the working
memory is re-established by executing a remote "Reset" command (0x20) which
can be done as a last resort after control failure.
Specific parameter settings...
The client describes the correct operations for setting mode and frequency
but if, as he states, the set frequency command (021h) does not work then
this needs to be investigated. This may lead to discovering the cause of
other problems suffered by the client.
Note that changing the frequency in this way re-tunes the receiver but does
not update the display on the front panel. A "Display frequency" command is
included for this purpose.
To set the receiver main volume, three locations need to be written -
Page 0, addr 0x1e, 0x1f & 0x20. Details are in the protocol document, note the
minimum value (for zero volume) is 15. The aux channel level change is as
described by the client and after writing new values into the RAM will need
either a "Set audio" command or a "Set all" command to make the change. I can
find no reason for, nor duplicate, the effect of changing mode altering the
aux level so this effect also needs investigating - maybe the clients "write
to memory" is writing too many locations ?
To initialise several receiver parameters I would recommend locking the
receiver, writing all of the required memory data, sending a "Set all"
command and then unlocking if required. There is no need to send individual
"Set" commands after each parameter.
Unless very special requirements are needed (mainly test, setup and alignment
) the 3 rxcon locations should not be written. When a "Set all" command is
sent these will be programmed by the receiver firmware to appropriate values
for the mode, frequency and filters selected.
Only the parameters that need changing need to be written, all other values
will be maintained. The locations that the client needs to program for the
parameters he lists are as follows:-
(all Page 0)
frequency frequ 0x1a 0x1b 0x1c
mode mode 0x1d
volume af_vol 0x1e 0x1f 0x20 (values=0x0f 0x07 0x07 for min volume)
aux level af_axl 0x23 0x24
agc speed agcspd 0x32
squelch sqlval 0x33
filter filter 0x34
IF gain ifgain 0x18
RF gain rfgain 0x30 (value=0x01 for no pre-amp)
message wbuff 0x59 (max 26 bytes)
If the required parameter values are unknown, I recommend setting the
receiver as required through the front panel controls and then reading the
value of the memory locations affected using the "read data" operation.
15) Sample routines (in MS QBASIC)
REM Sample subroutines for communication with the AR-7030 A-type
REM These subroutines use the following variables :-
REM rx.freq# frequency in kHz (double precision)
REM rx.mode mode number (1 to 7)
REM rx.filt filter number (1 to 6)
REM rx.mem memory number (0 to 99)
REM rx.pbs passband shift value (-4.2 to +4.2 in kHz)
REM rx.sql squelch value (0 to 255)
REM ident$ -model number, revision and type
REM Subroutine to open comms link to receiver
open "com1:1200,n,8,1,cd0,cs0,ds0,rs" for random as #1 len = 1
field #1, 1 as input.byte$
REM Subroutine to flush QBASIC serial input buffer
print #1,"//";
time.mark# = timer
do while timer - time.mark# < 0.2
if eof(1) then exit do
get #1
REM Subroutines to lock and unlock receiver controls
print #1,chr$(&H81); ' Set lockout level 1
print #1,chr$(&H80); ' Lockout level 0 (not locked)
REM Subroutine to read byte from comms link
read.value = -1 ' Value assigned for read error
time.mark# = timer
print #1,chr$(&H71); ' Read byte command
do while timer - time.mark# < 0.3
if eof(1) = 0 then
get #1
read.value = asc(input.byte$)
exit do
end if
REM Subroutine to set receiver frequency and mode
gosub lock.rx
print #1,chr$(&H50); ' Select working mem (page 0)
print #1,chr$(&H31);chr$(&H4A); ' Frequency address = 01AH
gosub send.freq ' Write frequency
print #1,chr$(&H60+rx.mode); ' Write mode
