
220 wiersze
5.1 KiB

#ifndef _H_Global
#define _H_Global
#include <curses.h>
#define RUNNING 1 // The main program is running
#define STOPPED 0 // The main program has stopped
#define MAX_PAYLOADS 32
struct TPayload
int InUse;
int SendToClients;
int Channel;
time_t LastPacketAt;
char Telemetry[256];
char Payload[32];
char Time[12];
unsigned int Counter, LastCounter;
double Longitude, Latitude;
int Altitude, PreviousAltitude;
float AscentRate;
unsigned long LastPositionAt;
struct TLoRaDevice
double Frequency;
double Bandwidth;
double CurrentBandwidth;
int InUse;
int DIO0;
int DIO5;
double activeFreq;
int AFC; // Enable Automatic Frequency Control
double MaxAFCStep; // Maximum adjustment, in kHz, per packet
int AFCTimeout; // Revert to original frequency if no packets for this period (in seconds)
int SpeedMode;
int Power;
int PayloadLength;
int ImplicitOrExplicit;
int ErrorCoding;
int SpreadingFactor;
int LowDataRateOptimize;
WINDOW * Window;
unsigned int TelemetryCount, SSDVCount, BadCRCCount, UnknownCount;
int Sending;
// unsigned long Seconds;
// double PredictedLongitude, PredictedLatitude;
// unsigned int Satellites;
time_t LastSSDVPacketAt, LastTelemetryPacketAt;
time_t ReturnToCallingModeAt;
time_t ReturnToOriginalFrequencyAt;
int InCallingMode;
int ActivityLED;
double UplinkFrequency;
int UplinkMode;
// Normal (non TDM) uplink
int UplinkTime;
int UplinkCycle;
int IdleUplink;
int SSDVUplink;
char UplinkMessage[256];
// Telnet uplink
char Telemetry[256];
unsigned char PacketID;
int TimeSinceLastTx;
int HABAck; // Received message ACKd our last Tx
int HABConnected; // 1 if HAB has telnet connection
char ToTelnetBuffer[256]; // Buffer for data Telnet --> LoRa
int ToTelnetBufferCount;
char FromTelnetBuffer[256]; // Buffer for data LoRa --> Telnet
int FromTelnetBufferCount;
char HABUplink[256];
int HABUplinkCount;
int GotHABReply;
int GotReply;
// Local data packets
int LocalDataCount;
char LocalDataBuffer[255];
// Status
int CurrentRSSI;
int PacketSNR, PacketRSSI;
double FrequencyError;
struct TConfig
char Tracker[16]; // Callsign or name of receiver
double latitude, longitude; // Receiver's location
int EnableHabitat;
int EnableSSDV;
int EnableTelemetryLogging;
int EnablePacketLogging;
int CallingTimeout;
char SSDVJpegFolder[100];
char ftpServer[100];
char ftpUser[32];
char ftpPassword[32];
char ftpFolder[64];
struct TLoRaDevice LoRaDevices[2];
struct TPayload Payloads[MAX_PAYLOADS];
int NetworkLED;
int InternetLED;
int ServerPort; // JSON port for telemetry, settings
int UDPPort; // UDP Broadcast port for raw received data packets
int OziPlotterPort; // UDP Broadcast port for OziPlotter formatted packets
int HABPort; // Telnet style port for comms with HAB
int HABTimeout; // Timeout in ms for telnet uplink
int HABChannel; // LoRa Channel for uplink
int DataPort; // Raw received data packet port
char SMSFolder[64];
char antenna[64];
int EnableDev;
char UplinkCode[64];
typedef struct {
int parent_status;
unsigned long packet_count;
} thread_shared_vars_t;
typedef struct {
/* Rx Metadata */
short int Channel;
time_t Timestamp;
double Frequency;
double FrequencyError;
int ImplicitOrExplicit;
double Bandwidth;
int ErrorCoding;
int SpreadingFactor;
int LowDataRateOptimize;
int SNR;
int RSSI;
} rx_metadata_t;
/* HABpack Telemetry Storage */
typedef struct habpack_telem_linklist_entry {
uint32_t type;
char name[32];
HB_Value_Type value_type;
union {
int64_t integer;
double real;
char *string;
} value;
struct habpack_telem_linklist_entry *next;
} habpack_telem_linklist_entry_t;
typedef struct {
/* Core Telemetry */
char Callsign[32];
uint64_t SentenceId;
uint64_t Time;
char TimeString[9];
double Latitude;
double Longitude;
int64_t Altitude;
/* Calling Beacon Values */
uint64_t DownlinkFrequency;
int64_t DownlinkLoraMode;
int DownlinkLoraImplicit;
int DownlinkLoraErrorCoding;
double DownlinkLoraBandwidth;
int DownlinkLoraSpreadingFactor;
int DownlinkLoraLowDatarateOptimise;
/* Linked list of additional telem fields */
habpack_telem_linklist_entry_t *habpack_extra;
} rx_telemetry_t;
#define Message_length 257
#define UKHASstring_length 257
typedef struct {
char Message[Message_length];
int Bytes;
/* UKHAS ASCII Telemetry String for habitat upload */
char UKHASstring[UKHASstring_length];
bool isCallingBeacon;
double AscentRate;
/* Telemetry values */
rx_telemetry_t Telemetry;
rx_metadata_t Metadata;
} received_t;
typedef struct {
short int Channel;
char SSDV_Packet[257];
int Packet_Number;
} ssdv_t;
struct TServerInfo
int Port;
int Connected;
int ServerIndex;
int sockfd;
extern struct TConfig Config;
extern int SSDVSendArrayIndex;
extern pthread_mutex_t ssdv_mutex;
void LogMessage( const char *format, ... );
#endif /* _H_Global */