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# LoRa Gateway Socket Interfaces #
The LoRa Gateway provides some socket interfaces, configurable in gateway.txt:
- ServerPort - TCP/IP server socket, allowing a single client. Sends status and packet information in JSON format. Also allows for gateway settings (e.g. frequency) to be polled or changed.
- DataPort - TCP/IP server socket, allowing a single client. Sends raw telemetry packets (e.g. $$...).
- UDPPort - UDP client broadcast socket, sending raw telemetry.
- OziPort - UDP client broadcast socket, sending basic telemetry reformatted as OziMux format.
## JSON Port ##
This port has several functions:
1. Sends telemetry packets, soon after they are received.
2. Sends RSSI, every 100ms
2. Accept single-word commands
3. Accept new settings
4. Accept messages to send to HAB
### 1. Telemetry Packets ###
These are JSON packets with these fields:
1. class = "POSN"
2. index = Payload index - from 0 up to max payloads (32 currently) minus 1.
3. channel = LoRa module channel (SPI channel) - 0 or 1
4. payload = payload ID
5. time = UTC time from payload
6. lat = Latitude from payload
7. lon = Longitude from payload
8. alt = Altitude from payload
9. rate = Calculated ascent (+ve) or descent (-ve) rate, as calculated by gateway
10. sentence = Raw sentence sent by payload, including CRC, excluding terminating LF.
### 2. RSSI Reporting ###
To Do ...
### 3. Commands ###
All commands are case-insensitive, and are terminated with a <LF>.
#### Settings command ####
Returns the current gateway settings. Sample excerpt:
#### Save command ####
Saves the current gateway settings to gateway.txt.
### 4. New settings ###
General format is "[setting]=[new value]"
### 5 Uplink Messages ###
#### Send ####
Format is "send:[message]"