print #1,chr$(&H24); ' Tune receiver
gosub unlock.rx
REM Subroutine to store data into receiver's frequency memory
mem.loc = rx.mem+156 ' Squelch memory origin
mem.h = int(mem.loc/16)
mem.l = mem.loc mod 16
print #1,chr$(&H51); ' Select squelch memory (page 1)
print #1,chr$(&H30+mem.h);
print #1,chr$(&H40+mem.l); ' Set memory address
print #1,chr$(&H30+int(rx.sql/16))
print #1,chr$(&H60+rx.sql mod 16) ' Write squelch value
mem.loc = rx.mem*4 ' Frequency memory origin
mem.t = int(mem.loc/256)
mem.loc = mem.loc mod 256
mem.h = int(mem.loc/16)
mem.l = mem.loc mod 16
print #1,chr$(&H52); ' Select frequency memory (page 2)
print #1,chr$(&H30+mem.h);
print #1,chr$(&H40+mem.l); ' Set memory address
print #1,chr$(&H10+mem.t);
gosub send.freq ' Write frequency
print #1,chr$(&H30+rx.filt);
print #1,chr$(&H60+rx.mode); ' Write filter and mode
mem.loc = rx.mem+400-256 ' PBS memory origin
mem.h = int(mem.loc/16)
mem.l = mem.loc mod 16
pbs.val = 255 and int(rx.pbs/0.033189+0.5)
print #1,chr$(&H30+mem.h);
print #1,chr$(&H40+mem.l); ' Set memory address
print #1,chr$(&H11);
print #1,chr$(&H30+int(pbs.val/16))
print #1,chr$(&H60+pbs.val mod 16) ' Write passband value
REM Subroutine to read data from receiver's frequency memory
mem.loc = rx.mem+156 ' Squelch memory origin
mem.h = int(mem.loc/16)
mem.l = mem.loc mod 16
print #1,chr$(&H51); ' Select squelch memory (page 1)
print #1,chr$(&H30+mem.h);
print #1,chr$(&H40+mem.l); ' Set memory address
gosub read.byte ' Read squelch value
rx.sql = read.value
mem.loc = rx.mem*4 ' Frequency memory origin
mem.t = int(mem.loc/256)
mem.loc = mem.loc mod 256
mem.h = int(mem.loc/16)
mem.l = mem.loc mod 16
print #1,chr$(&H52); ' Select frequency memory (page 2)
print #1,chr$(&H30+mem.h);
print #1,chr$(&H40+mem.l); ' Set memory address
print #1,chr$(&H10+mem.t);
gosub read.freq ' Read frequency
gosub read.byte ' Read filter and mode
if read.value < 0 then return
rx.filt = int(read.value/16)
rx.mode = read.value mod 16
mem.loc = rx.mem+400-256 ' PBS memory origin
mem.h = int(mem.loc/16)
mem.l = mem.loc mod 16
print #1,chr$(&H30+mem.h);
print #1,chr$(&H40+mem.l); ' Set memory address
print #1,chr$(&H11);
gosub read.byte ' Read passband value
if read.value < 0 then return
if read.value > 127 then read.value = 256-read.value
rx.pbs = read.value*0.033189
REM Subroutine to read receiver ident string
print #1,chr$(&H5F); ' Select ident memory (page 15)
print #1,chr$(&H40); ' Set address 0
for read.loop = 1 to 8
gosub read.byte ' Read 8-byte ident
if read.value < 0 then exit for
ident$ = ident$+chr$(read.value)
next read.loop
REM Subroutine to send frequency (Called only from other routines)
fr.val# = int(rx.freq#*376.635223+0.5) ' Convert kHz to steps
' Exact multiplicand is
' (2^24)/44545
print #1,chr$(&H30+int(fr.val#/1048576));
fr.val# = fr.val# mod 1048576 ' Write frequency as 6 hex digits
print #1,chr$(&H60+int(fr.val#/65536));
fr.val# = fr.val# mod 65536
print #1,chr$(&H30+int(fr.val#/4096));
fr.val# = fr.val# mod 4096
print #1,chr$(&H60+int(fr.val#/256));
fr.val# = fr.val# mod 256
print #1,chr$(&H30+int(fr.val#/16));
print #1,chr$(&H60+(fr.val# mod 16));
REM Subroutine to read frequency (Called only from other routines)
fr.val# = 0
for read.loop = 1 to 3
gosub read.byte ' Read frequency as 3 bytes
if read.value < 0 then exit for
fr.val# = fr.val#*256+read.value
next read.loop
rx.freq# = fr.val#/376.635223 ' Convert steps to kHz
* (from http://www.aoruk.com/archive/pdf/ir.pdf)
* AOR AR7030 receiver infrared protocol listing
* There have been two types of IR7030 infrared hand controller employed
* by the AR7030. Late in 2005 a VERSION 2 handset (IR7030-2) was adopted
* in production. The protocol is slightly different, so a matching CPU
* must be employed (firmware 1xA or 1xB uses the original IR7030,
* firmware 2xA or 2xB uses the later IR7030-2).
