//// Generalised configuration manager // Generalised configuration manager #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #define MAX_SECTIONS 16 #define SECTION_LENGTH 21 #define MAX_SETTINGS 256 char *ConfigFilename; int SectionCount=0; char Sections[MAX_SECTIONS][32]; int SettingsCount=0; struct TSetting Settings[MAX_SETTINGS]; void RegisterConfigFile(char *Filename) { ConfigFilename = Filename; } int RegisterConfigSection(char *Section) { int i; for (i=0; i= 0) && (SectionIndex < SectionCount)) { int SettingIndex; if ((SettingIndex = FindSettingIndex(SectionIndex, Index, Name)) >= 0) { Settings[SettingIndex].SectionIndex = SectionIndex; Settings[SettingIndex].Index = Index; strcpy(Settings[SettingIndex].ValueName, Name); Settings[SettingIndex].SettingType = stDouble; Settings[SettingIndex].DoubleValuePtr = DoubleValuePtr; Settings[SettingIndex].Callback = Callback; ReadConfigValue(SettingIndex); } } return 0; } int RegisterConfigInteger(int SectionIndex, int Index, char *Name, int *IntValuePtr, void (Callback)(int)) { if ((SectionIndex >= 0) && (SectionIndex < SectionCount)) { int SettingIndex; if ((SettingIndex = FindSettingIndex(SectionIndex, Index, Name)) >= 0) { Settings[SettingIndex].SectionIndex = SectionIndex; Settings[SettingIndex].Index = Index; strcpy(Settings[SettingIndex].ValueName, Name); Settings[SettingIndex].SettingType = stInteger; Settings[SettingIndex].IntValuePtr = IntValuePtr; Settings[SettingIndex].Callback = Callback; return ReadConfigValue(SettingIndex); } } return 0; } int RegisterConfigBoolean(int SectionIndex, int Index, char *Name, int *BoolValuePtr, void (Callback)(int)) { if ((SectionIndex >= 0) && (SectionIndex < SectionCount)) { int SettingIndex; if ((SettingIndex = FindSettingIndex(SectionIndex, Index, Name)) >= 0) { Settings[SettingIndex].SectionIndex = SectionIndex; Settings[SettingIndex].Index = Index; strcpy(Settings[SettingIndex].ValueName, Name); Settings[SettingIndex].SettingType = stBoolean; Settings[SettingIndex].IntValuePtr = BoolValuePtr; Settings[SettingIndex].Callback = Callback; return ReadConfigValue(SettingIndex); } } return 0; } int RegisterConfigString(int SectionIndex, int Index, char *Name, char *StringValuePtr, int MaxValueLength, void (*Callback)(int)) { if ((SectionIndex >= 0) && (SectionIndex < SectionCount)) { int SettingIndex; if ((SettingIndex = FindSettingIndex(SectionIndex, Index, Name)) >= 0) { Settings[SettingIndex].SectionIndex = SectionIndex; Settings[SettingIndex].Index = Index; strcpy(Settings[SettingIndex].ValueName, Name); Settings[SettingIndex].SettingType = stString; Settings[SettingIndex].StringValuePtr = StringValuePtr; Settings[SettingIndex].MaxValueLength = MaxValueLength; Settings[SettingIndex].Callback = Callback; return ReadConfigValue(SettingIndex); } } return 0; } void GetLongName(int SettingIndex, char *ValueName, int Length) { struct TSetting *Setting; Setting = &(Settings[SettingIndex]); // Build string to look for in file if (Setting->Index >= 0) { sprintf(ValueName, "%s%s_%d", Sections[Setting->SectionIndex], Setting->ValueName, Setting->Index); } else { sprintf(ValueName, "%s%s", Sections[Setting->SectionIndex], Setting->ValueName); } } int ReadConfigValue(int SettingIndex) { char line[100], ValueName[64], *token, *temp; struct TSetting *Setting; FILE *fp; GetLongName(SettingIndex, ValueName, sizeof(ValueName)); Setting = &(Settings[SettingIndex]); if ((fp = fopen(ConfigFilename, "r" ) ) != NULL) { while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { line[strcspn(line, "\r")] = '\0'; // Get rid of CR if there is one token = strtok(line, "=" ); if (strcasecmp(ValueName, token ) == 0) { temp = strtok( NULL, "\n"); switch (Setting->SettingType) { case stString: strncpy(Setting->StringValuePtr, temp, Setting->MaxValueLength-1); break; case stInteger: *(Setting->IntValuePtr) = atoi(temp); break; case stDouble: // So we can handle bandwidths such as "20K8", convert "K" to decimal point if (strchr(temp, 'K') != NULL) { *strchr(temp, 'K') = '.'; } *(Setting->DoubleValuePtr) = atof(temp); break; case stBoolean: *(Setting->IntValuePtr) = (*temp == '1') || (*temp == 'Y') || (*temp == 'y') || (*temp == 't') || (*temp == 'T'); break; case stNone: break; } fclose(fp); return 1; } } fclose(fp); } return 0; } int FindSettingByName(char *ValueNameToFind) { char ValueName[64]; int SettingIndex; for (SettingIndex=0; SettingIndexStringValuePtr); break; case stInteger: fprintf(dest, "%s=%d\n", token, *(Setting->IntValuePtr)); break; case stDouble: fprintf(dest, "%s=%lf\n", token, *(Setting->DoubleValuePtr)); break; case stBoolean: fprintf(dest, "%s=%c\n", token, *(Setting->IntValuePtr) ? 'Y' : 'N'); break; case stNone: break; } } else { // Just write old line fputs(original, dest); } } fclose(dest); // Now save original file and replace with new one stat(ConfigFilename, &sb); remove(SavedFileName); rename(ConfigFilename, SavedFileName); rename(TempFileName, ConfigFilename); chmod(ConfigFilename, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH); chown(ConfigFilename, sb.st_uid, sb.st_gid); } fclose(src); } } void SetConfigValue(char *Setting, char *Value) { int SettingIndex; if ((SettingIndex = FindSettingByName(Setting)) >= 0) { switch (Settings[SettingIndex].SettingType) { case stString: strncpy(Settings[SettingIndex].StringValuePtr, Value, Settings[SettingIndex].MaxValueLength-1); break; case stInteger: *Settings[SettingIndex].IntValuePtr = atoi(Value); break; case stDouble: *Settings[SettingIndex].DoubleValuePtr = atof(Value); break; case stBoolean: *Settings[SettingIndex].IntValuePtr = Value[strcspn(Value, "1YyTt")]; break; case stNone: break; } if (Settings[SettingIndex].Callback != NULL) { Settings[SettingIndex].Callback(Settings[SettingIndex].Index); } } } int SettingAsString(int SettingIndex, char *SettingName, int SettingNameSize, char *SettingValue, int SettingValueSize) { if ((SettingIndex >= 0) && (SettingIndex < SettingsCount)) { // strncpy(SettingName, Settings[Index].ValueName, SettingNameSize); GetLongName(SettingIndex, SettingName, sizeof(SettingNameSize)); switch (Settings[SettingIndex].SettingType) { case stString: snprintf(SettingValue, SettingValueSize-1, "\"%s\"", Settings[SettingIndex].StringValuePtr); break; case stInteger: snprintf(SettingValue, SettingValueSize-1, "%d", *Settings[SettingIndex].IntValuePtr); break; case stDouble: snprintf(SettingValue, SettingValueSize-1, "%lf", *Settings[SettingIndex].DoubleValuePtr); break; case stBoolean: snprintf(SettingValue, SettingValueSize-1, "%d", *Settings[SettingIndex].IntValuePtr ? 1 : 0); break; case stNone: strncpy(SettingValue, "\"?\"", SettingValueSize); break; } return 1; } return 0; }