* IR7030 IR7030-2
* NEC protocol 16 bit NEC protocol 16 bit
* Address 026 HEX Address 04D HEX
* I.R key Hex value I.R key Hex value
* 1 0C 1 11
* 2 11 2 13
* 3 12 3 1C
* 4 10 4 15
* 5 19 5 16
* 6 1A 6 14
* 7 18 7 19
* 8 1D 8 17
* 9 1E 9 1B
* 0 15 0 1D
* kHz 17 kHz 1A
* MHz 1F MHz 1E
* + MODIFY 2 + MODIFY 01
* www.aoruk.com - 25.07.2006
* These are the translated key codes shown in the last IR code
* address 58 in page 0.
enum IR_CODE_e
IR_ONE = 0x12,
IR_TWO = 0x14,
IR_THREE = 0x1d,
IR_FOUR = 0x16,
IR_FIVE = 0x17,
IR_SIX = 0x15,
IR_SEVEN = 0x1a,
IR_EIGHT = 0x18,
IR_NINE = 0x1c,
IR_ZERO = 0x1e,
IR_DOT = 0x13,
IR_CLR = 0x08,
IR_BS = 0x20,
IR_KHZ = 0x1b,
IR_MHZ = 0x1f,
IR_CWFM = 0x10,
IR_LSBUSB = 0x11,
IR_AMSYNC = 0x19,
IR_PLUS = 0x02,
IR_MINUS = 0x0c,
IR_TUN_UP = 0x05,
IR_TUN_DWN = 0x06,
IR_VOL_UP = 0x03,
IR_VOL_DWN = 0x04,
IR_PBS = 0x0a,
IR_TREBLE = 0x0d,
IR_BASS = 0x0b,
IR_VFO = 0x0f,
IR_MEM_STO = 0x0e,
IR_MEM_PRE = 0x01,
IR_MEM_RCL = 0x07,
IR_NONE = -1
/* backend conf */
/* ext_level's and ext_parm's tokens */
/* Utility function prototypes */
#if 0
int NOP( RIG *rig, unsigned char x );
int SRH( RIG *rig, unsigned char x );
int PGE( RIG *rig, enum PAGE_e page );
int ADR( RIG *rig, unsigned char x );
int ADH( RIG *rig, unsigned char x );
int WRD( RIG *rig, unsigned char out );
int MSK( RIG *rig, unsigned char mask );
int EXE( RIG *rig, enum ROUTINE_e routine );
int RDD( RIG *rig, unsigned char len );
int LOC( RIG *rig, enum LOCK_LVL_e level );
int BUT( RIG *rig, enum BUTTON_e button );
#endif // 0
int execRoutine( RIG * rig, enum ROUTINE_e rtn );
int writeByte( RIG *rig, enum PAGE_e page, unsigned int addr, unsigned char x );
int writeShort( RIG *rig, enum PAGE_e page, unsigned int addr, unsigned short x );
int write3Bytes( RIG *rig, enum PAGE_e page, unsigned int addr, unsigned int x );
int writeInt( RIG *rig, enum PAGE_e page, unsigned int addr, unsigned int x );
int readByte( RIG *rig, enum PAGE_e page, unsigned int addr, unsigned char *x );
int readShort( RIG *rig, enum PAGE_e page, unsigned int addr, unsigned short *x );
int read3Bytes( RIG *rig, enum PAGE_e page, unsigned int addr, unsigned int *x );
int readInt( RIG *rig, enum PAGE_e page, unsigned int addr, unsigned int *x );
int readSignal( RIG * rig, unsigned char *x );
int flushBuffer( RIG * rig );
int lockRx( RIG * rig, enum LOCK_LVL_e level );
int bcd2Int( const unsigned char bcd );
unsigned char int2BCD( const unsigned int val );
int getCalLevel( RIG * rig, unsigned char rawAgc, int *dbm );
int getFilterBW( RIG *rig, enum FILTER_e filter );
freq_t ddsToHz( const unsigned int steps );
unsigned int hzToDDS( const freq_t freq );
float pbsToHz( const unsigned char steps );
unsigned char hzToPBS( const float freq );
rmode_t modeToHamlib( const unsigned char mode );
unsigned char modeToNative( const rmode_t mode );
enum agc_level_e agcToHamlib( const unsigned char agc );
unsigned char agcToNative( const enum agc_level_e agc );
int pageSize( const enum PAGE_e page );
int sendIRCode( RIG *rig, enum IR_CODE_e code );
#endif /* _AR7030P_H */